[188] Public Recruitment

After the announcement of the new material, articles about the second son of the Daehan Group, Ha Jin-ik, went up again.

People were shocked at the news that they had been arrested on various charges, including drugs, kidnapping teachers, and murder teachers.

And he frowned at the news that he was trying to kidnap Shin Ae-ra, the wife of Lee Si-woo.

– Did you mean to kill your brother? Wow… I’m not crazy. Is it because he’s a drug addict?

Most of the comments on the article were criticizing Ha Ji-ik.

Ha Jun-cheol, the head of the Korean group, held an article conference and announced his apology.

And the news that Ha Jin-ik, a criminal, was expelled from the group’s ranks, quickly silenced public opinion.

“It is rewarding to have time. That’s right, this chief?”

“I wonder if it was necessary to give it this much time.”

“It would be convenient to think of it as creating a debt to Korea. After all, if the relationship with Korea deteriorates, it will inevitably affect Nuri and Gangdong.”

“Oh, did you hear the news? CEO Ha Jin-seo stepped forward. It is said that he accepted the position of chairman of Daehan Steel.”

“I expected it. My eyes lit up when I talked about recycling.”

“ah… Have you even seen anything like that?”

“When you talk about something you are interested in, it is hidden behind the scenes. The Daehan group will develop. I’m going to go back to the CEO Ha Jin-seo system.”

Unfortunately, unlike Ha Jin-ik, Ha Ha-jin was a person who could communicate in many ways.

If he had tried to wrap Ha Ji-ik and return, Si-woo Lee would have attacked Daehan without any regrets.

“Stop talking about CEO Ha Jin-seo. Are you ready for a plan to dispose of marine waste?”

“yes. Currently, the Strategic Secretariat is working on a plan in various ways. We may have to use all the KRW 1 trillion invested in green energy tightly.”

Unlike the previous businesses, it was quite large.

First of all, a huge amount of money was needed to build a crushing plant to be built on each beach.

And instead of one such shredding plant, more than ten had to be built.

“A portion of the 1 trillion won should be returned to the funds for manpower expansion in Boseong. I don’t trust other builders.”

“Anyway, we are constantly looking for a point of agreement with Boseong.”

It was necessary to spend a huge amount of money to select an area for the base of the Nuri crushing plant and to purchase the site.

In addition, there was too much money to be paid for the change of use and the smooth construction of waste.

“Go slow. Even if there is a limit to starting with one of 100 things.”

“All right.”

“It’s not something that can be finished quickly. It will take at least four years to build the infrastructure and facilities.”

The marine waste treatment plan had not yet begun.

I had work to do before I got too busy.

“The preparations for the public recruitment are going well, aren’t they?”

“There is only about a week left, so the staff are working hard to prepare. There were over 100,000 applications for open recruitment alone.”

The number of recruits enjoyed this time was quite large.

It was decided to select 10,000 people and it was a 10 to 1 competition.

Selection of additional personnel such as scrap metal, landscaping, waste, accounting, human resources, etc.

Numerous resumes were submitted to Nuri in various occupations.

“If there are many people with special backgrounds or talents during the interview process, please tell each representative that it is okay to increase the number of people hired.”

Of the 100,000 people, I had to go through 30,000 interviews in the first application.

The representatives of each affiliate decided to conduct an interview with the specialty stated in the document.

Interviews will be held at the crushing plant, incineration plant, Nuri Jojo, and Nuri Steel, respectively.

“Yes, Chairman.”

“Then, have a good time at work. Do you have any plans today?”

“yes. I don’t have an appointment for today. You just need to review the documents today.”

“The review of documents is also delayed. Do you know what day it is?”

“Why do I not know?”

When April came, Si-Woo Lee always felt fresh.

Because it was when my father passed away.

He has grown Nuri this much with the foundation he has handed down.

Now I could speak to my father a little more proudly.

The son you were worried about is now the head of a full-fledged company.

I wanted to say that the foundations I have built throughout my life have been of great help to my son.

This year seemed really crazy.

So Si-woo Lee wanted to go to his father in advance and say hello.

“I’m here!”

At that moment, the door to the representative room opened and Shin Ae-ra entered with a bright smile.

Then he raised his hand.

Shin Ae-ra, who is now one family, could not miss a day like today.

After entrusting Kang Dong to Won Jae-joon and finishing her work early, she appeared in neat attire.

“I’m here?”

