132 – Infiltration-1

Every city has a criminal gang.

Right now, there were several villain groups in Sol, including the Red Moon, and in our city, there was an underworld dominated by Wolha.

In Dark Gaya, there was no big problem because Wolha definitely dominated, but it seems that there are other villain forces in our city.

“Are you also suffering because of them?”

“It’s nothing to say that it’s hard work. It’s a little cumbersome and the benefits have decreased a little, but I’ve never seen an impactful loss.”

“We’re dying because of them. Even though we’re pouring 30% of the Guard’s manpower into it, they can’t solve it?”

Perhaps because of this, the number of times Ha-yeon sighed greatly increased.

“Ha-yeon is also an S-class Awakener, so does it make sense that he can’t deal with a single villain organization?”

“If it was a normal villain organization, it would be the same as if it was dealt with immediately the moment I step out, but I don’t think they are ordinary guys. They seem to be hiding themselves using artifacts from inside the gate, but I can’t catch them.”

“Is it possible to deceive the feelings of an S-class awakened person no matter how artifact it is?”

“It’s possible, so I couldn’t catch them.”

Artifact, an excellent item that comes out from inside the gate.

In the case of simple weapons and armor, you can demonstrate better performance by processing the corpses of monsters, but artifacts were generally traded at very high prices because each had a unique ability.

‘There are rumors about shoes that allow you to teleport or a ring that allows you to become invisible.’

Maybe only the higher ups know that such a thing actually exists.

“So I’m thinking about whether I should do an undercover investigation.”

“What crime are they committing?”

“Kidnapping, they say they never touch people in the city and only kidnap people in the slums, so it took me a long time to realize they exist.”

‘Because the gap between rich and poor is huge in our city.’

There are too many poor people.

When the Sun Guild built our city, most people became poor, so who are the people living in the center of the city?

‘He’s the one who migrated from Sol.’

Because of this, the relationship between the poor and ordinary citizens was not very good.

It’s okay with the citizens who live in the same outskirts, but if you say someone from Sol, such as the guards or the citizens who live in the center of the city, you’re very angry.

“Is it that the investigation becomes difficult because the poor bastards don’t cooperate?”

“Ha Yeon-ah, watch your mouth.”

“Oh, sorry.”

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Now that our city is somewhat on the right track, shouldn’t we implement policies to alleviate the poor?

These days, as I learn city management from younger people, I often think about it.

“Haa. Anyway, for one reason or another, the investigation is too difficult.”

“I don’t think it would have been easy to catch even if it appeared in Sol.”

You mean that hard?

“If Heavenly Demon-nim steps forward, it seems like it will end right away, but…”

“I have no intention of helping you. I’m not officially here, and I don’t want to deprive you of the opportunity to improve your skills, and I don’t want to use my power.”

The Heavenly Demon cut it off and refused.

“Shouldn’t you be doing your own thing?”

“Okay. You don’t have to ask.”

The younger pouted out his mouth.

“You don’t have an answer at all?”

“I’m diligently investigating, but I can’t find a tail.”

“You haven’t been undercover?”

“I tried. But no matter how much mana I hid, how did they find out, only the place where I was was avoided? So inside the guards, it was concluded that the opponent had at least three artifacts.”

“It looks like you robbed the Golden Goblin’s dungeon.”

The Heavenly Demon said quietly.

“My? Golden Goblin’s dungeon? What is it?”

“It’s a dungeon that appeared once in midfield. It’s only grade F, but it was a dungeon with only 9 artifacts and a lot of excellent materials.”

“Is that… a secret of the Heavenly Demon Church?”

“It’s kind of confidential. I’ve never told anyone else about it.”

Hayeon let out a deep sigh.

“No, why does that get into the hands of the villains…”

“It’s because the guards aren’t functioning well. Before Ha-yeon took over, the guards were pretty shit.”

“I know.”

Hayeon continued to sigh.

“How do you catch…”

Hayeon grabbed her head.

“If Ha-yeon’s mana is detected with the artifact and she can’t burrow, shouldn’t Liuying and I just burrow?”

“It’s possible, but it’s dangerous.”


