The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 298

Go to the British!Anyway, this matter also has British shares.Well, forty percent of Shell Oil's shares belong to the British, and one of Shell's two boards is based in London.

In the First World War, Britain's oil self-sufficiency rate was only 5%, and most of the other oil sources were the United States, which was inconsistent with the status of the British Empire.Moreover, it is impossible for the proud Britain to accept this fact by giving its energy lifeline to the Americans.

In order to protect the oil resources of its own territory from being taken away by American companies that have all the technical funds, the British government formulated policies after the war to prohibit American oil companies from conducting oil exploration and exploitation in British territories.

The British not only did it themselves, but also instigated the Dutch to do the same. Therefore, there was the crisis of the American fleet in Jakarta.The Americans couldn't deal with the British and they could only vent their anger with the Dutch, and sent a large number of warships to Nanyang to prepare to kill the chickens.

The actions of the United States were decisive and straightforward. On the contrary, the British, who had been encouraging the Dutch to oppose the Americans before, acted somewhat hesitantly. It is not like they vowed to endorse to the Dutch before that Americans absolutely dare not move the truth!

The United States dare not move the truth, so the Dutch dare to move the truth?

The worried Dutchman ignored the complaint about the British who had played tricks on his own, and dropped his old face and asked his cousin, the British, to intervene.

The British have been paying attention to the situation in Jakarta and are well aware of the nastyness of the United States and the Netherlands. The Dutch are just withdrawing to test the pawn of the United States.Although knowing that the United States is not prepared for war, the British have already felt the anger of the United States. If a conflict or a military competition between Britain and the United States is started, it will not be good. Britain’s national power is now not allowed to be dealt with like the Germans. American.

Let the United States return to isolationism!Knowing the bottom line of the Americans, Britain finally intervened in the Jakarta incident.

The Dutch are also very shrewd. It is better to have the British mediate than the Netherlands to face the United States. At least the United States will not make excessive demands.

The Royal Fleet Squadron in Singapore announced that it has increased its alertness. It also stated that the British government will resolutely defend British interests in Southeast Asia. Any action to break the balance of the situation in Southeast Asia is reckless and inappropriate.

Britain has the greatest interest in Southeast Asia, and naturally it least wants the situation in Southeast Asia to be turbulent. Therefore, the British side also expressed to the United States and the Netherlands that Britain is concerned about the situation in Southeast Asia.

Of course, looking at the aggressive American fleet, the British knew that the Americans would never return empty-handed this time, and the Dutch wouldn't do it without a little blood.The best way is for both parties to step back. American oil companies can engage in oil exploration in the Dutch East Indies, but the interests of the Dutch must also be considered.

Under the active mediation of the British, the US fleet no longer showed a dagger in Jakarta, and the situation began to ease.The two sides began to sit down and talk slowly.

The entry of American Petroleum Corporation into the island of Sumatra changed the East Indies and Shell Oil Company's dominance.Long before Occidental Petroleum entered the island of Sumatra, the oil industry operated by Shell Petroleum in the East Indies was already quite large, with an annual output of 2 million tons per year.

This is a very impressive number.It also shows the importance of the East Indies to the Netherlands.Shell Oil also has several oil fields on Sumatra Island, but they are all small oil fields with limited production, so they turned their attention to Borneo, which is also rich in oil resources.

They never expected that in Central Sumatra, near Dumai Port, American Petroleum Corporation would have opened a large oil field, allowing the Americans to take advantage of it.It feels like digging out gold on your own land.

After some bargaining, the United States and the Netherlands finally reached an agreement that American oil companies can enter the Dutch East Indies for oil exploration, but they must accept the Dutch colonial government's investment.

This condition seemed reasonable to others, but it did not meet Situ Nan's wishes.

Meihua and Occidental Petroleum are linked, and the Zhi Gong Party’s plan near the Minas oil field is not visible. What if the Dutch intervene in it?

Uncertainty will also expose the Chinese secretly forming an armed force, and leaking the news will make it difficult for the Dutch to preach, and perhaps the attitude of the Americans will also change.

Situ Nan told Hengda firmly?Brown, Occidental Petroleum's investment in the Minas oil field will not accept the Dutch government's shareholding. In addition, future oil investment in the East Indies can be a joint venture with the Dutch.

