136 – Stealth-5

I thought the kids were taking me with them to help find me, but it seemed they couldn’t do anything other than defend against my attacks.

They didn’t react at all even though they were in a distance that would be enough to find them if they had good senses.

“Where is this bastard hiding?”

In the end, he couldn’t find me and left.

‘how will we do it…’

For now, it seemed good to keep running away.

The kids’ training has been delayed because all the robes are out looking for me.

‘I have to interrupt work as much as possible.’

After that, I kept hiding and wandering around.

Every time they gave up looking for me and tried to go back to their daily lives, they reappeared and beat the Robes, and Bob figured out where they were eating and then secretly stole it.

After repeating this for about two days, the drooping of the lobes could be seen with the naked eye.

“What is this about because of a kid…”

“That’s right.”

Originally, the guys who used to go in groups of two ended up in groups of three because of me.

Although the children protected the robe, it was possible to secretly knock it down and return by avoiding the eyes of the children, so the robe continued to stick together.

“I mean, approach it with the mindset of starving yourself to death by strictly following what you eat.

‘Won’t Ha-yeon come before I starve for a week or so?’

Besides, I have no intention of going hungry.


When I went to the place where the children were being trained, the children who had not yet been properly trained greeted me.

‘The ego seems to be fine until the training is over.’

It was only because No. 17 or No. 13 had very hard military gun training and even had orders from Rob, and they were usually quite calm-minded.

“I left your share.”

“thank you.”

Thanks to the lobs who didn’t properly control the kids because they were wary of me, I was able to sneak in and get some food after mealtime had completely passed.

“If I just follow you, can we get out?”

“of course.”

“How many times have you said that already…”

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Number 13 spoke in a rather ferocious tone.

“No. 13…”

“Huh, I’m sorry. As you all know, I’m almost finished. It’s because I keep getting annoyed thinking that if I’m small, I’ll become like the seniors.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure all of your seniors are fine.”

“Will it work?”

A boy named No. 14 spoke ferociously.

“What did you say? Did you say that you were close to the Queen under the moonlight, the ruler of the underworld? You’re so dumbfounded, why would someone like that come to save us?”

“I’ll come to save you. This is a problem at the city level.”

“Yes, you’ve done very well.”

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Number 14 turned her head around.

“Seeing as you say that and yet don’t tell the lobs that I’m stopping by here, don’t you believe me too?”

“I’m not trusting you, I’m rebelling against the Robes. I don’t believe you, but seeing what you do to them puts me at ease.”

“I’m glad.”

I ate the bread I received from the kids.

“How old is Rioen?”

“25 years old.”

“Stop talking nonsense!”

It’s true, but what can I do, kids?

“Anyway, I’ll go back, don’t tell the lobs I’m here.”

“That’s because you don’t talk.”

I left the kids behind and walked around the building.

The robes always came together because they were afraid of being hurt by me, but that didn’t mean I was standing still.

‘It’s okay to attack the facility, not the person.’

There were a lot of gaps in protecting the facility as they were walking around in groups of only three.

Even the children who originally guarded the facility were assigned to protect the robe, so if you destroy this facility, the robes will come to repair it soon, but they are always afraid that the captain will nag them.

What does this mean? It means that destroying the facility is an action that will cause enough harm to the captain.

‘What is your sister doing?’

I watched the building where the captain was kept several times, but no one came out.

I was waiting with the mindset that if something really dangerous had happened, the Heavenly Demon would have saved it a long time ago, but I didn’t understand much that the boss wouldn’t use a sister made of type B after a long time.

‘Isn’t the training over yet?’

Just as Type A needs training time to fully awaken, Type B might need additional time.

‘I don’t know.’

If the Heavenly Demon didn’t appear, you must be fine.

And I believe in my sister. Even if something dangerous happens, the older sister will be able to deal with it on her own.

They left the captain building alone and destroyed the facility for a long time, so these guys made a number.

I blocked the facility with a material that was difficult to break even with my own strength, but I didn’t destroy it, but I didn’t know how the hell it was trying to repair it if it was destroyed by itself, but anyway, it was completely blocked.

‘Is the game about to end now?’

It cannot target humans, nor can it target facilities.

So what can I aim for now?

‘Can I win if I fight against the guys who have finished training?’

Looking back at the fight with #13, I was able to avoid their attacks sufficiently.

I don’t know if the attack will work, but since I have mana, I’ll be able to deliver a fatal blow.

‘But the problem is that it doesn’t mean much to touch the kids.’

Robs manage facilities, train kids, etc. so it makes sense to stun them, but there’s no benefit to stunning a single kid.

‘That’s why I can’t kill him.’

The kids are basically victims, so they can’t be killed, and the robes don’t die no matter how much they have life support devices, so I gave up.

‘From now on, let’s move with a little self-respect. If they look like they’re dead, they’ll let their guard down.’

It’s been quite a while since they’ve stopped eating in earnest, so let’s try to catch them off guard by making them think they’re dead at this point.

If I don’t step out, they’ll let their guard down and go around alone like they used to.

‘My Hyeon-soo, does he roll his hair well?’

‘Don’t call me gross like that. What is our hyeonsu?’

‘Then are you Hyunsoo?’

Waiting alone was too boring, so I passed the time by talking to Lee Soo-hyun.

After two more days like that, I saw them loosen their guard and go around in groups of two again.

‘Okay then, shall we start hunting soon?’

The moment I wanted to, something strange happened.

“My brother, what are you doing here?”

“… sister?”

When I turned my head and looked behind me, the captain and sister Liuying were looking at me.

My sister Liuying was closer to me than the captain, and her eyes were blinking frantically, as if she knew that she couldn’t see her face.

It doesn’t seem like his eyes are shaking as a side effect of Type B, and he’s probably desperately trying to convey to me the message that he’s sane.

“I heard that my younger brother wanders around here after finishing the procedure.

“Others didn’t even find a trace of him after a week, but you’re looking for it at once.”

“My brother’s behavioral patterns are too easy to predict.”

He cautiously backed away and prepared to run away.

“Where are you going brother?”


When I came to my senses, I was stuck on the floor.

It was broken on the floor, but it didn’t hurt that much because my sister broke the floor first and then put me on top of it.

“As expected, it’s amazing. It’s a masterpiece. Is this the power of Type B?”

‘No, it’s my sister’s pure strength.’

I think I’ve seen him move faster than this when training Lee Soo-hyun in the past.

“You don’t have to kill him, do you?”

“Do as you please.”

“Please act as a Type A. I want to see this idiot go crazy.”

“Okay, okay. Take him and follow me.”

The captain walked first from a distance.

“I’m sorry, did you have a lot of pain?”

“It didn’t hurt at all. How on earth am I supposed to answer if you hit me hard and ask if it hurts?”

“hehehehe, I’m glad you didn’t get sick. Can I grab your hair for a second?”

My sister grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the floor.

From the captain’s point of view, it must have looked like it was hit hard enough to crack the floor, but I thought it would be weird if I was fine, so I quietly closed my eyes and pretended to faint.


“Anja, you’re pretending to be asleep. You’ve been beaten so hard, of course you won’t pass out, right?”

“Huh, did it hurt that much?”

“No, it wouldn’t have looked like that from the captain’s point of view. I saw him hit the floor to the extent of a file on the floor, but what would he think if he saw that I was fine?”


What’s ahahahaha… Sometimes you think you’re too stupid?

‘Of course, that makes it even cuter.’

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