112 – Karma settlement-4

My body shuddered.

All wounds were healed, but I still felt a tingling sensation in my face and stomach.

“You played hard.”

“I don’t think it’s unreasonable to see it as an argument…”

In fact, I was treated like a toy and I had fun playing alone with Wolha.

I play so much that trauma remains in my head, so I stick to the Heavenly Demon and can’t fall.

“Ahae is so cute, I guess I’ll have to ask for advice later.”

“Don’t be scary!”

“Why is that, Knight-nim, I hope you enjoyed it too.”

What do you enjoy, you crazy bitch…

I avoided Wolha who was sitting to my right and attached to the Heavenly Demon.

‘When did these guys become close again?’

He passed out after being bullied to the fullest by Wolha, and woke up the next day.

“When will you and Hayeon get married?”

“If you ask me, how would I know? Seeing that they haven’t come yet, it must be that they haven’t come because there’s a reason they’re late. I understand how you want to see your younger siblings, but sometimes you have to know how to wait quietly.”

‘Ask me where Liu Ying is.’

“Where is Liu Ying?”

“I’ve been fighting with the people here for a while. They’re fighting like breaking the seal, but the people in Wolhane say they’re all kind, so they’ll accept it.”

“You’re welcome.”

Do the two of you get along well?

“Shouldn’t we resume training now? Lee Hyeon-soo should practice mana control, and Aha-do should clear the next stage.”

“Sometimes I think what’s the point if I become stronger?”

Even if I become stronger anyway, there is nothing I can do.

“Tell me in peace, I’ll let the principal listen to Ahae.”

“When I was young, being strong meant something to me. Even when I was with Ha-yeon, I was able to help because I had some strength, and Wol-ha’s escort would have been absolutely impossible without my strength.”

“Do you feel different these days?”

He nodded lightly.

“Until I met Ha-yeon and Wol-ha, I lived with my own pride. How many non-Awakened people in the world can fight and defeat a D-class Awakened? I’m a non-Awakened, but I’ve lived my life boasting that I’m strong. But, I saw Ha-yeon and Wol-ha again. While meeting, I wondered what the meaning of my power was. Of course, it wasn’t meaningless at all, but I thought that there would be a limit if I became stronger here, and of course, I developed a personality of a hyeonsu and discovered a small amount of mana, fighting style. I tried hard while trying to change the , but so far it’s not realistic.”

It’s been quite a while since then, but it’s absolutely not a skill you would use in battle.

“But it was fine until now. I trained hard and worked hard to become even a little stronger.”

By the way.

“Seeing Liu Ying broke my will.”

Liu Ying is my complete upward compatibility.

Even though they are non-awakened, Liu Ying is a very strong person, and compared to her, I am just an ordinary person.

“If you train for a long time, you will be able to reach the same level as Liu Ying.”

“And in the meantime, Liu Ying will go further.”

In fact, this simple thing was not the problem.

“No matter how strong I become. Liu Ying is the limit.”

“If Ahae doesn’t awaken his ability, that’s definitely the limit.”

“I’ll ask you guys, do you think there’s a big difference between me being where I am now and being as strong as Liu Ying?”

There are only a few S-class Awakeners around me, but my powerlessness has no meaning among these humans anyway.

Even if I was as weak as an ordinary person who hadn’t trained at all, the Heavenly Demon would easily protect me, and even if I were as strong as Liu Ying, there wouldn’t be much of a difference.


Wolha opened her mouth at the Heavenly Demon’s decisive word, but then closed it again.

“That’s why I’m thinking about it. It’s because there’s no point in increasing my strength anymore. It’s okay to exercise regularly to maintain your current strength, but I’m skeptical about trying to become stronger.”

“I understand. There is a really, really high wall in front of Ahae, but even if you cross that wall, there is no reward.”

Silence enveloped us.

“I feel like the atmosphere has gotten too heavy, but that doesn’t mean I’ve lost the meaning of life or that I’m suffering from a great sense of doubt. I just feel that I don’t need to sharpen my saber anymore.”