“On a day like today, the daughter-in-law of the Lee family should not be late. Lawyer Shin Woo-cheol hasn’t come yet?”

“I got a call saying you were leaving from Halla.”

“Ah, among the candidates who submitted the documents this time, there was also the eldest daughter of lawyer Shin Woo-cheol. Did you check?”

“yes? Are you a water lily?”

“Did Suran also submit the documents? Didn’t lawyer Shin tell you in advance?”

“I didn’t hear it. I haven’t even heard from Director Jin.”

Since so many resumes came in, Gangdong also reviewed some of them.

Because Nuri can’t review so many documents by herself.

It seems that the resumes of the Shin Su-ryun and Shin Su-ran sisters could not be checked because they went to Gangdong.

As the two were having a conversation, Woo-cheol Shin and Eun-soo Jin, who had just arrived, entered the representative room.

“Uncle, did you know that Su-ryun and Suran submitted the documents?”

“yes. I submitted it with permission from me and this person.”

“Then why do you say… … .”

Shin Woo-cheol looked at his bewildered expression and then looked at Jin Eun-soo.

They did not say because they were afraid that Siwoo Lee would be accepted because they were their daughter.

This was Jin’s argument.

“I dried it. Su-ryun and Suran want to pass Nuri on their own.”

“… okay.”

“Even if the CEO and wife don’t come, I’m diligently preparing for the interview right now, so I’m sure I’ll do well.”

“I know. Are you ready?”

“yes. I have come prepared.”

Si-woo Lee and his party came back to the office after returning from Dowoon Lee’s death earlier than usual.

The ossuary was right in front of you.

“Uncle, let’s have dinner together tonight.”

“Is that so? I just finished work today, so I have plenty of time.”

Jin Eun-soo, who was standing next to Shin Woo-cheol, shook his head.

“I have a lot of work to do, Chairman.”

“… Is it because you are preparing for an interview?”

“It’s something we need to pay attention to in a number of ways. It’s overtime today, so take care of yourself and eat, honey.”

For a month, Jin Eun-soo worked overtime over and over again.

Recruiting new recruits was that important.

Shin Woo-cheol told Lee Si-woo that he was working overtime today as well.

“Siwoo, isn’t your aunt making you work too hard?”

“I’m sorry about that.”

“Seeing this person’s face for a month is the most difficult. Reduce your work.”

Jin Eun-soo frowned at Shin Woo-cheol’s grumbling words.

“Don’t say anything useless and go, the CEO of Halla Law Firm.”

“What if I care?”

“I will do my job. And even if the president reduces the work, there is a lot of work to be done.”

“Okay. Let’s have dinner after the job interview. I’m going!”

Ishiu scratched his head as he hurriedly left the seat before hearing more nagging.

“Director Jin, is there a shortage of manpower?”

“The person who has to make the final payment must be busy.”

“Still, take it easy. I’ll give you a vacation once this job is over. Spend some time with your uncle.”

“It’s a face I’ve seen for over 30 years. I will decline the vacation.”

After saying those words, Eunsoo Jin headed to the changing room to change clothes.

* * *

Public recruitment has begun.

Those who enter as interviewers for the recruitment are fixed.

Representatives and executives of each affiliate decided to take responsibility for the interview, and Si-woo Lee headed to the conference hall, which was turned into an interview room on the same day.

“Are you here?”

“It’s different to see you in this way, you two.”

Lee Mu-yeol and Kim Seo-hwan were also included in the interviewers to follow Lee Si-woo to select the employees to work at the headquarters.

It was a place where all the managers of the Strategic Secretariat were dispatched.

At the appearance of Si-Woo Lee, those who will act as interviewers bowed their heads.

“Let’s start. Everyone, please go to your seats.”

When Si-woo Lee sat in the designated seat, the rest of them also headed to their respective seats.

A total of five interview rooms were temporarily set up in the conference hall.

The head office employs 3,000 people.

And there are 500 people who need to be interviewed today.

The interview schedule was expected to take two weeks.

Of course, if you conduct the interview quickly, you can minimize the schedule.

But I didn’t want to do that.

If you have a more thorough and detailed interview, you will not have any problems later.

The five interviewees who entered for the first time entered the room with determined expressions.

Standing in front of Siwoo Lee were young men.

Si-woo Lee, who was looking through the documents of the five test takers, showed an interesting expression.

“Mr. Kim Jun-won?”

“yes! Interview number 1, Kim Jun-won.”

