The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 227


It has been three months since he returned from Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company. Situ Nan has rarely spent a leisurely time, and he often rushes to the construction of the school.

He really didn't want to see Laura working so hard, planning to build a school with a lot of clues, it is really rare to complete this career as a girl.In this regard, Laura is very much like Mrs. Stanford, the chairman of Stanford University.

Situ Nan tried his best to spend time with Laura, and occasionally fried rice with Mary, and went to see the film company when he was interested, and had a happy life.There was one thing he kept hiding from Laura and didn't dare to tell him about Paul in France. This point kept a tacit understanding with Andrew.

People are not as good as the heavens. Originally, Situ Nan's people had arranged for Paul to return to China.This made Situ Nan very entangled, sleeping and eating, especially when facing Laura, always felt guilty.

Walking out of a busy construction site, Situ Nan looked back at the campus that was gradually taking shape, somewhat relieved.But the thought of Laura asking about Paul the other day, her brows frowned again.

At this time, Lin Yimin hurried over and leaned in front of Situ Nan and said something. Situ Nan waved his hand and cursed excitedly: "Gu Ri guys are really dead. After returning to Los Angeles this time, let him taste the ground. It's hard work. Doesn't he love adventure? Doesn't he want to be active? I let him work as a migrant worker! Go and work like those construction workers for 10 hours a day, and see if he doesn't have the strength to be a hero!"

Situ Nan nagged and cursed all the way, finally letting go of the big stone in his heart.

In order to save the unconscious guy, he paid the price of more than a dozen armed men, all of whom were elites from the security consulting company, and almost every one of them was piled up by Situ Nan with money.

Originally, Situ Nan sent a team of twenty people to infiltrate Europe in batches to perform another mission. Unfortunately, by mistake, the mission died halfway, and more than half of the personnel were lost. Thinking about Situ Nan's heart was bleeding.This is simple to say, and only the person involved knows the twists and turns.

Back in Beverly Hills, Hollywood, sitting on a red sandalwood chair, Situ Nan triumphed Erlang's legs, humming an untuned tune.

But suddenly received a call from Franklin Roosevelt.On the phone, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy spoke very politely, caring very much about Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company, and euphemistically suggested that Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company would develop an aircraft suitable for naval use.

Well, it's mainly a seaplane for reconnaissance.The number is small, only 50, but it is better than nothing.This was originally the job of Curtis Aircraft Company, who are experts in seaplanes.

However, Mr. Assistant Secretary was more optimistic about Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company. After learning that the aircraft produced by Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company had been bought abroad, Franklin Roosevelt thought of his old friend Stuart.

In fact, the seaplane is similar to the general piston aircraft, except that there are two more pontoons to replace the landing gear. The fuselage is chubby and can provide enough buoyancy for the aircraft.Or use a flying ship to describe it as a bit more vivid.

Power is the key. As long as it is equipped with the Cummins R101 engine developed by Cummins Power, Situ Nan believes that the seaplane produced by the company will not be worse than the Curtis seaplane in terms of load or cruise.Well, there is no major technical problem, it's just slightly more expensive.

To Situ Nan’s surprise, Roosevelt mentioned on the phone that someone in the Navy proposed that airplanes should take off on ships. In the future, when the technology is mature, aircraft carrying fish can be deployed to take off from ships to bomb the enemy.The Navy hopes to get a powerful aircraft produced by Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company to conduct related experiments.

Isn't this an aircraft carrier?

Situ Nan thought that the person who wanted to think like this now was a genius.He didn't know that the aircraft carrier program had already existed, and the British and American navies had conducted related experiments and accumulated a lot of experience.However, limited by the traditional great sword and artillery doctrine, the new naval carrier faction is just a small bud.

At the same time, aircraft is just a new thing, and with current technical conditions, it is not possible to carry out long-range strikes on enemy fleets at sea.

The road is taken step by step. If it doesn't work now doesn't mean it won't work in the future.It is very important to maintain a good relationship with the Navy. In view of this, Situ Nan dispelled the idea that he was going to be perfunctory to the 50 seaplane orders.

Old Leland was reluctant at first, thinking that it was not worth the effort to disperse the company for the order of 50 seaplanes, but he was suppressed by Situ Nan's political mission.

Good man rewarded!After excellently providing 50 seaplanes to the Navy, good luck came. In view of the good performance of Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company, the Navy suddenly smashed a big pie over 200 F1B fighters and 150 water submarine hunters.

This made Old Leland happily dizzy!Hastily borrowed US$2 million from Wells Fargo Bank to open more production lines and expand the scale.

In fact, whether it is an Army Aviation F1 fighter, a navy version of F1B fighter or a submarine hunter, they are all equipped with Cummins R101 engines, but some parts are different.In terms of the level of aircraft manufacturing in World War I, if it is complicated, it cannot be complicated.

In short, it is cheaper than Cummins Power Company and Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company.The former is known as America's first-class power equipment provider, while the latter has surpassed Wright and Curtis and other aircraft companies to become the largest aircraft manufacturer in the United States, with an annual output value of more than ten million US dollars.

Compared with the hundreds of millions of arms giants such as DuPont Gunpowder and Bethlehem, the new Cummins Group is only a slightly accomplished junior, but I believe no one will easily ignore this new force. Some giants in the east have already Aware of the growing industry of airplanes.

Chapter 205

Hollywood Beverly Hills.Before the last ray of sunlight disappeared, a still-looking car slowly drove into the luxurious villa on the top of the mountain, Laura got out of the car, with a bit of fatigue on her face.

Hearing the sound of cars, Situ Nan hurriedly walked out the door to greet him.

