172 – During the meeting-2

“But what’s everyone’s name?”

I couldn’t even call it an impression all the time, so I continued to ask the gloomy woman.

“I’m Yoo Ah-young. Isn’t the name cute? hehehe.”

Iknow, right. The words “It doesn’t go well with my impression…” went up to the tip of my chin and then went down again.

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No matter how strong a bag you have, don’t mess with your opponents as they are also High Awakeners. If I get hit by mistake and pass out for several days, I’m the only one who suffers.

“My name is Mina Son. Call me whatever you feel comfortable with.”

“Then can I call you Mina?”

“You can’t, bitch!”

“Then can I?”

When I dug into the two of them, it was Mina-san looking down at me with a clearly embarrassed face.

“Uh… well…”

“It’s a joke. I’ll just call you Mina.”

Leaving behind the dumbfounded Mina and continuing to be pushed by Ah-young, I reached the central area of the downtown area before I knew it.

People don’t know who I am, but Mina and Ayeong gossip about whether they know each other well, but if you listen closely, you’ll hear stories about cousins, so there doesn’t seem to be any worry about useless rumors spreading.

“If you think about it, it’s true that we came out. If there are no sightings of High Awakens in this large city, it’s not clear that we had a meeting. This is how the two of us go outside and make up an alibi while walking around.”

“What is an alibi, you just go around because you want to go around.”

“It’s a combination of both. How is it that there is only one reason for what people do?

As we kept pushing, we arrived at a large fountain in the middle of the plaza.

“Explain it.”

“What kind of explanation is that? Can’t you tell at a glance? It’s a fountain.”

“To him, not to me.”

Ayeong lifted me up and held me out to Mina.

“Ah, this is the central square and this fountain is built exactly in the center of the square. As you can see, it’s rather large and tall, so it’s a good place for a date or a family outing. I think it would be nice to come over with Captain Ha Yeon and Captain Baek Yeon Ha.”

“Wait a minute, Baek Ha-yeon has been a captain for a long time, so even if you call him a captain, Baek Yeon-ha hasn’t been a guard captain for a year, so are you counting him as a captain?”

“Once a captain is a captain forever. It means that he was not fired for doing something wrong, but that he moved to the next city, so there is nothing strange about taking on the captaincy at any time.”

“I’m sorry… not to be picky.”

As Ah-young turned around, she naturally moved away from Mina, and when it was time to drop me off, Ah-young did not think of dropping me off, just holding her.

“Ah Young?”

“Kid, do you have any extra clothes?”


Could there be something like that

“If you come to the fountain, you should play in the water!”

Having said that, I threw it away.

I don’t think I threw it right, I threw it lightly, so the speed wasn’t that fast, but it flew towards the center of the fountain, so there didn’t seem to be any way to avoid getting wet by moving in the air.


At that moment, Mina screamed and ran to me and kicked me.

It felt so natural to come running from behind, grab my back, land softly and drop me off, so wouldn’t it be easy to catch someone flying? I was about to want to.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, thanks to you, I think I’m fine.”

After Mina gently put me down, I immediately turned around and approached Ayeong.

“What are you doing?”

Even my body trembled at the serious voice without any playfulness.

“I threw it to get some cold water.”

At Ah-yeong’s playful words, Mina silently glared at Ah-yeong.

“… Haa, yes, I tried to play with you to prank you. Is it okay? When I hit the little boy, I threw it knowing that you would struggle to catch it.”

“Haa… you crazy bitch, let’s finish our work on our own, don’t drag others along.”

It seems to be in a serious mood, so let’s wait at a distance.

“Where are you going kid?”

“I thought you were fighting, so I tried to stay away for a while.”

“Fighting, we’re not fighting. How close we are, isn’t it Mina?”


Seeing that Mina turned her head away in disgust, it seemed that they were really close friends.

In the first place, if you’re not close, there’s no way you’re joking around with that kind of tension.

“Don’t make me sick bitch, ’cause I’m disgusted too.”

