The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 277

"There is really no cave, you have chosen a good place." Situ Nan exclaimed.

"That's it. I originally planned to build a warehouse and a factory in it, but I didn't expect that when he came to investigate, he would take my precious land without saying a word."

Yao Hongmin said angrily.

"It's not good to talk bad about being behind! Yao Hongmin!"

A somewhat grim voice sounded behind Situ Nan and the others.Situ Nan looked back, and several green military uniforms walked over.A big man at the head looked at Situ Nan with a smile. This is not He Wenxiu who is?

"You are here!" He Wenxiu stepped forward and held Situ Nan's hand tightly.

"Well. I'll see you. Well, it's getting darker, thinner, and more majestic." Situ Nan patted He Wenxiu hard on the shoulder.When they met again, he felt that He Wenxiu, who had been pressing on his mind, had become open-minded and passionate.

"Mr. Situ, finally looking forward to you. When are we going to kill those Dutch people? Every day training makes people crazy." Zhang Dongliang standing beside He Wenxiu said eagerly.

"Shut up! No matter how much you talk, don't talk about the Dutch, even those mud monkeys won't have your share!" He Wenxiu's face became cold and shouted to Zhang Dongliang.Xindao, this kid is a wolf, he can't hold it back, his whole body is fierce.If it weren't for bringing out a group of good soldiers, he should have counted on him about sneaking out to attack Dutch pirates last month.

Zhang Dongliang pouted his lips and was not at all annoyed by He Wenxiu's reprimand. He has been used to it all these years-the boss is a cold-hearted person!

"Why, do you want to fight?" Situ Nan smiled and looked at Zhang Dongliang, this guy still remained the same, still so aggressive."Tell me about the situation here, it looks pretty good."

"We have 5,000 people here, about one brigade. Soldiers have gone through a year of training to deal with the Dutch servants. Not long ago, the company has added another 3,000 people. After the European Chinese workers who have fought, we The strength of the division is even stronger. In half a year, you can pull up a division's army, and it will definitely not lose to the regular Dutch division." He Wenxiu said confidently.

Then he frowned, and said: "Unfortunately there are too few officers, which has seriously affected the expansion of the army. Now our main energy is on education. We have started the military academy, literacy of soldiers, and training of officers... …Actually, most of our current officers drive ducks to the shelves."

"That is to say, there is a lack of high-quality military officers?" Situ Nan not only thought after hearing this, but fortunately, all the more than 1,000 people who came from the American security company had received education, at least elementary school education, otherwise they might not even be able to stand up as the military. stand up.

Where can we find a group of highly qualified officers?Situ Nan suddenly thought that Germany was disarming. It would be of great benefit to He Wenxiu and the others if he could introduce some instructors from Germany.

Thinking of this, Situ Nan said to Yao Hongmin and He Wenxiu, "I have an idea. There are many outstanding soldiers in Germany who are unemployed. You can study and see if you can bring in some talents from Germany?"

"This is a good idea! It's worth a try!" He Wenxiu's eyes lit up and immediately stated.

Yao Hongmin also nodded in agreement.

The introduction of officers from Germany was not a trivial matter, and it ultimately fell on Meihua.

"The Germans are far from the horizon, and they can't make two of them. But the key is to rely on themselves. It is very correct to carry out education in the army, and this must be carried forward. While building our own military academy, we can also send some good seedlings. Go to Europe to study abroad." Situ Nan added.

Now there is no need to turn face with the Dutch immediately, so the Nanyang Foundation still has time: it takes time to improve the organization of the army, strengthen training, build intelligence, reserve supplies, and so on.

In time, nothing is moving, and a movement is like a thunderbolt!

Chapter 35 Sumatra-Nanyang Proposal Conference!

There is a word called Kapidan, in Dutch, which means chief.The colonies of Southeast Asia generally adopted the overseas Chinese consular system, that is, the chiefs appointed to foreign nations who came to do business, earn a living, or settle down to assist the colonial government in handling foreign affairs.

Since Medan is an immigrant city, Kapitan has also become the chief executive of the city.The current head of Medan Kapitan is a Chinese businessman named Gao Wei who is also a member of the Nanyang Foundation.

Before Meihua Company got involved in Medan, the Gao family was the largest Chinese businessman in Medan, with large plantations, growing pepper, tobacco, coffee and other crops.

It was Gao Wei's father, Mr. Gao, who started the Gao family, a piglet who made a living from China.After saving for a few years, the young old man Gao finally paid off his debts and later started a small business and made a fortune.Working hard to be smart and capable, he quickly stood out and became a successful Chinese businessman in Medan.

It's a pity that the flower is not a hundred days red. Because he has no formal education, Mr. Gao has limited vision and failed to keep up with the times. Therefore, the company is also struggling and getting worse under the run of more powerful Dutch businessmen.

A few years after Gao Wei came back from studying in the UK, Father Gao went there. What was handed over to Gao Wei was a mess. The Gao family was heavily in debt. The once million family business was almost defeated and on the verge of bankruptcy. , Just waiting for the Dutch merchants to come and wind up.

Just as the Gao family was about to go bankrupt, Meihua Company began to invest in Medan. Yao Hongmin found Gao Wei and expressed his willingness to inject capital into the Gao family's industry.

After receiving the support of Meihua Company, the Gao family survived the difficulties and withstood the attack of the Dutch merchants. Not only did not fail, but flourished. The scale of the farm was expanded several times compared with the original, and it also expanded from a single plantation to food. Processing, port transportation and other businesses have gradually and completely incorporated into the interest circle of Meihua Company.

Gao Wei always had a sorrow for the Dutch who designed the Gao family back then, and he was often discriminated against by whites when he was studying in the UK. So when Yao Hongmin introduced him to the Nanyang Foundation, he agreed without saying a word.

