134 – Infiltration-3

As I walked along with the man, a really strange phenomenon occurred.

Even in the slums, where there is no interest in other people, if two beggars presumed to be children were following two men in robes, it would attract their attention, but not a single one paid attention to us.

‘Looks like he’s wearing an artifact.’

Seeing that no one cares.

‘It looks like there really is a Golden Goblin’s dungeon.’

After walking a bit to a corner, the men handed us something that looked like a badge.

“Put it on your chest.”


Following the words of the lead, I put the badge on my chest, and the gate I hadn’t seen until now appeared in front of me.

‘Is it an artifact that opens a gate? Or did he originally have a gate and he made good use of it?’

Once I followed the men into the gate.

As we enter the gate, our location signal will disappear and Ha-yeon will step in and start investigating this area.

Even if there was no gate in this place, but only an artifact to open the entrance, Ha-yeon would be able to find us again soon.

“This is our base. It’s also where you’ll be training in the future.”


“It’s true that we give you a chance to become stronger, but you will only be able to obtain power through your own efforts.”

As I followed the man, I saw kids in their mid-to-late teens training.

If there’s one thing that’s peculiar, the kids’ eyes are all bloodshot? No matter how I looked at it, it didn’t look normal.

“What do you want to do by giving us strength?”

“I’m trying to change this damn world.”

“Is it a f*cking world?”

“Anyone born in the slums cannot change their fate no matter how hard they try. It’s all because the Awoken rule this city.”

‘That’s not it.’

It’s not because of the Awakeners, it’s because the city developed rapidly thanks to the Sun Guild.

The slums are always in a hungry situation because the people from Sol won all the high government posts and the people who used to live in our city were pushed to the slums.

‘It’s one of the problems our city needs to fix.’

It’s also a problem that Hayeon and Youngha are thinking about the most seriously these days.

“So we will rebel against this city. Together with you and ours, we will rule this city.”

‘Is it something like a revolutionary group?’

It is an organization that is inevitably created in every city. The more shitty the city is, the more serious the situation is, but no matter how serious our city is, it is not as good as Mir, right?

‘Besides, there’s no S-class Awoken here to help like the Sword Demon.’

There’s no way a group that rebels against a city ruled by Awoken will hire Awoken.

‘This is also a kind of karma.’

These people also have their own unfair points, and those unfair things were created by the Sun Guild, so this can also be seen as karma.

It would be nice if it ended with Ha-yeon’s promise to dismantle it peacefully and build a better city if possible…

‘Touching the kids is over the line.’

Besides, I’m going to take a strange action.

We are not going to recruit people with wills like the Revolutionary Corps, but we will go to children and the weak and give them strength.

and lead them to participate in their own will?

‘I can’t admit it.’

“Are you making a face that says you don’t like it?”


“Yeah, throw away that mind right away. Since you’re here, you’re a member of our group and you must follow all our orders.”

‘The revolutionaries are on the side of despair.’

At this point, you should be suspicious.

Could the leadership of this group really intend to rebel?

Isn’t it just trying to remain a normal villain force while maintaining power in a small group?

Are you really dreaming of overthrowing society?

‘It could be just taking advantage of people who don’t know how to eat.’

‘Are we good at reasoning?’

‘Shut up.’

You’ll find out when you stay here.

“Before giving you strength in earnest, I will tell you the difference between a child who has already received strength, No. 17, come here.”

Read at readwn.com

Number 17, a very familiar number.

When I was a test subject, I was also called No. 17.


A girl approached me with a clueless expression.

Even though your eyes are bloodshot, you can feel it with an expressionless expression.

“Fight once. Even a girl will be much stronger than you, so beat her up and surrender.”

“Do you think this is unfair?”


The man asked me in a puzzled tone.

“I’ve been starving for three days. The girl over there must have eaten well up until now. If a person who is full and a person who is hungry fight, of course the person who is full wins, right?”

“Huh, what a bold guy, try fighting once, there will be a gap that cannot be divided between being full and hungry.”

