101 – Lee Hyun-soo-6

Liu Ying’s eyes wandered and swayed wildly, which was very nice to see.

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Normally, even if I teased her, she would start joking around and start bickering with each other, but since her guilt towards me was at its maximum, it was pretty cute to see Liu Ying, who couldn’t reply and only dealt with.

“But I can’t help it. No matter how bad it is, even if it’s the only food you have, you should enjoy it.

I opened the food stored in the can right away and ate a little.

Fortunately, it didn’t seem to go bad, and the taste of seasoned gin was strong.

“It definitely has a stronger taste of seasoned gin than natural taste. It must have been food for a lower class like me.”

Liu Ying’s expression quickly turned into tears, which was quite worth seeing.

When time passes and the guilt fades, you won’t see it again, so let’s enjoy it for now.

“It doesn’t look bad, so let’s eat this at least. Oh, my sister can’t eat this because it’s not tasty?

-You’re doing it on purpose!

Is it because I was so ignorant that I only pushed dill? got caught up soon

It’s okay though.

“Uh, it’s on purpose. I’m so angry with my sister, I don’t think I’ll be able to get my anger out if I don’t resolve it like this.”

If you respond like this, Liu Ying will have nothing to say.

Look, you just shut your mouth and stare.

“Let’s eat some rice.”

There was no rice made from rice, but there was food that felt similar to rice because it was a part of the monster’s body.

There is no way to heat it up, so let’s use Liu Ying, which can be used in a natural microwave oven.

Rice was placed on Liu Ying’s head.

-What’re you doing?

“I thought I was very angry, so I wanted to warm up.”

– Does that make sense!

Liu Ying answered comfortably, probably because he adjusted his sharp tone and joked gently.

Because I can’t fight forever.

“Can’t you heat it with mana?


As Liu Ying held the rice tightly in her hand, the rice quickly became hot.

What the hell can’t you do with mana?

After picking up a spoon from the neighborhood, I mixed the monster meat with rice and ate it.

It was a taste that couldn’t be said to be delicious even with empty words, but it wasn’t so disgusting that I couldn’t get it into my mouth.

If you tell me to eat normally, I won’t eat it, but if I want to live, I can’t eat anything.

While eating, I looked up and saw that Liu Ying was eating in the same position as me.

“What are you going to do after you finish eating?”

-We’ll get rid of the zombies after we get into the center a little bit, because the zombies on the outskirts aren’t a big threat.

“Why not pose a threat? Can you kill the monsters before they get to the center?”

Liu Ying immediately nodded.

-Because the zombie’s physical abilities didn’t seem to have much difference compared to when they were alive. Even a zombie made of a well-preserved corpse wouldn’t be able to jump to the center easily.

“I’ll only catch zombies for a while.”

-right. Because it doesn’t look like a small city.

As Liu Ying said, this was a fairly large city.

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No matter how much I turned my gaze left and right, I could not see the end of the city, and since there were many traces of large buildings in the center, I could guess that the size of this city was similar to or larger than Sol.

-hehehehe, from now on you will have to be careful with your sister. Because I who keep swinging my fists will become more and more violent.

“I’m f*cking very…”

-Puhahahaha! It’s funny.

What the hell is so funny about this prank? If you’d rather just laugh and laugh, I’ll understand. People’s tastes are diverse, and there will be people who actually accept gags as fun.

But what’s so funny about spitting out lines like that?

-I said it like a joke, but you really have to be careful! I don’t know what will happen if I keep killing zombies because my mentality isn’t good right now.

“You’re not going to kill me, are you?”

– Of course, no matter how mentally it explodes, at least it will be possible to distinguish. Instead, if your mentality explodes, there is a high probability that you will just fight without caring about your safety. you have to hide somewhere

“Is there any way to fix the mental?”

-If you receive periodic injections of aegyo from your younger brother, it will take a lot less time to reach a mental level!

“What aegyo at this age.”

– You are one year old.