"Thank you, drink a glass of water!" Situ Nan pressed Laura on the chair and took the initiative to pour a glass of water to Laura.

"Oh!" Laura took a sip of water and vomited, feeling acid reflux, like vomiting.

"It's okay!" Situ Nan quickly patted behind Laura.

"It's okay, maybe the stomach is not feeling well recently, and I'm getting sour!" Laura said, her face a little pale.

"This is too tired, it's not worth it. I will feel heartache. Looking at you so tired, I really regret giving you the school affairs." Situ Nan frowned and said, reaching out to massage Laura's shoulder.

"You, I will say something nice to coax people! I don't want to stay at home all day and do nothing, and I don't like to go to celebrity gatherings. Isn't it good to spend time at school? Now the main building of the school is up Okay, you can move in in two or three months. I don't care about it, can I?" Laura said, closing her eyes and enjoying Situ Nan's massage.

"So fast?" Situ Nan was surprised and continued to persuade, "But don't be tired, isn't Stratton still watching? We should trust him, he is surprised and worthy of our trust. If If you compare a school to a company, if you, the proprietress, do everything, she would be too incompetent. Don't you want to grab the employees' jobs?"

"Fuck you, how can I be as unbearable as you said!" Laura turned her head back to Situ Nan, realizing that she was too close to school, and she was a little envious of Situ Nan, like a shopkeeper. Being able to run such a big industry is very much like his father Andrew.

It is really a gift from God to meet this man.Although he has some unsatisfactory things, it does not prevent him from loving him at all.Thinking of this, Laura was silly.

"What's the matter?" Situ Nan looked at Laura silently looking at herself, her eyes filled with tenderness, and her hand movement could not help but stop.

"Oh! It's nothing! Don't stop, go down a little bit, use a little harder, um, good!" Laura closed her eyes again and enjoyed Situ Nan's massage.Following Situ Nan's gentle movements, the whole body felt soft and soft, very comfortable, and slowly relaxed.After a while, I made a slight cry and fell asleep!

"Why never found this girl so stubborn?" Looking at Laura's evenly undulating chest, her beautiful face was as calm as water, with a shallow smile at the corners of her mouth, as if she had dreamed of something happy. Situ Nan's heart was full of love and pity. .Originally, he seemed to tell Laura that Paul was going back to Los Angeles.

A week later, at the Long Beach Pier, Laura looked towards the sea from time to time, and took Situ Nan’s hand and asked, "Why aren’t you here? Didn’t you mean the boat at 10 o’clock this morning? It’s 9:30. It's really anxious."

"It will come, I promise. If the ship is late, I will fire the captain. Who told him to make my baby wait so anxiously?"

Situ Nan scowled and said pretentiously.Well, today he deliberately checked the news of the flight and found that the ship he was waiting for originally belonged to his own shipping company.

"Poor mouth!" Laura gave Situ Nan a blank look, then turned to look at the sea.Here comes, with a loud and long whistle, the ship docked.After a while, the passengers above got off the boat one after another, and the port became busy.

Several big men in suits walked out surrounded by a young man in the VIP passage, and saw the man with a bandage on his right hand, his brows lightly furrowed, and his face expressionless, as if he didn't care about everything around him.

It wasn't until I saw the flowery woman next to Situ Nan that she smiled, he is Paul!After some twists and turns, the young master Huahua was finally brought back to the United States.

"Sister, I'm back." Paul stepped forward to hug Laura, his eyes moist.

"Why is it hurt? Does it matter?" Laura looked at Paul with concern, squeezed on Paul, and checked it carefully.Except for the arm injury, there are no few other parts, and I feel relieved.

"Okay, sister, I'm okay, so many people are watching?" Paul said, turning his head and grateful to Situ Nan: "Thank you, brother-in-law!"

Had it not been for those mysterious people who appeared in time, I guess I would have been in a German prisoner of war camp.

Situ Nan glanced at Paul a lot, the thick beard and scum, he looked a bit mature, and his face was a little haggard, but his eyes were still clear, but a little sad and a little confused.

The battlefield is indeed a place for men to mature quickly, Situ Nan thought to himself that Paul's current appearance is similar to his appearance after the sinking of the Titanic just a few years ago.

"Just come back! Let's go home!" Situ Nan said little by little.

"There are so many factories here in Los Angeles, and they are almost catching up with Pittsburgh. I didn't expect such a developed place in the west!" Paul said emotionally as the car passed through the aircraft industry zone in Long Beach.

"That area is an airplane factory, which contains the engine factory of Cummins Power Company and the assembly factory of Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company. It is the largest airplane production base in the western United States, and it is no worse than the New York State Buffalo. City!" Situ Nan said proudly.At present, Curtis Aircraft Company, another major aircraft manufacturer in the United States, is headquartered in Buffalo, New York, so the aircraft industry in Buffalo is also very developed.

"Those factories are our family's talent industry, don't you like airplanes? Hollywood Stuart-William University will have a special flight training base, all kinds of airplanes are available, so you can fly! But when you come back, don't want to go again. Learn from others as a volunteer, otherwise it is not as simple as a hand injury. I will interrupt your leg and lock it at home. You are not allowed to go there." Laura Evil began to attack, and Paul said.

She is not a stupid person. Although she doesn't know how Paul was injured, she also knows that the battlefield is sinister and will die if she is not careful.He is a younger brother. Although he usually depends on him, he can't help being angry when he thinks that this guy will be away for a year.

Paul remained silent, thinking that it was really wrong for him to leave.But he doesn't regret it. This experience made him realize a lot of things.

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