“If you’re going to fight, why don’t you stick around with the strongest kid?”

The man let out a deep sigh in an angry tone.

“Yes, I understand. Number 13, come here.”

The child called No. 13 was already in a state of intense congestion with whites close to red.

“Among the trainees, No. 13 is the most senior. If you feel it is dangerous, surrender right away, otherwise you may die.”

‘That state is a trainee, right?’

So what about people who are properly trained?

“No. 13, that boy is your prey today.”


A low voice came from the girl’s throat, like an animal crying.

‘What did you do to these kids?’

Anger rose up.

My older sister must have felt anger at the sight of the girl, and her body trembled.

“Why? Are you afraid to think that this is the future of you? It’s already too late.”

The girl called No. 13 approached in an instant.

It was insanely fast, and it was faster than me, who boasted of being a chagang among non-awakened people, but unfortunately, it was slower than Liu Ying’s sister.

– Wedge love liquid!!

The girl’s fist passed right in front of me.

It would be embarrassing if the blow that he thought he couldn’t avoid would be completely missed, but the child immediately swung his fist with the other hand.

‘If I get hit by one, I’ll be seriously injured?’

But what about this

‘The opponent is me!’

Ai’s battle was quite rough.

In a fit of rage, he seemed to know nothing but to swing his fists.

Attacks that are simply fast are scary the first time you wield them, but once you get used to them, it’s not hard to avoid.

‘I don’t know if it’s fast enough that I can’t avoid it at all.’

“What is that bastard doing?”

I heard a man shouting loudly from behind.

‘Could you play some more? Or are you going to start messing around now?’

When I think of people playing with children, my anger soared, but wouldn’t Ha-yeon and Yeon-ha be able to carry out the operation perfectly if they dragged out more time?

‘Yes, it would be better to take my time so that I can catch all these guys rather than me, a non-professional, stepping out.’

I changed my posture and dodged the girl’s attack in a way that looked like Chinese martial arts.

It was not a real Chinese martial art, but it meant that it was a movement that looked like that.

“These bastards… what are you doing…”


I was hit as painlessly as possible and flew away and rolled over.

“No. 13! Stop!”

The body of the girl who was approaching me and was about to finish came to a halt.

‘Liu Ying-sister, please stay still…!’

Seeing that I was hit with an attack that I could have avoided, my sister must have noticed my willpower, and she glared at the men while trembling.

“I thought my pronunciation was not so good. Are you a Chinese?”

“Are the Chinese kids these days learning martial arts?”

“I don’t know. But don’t you think these guys will become more useful warriors as much as they’ve already learned martial arts?”

Even with the robe on, that eerie laugh seemed to reach us.

“I’ll have to take these directly to our captain. He’ll probably like it.”

“Because he’s always been thirsty for strong warriors.”

“Hey girl, can you use martial arts like this guy?”

My sister kept her mouth shut.

“If you don’t answer, I’ll order #13 to kill this guy.”

“I’m much stronger than Rioen.”

Rioen is the pseudonym I decided to use during this operation.

I just built it, but it still looks like Chinese, right?

“You real Chinese bastards, where did you guys learn this martial art?”

“I learned from my master when I was young.”

“What happened to that master?”

“Dead. At the hands of the Awoken.”

Oh, noona, are you good at acting angry?

“I’m much stronger at being able to use martial arts than having my ego blown away. Promise me, I want to destroy the Awoken with my own hands by leaving my ego behind.”

“That’s something we can’t promise, our captain will decide what to do with you.”

“Sister… no matter how much…”

“Shut up Rioen!”

Liu Ying sister came up to me and slapped me on the cheek.

Are you keeping the bad brother and sister concept as it is?

“Wasn’t that your brother?”

“He’s just a trashy younger brother.”

I thought it was really fortunate that Liu Ying noona spoke Korean instead of Chinese.

Because those men would have mistaken my sister’s awkward acting as being because of her poor Korean.

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