The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 221

Seeing Katim there, Delp whispered: "What are you still stunned? Hurry up and make coffee to greet the guests!"

Situ Nan visited the company with great interest and smiled: "Not bad! I didn't expect you to build the company so soon."

"It's all Mr. William's trust. After we have recruited good staff, soon our [first] movie can be shot." Delp said confidently.

"Okay, let me introduce you. This is Miss Rose Dawson, who is also my partner. She is also a film actor, but she has a contract with another company. She will join our company when the filming is over. I hope you will cooperate sincerely in the future!" Situ Nan said, carefully paying attention to Delp's face.

Delp's face was stagnant, but he immediately showed his face again: "Welcome Miss Dawson to join us. I believe that having a powerful person like you join will be a great motivation for William in the 20th century. I hope that we will have a happy cooperation. "Speaking forward, she took the initiative to shake hands with Rose.

"Thank you. Mr. Delp. I believe that the company will develop into the best film company in Hollywood under the management of a senior filmmaker like you. At present, I just want to be an actor. As for company management, there is Lauderp Sir, you are." Rose laughed.Gently withdrew his hand.

Oh!Ok!Not for power!Delp breathed a sigh of relief. He had just tasted the feeling of being in power, so naturally he didn't want someone next to him to gesticulate.

But what's the origin of this woman?What is her relationship with Situ Nan?Thinking of this, Delp's heart fell again.Secretly glanced at Rose, it was so beautiful!Prettier than all the women I have ever seen.With such stunning beauty, my secretary Katie compares her with her, like a muddy difference!

Not to mention, this appearance, just because the other party is a shareholder of the company, makes oneself unable to covet it.Delp took a look at Situ Nan, his smile was unpredictable.

Still work seriously and behave well!Delp warned himself secretly.

After introducing Rose to the film company, Situ Nan stayed for a while and left.Not long after I returned to the hotel, I received a call from Long Beach.

"Stone, there is good news. The first aircraft of our Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company is about to fly. Do you have time to come and see?" Old Leland said excitedly on the phone.

"Great, I have been looking forward to your good news?" Situ Nan was very excited, and Ken couldn't fly over immediately to see what the first airplane produced by his company looked like.Aircraft, how can one be considered an arms giant without a large aircraft manufacturing company?

Putting down the phone, Situ Nan snapped his fingers and poured a glass of wine to enjoy himself.

"What makes you happy?" Why were you so excited that I didn't see you in the film company just now?"Ross asked curiously.

"It's an airplane! An airplane that flies freely in the air. It gives people the wings to realize the dream of human flying. My company is about to produce airplanes. Can you say that you are not happy?" Situ South America sips Take a sip of wine.

"That's great! It would be better if you have the opportunity to fly a plane!" Rose's eyes were full of yearning.

"Haha. You will have a chance!" Situ Nan smiled.

Flying an airplane is much more exciting than driving. If given the opportunity, most men in the world are willing to walk into the cockpit and enjoy the fun of flying freely in the air.Situ Nan is no exception. He has participated in the flying club in his previous life and has a deep memory of the old P51 Mustang fighter!The feeling of speed and speed will never be forgotten.The good news from Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company made Situ Nan’s quiet heart alive. He wanted to test what the best airplane of this era is, and whether it was produced like the first time he drove a Ford car. Is there a kind of ancient and primitive fun like the T?

Fortunately, after knowing that Situ Nan had built a villa in Beverly Hills, Laura couldn't wait to move in from the Hollywood Hotel in the city, otherwise Situ Nan's "love" last night would be help!

Was it really okay last night?

Situ Nan stared at Rose and shook his head gently.In a while, he will leave.Maybe she won't be able to see Rose again for some time, and she feels a little bit upset.

"I'm leaving, I will call you sometime." Standing at the door of the hotel, Situ Nan said to Rose.

"Okay." Rose smiled.

Situ Nan trembled and smiled: "What? Don't you give me a hug?"

