The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 264

The Paris Peace Conference has ended, and the return of Chinese workers has gradually reached its peak.Every once in a while, there will be a group of Chinese workers coming from all over France at Le Havre Terminal in France, and local residents will hold small flags to send off the Chinese workers.The people are simple, they remember these Chinese people who traveled all the way to France well!

France and China organized arrangements for the return of Chinese workers to China. California Shipping Company under the William Consortium received most of the passenger transportation orders with the French government.

Through various means such as bribery, the Nanyang Foundation opened up the relationship between France and China and quietly separated the more than 20,000 Chinese workers under their control. After arriving in Nanyang, they were shipped to Sumatra in batches. , Borneo Island and other places.

The French are waiting to be thriving, and they are naturally reluctant to bear these young and strong labors, but they cannot stop most of the Chinese workers from returning home.Even so, some Chinese workers still choose to stay in France.

After three years, these people have adapted to life in France. The conditions in France are better than those in China, especially some Chinese workers working in factories. They have now mastered the skilled technology and become factory technicians.

These people, considering that they may not be able to "apply what they have learned" after returning to their country, they promised to allow them to take their families over and choose to stay in the French factory.

Situ Nan's original investment plan did not take France into consideration. Upon learning of this situation, he immediately launched an investment plan in France, and successively acquired two steel plants, a chemical plant, a food plant and a large textile plant.

These factories are located in Alsace and Lorraine. The French were cut back from Germany. They are one of the famous steel producing areas in Europe. Historically, the two countries in Germany have been entangled in the battle for this place, but now they belong to the French. It can be used by Situ Nan to settle Chinese workers who are willing to stay in France.Situ Nan thinks it is worthwhile to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in steel plants to train qualified steel workers.

Because it does not cost much money, the French government obtained a large number of factories and industrial equipment from Germany, and then generously sold these factories and equipment to domestic and foreign capitalists in exchange for funds.

As we all know, the French prefer to lend usury to investment in industry. They would rather invest money in the financial industry or in profitable overseas colonies than investing in domestic industry. Therefore, French industry has always lagged behind Germany and Britain.

This is an opportunity for Situ Nan.Although the return on investment in French industry is not as high as other projects, Situ Nan still expressed generosity to the French.

With the exception of the Philippines, Meihua did not dare to invest in heavy industries such as steel and iron, for fear of attracting the attention of the colonial government.The United States has also begun to stop large-scale immigration, and now the desperate France can be used as a training base for the Nanyang Foundation in Europe.

Especially some of the German technicians who have not been found, Stuart cannot move them to the United States or other places, but they can be placed in Alsace and Lorraine, so that they can be reserved for the future South Asian Chinese nation in a secret way. Talent.

This can only be done but not said.

Situ Nan knew that most of the Chinese workers were eager to return. In addition to being homesick, it was also because the French government could not allow all the remaining workers to take over all their relatives in mainland China. It could only open it to some Chinese workers with a certain skill, which is a skilled immigrant. .

Individual Chinese workers can stay in France, marry French women, organize families and give birth to children, but this is only for the Chinese workers and does not benefit their families.Lone geese are hard to fly. For the Chinese who have always valued their family, no matter how wonderful the outside world is, they must return to their hometown.

What the Nanyang Foundation can do is to mobilize Chinese workers to stay in France as much as possible to solve their worries for those Chinese workers who are willing to stay in France. They will not hesitate to use the relationship to take over their relatives in the mainland and let them rest assured in the French factory.It doesn't matter if you don't have technology, as long as you stay and learn with your heart, the Nanyang Foundation's factory in France will provide you with job training.

Under the instructions of the Nanyang Foundation, the members of the Chinese volunteer group persuaded the Chinese workers to stay in France to learn advanced production technology, to serve the motherland in the future or to let the family live a good life, etc., a lot of generous promises were dropped. The Chinese workers hesitated and moved.

After seeing the benefits of France, many people are no longer willing to go home and live in poverty again.Especially for some Chinese workers who were squeezed dry by French women and gambling tables, their minds changed when they thought of returning to the country with empty hands and facing the loess and back to the sky.

More than 15,000 Chinese workers chose to stay in France. They were scattered and placed in Situ Nan's factories in France.This is several times more than only 3,000 Chinese workers in France in history. In fact, after most of these Chinese workers in France were dispatched to Nanyang, they never returned to France.

