The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 269

The armed personnel of the William, led by the few remaining pirates, destroyed the pirate den in one fell swoop, making a small fortune.

Situ Nan was surprised that there was a crew member named Robinson on the William. He was the captain of the ship's defense. Commanding the William to sweep three pirate ships was his masterpiece.

When I asked him, I realized that this guy used to be a second lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. His wish to join the army was to make up for his dad's regret that he could not catch up with the naval battles of the Spanish-American War of the last century.Well, another guy poisoned by Colonel Mahan's thoughts.

Robinson was excited by the world war. He had been eager to fight against the German navy, but unfortunately he was arranged in a transport ship and failed to shoot a single shot.

After the war, Robinson retired disappointedly and arrived at the William after a few months.Robinson liked the William’s adequate preparations (firepower), but it was only a plaything of the rich, and he failed to give Robinson a chance to realize his wish to participate in a naval battle. He always considered himself a buried genius.

What Robinson didn't expect was that after arriving in the Persian Gulf, the group of stupid pirates let him happily command a battle last night.Although trivial, in Robinson's eyes, it was a rare night of flashing his talents!

"Boss! Are you looking for me?"

Robles walked to Situ Nan like a victorious general.He and Situ Nan didn't meet much, but he knew that this young boss was very stylish and brought a group of bodyguards in and out. Those people were more skilled than himself, the Annapolis Naval Academy boxing champion.

"Hey, if it hadn't been for drinking too much that time and molesting the principal's newly married wife, he would not have been sent to the transport ship, or he would have been on the U.S. Navy ship today." Robinson sighed.

He regretted a little bit, why didn't he just deal with the principal's sweetheart?It looked like the other party was tempting himself.

"What are you thinking, Mr. Robinson?" Situ Nan looked up curiously at the straight, sharp, meticulous white man.

"Oh? Nothing!" Robinson shook his head, returning to his senses, looking at Situ Nan indifferently, "Mr. William, I wonder if you are looking for me?"

"You performed very well last night, and I am very satisfied! This is a reward plan, what do you think?" Situ Nan smiled and put a document on the other side.

Robinson opened it and saw that the content was rewarding all the crew members last night. The waiters who sweep the floor on the boat cost $10, and the personnel who participated in the battle ranged from $100 to $2,000.The highest of them is Robinson himself.

"Very generous! Mr. William!" Robles smiled slightly, and said calmly, "Our firepower is much stronger than the other, and victory is certain."

"Yes. But you found them first, and you arranged the battle, and you have done the most." Situ Nan laughed.

He thinks that Robinson's retired navy is really good, calm, with a kind of atmosphere, it can be regarded as a person with a little story.

"Mr. Robinson, do you like the navy very much, or do you fight?" Situ Nan asked suddenly.His eyes were fixed on the opponent, and he seemed to be able to feel a persistent heart from the calm and firm gaze of the opponent.

"Eh?" Robinson was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Perhaps, I just like the sea and I like to fight on the sea. That will make me feel conquered.

"Good idea! In fact, I often dream of sailing all over the ocean." Situ Nan nodded and said again, "I know there is a place where they are short of people like you. Would you like to go?"

"Sir?" Robinson looked at Situ Nan suspiciously.

"That's it. In Malacca, the pirates there are very powerful, and our company's ships often encounter pirates there, so I want to send strong people to protect our merchant ships." Situ Nan explained.

"If this is the case, I will, I will be happy to accept it." Robinson replied readily.Going to the West Indies to drive an armed merchant ship to fight pirates is much more exciting than staying on the William.Although the William is good in every way.

"Okay! After our ship gets there, I will arrange it for you. The sailors you trained are very good. I hope you continue to work hard. Some great boys may become your subordinates." Situ Nan smiled....

The pirates in the Persian Gulf are just an episode of the journey.After a day's delay, the William finally arrived in Kuwait Port.

There are not many good ports in the Persian Gulf, and Kuwait is one of them.As the main cargo distribution port in the Persian Gulf, Arab merchants have set out from here for thousands of years, carrying goods loaded with goods to Asia and Africa for trading. They also brought their religious customs to all parts of the world, and then shipped them back to China. Goods such as ivory and gold from Africa have created a legend of Arab merchants.

After the opening of the new route, the west wind moved eastward, and the once prosperous Arab merchants declined. Their sailboats were replaced by steamships of European merchants, and they eventually became a dumping ground and a source of raw materials for Western colonists, even though Kuwait was not in economic status. What an important role is just a bridgehead for the British to penetrate into the interior of the Arabian Peninsula.

In the envy of others, the luxurious figure of the William slowly sailed into Kuwait Port.

You can't see the endless stream of oil tankers, and there are no densely packed oil pipes on the wharf, just a very ordinary port.

