The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 296

A few days ago, after the news of the successful exploration of the Minas oil field spread, the ecstatic Rockefeller is planning to build an oil refinery in Dumai Port in Riau Province, central Sumatra, and sell the oil produced in Sumatra to the Chinese market without having to travel thousands of miles from the United States. It was transported in a hurry, saving a lot of transportation costs.Therefore, Mobil Petroleum Company is very optimistic about Sumatra's oil, and they have worked out a detailed development plan.

Now that the Dutch and Indian government has issued restrictions on foreign companies entering the Dutch and Indian regions, isn't this pour cold water on Mobil Corporation?It is enjoyable to be splashed with cold water in the scorching South China Sea, but in the distant United States, Rockefeller is angry.He wants to teach the Dutch people and let them know the truth of life.

When Rockefeller was angry, Situ Nan quietly came to Manila.Walked into the Philippine Governor's Mansion and met Governor David?Davis.

David?Davis is a tall, fat man. He has been in the Philippines for three years.The emperor of the Philippines is high and far away. Davis enjoys the days of this kind of emperor. He is pampered, and he has the final say.

"Meihua has always been taken care of by the Governor in the Philippines. I am grateful for that. Under your management, the Philippines is developing rapidly. This is the happiness of the Filipino people and the happiness of our businessmen. The outstanding talents of the Governor are the interests of the United States. The protection shield in Nanyang. I decided to increase investment in the Philippines in the future to promote economic development here." Situ Nan said to David.

"Thank you. On behalf of the Philippine colonial government, I would like to thank Mr. Situ Nan for his generosity. It is my duty to ensure that American businessmen invest in the Philippines and Southeast Asia." Davis smiled happily.

Situ Nan's praise greatly satisfied his vanity.In the past few days, Meihua’s investment in the Philippines has been increasing, especially in the steel plants, machinery manufacturing plants, logging plants, agricultural companies, etc. invested by Meihua, which have greatly promoted the industrial and commercial development of the Philippines. Davis's achievements are filled with a bright stroke.

Not only that, Davis also took up some shares in the industries invested by Meihua Company and made a lot of money.Therefore, sometimes knowing that Meihua has some excessive actions, as long as it does not violate the interests of the United States, Davis also turns a blind eye and sometimes even actively participates in it.

Situ Nan and Davis Fatty talked very happily. Speaking of the policies of the Dutch and Indian authorities to restrict American oil companies, Davis was filled with outrage.

He cursed broadly: "Dog-like Dutch people think how great they are, dare to do something with us Americans? I have defeated Spain, and I don’t care about one more Holland. I just take down the East Indies. All right."

"Haha." Situ Nan smiled, whether Davis said that on purpose or not, Situ Nan liked the fat man a little bit.

"It's naturally impossible to take the East Indies. Will there be the British next door staring at me? It's good for us to leave a buffer. But since the Dutch dare to be arrogant, we should suppress him. The outside fleet is not from Hawaii. Already?"

"That's true. I have protested to the Netherlands on behalf of the Philippine colonial government yesterday. Now that the fleet is here, things are more certain." Davis nodded.

After a long journey, Roosevelt's fleet sent to Asia arrived in the Philippines.

Situ Nan sat in the Governor's Mansion for a while, and Fleet Commander Van Gundy also came.Van Gundy is a serious, unsmiling man, with a straight back, and his long military career has precipitated a power of commanding thousands of troops.

"I have received the above order to take the fleet to Jakarta for a friendly visit in a few days, and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be accompanying me. The Governor and Mr. Situ Nan can also send representatives to join our delegation."

Van Gundy was serious and shut up after speaking, with a look of cherishing words like gold.

It is the duty of soldiers to obey orders, and Van Gundy knows that his fleet is to cheer for American oil companies.He has received an order that if the negotiations between the two sides are not harmonious, the US fleet will not leave Jakarta for a while.

Situ Nan nodded.

Occidental Petroleum will, as a representative of the US oil industry, protest to the Dutch and Indian colonial government and protest against the discriminatory policies of the Dutch and Indian authorities against American companies.

After the three-person meeting, with Van Gundy's permission, Davis and Situ Nan visited the American fleet.

The arrival of the local fleet excited Davis. As a veteran who had participated in the Spanish-American War, Davis was extremely proud of the strength of the American fleet.

"It's really great. Our American navy is indeed the strongest in the world." Davis praised.

Situ Nan quietly watched the warships anchored in the harbor. The thick barrels on the ships made him feel the power of destroying the world.

"Oh my God, its caliber should be more than 300mm? It can almost squeeze a person in. A shell of hundreds of kilograms can explode, and it can flatten the surrounding area of ​​tens of meters."

Situ Nan exclaimed, feeling a little bit in his heart that there were still many people who were obsessed with battleships when aircraft carriers were popular in previous lives.

How much he hoped that all those shells would hit the Governor's Mansion in Jakarta and let the Dutch crawl out of it.

Van Gundy's mouth cocked slightly, and he was a little proud after hearing Situ Nan's sigh, he seemed to see the Dutchman succumbing under his gun.

Two days later, Situ Nan was fortunate to be a member of the fake Huwei, and visited Jakarta with all the "friendly" American fleet.However, he did not come forward. Occidental Petroleum's chairman Hengda appeared on behalf of Occidental Petroleum?Brown.

He made a special trip from the United States. In addition to determining Occidental Petroleum's oil interests in Sumatra, he also discussed the results of his delegation in the Middle East with Stuart.

