For some reason, when he heard Jinli say that he was like a dragon, Lu Zhengya had a very strange feeling in his heart.

That feeling is very strange, how should I put it?

Not very happy, he doesn't seem to like being said to be like a dragon.

Lu Zhengya felt that he was inflated, and even the dragon clan didn't like him.

But it seems that there is not only dissatisfaction, but also a kind of...

Lu Zhengya frowned and pondered for a moment, analyzing this feeling in detail.

He came to a conclusion.


Yes, he felt offended when Jinli said that he was used to being like a dragon clan.

Lu Zhengya: "???"

He felt more swollen.

It's fine if you don't like it, what the hell is this disgusting feeling?

Where did he come from to dislike the Dragon Clan? ? ?

Lu Zhengya shook his head to get these inexplicable thoughts out of his mind.

Then he remembered the serious business, pointed at the huge room and the treasures in it, and looked at Jinli expectantly: "These things, and the things in the room outside, oh, and the things inside The Golden House, do you like it? Feel free to take it!"

Although there was a little pain in my heart, compared to the joy of giving Jinli a gift, it was nothing compared to the joy of seeing Jinli's satisfied smile!

Jinli was a little surprised.

She looked at the room full of valuable jewelry, and asked again: "Give it to me if you like it?"

Lu Zhengya was very bold: "Yes!"

Jinli asked maliciously, "What if I like them all?"

Lu Zhengya: "..."

There was a tangled look on his face.

But this entanglement didn't last too long, he said: "If you like everything, then I will give it all to you!"

Anyway, I saved it up and gave it to my wife.

Although the little fairy is not his wife yet, Lu Zhengya feels that he probably won't fall in love with others anymore.

Jinli didn't miss his pain.

She suddenly felt a little mischievous.

She rested her chin, thought for a while pretending to be hesitant, and then said: "Originally, I was a little embarrassed, but since you have said so, it seems that I have failed your kindness by refusing."

Lu Zhengya pulled himself together: "What do you like, I'll help you..." He didn't say anything yet.

Jinli said happily, "I like all of these!"

Lu Zhengya: "..."

Jinli continued to be happy: "I don't need your help anymore. I still know the small magic of the universe in my sleeve. I will do it myself."

Lu Zhengya: "..."

Then, he saw Jinli stand up.

She stretched out her palm, a silver light flashed in her palm, and a delicate silver sachet appeared.

Jinli winked at him, then blew lightly on the silver sachet: "Change!"

I saw the silver sachet slowly float up, stop in mid-air, and gradually grow in size, reaching the size of an ordinary shopping bag.

After that, something happened that left Lu Zhengya dumbfounded and heartbroken.

The jewels in the whole room, as if they had grown legs and eyes, rose from the ground one by one and jumped into the enlarged sachet one after another.

The key is that the sachet seems to be endless.

Lu Zhengya watched helplessly as the jewels in the room disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, until there was nothing left.

Only one rug remains.

Lu Zhengya: "..."

Only 4 more in the morning.

The old book was blocked for another forty or fifty chapters today on the basis of the previous one. I was frightened, panicked and irritable all day long, and I didn't care to type. Ahhhhh Jinli bless me!

Good night everyone, goodbye in the day~

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