The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 239

With the victory of sulfa in the treatment of the Spanish flu, the brilliant achievements of Giant in the next ten or two decades can be expected.

Due to insufficient supply, even if the giant company sets the ex-factory price 1000 times the cost, it cannot stop the market's desire.A bottle of 100 tablets of sulfa drugs for $5 are on the market for $5,000, and many people ask for it, and they even cost $10,000 on the black market.

The goddamn Prick really sold sulfa in accordance with his sales plan. In the first two or three months after the launch of sulfa, he sold sulfa with an average profit of 300 to 500 times.

In his private words, it just needs that much anyway, why not let people with more money survive first?

Situ Nan did not interfere with this practice. He knew that it was not a question of money, but a limitation of production capacity, and it was destined to have such an abnormal period.

As time goes by, after new factories and new production lines are put into use, the sky-high price of sulfa will slowly fall back to normal levels.

Even so, Giant will become one of the most profitable companies in the world because it monopolizes the production of sulfa.If other companies want to enter this market, they must overcome the two patent barriers set up by Giant. First, they must obtain the raw materials for sulfa production.

This originally common dye was also invented by Giant and has already applied for a patent.It was only after the sulfa greetings that people woke up, and it turned out that a lot of waves can be used to extract sulfa.

It turned out that Bailangduoxi, which no one cares about, has become a gold liquid. However, only the giant company in the world can produce Bailangduoxi. It has monopolized the production of sulfa from the raw materials.

Many chemical companies are aware of the business opportunities, but they can face the two patent obstacles of Bailangduoxi and sulfa. They can only pinch their noses to recognize them, and they can only apply for Bailangduoxi and sulfa patents from Giant. Authorization, even large companies such as Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson in the east are no exception.

After careful consideration and after charging a high fee, Giant only gave the patent license for Bailangduoxi to a medium-sized chemical company in Los Angeles, but all applications for the sulfa patent license were rejected.

Of course, the Giant Company would not be so stupid to hand over the Golden Doll to others. As for the patent authorization of Bailang Duozhi, the Giant Company also knows which chemical companies have made any ideas, but those savvy chemical companies cannot obtain the sulfa patents. Nor does it plan to buy the expensive patents.

Giant has imposed strict restrictions on the licensing of Bailangduoxi's patents. After the local chemical company in Los Angeles obtained the Bailangduoxi's patent license, the products produced can only be sold to Giant. When Giant Company proposed to acquire the other party, the other party readily agreed.

It is difficult to say which city in the United States has the largest number of people with influenza, because in October 1918, when sulfa was not available in large quantities for a while, large cities such as New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia were still suffering from Spanish influenza every day. infection.

But to say which unit in the United States has the most infections, it must be the military.The number of US troops has swelled to 4 million, and more than 1.5 million troops are deployed in Europe, which has become the hardest hit area of ​​influenza.

If it is not controlled in time, more soldiers will die from the flu than on the battlefield.Because one person in the army is infected, the virus will soon spread among tens of thousands.

After learning about the advent of sulfa, Pershing, commander of the U.S. Expeditionary Force, wrote in a letter to the U.S. Department of War, “Oh my God, the statistics in the logistics area every day shock me. I don’t know that my boys have gotten this damn. I have a cold. If this situation is not reversed, it will not only hit our soldiers, but may also affect our achievements in the war..."

The army has once again become a major order holder for the Giant Company. Sulfonamides are required to protect the army's use first, and then hospitals and other medical institutions. As for pharmacies, it is very rare that they can be purchased.

The request of the army cannot be rejected by the giant company. (This makes some logistics officials of the army cheaper.) Although the profit cannot be as high as on the market, the victory lies in the large quantity and various advantages.

Situ Nan was pleased that one month after the advent of sulfa, the Banlangen Pharmaceutical Factory opened by Giant in San Francisco was also put into production, and the market was very good.Because the isatis root is crushed and made into pills, it is in line with American medical habits, and it is more effective when taken with sulfa.

