The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 224

The battle became more intense. More and more planes were shot down. Many pilots lost control before they had time to make an emergency landing or parachuting, and fell like a fire.

Reinforced German aircraft had the advantage, and the victorious Libra began to lean towards them.

After suffering a loss, Paul became more cautious, for fear that he would follow the Fokker plane again.He and Eugene cooperated, covered and supported each other, and shot down a careless Fokker plane.

This large-scale battle over Paris shocked the hearts of countless people and attracted the attention of the whole world.Soon after the Red Baron formation was reinforced, British camel planes also arrived.The arrival of the British aircraft directly changed the strength of the two sides.

After the "Fokker disaster" last year and the loss of a large number of aircraft and pilots, the British, who learned from the pain, finally developed a more advanced aircraft-the Sopwith F.1 biplane, or camel aircraft for short, lost at all. At present, Dr. Fokker, the most advanced in Germany.Type 1 aircraft.

The "Camel" aircraft has a maximum level flight speed of 195 kilometers per hour and a ceiling of 5800 meters.Two machine guns are installed side by side on the upper part of the aircraft engine, and a firing coordinator is used.Because each cover above the machine gun has a raised bulge like two humps, it is named "camel".

The Camel aircraft has been the main fighter of the British Air Force since its appearance. At present, the British factories are focusing on producing this kind of superior aircraft to counter the German Fokker aircraft.

The hero did not suffer from immediate losses, and saw the British camel plane pounce like locusts. The German plane saw that the situation was not good. After leaving some planes for cover, the others retreated decisively.

After seeing the black German plane evacuating, the sky in Paris returned to blue, and Paul let out a sigh of relief.

In order to let out a sigh of anger, he increased the throttle and followed the British camel plane in the direction of the German plane's retreat.

This was almost a subconscious action, and Paul, who was eager for work, even checked the fuel gauge of the plane.

After winning, he was in a good mood. He looked at the ground, and there was a roar below, and the gunpowder was filled with smoke. It turned out that not only was in the air, but the troops on the ground also exchanged fire.

Thousands of shells pounced on the enemy's position like rain, blasting the fortifications on the ground to pieces.

At this time, the cannon is the protagonist of the battle. The cannons of both sides come and go and shoot at each other. They are the gods of war, and the tiny infantry can only crouch in the trenches, covering their ears, praying that the shells will not fall on their heads. .

Until the end of a thrilling artillery battle, the ant-like soldiers flooded the enemy's position like a tide under the command of the officer.

The Allies were the offensive side, and Paul recognized it from the blue uniform below, which was the color of the French army uniform.

After these blue waves rushed to the German defense line, they were swept down by the blockade net of machine guns, but the blue waves behind them still rushed frantically to the German positions.

Compared with the ground attacking corpses step by step and every inch of blood, the aircraft has a natural breakthrough advantage. With a rustle, Paul's aircraft crossed the line of fire between the two sides and soon caught up with a Fokker aircraft.

This Fokker plane was left for cover. After the battle, it was scarred and the wing was cut off. The pilot above was only trying to control the balance of the plane with skilled operation experience.

The fate of the birds of the colony can be imagined. Paul took the injured Fokker plane a Thoreau bullet without any effort.

The Germans protected themselves by docking their tails. After sacrificing some of the aircraft, the main aircraft group had disappeared without a trace, and the sky was "clean"!

Farewell, Western Front Battlefield!Goodbye to the United States this time, the sky of Paris!

Thinking of leaving tomorrow, Paul felt a little emotional.


The nose of the plane shook suddenly, and there was an irregular sound. Paul felt his body empty and stalled. He felt that the plane was falling down, and he had an unknown premonition in his heart.

"Tiktaka..." The propeller turned weakly, and stopped like a dead fish-out of oil!!!

Shit, so bad luck!Are you going to die gloriously in the last battle?

Paul cursed, hammering hard on the dashboard.3000 meters in the sky!Wouldn't it be so bad after falling?

Although he was not afraid of death, it would be too embarrassing to die like this.

