The letter was sent by Lu Qinghua, also known as Hua Zhongling.

The handwriting is very correct, and it looks like a very, very well-behaved child.

Master Jinli:

The grapes and many fruits in the manor are ripe.

I picked a lot and made fruit wine with the fruit growers. My mother said it tasted very good. I specially left some for you and sent it to you. Please try it.

Also, I made wine and buried it in the ground of the manor. My mother said that I can eat it when you come to the country of white pigeons next time.

I also made the fruit candy, but I couldn't make the shape well, so I used a little magic to cheat. My mother didn't know, and praised me hahaha.

Also, Brother Lu Qingyuan came over on Saturday. He is very good-looking and brought me a gift.


She was like a child with endless energy, very interested in everything, chattered a lot in the letter, and said that she really, really missed Jinli.

Jinli read the letter, a little funny.

Lan Ting didn't read the contents of the letter, but was a little surprised: "Is there anyone still writing letters now?"

Jinli put the letter away and smiled, "He's an interesting kid."

She took out her mobile phone and sent a video invitation to Hua Zhongling.

When I went to Baige Country last time, Lu Jianzhen prepared all the daily necessities for her, of course there was no shortage of mobile phones, and the contact information was also added.

The video connects quickly.

Zhongling's face in the painting, which was three points similar to Jinli's, appeared on the screen.

"Master Jinli!" Her face was flushed, obviously very excited.

Lan Ting: "?"

She was even more confused: what kind of strange name is this?

Jinli looked at the spirit in the painting and smiled, "I just came back from the show and saw the gift you sent me."

As soon as Hua Zhongling listened to the show, he said, "I watched your show, it was very good and beautiful. I went back and watched it several times."

Jinli liked this kind of little girl: she was good-looking and well-spoken, and she was so sweet when she praised her.

She asked her: "How are you doing recently? How is my sister?"

Hua Zhongling began to babble that her mother was very kind to her, and she took her out to play, and then began to praise Baige Country for its delicious food and fun, and how friendly everyone is...

Jinli: "..."

She understood that the spirit in this painting was a talkative.

She listened for a long time before she said, "If you have anything to ask me in the future, you can call or chat on your mobile phone. How troublesome it is to write a letter."

Hua Zhongling defended a bit: "But I read in the book that writing a letter will show more sincerity, and the person who receives the letter will be very happy."

She wanted to share her happiness with Master Jinli, and hoped that Master Jinli would be happy too.

Jinli just smiled: "That's fine too."

The spirit in the painting asked Ai Ai expectantly: "Then, can I also send videos with Master Jinli?"

Jinli was taken aback: "Why not?"

In the painting, Ling blushed and faltered.

When she faced Jinli, she always felt ashamed. She wanted to get close but was afraid that she was not worthy of being close to the goddess above the nine heavens.

Seeing her appearance, Jinli said, "Don't be afraid, I like you very much."

Hua Zhongling smiled, and his big eyes sparkled: "Yes!"

After the video was over, Lan Ting leaned over gossiping: "Wow, who is this? It sounds like your little girl."

Jinli said, "My sister's adopted daughter, a... cute little girl."

Lan Ting knew as soon as she heard it: "Is that the little girl who appeared on the show, who looks a bit like you?"


4 more.

I don't know what happened, it's at this time【Sorrowful jpg】

Will update tomorrow.

love me again

good night~

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