Rose had to follow Situ Nan and stepped forward to embrace Situ Nan.Situ Nan's hands were very strong and he hugged Rose very tightly. After a while, the moment the two released them, Situ Nan quickly printed a kiss on Rose's head and said with a playful smile: "Give you a kiss! Just like you did to me!"

After talking, Rose got into the car and left without waiting for Rose to react.

Rose quietly looked at the disappearing car, her figure looked very charming in the afterglow of the setting sun!The face is like water, the dress is flying...

Chapter 199 Paul and the Lafayette Flying Team!

Who invented the airplane first has always been controversial, and they have different opinions.It is said that the Frenchman Clement Adel had successfully tested the flight as early as 1890, so the French believed that the airplane was invented by the French.

The Brazilian Alberto Santos Dumont had a successful test flight in 1906, flying at an altitude of 60 meters, which was higher than the altitude of all aircraft before. Therefore, the Brazilians also believe that the invention of the aircraft has their share of credit.

But the universally recognized inventor of the airplane is the Wright brothers of the United States.After a lot of experiments, the Wright brothers finally built the world's first aircraft that relied on its own power to take off by manned in 1903, and successfully completed the test flight.

Flying is a dream of mankind, and it is also a show off of the scientific and technological strength of various countries. Since the Wright brothers invented the first airplane, various countries began to compete in airplanes.The French, Americans, Dutch, British, Germans and other technological powers have joined the competition, so the level of aircraft manufacturing has also been greatly improved.

Because of giving the United States a sigh of relief, making the rich natives of America a little more face in front of Europeans who feel superior to themselves, the Wright brothers won the Honorary Award of the US Congress in 1909!

This is an honor, if you think it's just a flashy consolation prize, you are wrong!In the same year, the Wright brothers, who had a huge reputation, founded the Wright Aircraft Company with the support of the government and capital. At that time, it was the largest aircraft company in the world.Although it seemed at the time, the airplane was useless except for being cool.

It’s hard to imagine that the development of airplanes is faster than cars. From the successful take-off of the first airplane in the world by the Wright brothers in 1903 to the start of World War I in 1914, in just eleven years, airplanes were barely reluctant. The stumbling take-off has become a multi-functional war weapon that is now undertaking reconnaissance, communications, bombing, and so on over Europe.

In just ten years, the rapid development of science and technology has made airplanes, a toddler baby more than ten years ago, turned into fangs and destructive teenagers. Now more and more countries are beginning to attach importance to airplanes in the military. The role of the aspect.

The French were the first to realize that aircraft were used for military purposes. Long before the war started, the French military invested heavily in aircraft research and produced a large number of aircraft with superior performance like Morana Solny L-type fighters.

With the full support of the military and the courage to be the first, the French became the world's largest aviation power at that time!From the beginning of the war, the French put machine guns on the plane and installed deflectors behind the blades to realize bullets shot out of the propellers, which greatly improved the combat capabilities of the planes and killed unprepared German planes. No piece of armor is left.The German pilot took a detour almost as soon as he encountered the French plane.

Before the first half of 1915, the entire western front battlefield was covered with majestic French Morana Solny L-type fighters. The Gallic chicken flew into the sky, and the sky was feathered, so arrogant!

It's a pity that good times are not constant. Fengshui turns. In 1915, the French pilot Garros made an emergency landing on the German position due to a plane failure. Isn't this a self-confidence?

The Germans looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally a big pie fell from the sky. Not only was the unlucky Garros himself captured, but the French air force’s magic weapon, the Morana Solnier L-type fighter, also fell into the Germans. Hands up.If the Germans had won the treasure, they immediately understood the shooting principle of Morana Solny’s L-type fighter, and they were blue. It didn’t take long for the French to invent the shooting coordinator that allowed the aircraft to shoot from behind the propeller. , Greatly improving the firepower and accuracy of German aircraft.