Don't think about it!Lao Tzu belongs to the beauties in New York and Paris, no one can ever want to take my life!

Paul cheered himself up, while gliding the plane steady, while looking for a place to make an emergency landing.

An English camel plane flew to Paul's side and looked at Paul with a look of concern, but it was a pity that he couldn't refuel his plane's fuel.

Paul smiled bitterly and waved his hand, gliding slowly onto a meadow under the cover of this unknown British camel plane.

It's about to land, this is the most dangerous moment.Between the sparks and flints, Paul gritted his teeth, grasped the joystick tightly, and controlled the direction of the plane. There was a turbulence. After the plane made two long marks on the grass, it finally stopped.


With a long breath, Paul was almost paralyzed in the cockpit. This was the most dangerous moment in his life!

But this is not safe yet, because the landing place is behind the enemy line. As Paul’s plane broke down shortly after crossing the French-German front, he estimated that it should be not far from the French position. If he is lucky, he may be able to escape. go back.

After getting out of the plane, Paul heard the sound of a firefight. It turned out that it was the British camel who had been covering him and firing on the ground not far away!

The German squad is here?!

Paul awakened, and immediately realized that when he had just made an emergency landing, he had crossed the rear position of the German army. The German sentry should have found himself. It was obvious that the enemy had sent infantry to catch him.

No time to delay!Paul quickly took out his pistol, left the plane, and ran towards the woods in front of the grass!

After a while, the British camel, who had vented at the German soldiers on the ground, saw Paul dive into the woods and circled for a while, helpless, and had to wave its wings twice before returning.


In this air battle, both Germany and France invested hundreds of planes. The battle was ups and downs. The initiative changed hands several times. Finally, with a large number of camel planes sent by Britain, the German Air Force took the initiative to retreat.

In this campaign, France lost 31 aircraft, 28 pilots, Germany lost 41 aircraft, and one pilot was forced to land and was captured. The British lost little, with only three aircraft, one of which returned midway due to a malfunction.

The Lafitte Flying Squad performed well in this battle. It scored 7 enemy aircraft, but also paid a huge price. In addition to Paul’s disappearance, 7 aircraft were lost and all 7 pilots died, including everyone. Very fond priest!

The servant of the god crossed, and died with a German plane!

Afterwards, both sides of the war declared victory in the battle. The French side defined the battle as the "Great Victory of Paris", which is a great book.

The official news did not affect the atmosphere at the Vosges base at all. As usual, the Lafayette Flying Team members went straight to the Veterans Club after getting off the plane.Indulge in joy and comfort your teammates with the joy of the living.

It's a pity that the pastor is missing, the heroic Paul is missing, and a few teammates fighting side by side are missing. The Lafayette Flying Team members are somewhat depressed.

Especially Eugene, when he saw Paul chasing the German plane, he had a bad feeling, because the Lafayette Flying Squad had been fighting in the air for an hour, and the fuel was running out and it was about to return. Who knew he was excited? Paul...

"I hope you won't be caught! Otherwise, your father will cry, and the young master of the rich family will be captured. The ransom is huge!"

Eugene murmured, pouring a large glass of strong alcohol straight into his mouth, tears streaming out of the strong alcohol.

"What? Missing?"

On the Vosges base, Colonel Georges Cernot's office, the man screamed loudly.

"Yes. According to the British aircraft report, he made an emergency landing in the woods 30 kilometers behind the enemy. It is now estimated that the German guards are searching for him." Georges Sainot said with a sad expression.

"Will you send someone to rescue him?" the man said. After hearing Paul's disappearance, he could no longer calm down, even though he tried to do so.

In fact, from the beginning of the battle, he had an ominous premonition in his heart. After a day of anxiety and entanglement, he got such a result, and naturally he couldn't let it go.

"Sorry, this has exceeded my authority. But I can apply to the above, after all, it is to save our hero."

Georges Sainot explained that he has known this US Army Expeditionary Force Colonel’s staff officer for several months, and he has dealt with it several times, but this is the first time I have seen the other party so anxious, thinking, that Isn't the rich man Paul a big back?

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