The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 243

Taishan Xinhui is a well-known hometown of overseas Chinese, especially the number of people who immigrate to the United States. The Chinese in Chinatowns in San Francisco and Los Angeles speak Cantonese. If you walk to Chinatown, you may find someone to chat with. It's from the village next door.

Seeing fellow villagers, my eyes were full of tears.To put it plainly, just two words, kind!

Wu Liande and Situ Nan soon got to know each other. During the meal, he ate authentic Cantonese food at Situ Nan's house and felt at home.

Situ Nan took the opportunity to introduce the William Foundation. Wu Liande was much more positive and said that he had to consider before answering.

The three gathered together, quite speculative, and Situ Nan's homesickness rarely spread, saying that he would find a chance to visit China and Southeast Asia next year.

"Renqiao, why don't you go back with me? Your kid has been away from home for so many years, and this time he returned home, I guess it's hard for the old man to hold a stick at the door to prevent you from entering, right?" Situ Nan teased Li Renqiao.

"Let's talk at that time!" Li Renqiao said weakly, without comment, but the momentary loss in his eyes was caught by Situ Nan.

Seeing Wu Liande a little puzzled, Situ Nan explained: "Old man Li sent him to the U.S. to study business, but after this guy Renqiao came to the U.S., he changed schools and studied chemistry on his back, making the old man very angry. . But he is really obsessed with chemistry, saying he will never go if he doesn’t make some achievements. No, he can finally return to his hometown now."

"Oh! Really ambitious!" Wu Liande looked at Li Renqiao with some admiration, no wonder he could become an excellent scientist.

"I want you to talk more!" Li Renqiao blushed, thinking of the authoritarian Lao Tzu at home, feeling a little nervous.

Their Li family is considered to be a wealthy family in Penang, with countless wealth. Mr. Li is a famous local overseas Chinese businessman.Only two sons were born. Li Renqiao was the eldest. He also had a half-brother who was two years younger than him. He was not a worry-free guy. One was obsessed with scientific research and the other was a passionate young man. They have no intention of doing business and inheriting family business.However, their Lao Tzu is a more violent and authoritarian person, so the brothers and their Lao Tzu have not been very close these years.

However, this is nothing. What makes Li Renqiao a little "frightened" is that his father decided to marry him and said that he would get married after Li Renqiao returned from studying in the United States.

This is more painful!Li Renqiao disagrees with the practice of fingering for marriage, and does not want to go back and get married under the pressure of his old man, so he simply hides in the United States and does not go back.

Li Renqiao never told anyone about this, and Situ Nan didn't know, and he really thought that Li Renqiao was obsessed with experiments.

But to this day, Li Renqiao has enough confidence to face the authoritarian old man at home, but in any case, the old man's messy marriage is always a trouble, or find someone to pretend to get married and let the old man give up?

Thinking of this, Li Renqiao suddenly said, "Situ Nan, how do you think I get married?"

"Good thing! Just pick it up!" Situ Nanshun replied, and then asked, "Who are you going to marry?"

"I don't know. How about you find one for me!" Li Renqiao said.

These words stopped Situ Nanlei!Even Wu Liande's chopsticks fell off and stared at Li Renqiao.

"It's like this..." Li Renqiao whispered the hidden feelings in it.

"Haha! So you are hiding from marriage!" Situ Nan laughed, "What kind of woman is it that makes you so scared?"

"This is a long story. Anyway, you can help me find a woman to deal with it! Of course it's a fake one. The acting skills are better." Li Renqiao said.He really didn't know a few women, the standard technical otaku, and spent most of his time on experiments he was obsessed with.

"Okay! I'll go to Hollywood to help you find an actress, I guess those ghost girls and those who are willing to perform a good show with famous scientists!" Situ Nan replied.

"Oh, the two of you are really true. I guess Mr. Li would be mad enough if he knew it." Wu Liande shook his head.With this Situ Nan and the others, he felt that he was a lot younger.


Wu Liande lived in the William Manor and gradually learned a lot about Situ Nan. After careful consideration, he finally decided to accept Situ Nan's suggestion and become a director of the William Foundation, responsible for the William Foundation's charity education and medical affairs in China. .

This was mainly because Situ Nan's sincerity moved him.Because Situ Nan promised that the William Foundation will spend US$1 million every year on charity medical education in China in the future. At the same time, he also expressed that he will use his relationship to promote the future construction of medical schools in China and educational institutions such as William University and Rockefeller University. Cooperation, strive to train more talents in medical education and other fields.

A few days later, Wu Liande attended the influenza medical seminar. Li Renqiao and experts from the University of William’s School of Medicine, as the inventors of sulfa, introduced the therapeutic effect of sulfa on influenza at the conference.

This is a grand meeting in the medical field. After the meeting, Wu Liande hurriedly hurried back to China with a batch of sulfa drugs donated by Situ Nan and a few volunteers from the William Foundation.

Wu Liande first returned to Guangzhou to receive resources from the Beautification Company and the William Foundation, and then carried out influenza prevention and control work across the country.

Wu Liande's appearance finally settled Situ Nan's concerns.But at this time, Situ Nan has no time to care about the flu, because the war is about to end!History will enter a new era.

Chapter 223

Four years later, Europe is still full of gunpowder, with fierce fighting everywhere.The German army retreated slowly and stubbornly, using machine gun bunkers and skilled guards to fight to delay the Allied forces to protect their supply lines.

