The King of PUBG is Coming

Chapter 815: : Is it an enemy or a friend?

Chapter 815: Is it an enemy or a friend?

Special circumstances can only be treated specially.

So Ye Gucheng, who couldn't think of a better way, could only think of a tricky trick.

Although for Quan Huixian, there must be a trace of regret.

But from the overall situation, this is definitely the best choice right now!

With a complicated mood, Ye Gucheng finally arrived at the airport.

Looking around, Ye Gucheng couldn't help feeling a little anxious when he found that the person arranged by Zhou Lei had not appeared.

"Go get the tickets, I'll go to the bathroom."

Ye Gucheng walked to the bathroom and shouted:

"If you really have nothing to do at your leisure, please check your belongings and documents, otherwise it will be too late when you think about it later."

When he reached the bathroom, Ye Gucheng was about to take out the phone, only to find sneaky footsteps behind him.

Normal people walk down step by step. Although the footsteps are light and heavy, they can't suppress their own footsteps and make them silent.

Ye Gucheng heard the sound of this kind of tricky walking style.

So Ye Gucheng put the phone back in his pocket first, and then silently stuck it beside the door.

Ye Gucheng could never be found the first time the other party came in. When he discovered Ye Gucheng, Ye Gucheng must have subdued the opponent.

"They came so quickly, these people from the William family have too sharp noses..."

Ye Gucheng guessed that it should be a member of the William family. Hearing the turmoil on his side, he hurried over after hearing the news.

There are many people in the airport lobby, so let’s not mention the basic surveillance cameras. Groups of security personnel and police officers were enough to scare away the William family.

So Ye Gucheng judged that after the other party found Chu Shihan and others in the hall, there was no way to start. Then I turned to follow myself who came to the toilet, ready to start with myself here!

However, this seemingly reasonable judgment is an extremely stupid choice.

It is no exaggeration to say that the security guards and the police outside are not as difficult to deal with as the one from Ye Gucheng.

So the other party wants to pin Ye Gucheng as a soft persimmon, it can only show that the other party is too naive~


After the opponent stepped in with one foot, Ye Gucheng's right hand had quickly grabbed the opponent's neck that was about to appear.

But this short man has a quick reaction speed.

After feeling a dark shadow on the right side, he bent down and pulled out a mini dagger.

Although the dagger is very short and small, it is more ferocious in use, practicality and power, than those flashy decorative daggers!


This knife failed to reach Ye Gucheng, but it rubbed the wall fiercely.

A deep cut was made on the hard tiled wall.

It is conceivable that if this knife was slashed on Ye Gucheng, it would not be instantly opened by a hideous hole.

"It really is a member of the William family!"

Seeing this short man, he pulled out a dagger without saying a word, and he even launched a fatal blow.

Ye Gucheng's 80% suspicion immediately rose to 100%!

Ye Gucheng, who quickly took off his coat, quickly wrapped his fist. In this way, Ye Gucheng can directly harden the opponent's sharp dagger with his fist in a short time!

And to prevent the other party from escaping, Ye Gucheng deliberately blocked the door of the toilet.

There is only one exit for the toilet, and the windows on the other side, the airport has long used aluminum alloy anti-theft windows, which are directly sealed.

So now this short man, no matter how hard he struggles, he will definitely not be able to escape, his fate was taken down by Ye Gucheng!

But at this critical moment, the short man suddenly put down his dagger and explained with a wry smile:

"Brother Ye, misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding!"

Ye Gucheng frowned and asked without letting down his vigilance:

"What's the misunderstanding?"

The short man signaled Ye Gucheng not to get excited, then took out the phone, handed it to Ye Gucheng, and said:

"I was the person called by Master Zhou. He said that you need my'professional' help, so I came. But as soon as I entered the toilet, I felt that someone started to attack me. Then my first reaction was definitely Subconsciously counterattack!"

I glanced at the other party's mobile phone screen, which was the conversation between Zhou Lei and him.

Although Zhou Lei's communication with him was very concealed, Ye Gucheng was basically certain that Zhou Lei should have called this person.

However, out of caution, Ye Gucheng still didn't completely trust the other party, and asked:

"I asked Uncle Zhou to call someone who has good stealing skills to help. If you are a real thief, how can you reach out so well and carry a weapon with great lethality with you?"

Ye Gucheng's way of preventing Quan Huixian from going to Korea is actually very simple.

That is to find a thief and steal Quan Huixian's credentials.

Without passports and ID cards, Quan Hye-hyun would never agree to go back to South Korea.

At that time, Quan Huixian will definitely have to apply for a new certificate, and Ye Gucheng can also trouble Zhou Lei to make the cycle for Quan Huixian to apply for the certificate a little longer...

In this way, Quan Huixian must find other ways to attend the funeral of his parents.

Instead of just rushing back to South Korea as it is now, regardless of everything.


Facing Ye Gucheng’s question, the short man also gave his own explanation:

"Brother Ye, I'm good at skill. That's because I used to do this job and I was often beaten. I was beaten and my skill improved. As for the weapon you mentioned, this is actually the guy I eat. Me. To steal things from other people’s bags, you can’t tear open the other’s clothes pockets, or backpacks or purses, right?"

The mini dagger that the thief put on the ground was actually a modified blade.

The function of this thing is also very simple, it is used to cut through the pockets of the victim.

Now that the identity of the thief has been determined, Ye Gucheng cautiously warned:

"Who is the target, do you know?"

The thief nodded and replied:

"Yes, Lord Zhou sent me the photos. It was the Korean beauty, right? I also knew what to steal, such as passports and ID cards!

He patted the thief on the shoulder, and Ye Gucheng went out first.

And Chu Shihan and the others also handled the documents. A group of people are sitting in the rest area, waiting for the arrival of their plane.

After a minute or two, the thief also walked out of the toilet.

He quickly discovered the location of Ye Gucheng and the others, and then hung his head and walked closer.

Ye Gucheng thought that such a simple thing, this looking professional thief, should be able to do it easily.

After all, this was Ye Gucheng's initiative to steal, and even if the thief was discovered, he would not be punished. So he shouldn't have much pressure this time, so he can just start directly.

But what surprised Ye Gucheng was that after the thief turned around, he didn't do anything, so he turned around and left!

At first, Ye Gucheng thought that the thief had superb skills, but after just a round of work, he was done.

But under Xu Wanqing's reminder, when everyone began to check their luggage, Ye Gucheng suddenly discovered that Quan Huixian's credentials were still in her bag!

Ye Gucheng, who was very angry, found a reason to buy water, ran to the corner and asked the thief:

"Why don't you start? Do you know, we are going to get on the plane soon!"

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