The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 421 Big sister, you have never finished touching porcelain, have you?

This dizziness shocked many people around.

"Hey! I even fainted, this is really touching."

"It's awesome, nothing happened, first I said that my arm was broken, and now it's even more awesome, I just passed out."

Countless pitiful eyes looked at Jinli's face.

The onlookers were probably thinking that Jinli was so pitiful.

In this short period of time, they all witnessed with their own eyes how unreasonable this Chen Lihua was.

One can imagine what Jinli lived at home back then.

Fortunately, Chen Lihua really passed out right now, and couldn't hear the comments of passers-by.

Otherwise, she might wake up in anger again.

The most amazing thing is that even her husband, Bai Yuanjun, who had previously despised her behavior as shameful, thought that his wife just acted like that.

At this moment, Jinli's group and Chen Lihua, who was lying on the ground, were surrounded by passers-by, and Bai Yuanjun didn't dare to come over and pull his wife up.

He was afraid that others would recognize him, so he concentrated the artillery fire on him.

——He can't afford to lose this man!

Su Hexiang quietly took Jinli's hand: "How did you do it?"

She was different from those passers-by. Su Hexiang, who was good at acting, was sure that Chen Lihua's reactions just now were all instinctive actions of her body.

In other words, it's true.

Of course, it is also possible that Chen Lihua's acting skills are so superb that she can act like a real one, even cold sweat and arm spasms.

But is it possible?

If she has this ability, can she still be an ordinary housewife?

Jinli also answered her quietly: "It's just a trick, I lied to her."

Lin Wan was standing beside the two sisters, and when she heard their conversation, she shook her head helplessly: "Naughty."

Jinli stuck out her tongue.

She looked at Chen Lihua who was lying on the ground, thinking that the time was almost up, she quietly circled her fingers.

Chen Lihua, who fainted, only felt that a needle was pricked in her back suddenly, the pain caused her whole body to bounce, and she woke up from the coma.

This reaction startled everyone.

"Who! Who stabbed me with a needle!" Chen Lihua jumped up, put her hands behind her back, and shouted sharply.

Everyone: "..."

Chen Lihua came to her senses suddenly, turned around, and stared straight at Jinli: "Bai Jinli, it's you, the little bitch, right? It's your hands and feet, right?"

A straight-faced man couldn't stand it any longer: "Sister, everyone is watching! There is no one within two meters of you, why do you play so much? How can you touch so much? It's not over, is it?"

Chen Lihua: "..."

After being tortured twice in a row, she became a little unconscious, and scolded the man, "Damn! You know what the hell, Bai Jinli is a very evil girl, let me tell you—"


A loud slap ended her words.

Lin Wan held steady this time.

She said coldly: "Chen Lihua, I told you, if you dare to scold Jinli once again, I will beat you!"

This simple and rude behavior was unexpectedly recognized by many people:


"To deal with this kind of shrew, you should simply tell her to shut up."

"If I didn't slap women, I would have slapped her with such a mean mouth."


Chen Lihua: "..."

Bai Yuanjun, who was hiding in the crowd, finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He wore a peaked cap that he got from nowhere, lowered the brim and squeezed in from the crowd, pulled Chen Lihua up and left:

"Come with me, don't be ashamed here!"


7 am.

This month is guaranteed to update 8 chapters every day, call me hard work!

Then, when the monthly pass reaches 500, one more change will be added.

There will be an update and a monthly pass at noon tomorrow.

Big babies continue to vote for Gao Lengzhi! The new book monthly ticket list hits the duck!

Love you mua!

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