109 – Karma liquidation-1

– Kiki Iik

When I carefully opened the door and entered, I saw the Heavenly Demon and his younger siblings sitting on the sofa.

“Have you come?”

“”Brother, are you here?””

The three of them spoke at the same time.

I felt like I would be in trouble if I stayed still, so I quickly went and stood in front of the sofa.

‘uh? I must have heard a younger voice?’

A woman with green hair and self-confidence was sitting in the seat where the younger person was supposed to be sitting, so I was dumbfounded for a moment, but soon realized that it was the younger person.

Only the color of her hair and eyes changed, but everything else was the same as her younger self.

I thought I noticed it pretty early, but it seemed like I noticed it too late for the kids to see.

“Brother? You didn’t recognize me because I changed the color of my hair, did you?”

“It’s disappointing to say that you’re an older brother who can’t even recognize your younger sister’s face.”

“I’m disappointed, brother.”

As soon as the younger said a word, the other two immediately brought arrows of criticism at me.

He was crouched down by the mind-boggling combo attack and made the bare minimum of excuses.

“No… It was because I was embarrassed when I suddenly dyed my hair.”

“Because it’s not dyed? This is originally my hair, and the fact that it’s been white up until now is dyed.”

“You don’t even recognize that, you don’t deserve an older brother. Ahahahaha.”

“That’s right. Brother, how can you not recognize your younger brother?”

It seems that he is more angry than he thought.

Let’s get down on our knees for a moment.


“What did you do wrong?”

“You didn’t recognize the younger one at once?”

“You don’t think we’re really mad about that, do you?”

Ha Yeon-yi said with a grim smile.

“Sorry, I didn’t even talk to you guys and handed myself over to Hyeon-soo on my own… It wasn’t just a day or two, it was almost a week…”

‘You look good, son of a bitch!’

You’re kind of shut up.

“You know what I’m not good at though.”

“I’m angry that I haven’t seen my older brother for a week, but I’m even more angry that he hasn’t said a word to us. You could have said something.”

“That’s right, ahahahaha. They’re younger siblings who have been with you for a long time. Can you tell me what you think?”

“I’m so sorry, how can I be forgiven?”

“Come up at once.”

The Heavenly Demon got up and left.

“Then, as promised, I’ll leave for now. Let’s spend some time with each other.”


Seeing the kids greet each other warmly, it seems like we’ve gotten to know each other a lot. There is no reluctance on the face.

When I entered the empty space where the Heavenly Demon escaped, Ha-yeon and Yeon-ha came close to each other.

It was a little uncomfortable, but I’m not in a position to complain right now. Sitting quietly, he hugged me and his younger sister.

“Please tell me where you go from now on. Do you know how shocking it is to hear from someone else that you won’t be able to see your brother for a while?”

“Do not disappear for as long as possible.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry.”

Should I say I’m lucky? He doesn’t seem to feel anger so great that he wants to kill me right away.

As we hugged each other tightly, shared warmth, and talked about non-poems, night came before we knew it.

“I want to stay longer, but I made a promise with Heavenly Demon-nim. For now, today ends here.”

Yeonha and Hayeon got up at the same time and quickly entered the room.

‘Did I really need to leave so quickly?’

As soon as I thought, I felt the touch of something wrapping around my body.

“I missed you ahahahaha.”

When I lowered my head slightly, I saw the Heavenly Demon holding me from below.

The Heavenly Demon slowly climbed up and met my eyes.

“I haven’t seen those eyes in a really long time.”

It was less than a week at most, but it must have felt quite long to the Heavenly Demon. Because I grumbled that we would meet once a day normally, but it had been a long time since we met.

“From now on, we can continue to be together. After all the work is finished. If we want to, we can leave for Ahae’s city tomorrow.”

“This is our city…”

It’s been too long.

After being in Mir for a while, I came to the Heavenly Demon Church without even having time to visit our city properly.

I’ve adapted to living in a foreign country to some extent, but there’s nothing as comfortable as my city.

There is a boss who raised me, and there is also Wolha.

‘…Wait a minute?’

My body stiffened at the sudden misery.

It seems like it’s been almost a month since we haven’t seen each other… Wouldn’t the aftereffects be huge when we meet again?

