"It's already there, that's it!" At this time, Shirona gave a good news, pointing to the direction ahead and said.

Looking in the direction Hirona pointed, Xiaoye and the others saw a beautiful lake in a small valley surrounded by mountains, and the place where Hirona said shelter from the rain was in a cave beside the lake.

"Great!" The other women showed happy expressions, and even Xiaoguang, who had always been in a low mood, also showed a happy expression.

Shirona took everyone to hide in the cave inside. Because the rain fell earlier than expected, everyone was more or less wet at this time.

"Xiaoye, it's time to see your Firestorm Beast." Nanami rubbed her hands together and said quickly to Xiaoye.

"Well! Please, Firestorm Beast." Xiaoye didn't say much, and immediately took out Firestorm Beast's Poke Ball.

"Cough cough~"

Since no dry branches and firewood were collected, Xiaoye had no way to start a fire, so he had to use the Firestorm beast as the fire source.The Firestorm Beast did not disappoint everyone, and immediately spewed a roaring flame from its back.

The crowd immediately gathered around, but at this moment, a little blue duck-like elf appeared beside Xiaoguang.It was estimated that it was an elf that lived in a nearby pond. Perhaps it was also to avoid the rain, and it came into this cave, but because of the arrival of Xiaoye everyone, it quickly hid.

However, because of the flame of the Firestorm Beast, it knows how to run out to keep warm.

Xiaoye was also worried about sheltering from the rain, so he didn't sense the situation in the cave beforehand, and it was a surprise when he saw this little elf appearing beside Xiaoguang.

"This elf is... a baby duck? But why is there a baby duck here?" Sundae inadvertently saw the baby duck beside Xiaoguang and shouted in surprise. ..

Chapter [*] Xiaoguang and Baby Duck

Sundae is worthy of being a top student at the Elf Academy, and he recognized the duckling in front of him at a glance.

"What baby duck?" Xiaoguang hadn't reacted yet, and looked at the sundae suspiciously. Suddenly, he felt like there was something around him, so he couldn't help but look down.

"Ah~" Xiaoguang suddenly shouted.

As Baby Duck was also startled by Xiaoguang's loud power, just like Xiaoguang, the duck ran around the crowd in the cave, and finally collided and fell to the ground at the same time.

"Hahaha~" Everyone laughed when they looked at Xiaoguang and Baby Duck.

"What's this?" Xiaoguang didn't know Baby Duck. After all, Xiaoguang didn't study in the Elf Academy since he was a child like a sundae.

Sundae: "Duck baby, water bird elf, has the attributes of water and flight. He is very good at diving. In order to find sphagnum moss that he likes to eat, he often swims back and forth in the water."

"However, generally speaking, elves such as baby ducks do not belong to the elves in the Shenao area. It is really surprising to see them here." Nanami looked at the duck who was staying next to Xiaoguang again. Baby, while explaining to Xiaoguang, he was looking for something in the backpack.

"This is not surprising. Although baby ducks are the first to be discovered in the Yixiu area, it does not mean that they are unique to the Yixiu area. Moreover, many elf trainers now abandon the elf when they are unsatisfactory. , maybe this baby duck belongs to the elf who was abandoned here."

Xiaoye's words are not alarmist, the thing of abandoning the elf is repeated every day all over the world.Although the elf alliance does not advocate this practice, the elf alliance has no way to stop this kind of thing. After all, this world is still based on strength and the strength of the elves. Many trainers will be because of the elves There is no way to achieve his expected goal and choose to abandon this little elf.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, the most typical one is a trainer like Shinji who constantly pursues strength.Of course, there is another situation, that is, the elf hunter group.

The elf hunter group is a group of criminal groups that continuously capture precious elves all over the world, or capture elves for some rich people. Maybe this baby duck was caught from the Isu area. Shenao , was about to sell, but there was an accident in the middle.However, Xiaoye and others did not tell Xiaoguang about this.

What's more, judging from the way this baby duck is constantly approaching Xiaoguang, it doesn't look like the kind of elf that has been captured by elf hunters or abandoned. Of course, if this baby duck has a lot of nerves Article, say otherwise.

"So that's how it is!" Xiaoguang stared at the baby duck beside him with stars in his eyes. It was obvious that Xiaoguang was tempted by this baby duck.

"Xiaoguang, if you like this baby duck, you can accept it. After the baby duck evolves, it will become the chief swan, a elf that is very suitable for the stage of the gorgeous competition." Xiaoye said, and opened his elf picture book , called out the information of the chief swan, and handed it to Xiaoguang.