"Old man, you are going to beat the Dutch hard this time. This kind of showy thing suits you when you are old." Situ Nan smiled to Hengda?Brown said.

"I didn't come here to wipe your ass! I should have thought that as long as you were there, things wouldn't be too peaceful. Well, the Dutch are too overbearing this time."

Hengda?Brown sneered, "When I came here, we had already started operations in Venezuela to deal with Shell Oil. Without our consent, Shell Oil would never get a drop of oil, because our pipelines and terminals would never transport Shell Oil. Crude oil, and the crude oil we produce will no longer be sold to Shell."

Hengda?Brown was very proud, and being able to impose punitive measures on Shell Petroleum Corporation made him feel very fulfilled.

Occidental Petroleum has a great influence in Venezuela and almost controls Venezuelan oil.The Venezuelan government also participated in the suppression of Shell Oil.

Under the operation of the William Consortium, the Venezuelan government received a concessional loan from the US government to repay the loan due.

Now the Gomez family has been tied to the William Consortium. In addition to oil, steel, transportation, and building materials are closely related to the companies under the William Consortium.

Almost all of the large investment projects of the William Consortium in Venezuela have shares in the Venezuelan government, so Venezuela is now seeking the William Consortium.Under Gudas’s suggestion, the Venezuelan government took a tacit and indulgent attitude towards Occidental’s suppression of Shell.

The Dutch have already fallen. Even if the British are behind them, in the Americas, in the face of the American oil companies with the same hatred, Gomez still chose to stand by the American side very wisely.

There are good times and places, Hengda?It’s not too much that the Shell Oil Company, Brown said, should never expect to get a drop of oil from Venezuela.

In the United States, Shell Oil Company's situation is even worse.The American Petroleum Industry Commission controlled by Rockefeller, Andrew and others clearly told Shell that if the Netherlands does not open American oil companies to participate in the oil development of the East Indies, the United States will take retaliatory measures, and Shell will no longer be able to obtain new products in the United States. Permit for oil extraction.

Situ Nan didn't expect Andrew and Rockefeller to act so quickly. When the US fleet arrived in Jakarta, they gave Shell a salary!This will kill the Dutch.

Will the Dutch turn their faces with the United States for the only oil in Sumatra?This is obviously impossible. Shell Oil Company is much larger in the US market than Nanyang, and most of its oil fields are located in Texas.If you fall out with the United States for Sumatra, you will just pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon.

"The savvy Dutch will never be so stupid. They are just trying to make a fool of yourself, or think that the British can support them. But even the British can't stop us from moving forward." Hengda?Brown said confidently.

"It's good if you have such confidence!" Situ Nan smiled.

Chapter 58 Governor Van Persie and Major General Van Nistelrooy

The arrival of the American fleet in Jakarta shocked the Dutch and Indian colonial government. Governor Van Persie kept shouting at the Americans for being arrogant in the room, smashing the contents of the room to the ground while cursing.

"Damn it! The stupid bureaucrats in the country don't understand what's going on here. They even try to tease him when they know that the Americans are not easy to provoke. Do you think we are an empire that never sets hundreds of years ago? So greedy, can we completely reject American companies from entering the East Indies?

Damn it, do you want me to take a group of lazy natives to fight the American warships in the port?"

Van Persie's yelling reached the door, and many staff in the Governor's Mansion could hear it clearly.However, they all actively ignored the Governor's disrespect to the domestic government, and deeply agreed with the Governor's words that the enemy's power and prestige were destroyed.

They have seen the high-raised muzzles outside Jakarta Port. Although they are still wearing gun suits, once they fire, it will take a minute to blast the Government House.

The officials of the Dutch-Indian colonial government either had a large number of local businesses or spent a lot of money to transfer from the domestic to the fertile land of Southeast Asia. They were really unwilling to engage with the Americans until the cost was recovered.All fools know that this is looking for death!Isn’t it good for everyone to make money happily?

For the Shell Oil Company to continue to work hard, although the royal family has a large number of shares in Shell Oil Company, the officials in Jakarta do not.

Even if Shell Oil Company makes money, it will not give these overseas officials a point, but will continue to ask them to do this and that.

Major General Van Nistelrooy, commander of the Dutch East Indies Fleet, walked to the door and sighed. He did not have the courage to fight the tens of thousands of tons of American warships at the door. The largest warship in the Dutch East Indies Fleet, the Seven Province Union, was only 7,000 tons, and it was still The old antiques of the pre-dreadnought era are really vulnerable to advanced American warships.

Van Nistelrooy frowned and knocked on the Governor's door. "Your Governor, it's been a week, and the US fleet hasn't set sail yet."

Speaking of this, Ruud van Nistelrooy lowered his voice again, "According to a privately disclosed by the top of the US fleet, if we take coercive measures against American oil companies, they will use force to protect overseas Chinese."

"Hmm. Fortunately, we didn't listen to the domestic pigs and take reckless actions." Governor Van Persie's expression darkened again. He was silent for a while and sighed, "Forget it, this is not something we can do now. If it’s resolved, let’s wait for the news! See how the country handles it."

"That's fine. But it's better to be vigilant. We should be on alert and be careful of those natives making trouble. You know, those stupid natives are sometimes insane, if they are incited by the United States, it will be troublesome." The major general made a suggestion.

"It makes sense, what are you going to do?" Governor Van Persie asked.

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