The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 366 What happened more than twenty years ago?

Bai Lingxiu didn't dare to move too much, for fear of being discovered by the two of them, so she could only get as close to the door as possible, when a faint voice came from inside:

"...I'm basically sure...she's really our daughter."

Bai Lingxiu: "????"

What the hell are they talking about?

Who is their daughter?

Besides yourself, do your parents have any other daughters?

But why haven't I heard them talk about it?

There was a trace of panic in her heart, but also a trace of excitement. She always felt that the two people in the room seemed to be discussing a huge problem.

She wanted to continue listening, but gradually there was no sound inside.

"……a bit sleepy."

"Go to sleep." This was Chen Lihua's voice.

After that, the room fell into silence, occasionally Bai Yuanjun's snoring could be heard.

Sleep now?

Bai Lingxiu was dissatisfied, but she didn't dare to go in and ask the two of them, and returned to her room.

What is it actually like?

When Bai Yuanjun and Chen Lihua were chatting, a silver mist came from nowhere through the window and enveloped the two of them.

Soon, the two yawned, covered each other with quilts and fell into a deep sleep.


Chen Lihua had a dream.

In the dream, she was walking in a place full of fragrance of flowers and clouds. This place was like the legendary fairyland. Even a casual breath of air was refreshing.

She couldn't help laughing.

"Chen Lihua." Suddenly an ethereal voice called her name in the void.

Chen Lihua was puzzled in her heart, but her body responded uncontrollably.

"Do you know Su Hexiang?"

Su Hexiang?

Isn't that her own daughter?

At this moment, Chen Lihua's whole mind was attracted by that voice, and she couldn't help but said: "I know her, she should be my long-lost daughter..."

As she started to say these words, she suddenly closed her eyes and passed out.

An illusory figure emitting a soft light came out of the void, and his whole body turned into a silver light, entering Chen Lihua's body.

This is Jinli's spirit body.

She repeated the scene in front of her, and then stood still, and she was already on an old street.

Jinli looked around curiously, and a group of young couples walked by in front of them. They were dressed simply and did not look like they were from a very good family. The woman had a big belly, and she was about to give birth.

A new life is about to be born, which should be a very happy thing, but the husband and wife are both sad.

Jinli looked at these two people. From their appearance, they were the same couple as Bai Yuanjun and Chen Lihua from more than 20 years ago.

She followed behind them.

People come and go here, but no one can see her.

Chen Lihua touched her belly: "Brother Bai, what should I do? The doctor said that my pregnancy is not good, and it is very likely that I will not be born."

Her face was full of worry.

She and Bai Yuanjun were originally expecting to give birth in their hometown in the countryside. During an examination, an experienced old doctor said that there might be something wrong with her pregnancy and suggested that they go to the city for an examination.

The family didn't have much money, so the two borrowed some from their relatives to take a car to the city for an examination. The doctor's suggestion was that the baby's fetal position was not correct, and the pregnant woman was malnourished.

But hospitalization... where do the two of them have any money?

Thinking of the sad part, and the fact that pregnant women are already emotionally unstable, Chen Lihua didn't care if she was on the street, she squatted down and began to cry.

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