The King’s Avatar

Chapter 997: Jiashi Interview

The ninth and seventy-seven chapters of Jiashi interview

The challenge finally came to the final step. --network.

Two days after the end of the game, the Xingxin team began to be harassed by various media, and they all wanted to interview Ye Xiu. In the final of the challenge, the former Captain of Jiashi and the battle of the Jiashi team competed for the only place to return to the professional league. The hot topic is that the professional league can also stand temporarily.

Among the topics that are particularly exciting are the outstanding performance of the Xingxin team. This has led people to look forward to this task that could not be completed. The strength of Xingxin does not seem to be as unbearable as people think. It is almost overwhelming to see the victory of their challenge. This can include three professional teams including Promise, Xuanqi and Zhuxian.

Even if these three teams are very weak professional teams, they did not happen to show their strength in the face of Xingxin. In other words, Xingxin's strength is above them. Then, challenging Jiashi may not be what is too ignorant.

The wind is gradual.

From the beginning, I thought that Xingxin was a self-seeking road. It was a hype. It was a stinking face. Nowadays, more and more people are beginning to be interested in Xingxin and have begun to look forward to it.

This kind of expectation is real, but it is no longer the embarrassment that the first ones just hoped that they would hate it, so they showed support for Xingxin.

At that time, their support for Xingxin was only for the disgusting Jiashi. To be honest, they also did not believe that such a team could pose a threat to Jiashi. But now, this support is getting true, because they are beginning to recognize the strength of Xingxin. This will undoubtedly make this part of the people even more excited, because in this way, they will have a greater chance of seeing the ugliness of Jiashi.

Some media went into the game, randomly interviewed the glory players, let them express their views on the game. After asking hundreds of players in succession, the media finally counted the proportions, and surprisingly found the proportion of players who expected Xingxin to win the final final. Even more than Jiashi, up to 68%...

Most of the reasons for the support collected from the media interviews are summarized. It is also a sentence: watching the fun is not too big.

From this point of view, a newly formed army, the team that emerged from the Internet cafes, defeated the glory giants of the Jiashi team, obviously more than the victory of the Jiashi accident, more interesting.

The unexpected ending, for many people, is full of appeal.

However, this is only an expectation. Another media is also randomly interviewing players. What they ask is not expectation, but think. In this questionnaire, the leader has turned into Jiashi, with 91% of players, thinking that Jiashi will win the final victory. Although many of them are responding to the team they are looking forward to when they choose Xingxin.

In the weekly e-sports weekly report, these two interesting results were compared and discussed. At the same time, in the e-sports weekly report, there were more views of the Xingxin team and the Jiashi team on the game. This is what other media don't have. Both teams were harassed by different media in the two days of the weekend, but the two teams also refused all requests for interviews, and then they only talked to their familiar reporters.

Jiashi is Cao Guangcheng and Xingxin is always first. Because Jia Shi out of the game, almost two reporters in the entire league, at this time have all the enviable resources of the media.

The esports home has also made a decisive statement. The final game of the challenge is to be thoroughly and thoroughly reported, even if it is a professional league division that is now at the critical moment. In terms of the alliance, it is also highly valued for the most challenging challenge game in history. After two days of emergency internal consultation and external communication on the weekend, it was a temporary change of the final venue. (--Net.) In order to better present this highly regarded game, the league decided to move the final to the Liulisong Sports Complex in Chengbei District.

The biggest difference between this venue and the venue used in the current competition is the condition of holographic projection to show the game. In the final battle of the Challenge, the league will be given the same treatment as the professional league, using holographic projection technology to present to the audience.

This change is mainly for the audience, and there is little difference between the two teams in the game. Holographic projection only changed the form of the game. For the players, they are still in the game, watching their computer screens operate, they can't see the holographic projection, it is God's perspective.

But from the media to the league, to the enthusiasm shown by the players, it has been said that the attention of this challenge is unprecedented. This is not just a giant star team like Jiashi. To be honest, it can cause such a big concern, mainly because of the topicality created by Xingxin.

As the game approaches, how do both sides view each other? This is just what the media wants to pursue, and it is indeed something that many players are curious about.