This is a dying struggle!On the Western Front, the forces of the Allied Powers strode forward from France and Belgium, regaining lost ground, and squeezed the exhausted war giant like two tongs.

Even the most genius military strategist, General Rudolf, was incapable of returning to the sky, and he had a foreboding that the German army was about to collapse.On September 28, he told Hindenburg that there should be a truce.

Prince Max Baden, who was ordered to negotiate peace, became the German Prime Minister in early October. On October 4, Germany and Austria made a request for a truce to President Wilson on the basis of "fourteen points."

This quickly received a response from the Allies, and the two sides began to bargain for the truce.While the diplomat was preoccupied in the secret hut, the soldiers on both sides were still fighting on the battlefield filled with smoke.

On October 25, 1918, the soldiers at the Kiel Harbor naval base in Germany received such an order to fight the British, or glorious!

It may be that it lacked the sacrifice spirit of the Kamikaze agents, or it was baptized by the Soviet spirit. The obedient German sailors resisted this order and went to the streets to protest.Like the Soviet Revolution in Russia, the naval uprising broke out in Kiel Harbor, and the atmosphere of the revolution spread rapidly in major cities in Germany, and it was overwhelming.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in an ant nest.The sudden outbreak of the Kiel Marine Uprising became the straw that overwhelmed the camels.In the face of internal and external troubles, the German government announced its surrender. They no longer have the capital to negotiate.

On November 11, 1918, on a rare sunny day, the German delegation signed a surrender agreement in a train carriage in the Compiègne Forest.

Just the day before, the German Emperor Wilhelm II had fled to the Netherlands to take refuge, and the German Empire also collapsed and entered the era of the Weimar Republic, which was humiliated by the Germans.

The French got out of the carriage triumphantly and proudly announced to the world that the war was over!France has won!They washed away the humiliation of the Franco-Prussian War and became the hegemon of the European continent again, showing the evil spirit that had been suppressed by the Germans for decades.It's a pity that they don't know that the same scene will be staged here in twenty years, but the protagonist is the now dejected German.

The flames of war slowly extinguished.Soldiers crawled out of trenches and foxholes from Switzerland to the sea and celebrated victory or defeat in their own way—some prayed, some paid tribute, and some simply begged for cigarettes from the original enemy.

At this point, the long war is finally over!The catastrophe in human history has finally drawn a stop.If Grand Duke Ferdinand saw this scene, I don't know how he would feel, would he regret going to provoke the Serbs?Oh!His Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed before the Germans surrendered!

Will the passionate youth of Serbia regret firing that shot?It seems that Serbia has also suffered greatly from the war, and what is left is a turbulent ruin. Soviets, royalists, bourgeoisie, anarchists, some ghosts and zombies began the next round of N Kingdom Romance.

By mid-December 1918, the Allied forces had arrived on the Rhine and occupied the bridgehead on the other side-the British army was located around Cologne, the American army occupied Koblenz, and the French army occupied Mainz.All German submarines have surrendered, been imprisoned or scuttled.The German High Seas Fleet (11 battleships, 5 battlecruisers, 8 light cruisers, 49 destroyers) was helplessly under the cannons of the British Fleet at Scarpa Bay and was later scuttled by German sailors.The stubbornness of the Germans is futile; the threat of further advances into Germany is enough to force them to yield.

The High Seas Fleet, which has been painstakingly built for decades, has become the fruit of the victors. Thousands of artillery and machine guns have been handed over to the Allied forces.

The Anglo-American-French coalition forces are busy taking over the assets of the enemy country and suppressing the Soviets. As the victors, they can show off in the enemy country.If Bismarck was alive, he would never say-"If a British force enters Germany, it will be caught!" That was the case.

The Germans lost!Fortunately, all the battles were fought in foreign countries. The German mainland was not like France. The northern and northeastern industrial areas of France were turned into ruins due to the war.The hateful French had already decided to severely punish the Germans who broke their homeland.

Some people are happy and some are worried!Although Germany was defeated, they were unwilling.

A hospital in the German Army.A voice yelled hysterically: "Germany is defeated? The damn traitors surrendered! The army didn't lose, and it's all the damn Soviets! They should all be shot!"

The young Austrian corporal struggled to get up from the hospital bed, crushing the newspaper to death.Only the Iron Cross with a faint smell of gunpowder on his chest could calm him down.Although the gas bomb wounded this brave messenger, it still couldn't destroy his belief.

Well, failure and shame have planted the seeds of demons in the hearts of every proud German.Responding to that sentence, Bao Shame is a man, and it is not known to come back!


When the news reached the United States, the whole family was boiling!

The word victory has replaced sulfa or Spanish flu as the new favorite of newspapers. All newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, the Wall Street Post, and the Chicago Forum are all overwhelming news of victory.

Victory!The Americans have won!The president and officials from various departments have said that the Americans have saved the freedom and democracy of European ancestors, and the evil and brutal Germans have been overthrown!The Americans have become a savior!

Cheers, cheer to your heart's content!People who had been suppressed for two years were finally able to relax. The people who were scared and worried by the Spanish flu were so excited that they took to the streets to celebrate and kiss.For most people, what they celebrate is that their loved ones can finally return to the United States, and they don't have to worry about being afraid all day long.

The capitalists in the United States also laughed. They are very happy, because all the loans are settled, and they won't be in vain.The American smiles are bright, real, and meaningful.

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