I stared at the Heavenly Demon.

“If my life is in danger, won’t the Heavenly Demon save me?”

“Ah, I’m not like a save point.”

“Anyway, you won’t die.”

At my words, the Heavenly Demon nodded.

“That’s right, I’m not going to let Ahae die.”

Hearing the Heavenly Demon’s words brought life to Ha-yeon’s eyes.

“Okay! Then let’s set up a plan right away!”

“Are we sleeping by ourselves? Shouldn’t we go to the guards and stop them?”

“Then I’ll go to work tomorrow and set it up.”

Seeing Ha-yeon happy made me feel better too.

So the next day, I followed Ha-yeon to the guard unit.

“It turns out that the villain has at least 3 artifacts. Therefore, it is meaningless for the guards to undertake an infiltration investigation, so we brought a talented civilian to this place.”

Liu Ying and I came forward at Ha Yeon’s gesture.

In my case, I came to the guard once almost immediately after Ha-yeon took office, and when Ha-yeon explained about my achievements in the underworld, everyone nodded as if acknowledging it.

“This is Liao Eng. The skill is certain, so don’t doubt it.”

Is it because Ha-yeon is holding on tight to the guards? No one voiced objection.

“Based on the results of the investigation so far, let’s discuss how to disguise them and hide them.”

The meeting lasted about an hour.

First of all, I restored my dyed white hair to black and took off the circle lenses.

And I used a special artifact to significantly reduce my physique.

My height, which was not short at 177, was shaved off by 20cm, but I couldn’t help it because there was information that an adult man who looked moderately strong would not touch it. Even the name Lee Soo-hyun was a famous name in the slums, so there were people who recognized me…

“Is this coming back?”

“Even if you don’t want to come back, don’t worry because it will come back in time.”

-Puhahahaha! Suhyun has gotten smaller! Now the height difference between me and me is not much!

“Ryaoueng, do you know how to speak Korean?”

Liu Ying’s pupils shook slowly.

“From now on, no matter how fluent you are, you have to speak in Korean. I can’t tell you that you’re strong enough to communicate your thoughts with mana.”

“Take care.”

“Eat this.”

“what is that?”

Ha-yeon handed me something like a pill.

“It’s a pill with a location tracker. I made it purely mechanically because I was worried that the artifact might catch it if I made it with my ability. It will come out of the body in about a week, so don’t worry too much.”


The Heavenly Demon will remove it if it seems to remain for a long time.

“Eat Liaueng too.”


I swallowed the pill and drank water.

“Then, from now on, the experienced guards will disguise you.”

“Even if it’s a disguise, there’s nothing big about it. It just makes you look poor.”

After changing her hair back to black, taking out the circle lenses, and changing into old, shabby clothes, she put some dust on her so that she could look like a real beggar.

To be honest, I look more pitiful now than when I first met Sahyun.

“It’s perfect. I really feel sorry for them. They’re like brother and sister.”

“Am I your sister?”

“It seems that way.”


As Liu Ying began to speak Korean, her words decreased dramatically.

Perhaps if he had spoken in Chinese, he would have spoken much longer.

“Wouldn’t it be better to infiltrate Hyeon-soo rather than me? Liu… I’m more compatible with Liu-eng, and I’ll do a better job of acting as brother and sister.”

“I think that would be great.”

“Are you going with Hyeonsu? Yay!”

Did I really have to add the word yaho?

“Is there anything more you can do?”

“There are still a lot. You can read memories, so you have to use the ability to show fake memories, and you have to learn the gestures of a real beggar.”

“Who are you learning it from?”

“Learn from real beggars.”

Following Ha-yeon’s gaze, I turned my head and saw a man who looked like he had just come out of the slums, looking at us tremblingly.

“Teach me well.”

“Yes! I see!”

When Ha-yeon glared at the man, the man fell flat on the floor.

“Beggars, do you have to say everything?”

“It’s not like that. It’s just my tone.”

“Huh, sorry.”

Since Hyeon-soo was the one to infiltrate anyway, he handed over the consciousness to Hyeon-soo and left for the world of consciousness.

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