Although somewhat puzzled, Hengda?Brown still implemented Situ Nan's wishes and resolutely withstood the pressure of the Dutch and the British.

In his words, the Minas oil field already has three of the largest oil companies in the United States. There is no need for the Dutch to intervene.

Situ Nan personally explained this to Andrew, talking about the Minas Oilfield, saying that he has done a lot of work in the Minas Oilfield, and the oil fields, wharves, oil ports, and oil pipelines are all about to be completed or have detailed plans. You can get rich returns soon.Now it is absolutely impossible to let the Dutch come in and pick up ready-made ones.

Situ Nan later persuaded Rockefeller with the same reason, so Occidental Petroleum, Gulf Petroleum and Mobil Petroleum resolutely rejected the Dutch and British's kindness to the Minas oil field at the firm request of Situ Nan.

How much of the Minas oil field is still unexploited. The Dutch don’t know that the reserves of the Minas oil field far exceed their imagination. Coupled with the strength of American oil companies, in order to solve the plight of Shell oil in the United States, the Dutch Finally pinched his nose and recognized it.

However, the Netherlands requires American oil companies to ensure that the Minas oil field is a special case, and future oil investments by American oil companies in the East Indies will be based on a joint venture with the Dutch government.

"Are you satisfied now? If I choose, I think Borneo Island has better oil resources." Hengda?Brown walked in with a signed agreement and smiled at Situ Nan.

Situ Nan glanced at the terms. Although the contents above were very simple, they were full of various compromises and unspoken rules.

For example, in order to ensure that the Minas Oilfield does not accept the Dutch government’s shareholding, Occidental Petroleum had to privately promise not to take in the oil resources of Borneo Island within five years, which are the dishes of the Shell Oil Company.

In this regard, Hengda?Brown felt a pity.Although he knew that the Minas oil field was good, he didn't know that the oil fields currently exploited by Occidental Petroleum Company accounted for less than 1% of the entire oil field. The other oil fields were buried in densely wooded, miasma forest swamps.

"Actually, we made it. Sumatra has much more oil than other islands. Look at it, in a few years, our refinery in Sumatra will surpass Shell oil." Situ Nan believes that Hengda?Brown took a reassurance pill.

Listen to what Situ Nan said, Hengda?Brown smiled immediately."Unexpectedly, you ran a lap and let you succeed here again. It's unlucky for the Dutch to run into you."

"It should be us." Situ Nan smiled. The oil conflict between the United States and the Netherlands in the East Indies was all he expected.

After this incident, Occidental Petroleum will be able to act more squarely in Sumatra in the future.By then, you can invest in various industries in Sumatra in the name of an oil company.For example, chemical factories, machinery manufacturing, etc., will establish some industrial foundations for the future Chinese nation.

"By the way, don't forget the British. They are the most hated and sinister. Next, taking advantage of the opening of the gap with the Dutch, you will then test the British and strive to enter the British territory to extract oil." Situ Nan to Hengda?Brown said.

"Well. I will try my best!" Hengda?Brown nodded. The British are not Dutch. It is not easy for American oil companies to enter British territory. Occidental Petroleum has to work with other American oil companies to put pressure on the UK.

Chapter 60-Henda Brown's Surprise

Situ Nan has always coveted the oil in the Middle East. For this reason, he did not hesitate to support Ibn Saudi Arabia by spending money and guns to help Ibn Saudi Arabia gain power in Saudi Arabia.

The weapons and ammunition promised by Situ Nan was transferred from the United States via Venezuela to Kuwait, and then transferred to the Saudi capital, Yarid.With this batch of weapons, Ibn Saudi Arabia quickly armed an army of tens of thousands of people, ready to conquer the Kingdom of Hanzhi in the western Arabian Peninsula and unify Saudi Arabia.

The shotgun was changed, and the sophisticated American-made arms made Ibn Saudi Arabia's self-confidence begin to swell. To his delight, Situ Nan also sent a pair of more than 100 military personnel to train Arab soldiers.