Suddenly I didn’t want to go to my city.

It’s not that I don’t like seeing Wol-ha… It’s a bit scary.

‘Come to think of it, I think I was grinding my teeth because I couldn’t even play the concept I promised the other day…’

“Can’t we go later for another week?”

“Why? I’m worried about Hyeonsu and Liuying, but? It’s okay. I’ll take Liuying with me.”

“No, it’s not like that…”

“Ahahahaha. Karma is a law that the more you delay the original liquidation period, the bigger it gets.”

“Are you talking about wandering around Murim?”

“No, it is Ahae’s future.”

Yeah… because I wasn’t good at it. You can just clear up the karma first and start over.

“Don’t worry too much. Ai Wolhara is also a woman who likes Ahae. I won’t do anything too harsh.”

“I’m afraid I’ll do something too harsh…”

“What are you worried about if you don’t die?”

I’m sure he won’t die, but…

“Haa… I just sighed for no reason.”


I moved right away as the Heavenly Demon said.

When they came, they came in the hands of the Heavenly Demon, but when they left, they were carried by Ha-Yeon, but Yeon-Ha and Liu-Ying were carried by the Sword Demon.

It was like returning to my hometown after living in a foreign country, but just thinking about the reunion with Wol-ha made me choke.

If you clear up your karma once, you will naturally treat Wol-ha after that, but is meeting for the first time a problem?

In my mind, I wanted to shake off Ha-yeon’s hand and fall into the sea.

“Don’t worry too much. The time given to that bitch will be only one night anyway.”

Are you not at all worried about what will happen to your brother during that night, younger brother?

As I sighed deeply and flew away, I saw the land before I knew it.

It will probably fly to our city soon.

My expectations were correct and we arrived in our city not too long ago.

Ha-yeon came forward and talked to the guards, and the damned guards would have forgotten Ha-yeon’s face if they hadn’t seen her for a month, but they recognized Ha-yeon right away and opened the door.

“Hayeon and I will report to the guild leader, so go to Wolha’s house first and wait for us.”


As I trudged along with a heavy heart, the Heavenly Demon followed me by my side.

“Does Wolhara know of my existence?”

“I don’t think you know? I remember that you moved after reporting your existence to the guild leader.”

“It’s too bad.”

The Heavenly Demon closed her mouth.

“What were you going to do if you didn’t know?”

“I was going to take Ahae and play the golden sun. If I put my arms around her shoulders and licked her cheek and told her how delicious it was, her expression would have been nice to see.

Just looking at it, even the Heavenly Demon seems crazy…

“I’m leaving now. I’m going to see the city with Liu Ying, so for the rest of the day, I’ll spend the day with Wol-Hara.”


As soon as he reached the building under the moon through the darkness, the Heavenly Demon took Liu Ying and ran.

It was so fast that in the blink of an eye it had already disappeared among the people.


He took a deep breath and entered the building.

Did he already know that we came back with Ha-yeon’s energy? I hadn’t prepared my mind at all yet, but Wolha was looking at me from the entrance of the building.

“Oh…long time no see?”

“Yes, it’s been a while.”

Wolha smiled softly.

What should I say? It wasn’t a particularly angry expression. He was looking at me with a face as if he had suddenly won an unexpected lottery.

“I thought I’d never see you again, driver.”

“I’m sorry, it’s been too long since I’ve been back?”

“No. It’s because I have work, so I can’t express my dissatisfaction.”

I would have been more comfortable if I had been angry, but since he was smiling softly, I was rather anxious.

“Where are the others? Even though Ha-yeon and Yeon-ha went to meet the guild leader, I heard they met someone new in Mir?”

“Today, I went somewhere else to spend time with you.”


The smile that formed on the corners of Moonha’s lips grew a little thicker.

In that smile, I could see a desire that I hadn’t seen before.

“It’s fortunate. It was possible to endure without seeing the driver, but meeting him like this made me full of desire. If I had taken more time, I would have been in real trouble.”

Wolha grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the elevator.

“You don’t need to prepare your mind, right? You should have known that this would happen.”

no! I didn’t know! I didn’t expect it to be dragged around like this!

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