So in the Monday edition of the e-sports weekly, they found the answer. In the interview report about Jiashi, from beginning to end, there was almost no mention of Xingxin. Jiashi has been chanting, just a name, Ye Qiu.

"Ye Qiu is a good captain." When Jiashi boss Tao Xuan said this, he showed a very complicated emotion. He asked the author for a cigarette. According to the author, Tao boss has already quit smoking. It has been quite a while.

In the interview with Jiashi, the interviewer Cao Guangcheng described it so eloquently.

"Ye Qiu is a good captain. It is very amazing. He brought the achievements that Jiashi has never surpassed. No one can deny this. If you can, I really hope that Ye Qiu and Jia Shi, It can be fixed at the perfect moment, and then kept on. But unfortunately, nothing in this world is immutable, the alliance is developing, the glory is progressing, we also need to keep moving forward, stand still, not To adapt to progress, I find it difficult to maintain a solid competitive edge. Jiashi is actually a good example. After winning three championships in a row, we have not been able to continue to break through, but just want to maintain the inherent rhythm. Watching the other teams catch up with one another and take the championship from us."

"So over the years, Jiashi has been seeking change. I hope to find a model that can better adapt to the current environment of the current alliance, so that the team can develop in a long-term and stable manner. Such a change must be paid, I I was mentally prepared, but Jiashi actually fell to the point where I was going to go out. I have to be frank. This is what I didn’t think of. It’s an accident, but I have to say that everything has advantages and disadvantages. After the outing, I will recuperate this year. It just happens that we can complete this transition in a very relaxed environment."

"Jia Shi is not in the league, but I want to say that Jiashi has always been active, enterprising, never giving up. No matter where we are, we have only one goal: the championship, we will never give up the championship. Pursuit. Only this time the pursuit of the journey is a little longer, we need to start from this challenge, and here, we met the best player in our history, Ye Qiu. And he is now Our opponents, to be honest, this made me even more surprised than Jiashi’s out."

"I recently heard from the people who listened to the team. Of course, friends from your media asked me, saying that the outside world is very concerned. Is there any contradiction between Ye Qiu and Jiashi? Otherwise why he has retired, and suddenly Come back, and you have to be in the challenge with Jiashi?"

"Oh, why did Ye Qiu retired, and the result has to come back. This question, I think everyone should ask Ye Qiu! Although I am very familiar with him, it is not a locust in his stomach. Of course, I also know everyone. The difficulty of Ye Qiu has never been interviewed by the media, so it is almost impossible to get an answer from him."

"Specific about this matter, what he thinks, of course, I am not good at guessing, but as far as I am concerned, I can tell you with certainty that there is no contradiction between Jiashi and Ye Qiu."

"The current team, once the performance is a bit ups and downs, or a little transfer rumors, will always be accompanied by such speculation, but in fact? The vast majority are nonsense. Jiashi and Ye Qiu, there is no contradiction But you have to say that we have some differences in opinion. This is of course there. It is as if I said that beef is delicious, but you said that pork is delicious. Can you say that this is a contradiction?"

"This kind of disagreement, as long as it is someone's place, it will exist. I won't say much about it. Now Ye Qiu is our opponent. To be honest, I am not used to this situation until now. How can Ye Qiu become? Our opponents? But it doesn't matter. I respect his choice. This time, we will be opponents to compete. Of course, if he doesn't mind, I really welcome everyone to have a drink after the game."

This interview by Jia Shi was personally presented by their boss, which is quite rare. In the interview, the boss of Jiashi is better like a completely open mind, and talks eloquently. He responded positively and positively to many questions about Jiashi and Ye Qiu.

The only question that was evaded was why Ye Qiu came to the challenge and Jiashi as an opponent. This question was kicked back to Ye Qiu.

Those who don't know the inside story, of course, want to chase after Ye Qiuli to ask, but know the inside story, such as Chen Guo, after reading this report, almost went to the table again.

"Shameless!!" Chen Guo slammed the newspaper on the table, as if this slap was taken on Tao Xuan's face.

Tao Xuan’s report said that the beautiful words that can be said were cleaned up, and then a bare question was left to Ye Xiu to answer. This is really the embarrassment.


Heaven...the sky is bright again...

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