“Nice to meet you. My name is Siwoo Lee, the CEO of Nuri Recycling.”

In general, it was rare for the CEO of a company to come out and interview in person.

Executives in charge of practical work came forward and led the interview.

Upon hearing Siwoo Lee’s name, Wonjun Kim and interviewees were surprised.

“You have a unique background. You said you were doing business by upcycling until last year.”

“ah! yes! I was in the business of making bags and other items from discarded haenyeo clothes or firefighter clothes.”

“Then why do you want to quit your business and get a job?”

Kim Won-jun swallowed his saliva.

In fact, it wasn’t even a business.

However, I thought that other problems were bigger than profits.

“My dream was to be a firefighter. However, he had to give up his dream because he suffered from congenital heart disease. There are many firefighters who die every year. Many people also suffer from burns, traumatic stress, and others. I wanted to advance my business and improve the treatment of firefighters.”

But there was very little an individual could do.

Even if they used 30% of their income for firefighters, it did not cover the pain they suffered.

“okay. But if you want to improve the treatment of firefighters, what is the reason you want to get a job at Nuri?”

In fact, the recycling companies have not reached the level that can be said to be a large company.

It was because Nuri was almost the only one in the ranks of large corporations.

I wanted to realize my dream in a company that I know well rather than a company that does not know about upcycling.

“I think Nuri’s image has been formed very well. The president’s follow-up treatment of innocent people is setting a good example for people.”

“So… I mean, I want to get a job at Nuri and improve the treatment of firefighters.”

“We know that a company is not a charitable organization. However, I think Nuri’s image will be better if they make products with firefighters’ clothes and other items and return a small amount of the profits to the firefighters.”

It was an interesting story.

In fact, Siwoo Lee has been moving in all directions for the purpose of giving back to society.

I don’t know from the outside, but Nuri has made a lot of donations for the growth and development of the village, and Nuri has been trying to cover the cost of building the streets.

“It’s an interesting business item.”

“My dream is to create a design brand only in Korea. I want to get a job at Nuri and work hard for my dream.”

Upon hearing Kim Won-jun’s last words, Si-woo Lee smiled faintly.

They are elites in various fields and with ideas different from their own.

Young people with business items that they had never thought of were desperately needed.

“The next Mr. Hong Cha-yeon?”

“yes. The second interview is called Cha-yeon Hong.”

“Hmm, I see you went to college with a steel-related department? But may I ask why you submitted your interview to Nuri?”

The reason was simple.

Because Gangdong is not hiring.

I had already missed the hiring period, so I came to Nuri, who I thought was one with Kang Dong, for an interview.

At Hong Cha-yeon’s simple answer, Lee Si-woo laughed.

“Have you ever worked at Hanyeo Steel’s research institute?”

“yes. I have worked as an apprentice researcher for a year.”

“Did you not go up to full-time staff?”

“… It’s a shame, but I didn’t want to waste my life at Hanyeo Works. Money is good, but I left my job because I felt that my life was not worth living or dying while consuming my emotions.”

“If you could get a job as a researcher at a research institute, how would you feel?”

“If given the opportunity to work for Nuri and Gangdong, I will do my best for any job!”

At Hong Cha-yeon’s words, Lee Si-woo made wrinkles on his forehead.

“You don’t think you have to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the company, do you? I want employees who can love and love the company rather than employees who can be loyal to the company.”

Same word, but different words.

There was no need for a foolish employee who sacrificed himself for blind loyalty.

I wanted an employee who found it worthwhile to go to Nuri.

“There is a saying. Another saying ‘recruit people to work with you like a family’ is ‘recruit stupid people to work like a slave’. What do you think of this, President?”

Boldly, Lee Mu-yeol and Kim Seo-hwan laughed when they asked Si-woo Lee in reverse.

“That’s right. Saying ‘I’m different from other CEOs’ is equivalent to letting them go and making them work like slaves when they’re vigilant.”

“… … .”

“The company and its employees are people, not family. It’s good to love the company, but don’t act like it’s family. You must be completely a man to claim Hong Cha-yeon’s rights. The company is also making the precious sons and daughters of others work, so it must pay a certain price for it. That is my answer to Hong Cha-yeon’s question.”

Si-woo Lee, who smiled wryly, turned his gaze to the next test taker.

There were only 100 interviewees assigned to Siwoo Lee.

If there are people with strong values and special talents, it is better to just pass without asking detailed questions.

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