Under the training of those yellow and white instructors, although the new peasant soldiers recruited by Ibn Saudi Arabia are not completely reborn, they finally have the appearance of a sort of soldier. They can at least be ordered and banned, and they can play some simple tactical cooperation. Used to deal with soldiers of the Hanzhi Kingdom who were worse than them, Zhuo Zhuo.

Ibn Saud was grateful to Situ Nan and believed that Situ Nan was trustworthy. With his acquiescence, Situ Nan successively obtained a lot of land.Situ Nan's generosity won the friendship of the Saudi family and at the same time expanded the area of ​​the oil field he controlled to half the area of ​​the entire Gable oil field!

Of course, in addition to oil interests, the armed personnel sent by Situ Nan to Saudi Arabia will also gain combat experience. They not only experimented and trained in the Middle East to "behead" operations, they also killed important enemy leaders in one fell swoop before the war began, and they also accumulated Experience in desert combat.

However, thinking that Saudi Arabia is currently a protectorate of the United Kingdom in name, the oilfields that were finally won can not be developed. The larger the area of ​​the oilfields obtained, Situ Nan’s grievances against the British will increase every day, so Ibn Saudi Arabia One more point of support.He wants to enhance Saudi Arabia's strength and make it independent from Britain as soon as possible.

Ibn Saud’s reputation as an eagle in the desert is not a general one. Although he knows Situ Nan’s purpose, he is still happy to continue working with Situ Nan.At least the Americans are not as hateful as the British at present. They divide Saudi Arabia into three, playing their balance in Europe, and playing with the entire Arabs in applause.

Ibn Saudi Arabia has long been dissatisfied with the British. Once Saudi Arabia's wings are full, he will seek Saudi independence.In this regard, he is very confident that the strength of the British in the Middle East is not strong, and they control all places. In many cases, they dominate but not rule.After the World War, the British control in the Middle East has been weakened. Egypt, Afghanistan and other places have begun to become independent. Maybe the next one will be Saudi Arabia.


Since the United States and the Netherlands signed the "Jakarta Agreement" and Occidental Petroleum acquired the rights and interests in the Dutch East Indies, Henda Brown's mission was even completed.

"This matter is finally over. It is worthwhile that I came here specifically from the United States. Tomorrow I will leave Jakarta to investigate the company's oil project in Sumatra."

Hengda Brown looked at Situ Nandao relaxedly.

"It's okay to go and see. The Asian market is getting bigger and bigger, especially the large coastal cities of China and Japan, which need a lot of oil. Over the years, we have made a lot of money behind Mobil, but it is not enough. It is necessary to increase the development of oil fields in Sumatra, establish oil refineries in the local area, and organize our transportation fleet to transport our oil to Shanghai, Tianjin and other big cities. Five years later, the output of the Minas oil field must reach at least 5 million Ton."

Situ Nan said to Hengda Brown.

If Occidental Petroleum wants to become a global giant, it must actively participate in worldwide competition.West of Malacca is dominated by British and Dutch oil companies. From Europe to Africa all the way from Europe to Africa are the spheres of influence of European powers. Occidental oil companies have not expanded smoothly there, so the East Asian market is the best breakthrough point.By the way, Situ Nan can also carry some private goods.

"Okay. Defeating the Dutch is only our first step. Next, we are going to expand vigorously in the Chinese market. I understand what you mean." Henda Brown nodded.It is not that he did not think of this aspect, but that Situ Nan's will is not so strong, he thinks more about the US oil market.

"I have good news to tell you, but this matter has to be kept secret." Situ Nan smiled mysteriously, took out a land transfer agreement from the safe and placed it in front of Hengda Brown.

"Oh! My goodness! Why did you buy that land? Those deserts are not long enough, what use is it to buy?" Hengda Brown looked at Situ Nan suspiciously.The land marked on the agreement is in the Middle East, and they are all places he doesn't know.In his impression, the place in the Middle East is desert, hot, and rugged Arabs riding camels, poor and backward, on the edge of the world.

"Suppose I told you that there are the things we need most? Think about which line you are in!" Situ Nan prompted, "Old man, we are going to post again this time."

"You mean oil?" Henda Brown's eyes widened.Although the British discovered many oil fields in Iran’s British Petroleum Company, they are far behind Occidental Petroleum.

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