After the Isatis root pills were gradually recognized, doctors across the United States accepted Giant's statement that sulfa and Isatis root is the best treatment for influenza.For non-flu patients, taking Banlangen can effectively prevent influenza and improve immunity. It is an essential medicine for home travel without side effects.

Except for the Chinese in Chinatown in California, American soldiers became the first to take Isatis root pills, and more and more small blue pills were distributed to soldiers along with pale white and yellowish sulfa pills.After taking a lot of sulfa and isatis root, the flu was controlled in the army.The recovered U.S. forces relaunched their offensive and tried to beat the Germans in one go. The Germans were already on the verge of collapse.

In addition to the U.S. military, Britain and France also require the U.S. to provide enough sulfonamides and isatis root.But the United States itself is not enough, how can it lavishly let foreigners use it first!In addition to guaranteeing the military, more sulfa drugs can only be given priority to flu patients in the United States.In this regard, Americans are very selfish.

Caibo touches people's hearts, and that's right!The popularity of sulfa has finally caused some people to covet it. Because of the production problem, many people hope that Giant will license the sulfa patent to other large companies to expand production capacity. Corey has been persuaded by some people overtly and secretly.This information was immediately reflected to Situ Nan.

He checked and found that there were some consortiums in the east. In addition to Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, which are still unwilling to give up, even major chemical companies such as DuPont and Pittsburgh Coke Chemical Company have also stepped in.

The emergence of sulfa has given many large chemical companies hope, just like wolves see meat, they want to come forward and take a bite.

It’s okay for others to say, but Pittsburgh Coke Chemical Company is not easy to refuse, because this company belongs to the Mellon consortium. Andrew also called Situ Nan. Although he did not say it clearly, he still mentioned in a roundabout way. If you want to transfer the sulfonamide patent, it is best not to drain outsiders' fields. After all, Situ Nan is also a minority shareholder of Jiao Chemical Company.

The US government will not come forward to ask Giant to transfer the sulfa patent, but Stuart still vaguely feels the expectation in Washington's eyes anyway.The person in the White House must not only lead the American people to win this war, but also become a hero who won the flu control.

Give or not?

Situ Nan had a headache. He really couldn't bear to let such a big piece of cake be divided away, but if he wanted to reject the kindness of so many people at once, it was not impossible, but there was some trouble.

Now is the critical moment for the William Consortium to transform from military production. If it follows and fights with those consortia in the east, it will inevitably affect its planned "retreat plan."

The so-called retreat plan is to get ahead of others and implement all the benefits from the war.Now all consortia and large companies are doing this more or less, and they have felt that the years of profiteering wars are coming to an end.

And that savvy father-in-law of his own may have met Jiao Chemical Company's post-war misfortune, and he lay ambush here beforehand.

"Okay! Just treat it as a good deed! Since you want to divide the cake, let's exchange some of the previous things!" Situ Nan thought about it inside and out, and finally decided to "waffle it again" and agreed with some companies negotiation.

Giant Company started secret negotiations with chemical companies such as Pfizer, expressing willingness to transfer the sulfa patents, but put forward harsh conditions, such as letting the other party use shares in exchange.

This is too harsh.The greedy wolf was half repelled at once, and even Johnson & Johnson was discouraged, but Pfizer still clung to it.

At this time, Pfizer was not the top chemical and pharmaceutical company, but its strength should not be underestimated, and it was full of eagerness for technology.They believe that after obtaining the sulfa patent license, they will not only obtain the production technology of sulfa, but also enter a paradise in anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial research. No matter how much it is paid, it is worthwhile. Besides, the production of sulfa is definitely not lost.

Entering a new field of medical research through sulfonamides will temporarily lose part of the benefits, but will surely get enough returns in the future.

Pfizer’s persistence surprised Situ Nan. He deliberately approached Prick to learn about Pfizer’s situation.