"It's so beautiful!" After Xiaoguang took the elf picture book in Xiaoye's hand, he was immediately attracted by the appearance of the chief swan on the picture book.The gaze that looked at Baby Duck became even hotter.

"Indeed, the chief swan is very suitable for performing in gorgeous competitions, and its noble and elegant appearance is no worse than that of Minas. Even because the chief swan has two attributes of water and flight, it is even more powerful in performance. More choices." Ami nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I've decided. Baby Duck, I want to subdue you!" Xiaoguang said excitedly to Baby Duck after listening to Xiaoye and Ami's words.

"Gah~" Baby Duck looked at the excited Xiaoguang with a puzzled face, and that look of daze directly caused Xiaoguang, who was full of blood, to lose his morale.

"Okay, Xiaoguang, don't worry. Anyway, we have to hide from the rain here. When the rain stops, you are challenging Baby Duck to conquer it!" Nanamei said with a smile.

"Okay!" Although Xiaoguang couldn't wait, after thinking about it, he finally agreed.

Xiaoguang sat down again, leaned against the firestorm beast, and obediently made fire.

Baby Duck ran to Xiaoguang's side again, happily using the flames of the Firestorm Beast to keep warm.

"Come on, Xiaoguang, this is elf food suitable for water-type elf. You should feed it to the baby duck first! Build a good relationship with it before accepting it." Nanami took out a can from her backpack. The elf food was directly given to Xiaoguang.

"Thank you, Sister Nanamei." Xiaoguang happily took the elf food, she knew that this was Nanamei helping her to have a good relationship with Baby Duck.

Xiaoguang got some elf food in his hands, held the food in both hands and handed it to Baby Duck, and said to Baby Duck gently: "Baby Duck, this is delicious elf food! Eat it quickly. !"

Baby Duck looked at the elf food in Xiaoguang's hands. Although it had never eaten such a thing, the fragrance from it made it very exciting.

Baby Duck hesitated for a while, then carefully began to eat the elf food in Xiaoguang's hands, perhaps because he was a little wary at the beginning, although Baby Duck wanted to eat it, he was still very careful.

However, after eating a few pieces in a row and found that there was no danger, the baby duck immediately accelerated and ate the elf food in big mouthfuls.

I don't know if it's because Xiaoguang's food strategy has a good effect. The duck baby likes to lean on Xiaoguang, and now he is lying directly in Xiaoguang's arms.

"It seems that the way of elf food is good! Now the relationship between Xiaoguang and Baby Duck is better. Maybe they can be directly subdued without even fighting." Shirona looked at Baby Duck and Xiaoguang Together they said with a smile. ..

Chapter [*]: The Battle to Conquer Baby Duck ([*])

After the rain, the air is much cleaner than before.The small leaves came out of the cave where they were sheltering from the rain.

"Finally the rain stopped." The sundae, who was more active, originally kept her in the cave, and had long been bored.Now that I can finally come out and breathe, I am very happy.

In normal times, in addition to the sundae, Xiaoguang will definitely join the sundae team, but now she has not joined the sundae ranks.

"Baby Duck, do you want to go on a trip with me?" Xiaoguang was standing nervously in front of Baby Duck at this time, earnestly asking Baby Duck's invitation.

Xiaoye, Ami, Shirona, and Nanami also stopped and looked at Baby Duck and Xiaoguang attentively.

Although it seems that Baby Duck's attitude towards Xiaoguang is much better than others, no one can guarantee this kind of thing.Maybe Baby Duck has a good impression of Xiaoguang, but this does not mean that it will definitely choose to become a companion with Xiaoguang.

"Quack~" Baby duck called out to Xiaoguang, and then walked quickly towards the lake in front.

"Did you fail?" Nanami and Ami asked suspiciously. They saw Baby Duck's behavior and thought it rejected Xiaoguang's invitation.Even Xiaoguang thinks so.

Although he was mentally prepared before, when Baby Duck left, Xiaoguang was still very sad.

But Xirona said to Xiaoguang at this time: "Don't hurry up, baby duck is still waiting for you!"

After listening to Shirona's words, Xiaoguang's originally lowered head immediately raised it again, and turned to look in the direction where Baby Duck left before.

Xiaoye also spoke at this time: "Don't go over yet, Baby Duck is still waiting to fight you!"