The change in Chinese workers' minds made the French government happy. Who said French men are almost dead?The hardworking and honest Chinese workers are much more capable than the clumsy blacks.

Under the lobbying of the William Consortium, in order to restore national power more quickly, the French government finally relaxed the restrictions on Chinese workers and allowed more Chinese workers to take their families from the country.Therefore, Chinatowns began to appear in Paris, Alsace, and Lorraine, France.

Situ Nan was very satisfied.He even imagined that if the trajectory of history remained unchanged, would a certain Deng Wei person at this time walk into his food factory to make tofu?

Chinese workers who learned a skill in the factory during the war are more likely to stay in France, but for those who plow the fields or fight on the front lines, they usually have a relatively small circle, do not have much contact with French society, and do not like to go to the factory. I don't like staying in this unfamiliar country much. I want to return to my hometown to buy land and build a house to marry my wife and live the life of a small landlord.

Of course, Situ Nan and the Nanyang Foundation will not "let go" these people easily. Meihua has prepared a whole set of plans to "cope" those Chinese workers who are eager to go home.

The Nanyang Foundation and the Chinese Volunteer Group advertised that some Chinese were encouraged to stay outside of France, and they sold the Nanyang land development plan carefully prepared by Meihua to other Chinese workers.

Meihua Company hoards a large amount of land in Southeast Asia. In order to develop these land, it not only needs to bring in labor from the mainland, but also requires capital and talents. The hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers stranded in France have undoubtedly become a favorite of Meihua Company.

If you are frugal, every Chinese worker can save 65 francs after deducting miscellaneous expenses. The employment period is three years, and the total income is 2,340 francs.

According to the exchange rate before the war, 2340 francs is equivalent to thousands of oceans!This is a huge sum of money for an ordinary person.If a Chinese worker saves thousands of oceans a year, wouldn't the 170,000 Chinese workers have hundreds of millions of oceans in three years?

This is really not a small sum!

Of course, this is the most ideal situation. Considering depreciation and other costs, it is actually not that much, but after the discount, the amount is also over 10 million.It can be seen that these hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers are indeed a group of wealthy owners.

American-Chinese Bank opened a branch in Paris, France, to operate trade settlement and exchange services between France and China. After the war, the French and British government began to pay Chinese workers’ wages, some of which will be remitted to China through American-Chinese Bank. go with.Therefore, the Meihua Company and the Nanyang Foundation were unable to hold back after mastering this information, and began to target these Chinese workers.

This can't help but Stuart didn't pay attention to it. Even if part of these funds can be invested in the Nanyang business, it will greatly ease the financial pressure of the Nanyang Foundation and effectively promote the implementation of the Nanyang Project.Rather than let these Chinese workers go into obscurity after returning to China, and slowly watch their hard work continue, it is better to use them for their own purposes. In any case, these people must be kept in their hands.

As a result, a well-meaning black hand began to reach out to those ignorant Chinese workers.

The members of the Chinese Volunteer Group were transformed into skilled real estate managers.Well, these people have been trained. They are very eloquent and know the Chinese workers well. They know that what these Chinese workers desire most is land. The first thing the Chinese workers do after returning to China is to buy land in their hometown and return home with good clothes.

But now the Chinese workers have a better choice.After the Chinese workers board the ship, people from Meihua Company or the Chinese Volunteer Group will send them a publicity advertisement with Meihua Company’s Nanyang land development advertisement.

Considering that many Chinese workers are illiterate, Meihua's publicity pays more attention to pictures and models.Of course, all kinds of tempting explanations are indispensable.

Large-scale land advertising posters are affixed to the walls of the ship. These posters are all in color. The view above is a case of successful development by Meihua Company-the land of Lianmo, the lively and prosperous farm, the exquisite and brand-new brick houses, neatly The roads, street lights, stadiums and other facilities are like a paradise, more desirable than the French farms that many Chinese workers have seen.

The agent on the ship would tell the Chinese workers that all the beautiful scenes they saw were just deserted not long ago. They were built after the arrival of the immigrants from Meihua Company. Now the houses have been occupied by new immigrants.

Meihua Company still has large tracts of undeveloped land. The land is cheap and fertile. You can harvest by sowing a handful of seeds. If you work hard, you can live like a fairy in a few years.There are not only posters, but also various detailed materials, development models, and even movies.