"Pfizer is very persistent in medical technology research and development, and invests a lot of money in medical research every year. They believe that the advanced medical research laboratory Pfizer maintains an important guarantee for leading. Therefore, they can exchange shares for sulfa technology." Priek said lightly.

He has now adapted to the status of Giant Company, and all the sales planning of Giant Company is done by him, so in his heart, he is still grateful to Situ Nan for his knowledge.

"Do you think we should agree?" Situ Nan asked.

He had already exchanged views with Corey, the president of Giant Corporation, on this matter. The "honest man" thought the price was right. Now let's see what the greedy Prik said.

Chapter 219

"It's better not. The importance of sulfa to Giant is self-evident. If the transfer of patents is to go out, it will be a loss to Giant anyway. We will also face challenges from other companies." K said.

He looked at the noncommittal Situ Nan, changed the conversation, and said: "This Spanish flu has given sulfa special value. Now the whole world is eagerly looking forward to it, but in terms of the production capacity of Giant, even our current Ten times the scale of production is still unable to meet market needs.

Our competitors see this in their eyes. They are trying to put pressure on us. I think if we reject them all, some bad news will spread soon, such as corruption, monopoly, and ignoring the public interest. Wait, they will do everything possible to slander the giant company.

However, if Giant is to become a major pharmaceutical and chemical company, it also needs to bear certain social responsibilities.It depends on how you choose, Mr. William. If you want to transfer the patent, the best choice is Pfizer."

This guy is a bit slippery!Saying so much is equivalent to not saying.Situ Nan glanced at Prick and said, "Okay! Let's get a discount on Pfizer once! We exchange sulfa for 30% of Pfizer's shares, at least not less than 25%. Leave this to you!"

As expected, Pfizer readily agreed.Giant exchanged sulfa for 25% of Pfizer's shares.

To this end, Situ Nan smashed up a giant holding company and integrated the shares of the giant company and Pfizer in the giant holding company.

Since it's selling, let's sell it!Under the control of Situ Nan, the Giant Company authorized the patent of Bailang Duo Xi to Pittsburgh Coke Chemical Company.In this way, the coke chemical company, which has made fat in the past two years, vomited blood.

After the sulfa patent was granted to Pfizer, according to the tacit agreement between the two parties, the market in the eastern region of the United States was handed over to Pfizer, and the western market and overseas markets belonged to Giant.

The spheres of influence of the two sides are roughly divided in this way, but there is no strict control. It depends on whose production capacity is greater and faster.This is a production race. It is about money, reputation and life.

When Pfizer announced that it had successfully obtained the sulfa patent license from Giant, the US pharmaceutical industry was in an uproar. Except for the parties and some well-informed major pharmaceutical companies, most people did not know how Pfizer was favored by Giants.

This is a good thing after all, which means that the proliferation of sulfa technology means that more patients will benefit.In an interview with Moody's-Fitch's "New York Times", the Minister of Health publicly praised Giant for the conscience of American companies and expressed the hope that Giant and Pfizer could produce more sulfonamides as soon as possible. Disaster.

The cooperation between Giant and Pfizer really cut the minds of other pharmaceutical companies, and their conspiracies disappeared in the air before they could be implemented.

In addition to sulfonamides, some pharmaceutical companies in the United States are also interested in Isatis root. Smart businessmen soon learned that the popular Isatis root pills on the market are actually simply pulverized and processed into medicines using Chinese Isatis root, without requiring too high production technology.

As a result, their minds became active again. Even if sulfa technology is not available to produce Isatis root, it is not bad. At least Isatis root is becoming hot. People who cannot buy sulfa are more choosing Isatis root.

Isatis root is not as easily limited by production as sulfonamides, and it is cheap and can be widely used. Its role in preventing influenza is also known to the world as sulfonamides.Countries began to focus on China, it should be said that it was on the small blue tree root.

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