“I mean. How does a one-year-old do cute things?”

mind! Have you ever seen a one-year-old baby do cute things?

-If you put it that way, a one-year-old can’t speak, but you can.

“I don’t know. Anyway, I can’t act cute to my sister, so give it up.”

-Huh… I wanted to see Hyeonsu’s aegyo.

Why the hell do you want to see male aegyo? Liu Ying congratulated and stretched.

-Still, does this work?

Liu Ying hugged me tightly.

– Ahh, it makes me feel better. It feels like my mentality is recovering quickly.

“What kind of mental recovery is it with just being hugged?”

-In this situation, you don’t know how much of a share your younger sister is taking on your older sister, right? If you hadn’t had your brother, you probably would have destroyed everything.

“I hope so.”

– Do you think it’s a lie?

Liu Ying looked up at me with a calm gaze.

-I told you earlier that when your mentality explodes, your riotous spirit grows thicker.

“Do you have the power to pulverize a city?”

-That’s what it says!

As we ate while talking, before we knew it, we emptied the whole bowl of air.

– I ate well. It’s tasteless, but it’s really good food to fill your stomach.

“As expected, sister-in-law doesn’t like the taste. I…”

– I told you to stop now!

Liu Ying beans my head! and hit

My head was spinning for an instant at how strong the power emanating from the small fists was.

-I think you’re misunderstanding something. No matter how much I’m a disciple of the Heavenly Demon, I don’t always eat good and delicious food, right? Also, like you said, before Heavenly Demon-nim lavished Jungwon, I ate raw monster meat.

“Are you just teasing me? Are you reacting so violently? My sister plays pranks on me too. That’s why I was joking too. Do you really think that noona always eats delicacies and can’t even eat cheap food?”

-I thought you might be able to do that.

“No, what did I say?”

– He’s just a kid, only one year old. I thought you might be mistaken about me and think your own way.

Let’s say it with a mouth full of lies and mischievous smiles. there is no truth

“Yes, I am a 21-year-old woman.”

– I told you not to call me Auntie.

Liu Ying looked at me with ferocious eyes.

Even though I knew it was a joke, it was so full of pressure that it gave me goosebumps, but I couldn’t give in here.

-Why on earth do you call a young girl like me a lady?

“When I’m your age, you’ll be 41.”

Liu Ying kept her mouth shut, probably because she expressed it in numbers.

“Stop talking about my age and let’s go catch zombies. We have to work diligently to catch them. We want to get out of this city as soon as possible.”

– I agree.

I left the building with Liu Ying.

There were no zombies nearby, but when I looked toward the center, there were quite a few zombies roaming the road.

-I didn’t intend to entrust my younger brother with the task of using strength, but there are too many of them. Shall we split up to catch zombies and get back together here?

“Yeah, I don’t mind either.”

I don’t have the confidence to catch it as fast as Liu Ying, but I was able to deal with a few zombies.

– When a dangerous situation comes, you have to scream quickly. I can check my brother’s presence, but I have to quickly join him in a crisis situation.

“Don’t worry too much, I’m weaker than you, I’m pretty strong too, right?”

Excluding the people of the Heavenly Demon Faith, they are probably the strongest among non-awakened people.

-If you were strong, how strong would you be? Call me right away if it looks a bit dangerous, run away unconditionally when a monster appears, and only catch zombies.

“Okay. I won’t do anything dangerous, so feel free to kill zombies.”

-Then see you later.

Liu Ying ran to the other side of where I was standing.

I couldn’t stand still, so I walked in the opposite direction from where Liu Ying had run. To be precise, it’s not the other way round, but it’s about 120 degrees. There’s no point in going outside.

Zombies didn’t appear even after walking for close to 5 minutes, as if all the zombies were concentrated in the center.

Occasionally I saw completely mangled corpses, but the zombies were still far away.

‘It would take time to return if I went further…’

Is there any way to attract zombies? I saw a truck of the right size in front of my eyes.

By the way, they sell roasted sweet potatoes

‘That’s it!’

I went straight to the truck.

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