With the support of the Nanyang Foundation, Gao Wei used the reputation of the Gao family in Medan to become Medan's Kapitan.This is a breakthrough. With the official cover, it has greatly facilitated Nanyang Foundation's operations in Medan.

Gao Wei gave Meihua a lot of convenience in the name of Kapitan, especially in the head tax, which saved the Meihua company hundreds of thousands of guilders.

According to regulations, the Dutch colonial government levied 100 Dutch guilders per capita tax on every Chinese worker entering Indonesia, which is very evil and ugly.

Although some of the Chinese workers of Meihua Company entered Indonesia illegally, they had to pay a head tax of millions of Dutch guilders.Since Gao Wei took office in Kapitan, the situation has improved. After the Dutch officials of the Medan colonial government were fed by the American Chinese company, they began to turn a blind eye to the issue of Chinese smuggling in Medan and let them go.More and more power began to be held by Chinese officials headed by Gao Wei.

Since Gao Wei joined the Nanyang Foundation, the more he learned about the Nanyang Foundation, the more surprised he was, because the strength of the Meihua Company and the Nanyang Foundation far exceeded his imagination.Not only is financial resources strong, but also has its own advanced armed forces, and has a strong and powerful army!

Meihua Company is simply a kingdom with its own system.With a steady stream of young Chinese workers entering Medan, Gao Wei discovered that Medan is now controlled by the mysterious organization of the Nanyang Foundation.

Meihua not only controls Medan’s economy, but also penetrates into Medan’s officialdom. All Chinese officials in Medan come from Meihua or Meihua’s allies.Like the Gao family, the Chinese businessmen in Medan are all tied together by Meihua.

As a member of the Nanyang Foundation, Gao Wei witnessed Meihua's expansion in Medan.This expansion has now reached new heights.Because today there is a secret meeting of the Nanyang Foundation in a farm outside Medan to discuss the strategic development of the Nanyang Foundation in the future.

Although on the surface he is the most powerful person in Medan, but in fact he is just a representative of the Nanyang Foundation.

Gao Wei thought silently.He got the news that the big guys behind the Nanyang Foundation will show up at this meeting.

After passing through strict security checks, Gao Wei walked into the conference room and saw Yao Hongmin and a handsome tall young man whispering, as if discussing something happy.

"Brother Xuanyue is here?" Yao Hongmin wanted Gao Wei to wave.

"This is Gao Wei, Gao Xuanyue. We just mentioned it." Yao Hongmin introduced Gao Weidao, "This is Situ Nan, the chairman of the foundation, and a major shareholder of Meihua."

"Huh?" Gao Wei looked at Situ Nan in surprise, too young, still a mixed race.He always thought that behind the two mysterious institutions of Meihua and Nanyang Foundation was a wise and domineering old man.

"Mr. Gao, I have heard about you and I have always wanted to meet you. Today I finally got my wish. Thank you, you did a good job. Without your hard work and dedication, our career in Medan would not have been so successful. Great progress." Situ Nanzan said.

Compared with Gao Wei's economic achievements, Situ Nan appreciates Gao Wei, a Chinese man named Kapitan, who wanders around in Medan's political arena to cover up and facilitate the Nanyang Foundation and the Meihua Company.Well, there is some potential for politicians and statesmen.

"Brother Gao, maybe you don’t know yet? The funds for the establishment of Meihua Company and Nanyang Foundation are all from Mr. Situ Nan. Mr. Situ is also the leader of a consortium in the United States. In addition to Meihua Company, our organization also controls several large companies. .

Minas in Sumatra is now also controlled by our oil company.and also……"

With Situ Nan's acquiescence, Yao Hongmin selectively introduced part of Situ Nan's situation to Gao Wei.After several years of investigation, Gao Wei has obtained the recognition of the Nanyang Foundation and has gradually become an important member of the Nanyang Foundation. At least his career in Medan is inseparable from Gao Wei.

After listening to Yao Hongmin's introduction, Gao Wei couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! We have such a strong strength, why can't we deal with the Dutch?"

"Hehe. It is good for Mr. Gao to have such confidence! I am here to discuss the next step with everyone." Situ Nan smiled.

The secret marriage meeting among the Chinese in Medan, Sumatra in August 1919 was of great historical significance and directly affected the future situation in Southeast Asia.

The vigorous revolution of the Nanyang Chinese to fight for their independence and freedom was also born, and the place was in a secret meeting room in the Kenqin Farm of Meihua Company.

Most of those present at the meeting were Situ Nan’s cronies, including He Wenxiu, Zhang Dongliang, and Han Gang from the security company system; Zeng Liming and Yao Hongmin from the Meihua company system; and Situ, a publicist who was reorganized from Anliangtang in the United States Mayden, Huang Sande, and Li Qiming; as well as Li Renqiao from the Li family in Penang, and Gao Wei from the Medan Gao family.

Situ Nan’s secretary Lin Yimin and Situ Nan’s cousin Situ Yong are here too, but they can’t become a big boss during the time of their membership.

The first speaker was Yao Hongmin. He first reviewed the achievements of Nanyang Foundation in recent years and its future prospects.

I saw him say: "After several years of struggle, our business has made breakthrough progress on a global scale. In the major cities of California, San Francisco and Los Angeles, our Chinatown has established a firm foothold, although we still have a strong foothold in American society. It takes time, but now no one dares deny our strength.

Although the Chinese Exclusion Act still exists in the U.S. Congress, in California, through our own efforts, we support justice officials and pass regulations that are beneficial to our Chinese, which has opened a window for Chinese immigration and development in the United States.There are now more than four to five million Chinese workers active in California's factories and farms, becoming an important force in California's economic development.

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