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In the end, Hwaryeon made a dramatic agreement to work for 24 hours and 30 minutes.

The amount of work that Hwaryeoni, who boasts the strongest among S-class awakened people, can do in 30 minutes is far greater than the amount of work I can do in 24 hours, and Hwaryeoni’s logic is that it has more value. was acknowledged by

‘But somehow I feel like I’m losing money…’

The first contract was signed for only Hwaryeon to work 24 hours a day, but I wondered if Hwaryeon only increased her working hours as she touched me once and then moved on.

Hwaryeon didn’t have a refreshing look on her face either, but she didn’t bother to protest against Six because she was only working for about 30 more minutes.

Six also had a desperately pitiful expression on her face, so it seemed that Hwaryeoni’s weak heart, who couldn’t just ignore her expression, played a part.


Six stayed close to the Heavenly Demon while she worked.

The reason for this was that it was better to have someone stick together and teach the work to the Heavenly Demon, who does not yet know much about Mir, than to let the Heavenly Demon work alone. Working was much more efficient, so it wasn’t wrong at all.

“Can I get rid of this?”

“Don’t ask back, why don’t you do what I ask you to do? There are still many places to go.”

The Heavenly Demon sighed at Six’s strict tone and removed the huge rock embedded in the underground passage.

The rock that disappeared cleanly without blowing a single powder was a rock that was not recklessly reached out because it would take a whole day and a lot of manpower to solve it using a person.

“Keuuu, he’s an S-class Awakener. Are you sure about his performance?”

There was no time to rest.

Six immediately attached to the Heavenly Demon and told her the coordinates to teleport to, and the Heavenly Demon had to move according to the information Six gave her and work there as well.

“Turn over the whole land here. I have to turn it over once for the next farming, but there is no Awoken in our city that can exert as much power as you, so I have to turn it over manually, but I thought it would take too long to overturn this wide field. I mean.”

The Heavenly Demon used her powers to plow the entire field.

In front of her powerful ability, a field of several square kilometers was only a small level, and it did not take long to plow all the fields.

“Keuuu, it’s a heavenly horse! Now, sprinkle some manure on it.”

“Where is the manure?”

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No matter how much I looked around, I couldn’t find anything resembling manure.

“I’ll give you the coordinates, so you just have to go back and forth here and there and sprinkle manure.”

Since the amount of manure to be spread in a large field was considerable, it was not an easy task to move such manure.

Since there were not many vehicles left in Mir, it had to be carried by hand, but carrying and carrying the stinky manure was a high-intensity task compared to other tasks, and it was an amount that was not enough for ordinary people to make a round trip once or twice, so it must be done by the hands of an awakened person. This was necessary, but there were many other things that the Awakener had to do, and there were many people who would be proud of themselves if they ordered high-quality personnel like the Awakener to carry manure, so it was left until now.

Of course, the Heavenly Demon had nothing to do with it.

Because the Heavenly Demon was an outsider, not an awakened person belonging to Mir.

It was just a matter of sucking on the sweet water for 24 hours and 30 minutes.

The Heavenly Demon went back and forth between the coordinates given by Six and carried manure.

Although the amount of pure manure was small compared to the field that had been plowed earlier, it was not an amount that could be teleported together at once, so it took about 10 minutes to go back and forth several times.

“It ended too late. Let’s move on to the next location.”

It’s a lie.

In Six’s mind, no matter how much of a horse it is, she brought it thinking that it would take up more than 20 minutes of time, but it ended much faster than she thought.

If it was a normal workplace, it would have been normal for the work to be finished as quickly as it was finished early, or for the next task to be as loose as the work was done quickly, but Six had no intention of leaving the Heavenly Demon alone for even a moment.

The tasks that the Heavenly Demon solves take a lot of time or require a lot of manpower, but the tasks that can be overwhelmingly shortened by using the power of the Heavenly Demon were mainly selected.

As it was using overflowing mana rather than physical strength, the Heavenly Demon felt less of a physical burden, but the problem was its tightness.

