169 – Conference-1

Boss monster spread slime.

I didn’t increase the overall size like the first time, but I increased the range by weaving slime into a chain, but it seemed to have fewer weaknesses than the attack shown in the second phase.

At least the root part was attacked. The slime seemed unlikely to be consumed.

‘Instead, the main body became dangerous.’

Since they were connected in a chain shape, they had holes drilled through them, but the defense against the main body was weakened to the extent that the gray main body could be seen.

I had a hopeful thought that if I properly aimed at the body and hit it, I would be able to knock it down right away, but at the same time, I also had the skeptical thought that there would be other means to defend the body by revealing it like that.

“There are two ways to catch him. Either fight the slime one by one like before, or aim for the main body at once…”

The younger man lowered his head as if in trouble.

“Concentrate as much as possible on the cat and see if there is an angle where you can put bullets in its body. It would be dangerous to hit only the body openly, so if you slowly check it and aim for an opening…”

Ha-yeon ran quickly toward the boss monster before she could finish her words.


As if her younger sister was quite embarrassed, she called Ha-yeon “unni” in front of others.

As soon as the younger question burst out, the boss monster’s mucus cracked open.

The scene where even the slime in front of the main body was cracked was quite a masterpiece, but the slime started sticking again immediately.

– Seogung!

Ha-yeon swung her sword at the re-adhering slime, and small clumps of slime fell to the ground.

“If you make it thinner, it will hit me counter! If you want to fight with all your strength, you should have done your best from the beginning.

Did a lot of things accumulate during that time? Ha-yeon’s remarks were quite harsh.

As if making fun of the boss monster that boasted that it would deal with us in a tricky way, Ha-yeon indiscriminately removed the mucus from the black boss monster.

“Doesn’t that sound like a much better way?”

“Then why didn’t I think of that…”

As the mucus disappeared, the size of the boss monster got smaller and gradually began to reveal its gray body.

‘Is it a rat?’

The boss monster, whose body was barely covered with the remaining mucus, looked very similar to that of a rat.

It’s also an incredibly huge rat the size of a person.

It was even wider left and right, making it look bigger than most people.

“It’s disgusting.”

It didn’t take on a grotesque appearance, but the appearance of a rat covered in slime and dirty appearance was repulsive in itself.

“What are you? Who are you and do you speak human words?”

-hahahahaha, yes, you deserve to hear who I am.

It must have been the appearance of a mouse, but I felt that I could read its expression.

-I am Shaking, Lord of Filth. A great monarch who was born in a small swamp, covered it with filth and expanded it around! is a powder of I’m not really Shaking.

The boss monster who called himself Shaking laughed out loud.

“So Shaking, was it you who made this gate?”

-It can be said that it was made by my main body. Isn’t it funny that I am only a powder that the main body created in the role of a boss monster, and the memory and experience are the same as the main body, but only weak.

“Why did your body create such a gate? You must have passed the test or said that this place is not for a human like me.”

-That’s exactly what it says. This gate was built not to invade you, but to grow and test you.

“Why did you try to grow and test us? And is there another entity that makes other gates?”

-Don’t try to know too much at once. They won’t be as cooperative with you as I am, but in the future, countless gates created by those who share my will will appear step by step. At that time, I don’t think it’s too late to ask them.

Sharking laughed, baring his yellow teeth.

-And I can’t say much because there are restrictions on it, so I think it’s a good gate created to train you because something dangerous will come soon. And you don’t enter the front gate. Because it’s me, I ended up limiting your power. If it were the other guys, I would have run away right away while cursing.

Shaking’s body gradually faded.

-If we meet, we’ll see you later, humans from another world.

Shortly thereafter, Shaking’s body completely disappeared.

“What is this?”

Feeling dizzy, he grabbed his head.


With a small vibration, a new gate was created in the place where Shaking disappeared.

“Is there a next floor?”

“I don’t think so. The configuration is very similar to the one in the first gate. It’s probably a gate through which you can get out of here.”

“If there’s nothing special after just exploring the surroundings, let’s escape right away.”

While the High Awakeners, who had worked hard for a long time, were resting, other Awoken and younger people joined forces to search the surroundings, but as Shaking disappeared, even the surrounding slime disappeared, so there was nothing to investigate.

“I’ve researched everything that needs to be investigated.”

“Then I will withdraw now.”

After passing through the gate in line with Oh, we went out to the place where we entered the gate.

Me and Yeonha came out last, but as soon as Yeonha came out, the gate disappeared.

“Don’t open your mouth to anyone about the gate we investigated today.”

A considerable amount of life emanated from Ha-yeon’s body.

“If anyone leaks about the gate to others, I will punish them heavily.”

As he spoke with a sword in one hand, a tremendous amount of pressure was applied to his entire body.

“Today, everyone who participated in the gate investigation will be given a three-day vacation, so everyone can rest well.”

It’s not just a vacation to give you a break, right? It’s probably also to cut off contact with other colleagues.

“Captain… I don’t know about the other kids, but shouldn’t high-level Awakeners go to work? If this level of high-ranking personnel suddenly leaves, there will be a hole in the business.”

One of the Class B Awakeners carefully raised his hand and said.

“Okay. The High Awakeners have just one day off, so when I first explored the gate, I started with the idea that I would only spend over a week exploring, so taking a day off won’t be a big burden to others.”


“Everyone pack up and disperse, and only the two of you, Lee Go-yang and Baek Yeon-ha, follow me.”

I left the guards busy organizing their luggage and followed Ha-yeon.

“Whoa… that’s complicated…”

“That’s right.”

Sister Baek let out a deep sigh.

“Shall we go to the guild leader first?

“Okay, let’s go to the guild leader and report it. If we go and have a meeting for 24 hours, a plan will come out to some extent.”

“Take me with you this time.”

“I was thinking of taking him anyway. The only gate explorers I can comfortably take to the guild leader are my younger brother and my older brother, so it would be better for my older brother to go with me and make a statement.”

Ha-yeon caught my younger sister and me.

The surrounding scenery has changed along with the senses I have become accustomed to.


As soon as the scenery changed, what caught my eye was the guild leader writing something with a fountain pen.

“I’m here?”

“You talk like you knew you’d come.”

“Of course I knew, because the feeling of aggression felt in the city over there had increased slightly.

The guild leader smiled and folded the notebook he had been writing on.

“Did the exploration end safely?”

“It ended safely. I can’t say it ended well, but I mean.”

“It’s fine if the victim didn’t come out. What’s the problem, and the fact that the exploration was completed in one day is a meaningful achievement in itself. I heard that a gate similar to the gate that appeared to us appeared in China? If it will continue to appear anyway, you need to find out all the information at once. there is no.”

The guild leader looked at me while speaking seriously.

“Who’s behind you? Brother?”

“Older brother. You disguised yourself and entered the gate, and you are now in that state.”

“Oh, you’re my brother? You’re so cute.”

My younger sister shook me and covered me.

“Don’t pay attention to my brother.”

“I’m also very jealous.”

The guild leader smiled bravely.

“So, what’s the result of the gate investigation? Judging by the look on his face, it doesn’t seem like he came out in the middle.”

“That’s it…”

Hayeon started talking with a dark expression.

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