“So who’s going to call me by name first?”

It seemed like they were fighting again, so I slipped away and the fight quickly stopped.

“hahahaha, aren’t we fighting?”

“That’s right, we’re not fighting.”

“It’s fortunate. If it happened to Hamata, this evening’s article would have made headlines about two Class A Awakeners from the Sun Guild who went on a rampage.”

I looked around and saw many people staring at me.

Even if the voices were blocked with mana, the people around them could feel that the two of them were talking in a threatening atmosphere, so a considerable sense of uneasiness hung over the entire square.

‘Rather, it could be more of a problem because I can’t hear the voice.’

On the surface, it just seemed more serious.

“… How do you do it?”

“I have to write a poem first.”

Ah-yeong sighed and then took out a piece of paper from her pocket.

“What is it?”

“Say, I always carry one piece at a time.”

Among the densely written letters, Mr. Ah-yeong inserted the sentence, “I fought with Mina Son in the plaza,” in an empty space.

“Finish writing the poem.”

“Do you usually write like this?”

“The repertoire changes little by little, but it is derived from a single poetry style.”

Mina tapped her forehead.

“Hey, wouldn’t it be better to move somewhere else first?”

As the tense atmosphere between the two gradually dissipated, the people around them began to sneak up on them.

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No matter what anyone says, these two were Class A Awakeners.

These are people who are no different from dating people, but there is no way we can just leave them alone.

“That would be better.”

Mina put her hand between my armpits and lifted it lightly.

His eyes widened and widened, but he wasn’t scared at all.

If it’s this high, it’s lower than my original height.

“Then where shall we go?”

“I’m on my first trip to Sol?”

To be precise, it’s not a first-time trip, but the last time I came, I went without a trace, so it’s safe to say it’s actually a first-time trip.

“Haven’t you eaten yet?”

“Yes, I came out right after waking up.”

“Then I’ll introduce you to a great restaurant. Follow me.”

As soon as he said that, the speed at which he was running to one side began to appear as a single dot in an instant.

“I thought it would be better to just leave it alone.”

He is an eccentric who throws the first person he meets into a fountain.

Rather than hanging out together, it might be better to go alone with Mina-san…


“No. I’ll follow you.”

If you don’t follow me now, it will be rather annoying.

I didn’t know if they would do strange things here and there to find us wherever they bounced.

“Okay. Hold on tight.”

“Where are you?”


Mina put her hand in my armpit and was holding me.

It’s not that I’m on my back or not, and in this position, no matter what position I take, there’s nothing I can do to help. It’s just that Mina-san has to take care of herself.

“I’ll leave at once.”


As soon as Mina kicked off the ground and ran, the scenery around her began to change rapidly.

It was nice to feel the strong wind brushing against my face.

I don’t know if Mina is stronger or Ahyeong is running slowly, but Mina quickly caught up with Ahyoung and before we knew it, the two of us were running side by side.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to the ramen shop. Any complaints?”

‘yes? A ramen shop?’

I feel like I’m going somewhere I know…

I moved for quite a long time at a fairly fast pace to match my anxiety, and I traveled a fairly long distance according to the formula of time multiplied by speed.

“excuse me!”


“Is the name of the ramen shop we go to Ramen?”

“Right! We’re going to the ramen shop now!”

There’s no way an A-class Awakener can’t hear my voice just because he’s running.

It seems that he was deliberately pretending not to hear me, but he was kind of A-Young.

“Have you ever been there?”

“Ha-yeon bought it for me before!”

At that time, it was like a time when my sense of taste was a little tasteless, but I really enjoyed it.

“Then shall we go somewhere else?”

“Where else to go? I don’t get tired of eating it many times, so I just go to a ramen shop and eat it.”

“I agree too!”

If it’s such a delicious ramen shop, you won’t get tired of it even if you eat it twice.

After a little more time passed, Mina and Ayeong stopped and a ramen shop with a signboard reading Ramen, came in front of our eyes.

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