[158] Opposition to Association

At the request of Jin Eun-soo, the executives of Nuri gathered in one place and sat down with dissatisfied expressions.

Jin Eun-soo, who was saying something in front of them, sighed deeply.

“Are you going to change all the land of the CEO in the head office under the name of Nuri? Does this make sense?”

Kang Pil-joong, who spent the longest time with Lee Si-woo, protested and got up from his seat.

The land was not merely of monetary value.

Moon Jae-shin said with a bitter expression on Kang Pil-joong’s appearance.

“Are you going to return the land you already own in the name of Nuri?”

“I heard this from the CEO and objected, but he was very resolute.”

Although Nuri has grown, Siwoo Lee’s salary has not risen that much.

Even though Jin Eun-soo insisted on uploading it in a big way, Si-woo Lee did not accept it.

Rather, he went further and nailed it to absolutely no.

“The CEO’s salary is not going up, can we raise our salary?”

Kim Seol-hwa nodded strongly at the words of Lee Min-goo, who had just joined the group.

The salaries of other employees were rising, but the salaries of executives were almost frozen.

Although Siwoo Lee’s permission was dropped, the executives were restraining themselves from raising their salaries.

“Even if everything else is skipped, it is absolutely unacceptable to change the name of the land of Nuri headquarters.”

With Lee Si-woo’s ability, it was not difficult to buy a house in the Seoul area.

However, he is doing his best to grow the Nuri rather than making a fortune.

So, even if you make concessions a hundred times, it is absolutely unacceptable to change the title of the land to Nuri.

“Vice President, can you please persuade the President?”

“You have to convince me. It’s definitely not meant to be. What kind of land is that?”

It was the wealth that former CEO Do-woon Lee achieved through his lifelong efforts.

It was also the only legacy that he left intact to Siwoo Lee.

“I have to tell the CEO clearly this time. Not only the salary increase, but also the name of the land where the headquarters will be expanded should be in the name of the CEO.”

“Right. He said that he would rather reduce his fortune in a country where it would not be strange even if the representative’s fortune increased.”

If Lee Si-woo had been a representative who was greedy for wealth, he would not have said this.

He did not take care of his own interests to the point of being foolish.

In Nuri, Siwoo Lee was the best representative.

He didn’t look down on his employees and showed respect for everyone, no matter where they moved.

“You would change your mind if we were all against it.”

Everyone moved to the representative office where Siwoo Lee was working with a determined expression on his face.

They entered the representative room, led by Moon Jae-shin.

Si-woo Lee, who was looking at the documents, looked up at the sudden rush of executives.

“uh… Vice President?”

“CEO, I heard from Director Jin Eun-soo. Do you want to change the name of the land in the headquarters to the name of Nuri?”

“I decided that it would be good to combine the names of the land into one for the sake of expansion.”

“Then, not in the name of Nuri, but in the name of the CEO, even the land to be purchased this time.”

At the appearance of Moon Jae-shin, who insisted strongly, Lee Si-woo scratched his head with a troubled expression.

“I don’t have a fortune worth 2 billion won?”

“Are you taking this opportunity to raise the CEO’s salary?”

After all, I wanted to deal with everything that had been delayed until now.

When asked to raise his salary, Siwoo frowned slightly.

“Vice President.”

“I’ll be honest. As the CEO’s salaries are frozen, the salaries of executives are not increasing.”

“I must have signed the papers, right? To raise the salaries of executives by 20%.”

“If the CEO’s salary remains the same, how can our executives raise their salaries?”

Siwoo Lee thought that the people who suffered more than him were standing here.

So Jin Eun-soo did not object to the request for a raise, but approved it.

“… Does that mean that the payment on the paperwork a month ago has not been fulfilled yet?”

Jin Eun-soo said calmly at Lee Si-woo’s words.

“All the executives decided to freeze the salary unless the CEO’s salary goes up.”

“ha… … .”

“And the staff in the Strategic Secretariat made the same decisions as our executives.”

In the end, it meant that he would reject the proposal of raising Lee Si-woo’s salary unless he raises it.

Siwoo Lee raised both hands at the sight of them showing their determined eyes.

“I will surrender. I will do as the Vice President wishes.”