"This is not a dream! It is definitely not a dream! Everything is real! Happiness is created by us!"

"My compatriots, go to Nanyang! You can buy an acre of land for more than a dozen oceans, and a hundred oceans will guarantee you a better life than the big landlords in the village!"

"Why hesitate? Take your family to Nanyang to live a good life!"

The agent's provocative slogans filled the ears of the Chinese. Facing the ubiquitous hints, the Chinese workers who originally planned to buy a home in their hometown were moved, and they couldn't help but not be moved.

Land prices in Nanyang are lower, and many people have found out after mental calculations that the money for buying 10 acres at home can buy 30 or even 100 acres in Nanyang.Although some lands have not been reclaimed yet, does the dealer still have this strength?

Being a landlord of a hundred acres, thinking about it, let those simple Chinese craftsmanship pass the loneliness on the ship.Some people who are usually big-handed regret it!

Damn it, no matter how soft or big the tits are, they can't compare to a hundred acres of fertile land!——Some people regret it!

Chapter 21: Walking Ahead of the Jews

For the members of the Chinese volunteer group who are guest investment brokers, every time a Chinese worker invests in Sumatra, Borneo and other places, the organization (or company) will give them extra points, and the points can be converted into land after they have accumulated to a certain level. Or shares in agricultural and mining companies, etc., which greatly aroused the enthusiasm of the Chinese volunteer group.

Due to insufficient manpower, they became the agent of Meihua Company.This is a matter of both fame and fortune. It not only promotes the cause of overseas Chinese in Nanyang, but also can get rich returns. Why not do it?

The agitation of the Chinese volunteers who temporarily came to Nanyang's land development agent was effective. Many Chinese workers immediately showed great interest when they learned that Nanyang had a large amount of land for sale.Although the Chinese workers are surprised that those compatriots who usually teach them to read and write in the French Chinese labor camps and solve their problems suddenly become real estate salesmen, they still trust Meihua and the Chinese volunteers. In fact, the Chinese volunteers Most of the members of the group are employees from Meihua Company, or young Chinese overseas Chinese in the United States. These young people may have just completed a project of Meihua Company or have just graduated from high school and went to France from the United States to help China. Compatriots.Some rotated back to the original company (or school), but more stayed there and stayed in France for three years.

After three years of living together day and night, countless times of selfless help, the Chinese volunteer group has won the trust of the workers. They are very willing to trust these young gentlemen. Since they say Nanyang is good, Nanyang should be good.

Words are unproven, hearings are fictitious. After the ship arrives in Nanyang, there will be a short stay to allow those Chinese workers who intend to purchase the land to inspect the land to be developed by Meihua Company and let them confirm that Meihua Company’s advertisements are true and effective. Yes, it's not cheating workers' money.

In fact, Situ Nan and Meihua Company did not intend to cheat any money at all. Instead, they offered various discounts to attract Chinese workers to settle in Nanyang.

Especially these Chinese workers who have experienced the war in Europe, once they are settled in Nanyang, they will become diehard loyalists of the Nanyang Foundation, and they can participate in the battle with a little training.The energy they burst out is much stronger than the immigrants (farmers) who fled from the country.

This is the main reason why Situ Nan valued these Chinese workers.For the land, there is no such thing as simple old Chinese farmers who dare not do, let alone these people bought the land with their hard-earned money?

Once the Chinese workers settled in Nanyang, they were actually tied to the chariot of the Nanyang Foundation, as well as the countless relatives behind them.There are many examples of people going abroad alone.The Nanyang Foundation hopes to increase the number of overseas Chinese in a short period of time through the Chinese workers who first settled in Nanyang to drive the tens of thousands of people behind them like a sucker.

It is easy to say, but it is a cumbersome and tightly controlled project to implement. How to distribute tens of thousands of Chinese workers to Sumatra, Borneo and other places in an orderly manner, without provoke the sensitive nerves of the colonial government, and has to deal with it The relationship with the local indigenous people is a severe test for the Nanyang Foundation.

Fortunately, after more than two years of cooperation between Meihua and the security company in Nanyang, there has been a tacit understanding, and a set of high-efficiency teams have initially formed. Situ Nan should not worry about handling Chinese workers.

He is only controlling the development direction of the Nanyang Foundation in Strategic Hill, and others will handle specific matters.This is the advantage of the superior.

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