“If Ahae thinks so, I won’t force him to practice anymore.”

“Sometimes you talk like you’ve been forced to.”

“Then, what would you like to do next, Knight?”

Well, what should I do?

“What to do, what to do, just live a normal life, I’m not a person crazy about battles.

Still, it’s a little bit sad.

It was as if all the hard work that had been built up until now was in vain.

“Did you just make the atmosphere heavy?”

“No. It was a valuable time to listen to Ahae’s inner thoughts.”

I stared at the Heavenly Demon’s face.

Come to think of it, how strong is the Heavenly Demon?

“Did you say you felt free too?”

“I can’t say I don’t feel it.”

“How strong are you, Heavenly Demon?”

The Heavenly Demon smiled lightly.

“It’s not as strong as Ahae thought. It’s just that S-class Awakeners handle Mana well. If it wasn’t Mana, it would have been stronger than it is now, but it’s not that strong now.”

“Stop talking and tell me.”

I pushed my face into the Heavenly Demon’s face and looked straight into her eyes, and the Heavenly Demon kissed my cheek.

Looking at the Heavenly Demon with a blank expression, he replied calmly with a smile on his eyes.

“It’s Ahae’s fault. If you tempt me like that, even I can’t stand it.”

“It’s okay, don’t you keep talking?”

“I do not know either.”

There was seriousness between the mischievous eyes.

“Strength is a concept that cannot be quantified.”

“Still, can’t you tell me roughly?”

“It would be a good fight if three of the strongest Sword Demons after me in the Heavenly Demon Church attack me at the same time. Do you think it would be a good fight?”

I shook my head.

“Strength is always a relative thing. Of course, I think it’s close to impossible to find someone stronger than me, even if I search the entire globe, but I can’t tell you exactly how strong I am.

“You’re weaker than I thought, I expected the answer that you would win even if you fought against the midfielder.”

The Heavenly Demon smiled lightly.

“That’s impossible. I don’t know if I fight with other midfielders except for my disciples, but right now there are so many outstanding disciples. Even if the Swordsman, the Swordsman, and two S-class Awakened members of the Heavenly Demon Church attack right now, we can’t guarantee victory easily.”

It’s only to the extent that three people who are far superior to a normal S-class awakener and a similar S-class awakener have to attack to become opponents…

‘It’s definitely very strong.’

If you are next to the Heavenly Demon, no crisis will come.

‘It’s getting a bit lonely for some reason.’

“Why are you obsessed with my strength?”

“I was just curious. I wondered if a crisis could come to you.”

“It’s a crisis, of course it can come.”

The Heavenly Demon gently stroked my cheek.

“It’s not going to be long. Even if Ahae just said one word to me right here and with sincere contempt, my heart would be shattered.”

“no way…”

“You think it’s a joke?”

The Heavenly Demon looked at me with a mixture of mischief and seriousness.

“I achieved the only goal I wanted to achieve in this world so easily, and there is only one thing left for me.”

The Heavenly Demon’s fingers pinched my cheeks.

“I don’t think I can survive no matter how much I am abandoned by such a child. It’s the same as Liu Ying, who said that if Lee Hyeon-soo is gone, he will run out of control. The moment I get sincere hatred from him, I’ll probably be ruined.”

“… what if it breaks?”

“First of all, I’ll be very attached to Ahae, I’ll beg you to forgive me for not doing well, I’ll beg you to forgive me, throw away the pride of the Heavenly Demon and everything. If Ahae pretends to forgive me on the outside, it’s really fortunate…”

I gulped and swallowed.

“Otherwise, I don’t know how I will change. Like Li Ung-ying said, I could cut off my limbs and lock myself up somewhere, I could leave Ahae alone and commit suicide, maybe I could live a life of devastation, thinking only of Ahae for the rest of my life. .”

Contrary to the heavy story, the Heavenly Demon had a smile in her eyes.

“Do not take this as a threat. I will do my best not to incur Ahae’s wrath. I will never let Ahae disappoint me.”

The Heavenly Demon’s hand caressing my cheek felt somehow hot.

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