Moon Jae-shin, who stood dignifiedly like a general who won victory on the battlefield, nodded with a satisfied expression.

“We will keep the name of the land in our headquarters. However, I do not have enough money to name the land to be expanded in my name.”

“There is such a thing as dividends for the CEO.”

When the story of dividends came out, Siwoo Lee’s expression hardened.

Obviously, he told Jin Eun-soo to return his dividend back to Nuri’s funds.

“Would you have received all my dividends?”

“yes. I got them all.”

Jin Eun-soo looked at Lee Si-woo with a confident look.

It wasn’t that Nuri’s situation was so bad that it even touched the dividend.

So Jin Eun-soo broke the instructions and put the dividends one by one in another account.

“Are you keeping my dividends intact?”

“I piled it up in the CEO’s account. If there is money in the account, the name of the land to be expanded can be purchased in the name of the representative.”

For the past year, Eunsoo Jin has not used quarterly dividends.

As a result, a significant amount of money was saved in Siwoo Lee’s other account.

“Director Jin, I will definitely receive dividends and reinvest in Nuri… … .”

“It’s not that Nuri’s situation is bad enough to even touch the CEO’s dividend. How will I use the money that the representative should receive?”

Nuri Jojo, Nuri Steel, and Nuri Shredder each held more than 50% of the shares.

Dividends were received from these three affiliates, and the amount was by no means low.

“I am the finance director of Nuri, but I am also the person who keeps and maintains the CEO’s property.”

Siwoo Lee, who was scratching his head, bowed the whale.

Money was a material that was more greedy and coveted.

So, in the first place, Siwoo Lee did not intend to make a fortune.

The desire to have more money was a natural desire.

“like. We proceed according to the opinion of the deputy chief. My salary increase and the name of the land to be expanded for Nuri Steel’s headquarters are all.”

“All right.”

“only! When the operation of the company becomes difficult or the company is in serious financial trouble, the first thing I will do is reduce my salary.”

* * *

Lee Si-woo smiled at the sight of them coming in like high tide and exiting like low tide.

They eventually got what they wanted.

Moon Jae-shin would come forward to break the stubborn will of Si-woo Lee.

At least he doesn’t listen to the other directors, but he accepts everything Moon Jae-shin says if he can.

Moon Jae-shin was the biggest adult of this Nuri.

He was the only one who could stop him when he made the wrong choice.

Siwoo Lee got up from his seat and went to the window.

When I checked the time, it was already pointing to 4 o’clock.

“Tell Kim Jeong-nan to bring Employee Seon Woo-hyun, Team Manager Lee.”

[all right.]

As promised this morning, Siwoo Lee was scheduled to have a one-on-one face-to-face with the person to be promoted.

I had to decide whether it was okay to promote an employee after 6 months as a substitute, or whether it was a lack of people.

Kim Jeong-nan, who came into the representative office with a man working on the site as instructed by Si-woo Lee, bowed his head.

“Seonwoo-hyeon Temple?”

“yes! I am Seon Woo-hyun, CEO!”

“Director Kim Jong-Nan is free to leave.”

Seon Woo-hyun is 34 years old.

I was a little too old to come in as a freshman.

While checking his resume, Siwoo Lee discovered something unusual.

“How long have you been working in a bank as a white hacker?”

“yes. Since childhood, I wanted to be a hacker. I have put a lot of effort into becoming a hacker who helps people rather than a hacker who harms people.”

“Then why did you quit your job as a security guard at a bank and get a job as Nuri?”

Seon Woo-hyeon swallowed his saliva with a nervous expression at Lee Si-woo’s question.

The reason he left his job, managing a bank security program, and came to Nuri was because of a person named Si-Woo Lee.

“I know that you are the one who caught the organization that threw away the waste a year ago and ran away.”

“Hmm, not many people know about it.”

When Si-woo Lee revealed his suspicious eyes, Seon-woo-hyun hurriedly clapped his hand.

“My parents were the victims of that case. So you know.”


“I heard that there is a place called the Strategic Secretariat in Nuri. First of all, I’m sorry. We did some hacks to see who helped our parents.”

At the time, the victims were reimbursed for the damage they suffered, but the police did not say who helped.

So Seon Woo-hyun showed the audacity to hack the prosecutor’s office directly.

“This boss! Come in.”

