145 – Guard-4

After completing the basic theory training, there was hand signal training.

Most of them use the radio much more often than the hand signal to block monsters outside the gate, but it is often done inside the gate, and in this case, it is necessary to reduce the sound generated while using the walkie-talkie. is said to deliver

“Actually, I don’t use it that much. But if I don’t memorize it, I won’t be able to use it when I need it, so I memorize it in advance.”

-If you use telephony, you don’t need a hand signal.

‘Why do you bring something that only you and Liu Ying can use…’

These days, it seems like Hayeon and Wolha learned from Chunma and used it, but it’s a skill that normal Awakeners can’t use.

‘I think it’s good to see that Liu Ying writes well…’

“You memorize things faster than you think? Most of them memorize them, but it takes more than a week, so they ask them to memorize them on their own, and they test them again after a week.

“All right!”

While learning hand signals for a while, Park Ji-hyun’s walkie-talkie rang.

“Uh, what’s wrong?”

“Younger is visiting to see some apprentices from Sol.”


“Right now.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the door opened.

“Your younger brother, what are you doing here?”

Jihyun turned off the walkie-talkie and approached Yeonha.

“No, I just heard that there was a new recruit from Sol, so I stopped by. I’m in this city as a diplomat now, but I used to be the chief of Sol’s guard, right? I’m here to see how well the kids from Sol are adjusting.”

I’ve come prepared with a solid excuse.

I slapped my forehead inwardly at the sight of my younger sister telling lies without changing her face color.

“These are the apprentices.”

“I’m Goyang!”

“It’s called Macheon-ah.”

“Hey, our rookies must have really big livers. Are they talking badly to the boss?”

He provoked the Heavenly Demon with a very awkward expression, but from my point of view, it only looked like a very ordinary joke.

It wasn’t because he had real malice, but because he had a strong image of wanting to play when he had the upper hand.

Only Park Ji-hyun, who was not informed of such a situation, just looked at the heavenly horse, rolling her feet.”

“Your captain, Baek Ha-yeon, doesn’t say anything even when I say I use short words, so why do you f*ck with me?”

“No, it’s just that I don’t like it a little. No matter how talented you are, you’re a rookie, aren’t you too arrogant?”

“I’ll tell you well, younger man!”

“Really? You can do it on your own, right?”


When Park Ji-hyun shouted loudly, Yeon-ha finally looked away.

“You look really cute. How old are you?”

“I’m 17.”

“Oh, you’re so cute.”

My sister-in-law hugged me tightly.

I looked at the Heavenly Demon to see if she would get angry again, but luckily she didn’t show any sign of anger.

-Ah, should I pretend to be angry right now?

I turned my head around.

The Heavenly Demon likes me, but the Heavenly Demon doesn’t like Lee Goyang.

I wonder if it would be enough to just make a moderately sad face.

‘But I can pretend to be angry.’

“Leave this!”

He moved his body around in the younger’s arms, but the younger one didn’t budge.

“Ah, what’s wrong, my sister is just hugging you because she’s cute.”

“Because I’m here as a security guard? I don’t want to hug my sister very much.”

“That’s right, younger sister, no matter how cute a child is, wouldn’t it hurt your pride to hold a child who came to work like that?”

“is it?”

As soon as the younger sister released me, I immediately fell away.

“Then, see you later after work. At that time, work is over, so shouldn’t we take it out like this?”

The younger sister said so and moved in front of the Heavenly Demon.

“You too get rid of the habit of talking inappropriately to your boss, and then you get a lot of hate.”

The younger pricked the Heavenly Demon’s head.

‘Aren’t you afraid of the aftermath?’

I don’t have to go far, the aftermath will come right away tonight…

“Then I go. Take good care of the kids!”


As soon as the younger sister closed the door and left, Park Ji-hyun let out a deep sigh.

“I’m sorry, that man is such an eccentric…”

“Are you usually like that?”

“He’s not usually such a pushy person, he doesn’t know where he’s going and he often makes strange things happen, but he’s kind. I don’t know why he’s being so picky today… I’ll tell the boss and ask him to reconsider Cheona’s use of honorifics. Don’t worry, maybe your younger brother was in a bad mood today, so he acted like an old man, he’ll apologize if it’s okay.”