‘Lord… kill me…’

Even the Heavenly Demon had a hard time, so everything was going in perfect order like a very neat cogwheel, but there was no gap in the work, so there was no break time given to the Heavenly Demon at all.

Working 24 hours a day without a single break was difficult even for the Heavenly Demon.

If the Heavenly Demon had experience in labor, she would have slowed down her work while controlling her strength. Even though she fought monsters often, it was even more difficult for the Heavenly Demon, who had no experience in labor, because she continued to work at full strength.

Of course, from Six’s point of view, he had feelings similar to awe toward the Heavenly Demon, who did much more than he thought.

‘Heavenly Demon Gadgat.’

The work of the Heavenly Demon, which had been going on for 24 hours, was showing signs of coming to an end.

Coincidentally, there were still 30 minutes left when he said he was working instead of Lee Soo-hyun, but if he was going to work so hard, it would have been too much to work 5 minutes instead of 30 minutes… A feeling of regret covered the Heavenly Demon.

‘Even while I’m working right now, Ahae will be hanging out with Lee Soo-ah, right?’

When I thought so, a fire flared up inside me.

Tonight, an intense anger that seemed to not subside unless she gave Lee Soo-hyun a hot taste dominated her head.

In fact, Lee Soo-hyeon moved several times to find her to bring a new arrival to the Heavenly Demon, but he could not keep up with the intense work intensity and moved to another place almost every 10 minutes to work.

If it was a normal Heavenly Demon, he would have known how much Suhyeon worked hard for him, but the Heavenly Demon, who was concentrating on work, could not afford enough time to check Lee Soohyun’s whereabouts one by one, so Lee Soohyun’s efforts disappeared into the air. .

“It’s not long! Fighting!”

It was a very enlightening day for Six.

The amount of work the Heavenly Demon had to deal with was truly enormous.

The Heavenly Demon alone did so many things that it would take more than a week even if the whole city rushed in.

Even this was a week when the whole city joined forces, and it was an amount of work that it was not known whether it could be completed even after a year if the existing work was completed and the friction between people was all calculated.

To deal with such things in just one day, from Six’s point of view, the Heavenly Demon had no choice but to look like a fortune.

“Now. Let’s move on to the next location.”

“24 hours and 30 minutes… it’s over.”

Six, who spoke in a happy voice, heard the Heavenly Demon’s firm reply.

His voice was so chilling that even Six, who was more exhausted after not sleeping or eating for 24 hours and 30 minutes like the Heavenly Demon, came to his senses.

“Uh… uh… that’s right, it’s over…”

“I’m going to go back to Ahae. I’ve had a great time over the past 24 hours and 30 minutes.”

The Heavenly Demon tapped Six on the shoulder and disappeared.

It seemed that the Heavenly Demon couldn’t see it well, but Six had nothing to do with it.

Thanks to the Heavenly Demon, I was just happy that I got rid of all the unknown amount of work that could be solved even after a year.


“Are you okay?”

Returning after 24 hours and 30 minutes, Hwaryeoni’s appearance was not normal even with empty words.

As if Sua’s words about not eating and rolling without a bit of rest were not lying, Hwaryeoni’s eyes were clear and tired.

Hwaryeon looked at me with a blank expression, and soon her eyes began to come alive.

At first, he thought he was cheering up when he saw me, but he soon realized that wasn’t the case.

The emotions engraved in Hwaryeon’s eyes were obvious anger and envy.

Why does he have these feelings?

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No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t understand it.

Did you transfer the feelings you had for Six to me?

While I was thinking about not finding a clear answer, the Heavenly Demon heard me.

Before I had time to react, Hwaryeon picked me up and dragged me into the motel.

“Ahae must have had fun with Lee Soo-ah while I was working, right?”

It was only now that I could understand the reason for Hwaryeon’s anger toward me.

“It’s not like that… yup!”

Hwaryeon climbed on top of me without giving me a chance to answer.

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