The Germans installed the firing coordinator on the Fokker aircraft, and the result was repeated victories. The Fokker aircraft had an absolute advantage over Morana Solny’s L-type fighters and slaughtered the French Air Force over and over again. Disgusted!It is almost a copy of the previous French Air Force suppressing the Luftwaffe. This is the Fokker disaster in history!

The Morana Solny plane was massacred by the Fokker plane. After losing a large number of planes and pilots, France lost its air superiority, so the German airships frequently took care of the French rear factories, and sometimes even went to the United Kingdom. bombing.The French couldn't stand it anymore, and they quickly greeted the British to come and help. Through huge sacrifices, after the new Newport-28 aircraft entered service, they slowly regained some air supremacy.

The participation of the United States in the war has made the war even more bloody and anxious, whether it is from the ground, on the water, or even the sky under the sea, there is smoke everywhere.Advances in scientific and technological production, on the other hand, have also made human cannibalism more efficient.

Although part of the US Army is stationed in France, the main job is training, or it is hiding behind the French to help dig trenches or something, and has not actually fought the Germans.

Even so, a steady stream of munitions and materials shipped from the United States has effectively supplied the front lines, making up for the shortfalls in the production of Britain and France, and allowing Britain and France to have spare capacity to strengthen their offensives on the Western Front.

Beginning in April 1917 when the United States announced that it had joined the Allied camp, while the Russians could still hold some German troops, Britain and France organized several large-scale offensives on the Western Front, investing millions of troops, countless artillery and machine guns. The upper part of the tank, unfortunately, after the sacrifice of millions of personnel, neither the spring offensive launched by the French in the first half of the year nor the onslaught launched by the British in the second half of the year could not change the stalemate in the war.

France, which has lost a large population, needs to supplement manpower. In addition to recruiting a large number of Chinese laborers, it has also formed a large number of foreign corps. From all over the world, under the influence of French propaganda, volunteer young people from all over the world who love freedom and equality have joined France. The foreign corps became volunteers, and many of them were Americans.

Among the large number of foreign corps, there is such a small team that is unremarkable, but it is only making history.He is the overseas combat air force, if you want to use a name to call it, they are the Lafayette Flying Squad.

At dusk, at the military airfield near the hot springs in the Vosges, France, Colonel Georges Cernot was again as usual, neatly dressed, standing calmly on the grass of the airport, looking at the sky, looking like a father My children returned from the expedition.

An hour ago, after receiving a large number of bombers from Germany, Colonel Georges Cernot quickly dispatched the Lafayette flying team to intercept.

In the face of the powerful German Fokker escort, can the Lafayette Flying Team win?Georges Cernot couldn't help but worry.

When the plane landed on the grass, the crew hurried over to pick up the pilot, inspect, maintain, refuel, etc., and handled ground handling skillfully to ensure the plane's good operation.

As the last plane landed, the sky became empty. Colonel Georges Cernot looked back at the distant sky. After waiting for a while, no plane landed again.

Could it be that the 10 planes in the expedition only flew back halfway?He knew that planes that didn't return on time were generally far from good.

Georges Cernot looked at the bullet marks on the Newport plane that landed on the grass and sighed. Over 20 pilots have been killed this month.Before the expedition, those active lives are still vivid, and I didn't expect to pass away like this. Although they are not French, they are all trained by themselves, just like their own sons.

Maybe it's because you are used to seeing too much life and death, right?Colonel Georges Cernott did not feel sad for too long, and soon walked out of the shadows, calmly and smilingly greeted the returning warriors.These warriors who grew up on the battlefield do not need too much comfort from themselves, but Georges Cernot wants to let his boys know that there are many like-minded people like himself who have been silently supporting them.

Well, Georges Cernot is like an elder in the Raphael Flying Squad. He is very respected by everyone. As long as he stands on the airport, all pilots will feel at ease.

"Let's go! Paul, go to the Veterans Club for a drink!" A short black man put his hand on Paul's shoulder and pulled Paul out without a word.

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