After the commotion caused by younger age, education resumed.

As we learned where to stand and form in order to prevent monsters from escaping from the gate and how to deal with a crisis situation, lunch time approached before we knew it.

“Let’s go eat, the food of the gate handling department is very delicious, and the kids in other departments are very envious.”

“Do each department eat separately?”

“Uh, each department has its own building, and the size is unnecessarily large, so there’s a lot of extra space, so making another restaurant and going back and forth is a little time consuming and inconvenient to set the order for each department, so I just went to each one. Hire a cook from the department to eat.”

Following Park Ji-hyun down to the basement, I saw people gathered in the restaurant. It wasn’t long before lunchtime started, so the road was quite long.

“Does anyone go out to eat?”

“You know when to go out and go out? Everyone eats here. Sometimes when guests come from outside, me and the manager eat outside, but basically, we have to eat everything at the restaurant.”

Standing in line behind Park Ji-hyeon, the other guards started talking one by one.

The food at our restaurant is delicious. It’s the first time I’ve eaten here, so if I go to another department, I won’t be able to eat properly. stories have come and gone.

‘How on earth is it delicious to say such a thing?’

The restaurant was buffet-style, but a considerable amount of food was piled up, probably because it was basically a restaurant for awakened people who ate a lot.

I’m not the type to eat that much, and my physique has gotten smaller, so I only included things that looked moderately delicious, but the Heavenly Demon piled up a mountain of food on a large plate.

“Are you eating too much?”

“I only eat as much as I can sustain myself.”

Right before we found an empty seat and sat down, the siren rang loudly.

“You guys, it’s not our job.”

The guards who were eating in the corner got up and went outside.

In the seat where they were sitting, only uneaten food and plates were left, but people who seemed to be staff quickly cleaned it up.

“Are those the keepers?”

“There are keepers and there are professional disposal teams, and the professional disposal members have to get busy because they have to pack their equipment and prepare and start.

Park Ji-hyun sat down and ate, so we sat down and started to eat.

“How is it? Is it delicious?”

The quality was much higher than I thought. Of course, it was much better than eating at home, and it fell a lot compared to the Wolhane buffet, but it was still delicious enough.

“Yes. It’s much more delicious than I imagined.”

“Sometimes the captain comes to eat too? That means the food is delicious.”

“That’s why I came today.”

Ha-yeon suddenly jumped out and took an empty seat at the table for four.

“Ah, Captain, are you here? Am I right? My department’s lunch is really good.”

“There is that, and I came to check if the newcomers are adapting well. How is it, do you think they are doing well?”

“The basic skills are excellent and the speed of learning is fast.

“It’s progressing faster than I thought, it’s a good thing.”

“It makes me sick to my stomach to think of sending these guys back to solo.”

After a pleasant meal, we started training in the afternoon.

After training for several hours in the training room and eating until dinner, I barely refused Park Ji-hyun’s words and returned home at 8:00.

“Are you here?”

Why does the captain of the guard finish before the general guard? Ha-yeon was already sitting on the sofa and waiting.

“Are you really hungry? I’ve cooked rice.”

The young man shouted loudly.

“Younger, would you like to see me for a second?”

“Ha… hahahaha, Heavenly Demon-sister, you were doing that as a joke earlier, right?

“I’m not angry.”

The Heavenly Demon rubbed the younger’s head.

It looked very painful when I pressed it like a chiropractor.

“Are you okay today?”

“Uh, I learned a lot of new things, and trying to memorize things gave me a bit of willpower. I think it was definitely fun.”

“I’ll go to the site tomorrow, so it’ll probably be better than today. If you think it’s dangerous, you should hide behind Heavenly Demon-nim.”


After answering appropriately, I ate dinner and lay down in my room.

Since today is the first day, I said that I wanted to sleep alone, so Ha-yeon, who was my turn to sleep with me, readily agreed.

‘Of course I have to fill the hole over the weekend…’

You said you were going to the field tomorrow, right?

I went to sleep with a nervous heart.

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