Still, eight months ago, there was a time when the Strategic Secretariat was in a mess.

This is where security should be the most important, and your computer has been hacked.

The Strategic Secretariat was still conducting an investigation to find out who it was.

Lee Mu-yeol, who was standing in front of the door, opened the door at Si-woo Lee’s call and entered.

“Did you call?”

“I think the interview with Seon Woo-hyun should be conducted by Team Leader Lee, not me. Oh, and… … .”

“Yes, sir!”

He looked nervously waiting for Siwoo’s next words.

“I will give the order of promotion from an employee to a manager. After meeting with Team Leader Lee, I think you can move into the strategic secretary office.”

A well-processed gem, not a raw stone, came in as a vine.

The non-field personnel responsible for the security of the Strategic Secretariat were all capable people.

You broke through them and hacked into the strategic secretary’s office?

It couldn’t have been a big deal.

However, the truth needs to be covered.

“CEO, the Strategic Secretariat does not hire people recklessly.”

“Do you remember the computer hacking incident in the strategic secretary’s office eight months ago?”

“Whoa, how am I going to forget that? Whoops.”

That day, the Strategic Secretariat team was humiliated.

And to this day, we have not been able to figure out who hacked.

This is something to be ashamed of as the head of the Strategic Secretariat.

“There is a person who hacked in front of team leader Lee that day.”


“It is the manager’s responsibility to determine the truth.”

Although he lacked experience, he was not a person who would work in the field.

If he was a hacker who was good enough to hack into the computer of the strategic secretary’s office, he was a talent that should be captured unconditionally.

At Lee Si-woo’s words, Lee Mu-yeol made a confused expression.

“greatness. Seon Woo-hyeon, please change your seat.”

“ah… yes! manager!”

When I took Seon Woo-hyun out, Lee Si-woo showed a pleasant smile.

‘If you do good deeds, it all comes back to me in the end.’

If you do good to someone in any form, it will eventually come back to you.

It was done to help Mu-jin Yeom, and I thought I was rewarded for it.

A talented accountant was assigned to the strategic secretary.


Siwoo Lee, who was smiling happily, received a phone call.

– Grandpa.

When Lee Si-woo confirmed that it was Shin Won-sun, he answered the phone right away.

“Yes, Grandpa.”

[Have you checked Aera’s condition?]


[Hmm, I heard that Aera couldn’t come out today because she was sick. Isn’t it a lot of pain? … .]

Lee Si-woo’s expression hardened at Shin Won-sun’s question.

“Grandpa, I will call you back in a moment.”

Si-woo Lee hung up the phone and went straight home.

The house was quiet with no lights on.

When I opened the door and entered, I saw Shin Ae-ra lying in bed as she had seen in the morning.

Shin Ae-ra rubbed her eyes and got up, probably because of her pretense.

“Work is done… … ?”

pale face.

Si-Woo approached the bed and sat down.

“If you’re not feeling well, you should talk to me, why are you doing this alone?”

“I know you’re busy, how do I call you?”

“… First put on clothes. Let’s go to the hospital.”

“it’s okay. If you take a full day off… … .”

“Listen. When I see my sister’s face now, everyone is dying!”

Si-woo Lee hurriedly took out a warm coat from the closet and put it on Shin Ae-ra’s body.

I hope it hurts

Rebuking himself for not paying attention, Siwoo Lee picked up the phone.

Then, after calling Lee Moo-yeol and instructing him to park the car, he went downstairs.


“I’m going to the hospital.”

I hurriedly opened the back seat door and carefully picked up Shin Ae-ra, who was carrying her.

Lee Moo-yeol drove as carefully as possible so that Shin Ae-ra was less shocked.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Si-woo Lee went inside holding Shin Ae-ra.

emergency room.

Nurses began to check her condition.

Ten minutes later, the doctor came and gave me various examinations, and then I tilted my head.

“Why are you doing this, sir?”

“Well… I guess I’ll have to get an x-ray. Patient, please tell me if you are sick.”

Shin Ae-ra grabbed her stomach all the way and watched her in agony.

Shin Ae-ra screamed as the doctor pressed her belly.


“… Let’s get this patient x-rayed right now. I think my appendix is about to burst, please hold me in the operating room.”

“Yes, teacher!”

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