In the battle, it turned out that Baby Duck did not reject Xiaoguang, but chose to play against her.The previous departure was just that it chose a suitable battlefield for it.

After Xiaoye and Shirona's reminders, Xiaoguang finally understood that Baby Duck did not reject him directly, so he immediately picked up his mood and ran over.

"Baby Duck, are you going to fight against me?" Xiaoguang asked Baby Duck, still a little uncertain.

Baby Duck nodded immediately, and put on a battle-ready posture, as if it was what Xiaoye and Shirona said.This baby duck is ready to have a subduing battle with Xiaoguang.

Whether Xiaoguang can conquer successfully depends on Xiaoguang's own strength.

"This baby duck has good eyes, and its strength is quite good for a wild elf. If Xiaoguang wants to conquer it, I'm afraid it won't be that simple." Xiaoye used the system to check the information of the baby duck in front of him, and then speak up.

(Duck baby: ordinary peak, peerless talent, characteristic: sharp eyes)

Xiaoguang didn't hear Xiaoye's words. At this time, she was thinking about which elf to use.

Baby Duck is a dual-attribute elf of the water and flight types, and the Electric-type Pachiritz has an obvious advantage, so Xiaoguang finally chose to use the Pachiritz.

Xiaoguang took out Pachiritz's Poké Ball. Although Pachiritz was injured in the battle with Ami before, she is now almost healed under Nanami's treatment.

"I decided to use you, Patchleys." Xiaoguang threw the Pokeball in his hand.

Patch Liz ran out of the Poké Ball.

The electricity department's Pachiritz is indeed very beneficial in terms of attributes, but can Xiaoguang really conquer Baby Duck?

Since this battle was a subduing battle between Baby Duck and Xiaoguang, there was no referee.But Baby Duck has already launched the attack first.

I saw the baby duck spread its wings and cut through the air.

Three sharp wind blades rolled up the water and attacked Pachiliz.

"Pachiritz, there's a flash of lightning!" Although Xiaoguang wasn't very keen on battles, with the training of Xiaoye and others, there was no problem in ordinary battles.

I saw Pachiliz's body turned into a white light, and he even ignored Baby Duck's attack. The white light cut through the air like an arrow and hit Baby Duck.

Although Baby Duck has good strength, he is only a wild elf after all. He has never seen such a fatal attack method as Pachileiz, and was immediately beaten.

Patch Liz used a flash of electric light to successfully knock the baby duck flying, and the baby duck flew upside down and fell into the lake in front.

"Well done, Patchleys." Little Light Card Computer Patchleys successfully hit Baby Duck, and immediately shouted happily and praised Patchleys.

"Chipa~" Patch Liz was also very happy and danced.

It's just, what is called happiness and sadness, it is Xiaoguang and Pachi Liz.

At this time, the duck baby, who had been blown away, suddenly jumped out of the lake not far from Patchleys while Pachiritz was happy, and a jet of water spewed out of the duck baby's mouth.

"Chipa~" Patchleys screamed.

It turned out that the water column was not ordinary water, but boiling water with a very high temperature.

"I didn't expect this baby duck to actually boil water. Although this trick is a water skill, it has a very high temperature." Xiaoye's eyes also lit up, seeing the baby duck using boiling water. The baby's rating is higher.

"Be careful, Xiaoguang. That trick just now was boiling water." Sundae reminded Xiaoguang loudly from the side.

"Is this boiling water? It's really powerful. But I want to subdue you even more, baby duck." After hearing the sundae's reminder, Xiaoguang also knew that the trick just now was boiling water. Even more.

"Are you all right, Pachilis!" Xiaoguang asked Pachilis with concern.

Pachi Liz, who was still feeling very hot at first, miraculously no longer felt pain after hearing Xiaoguang's concern, and immediately called out with great momentum: "Chipa~"

"No problem, no problem. Patch Liz used the electric discharge!" Xiao Guang resumed the attack.

There was a trace of blue electric current on Patchelitz's cheeks, and then a blue electric spark radiated from Patchelitz's body.The target is the duck baby. ..

Chapter [*]: The Battle to Conquer Baby Duck (Part [*])

A strong blue current rushed towards the baby duck.

If this current successfully hits the target duck baby, then the battle can basically be over.For duck babies of the water and flight types, the skill attacks of the electricity type have considerable damage, but this is only possible if the attack hits.

Facing the discharge attack of Patch Liz, the baby duck waved its two wings, and a blue water polo quickly took shape.

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