The pier was so dirty and messy that Situ Nan didn't even want to land.Because looking at the poor and backward Kuwait on the shore, Situ Nan couldn't help but think of the beautiful and rich city that he saw when he came to Kuwait on a business trip in his previous life.

The vicissitudes of life!

Situ Nan thought of the word again.

What remains unchanged is the turbulent situation in the Middle East.In addition to oil, this place is located at the junction of Asia, Europe and Africa. It has always been a stage for great powers to show their strength. Coupled with the complex ethnic and religious relations that have been wrong for thousands of years, it is destined to be a place of right and wrong.

Before arriving in Kuwait, Situ Nan had studied the situation in Kuwait and nearby Saudi Arabia.There is no doubt that Kuwait is now unremarkable.

Not long ago, Kuwait was only a county in the Basra Province of the Ottoman Empire in Turkey.If it weren't for the port here, no one would pay attention to this small county.

The British set up a consulate here, but there were very few officials, and there was only one company of listless British soldiers stationed here. If Situ Nan wanted to attack, he would take this land without any effort.

The weather was too hot and the hot sunshine made people uninterested in outdoor activities. Situ Nan had to stay on the boat, at least with air conditioning.

There are some British merchants in Kuwait. They are very interested in the William. They sent an invitation to the William. The gathering was in the evening in the county town of Kuwait.

Situ Nan didn't have much interest. After realizing that he was too high-level, he did not plan to personally contact Kuwait's "township officials".

The heat is uncomfortable, and what makes Situ Nan worry, his son Little Andy has a cold, which almost frightens him.

Fortunately, there are family doctors on board as well as various advanced medical facilities. Situ Nan is relieved a lot. Andy's situation is not serious.

It's just that Laura complained that Situ Nan had run to this ghost place in the Persian Gulf, and she had no entertainment that she could see in the past.Not only encountered pirates, but also made her precious son sick.

Situ Nan urged Lin Yimin to buy the oil fields as soon as he was wrong, even though Lin Yimin himself had no idea.

Lin Yimin attended the banquet in place of Situ Nan. His yellow skin and black eyes surprised the British and the local Arabian ground snakes in Kuwait. However, he was able to walk off the luxurious cruise ship and speak American-style fluent English. He's a rich family in hiding.

As an American businessman, Lin Yimin bought a small port called Mina Ahmadi with little effort. At the same time, he bought 2,000 hectares of land near Mina Ahmadi in one go.

That piece of land is a desert. Except for some jujube trees where there is water, it has little value.

The Kuwaiti chief was surprised by the generous use of Lin Yimin, an American businessman, but he was even more pleased that the other party generously offered $10,000.

Damn it!Can a piece of desert sell for that much money?Americans are so rich and stupid!

The chief who had never made a five-figure deposit in the bank was very excited. He turned around and thought about it. He felt that Lin should be slaughtered a bit more, so he proposed to transfer more land.

With the care of the Kuwaiti chief who almost forced the sale, Lin Yimin had no choice but to accept another 2,000 hectares of desert that the chief had forced over.

Lin Yimin's generous action attracted the attention of the British. Someone paid tens of thousands of dollars to buy a desert?They find it strange, but they can't tell why.

Looking at the luxurious cruise ship parked in the harbor, they could only comfort themselves: "The temper of the rich is really weird, there is too much money, and they like to spend." Well, Kuwait has never been to a ship like the William. Luxury cruise liner.

It's not that the British haven't tried Lin Yimin, but they have been prevaricated by Lin Yimin's use of building materials.In order to cover people's eyes, Lin Yimin soon built a construction material factory near Mina Ahmadi Port, hired some Kuwaiti farmers, and built a small Mina Ahmadi Port by the way.Gradually, as time passed, the locals began to get used to it.

Situ Nan still did not show up, hiding in the room to look after his son.

Listening to Lin Yimin's return, he laughed a little stomachache.

"The chief took you as a fool! He wanted to sell it? People, it's ignorance that makes you happy." Situ Nan smiled.

I thought that a few years later, the chief found out that he had packaged the world’s second largest oil field, Kuwait’s cash machine, and the world’s largest oil port together with the world’s second largest oil field, Kuwait’s cash machine, and the world’s largest oil port. After giving it to yourself, will you even vomit out your lungs in regret?!

Will there be retribution for bullying ignorance like this?

Situ Nan’s conscience is a little bit discoverable, but when he thinks that when Europe first arrived in Africa, the missionaries exchanged two pumpkins for a large bag of diamonds and gold from the indigenous people. He was much kinder than the missionaries, at least it was bought with real gold and silver. Yes, what is really valuable is the insights in my mind.Maybe that chief is laughing at himself behind his back?

Thinking of this made Situ Nan even more determined to carry on this just business.

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