The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 211

Situ Meideng picked up the tea cup, leaned to his mouth, put it down again, and sighed: "Anan, I didn't expect An Liangtang to have such a change. After such villains, it is really an old man who has no way to discipline and makes you laugh. ."

Situ Meideng held his fist to Situ Nan.During the incident, a dozen or twenty diehard rebels, including Gao Yi himself, were killed, and the rest of the frightened remaining party had to surrender under a submachine gun.

Upon hearing the startling change, Situ Meideng was a little bit angry with Situ Nan.In any case, they were all their own people, but after listening to Chen Tianming's account of what happened, especially after the other party took out a powerful weapon, he was scared into a cold sweat!Reminiscing that Situ Nan is no longer what he used to be, the grievances in his heart disappeared immediately. Fortunately, Situ Nan was fine, otherwise An Liangtang's revenge would be cruel.

"Hehe, nothing, I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Situ Nan smiled.

"Hey, it's time for Anliangtang to change. The past gang habits have to change." Situ Meideng said earnestly, giving Situ Nan a meaningful look.

Anliangtang, it should be said that it was the Hongmen of the United States to the court. Anliangtang is only a unit below the court. However, as the largest entrance to the court, it is reasonable to use Anliangtang instead of the court.

In 1904, Sun Yat-sen joined Zhigongtang as the head of Hongmen, and with the support of Situ Meideng and others, he rectified Zhigongtang, and Zhigongtang, a traditional gang organization, added revolutionary elements!To put it bluntly, it is to fight for the court to become an important force to overthrow the Qing government.Before the Revolution of 1911, a series of uprisings initiated by the revolutionary party had been supported by money and manpower to court.

It is a pity that gangs are gangs after all and cannot become a big climate. The rectification of Sun Yat-sen and others has not changed the essence of Zhi Gongtang. Zhi Gongtang is also a loose alliance of Chinese and overseas Chinese gangs. It has its revolutionary nature and backwardness. This The second high justice incident fully illustrates this point.

Gao Yi and his group were originally not Situ Meideng's direct line, but a small gang compiled from the speech that was established in Zhi Gongtang.However, Gao Yi himself has some abilities, and he is also a veteran in the hall with many party members, so Chen Tianming has not been able to completely suppress him.It's a pity that I was blinded by greed and wanted to snatch Meihua Company. As a result...

Situ Nan is also thinking that the overseas Chinese in the United States are divided into two major factions, one is the Chinese Friendship Association, which mainly appears as a commercial company, Meihua Company, and the other is a gang organization represented by Anliangtang or Zhigongtang.Because of the rapid development of Meihua's power with the support of Situ Nan, it has surpassed Anliangtang, and it should become the representative of overseas Chinese in America.Although Anliangtang provoked the high-level matter, Meihua Company did not want to annex the other party.After all, everything depends on strength.

As long as all organizations have their own opinions, the Chinese Friendship Association is connected to the court in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese, paying attention to the independence of the nation and the prosperity of the motherland, but it is not related to the various parties in mainland China. Pure and more independent.If the Chinese Friendship Association can integrate the forces of Zhi Gongtang, it will be of great benefit to both its own growth and the implementation of the Nanyang Project.

"Mr. Stuart Meideng, I think about the conflict between our two sides, let the past pass, let's look forward! We should unite, stay external, and never fight internally. I suggest that we set up A party, it aims to safeguard the interests of our overseas Chinese compatriots in Haihua, and support and help the construction of the motherland. How do you think?"

Situ Nan looked at the sturdy, slightly dignified face in front of him with piercing eyes.

"Establishing a party?" Situ Meideng raised his brows, froze, and looked at Situ Nan in surprise.Establishing a party is a very important thing. He has never thought about establishing a party. He was just thinking about changing some of Anliangtang’s business, just to stop opium business, so as not to provoke Situ Nan, the "scary god." Unhappy.

"Yes. To reform Anliangtang through the establishment of a party, the previous set is no longer feasible. Anliangtang not only has to change its business model and corporatize the gang’s business, but the transformed Anliangtang should be completely independent. Tang, the party is the party. It can be connected, but it must be separated independently, so that the new party can absorb the operations of our overseas Chinese intellectuals and the business community, and strive for more people to join in, forming a strong force for overseas Chinese. The motherland contributes."

Situ Nan explained.He knows that in this troubled world, the gang always has the soil for him to survive, and it is better to transform and use it instead of turning a blind eye or rejecting it.But how to do it, he hasn't tried it, just some ideas.

"That's fine! It should be the case." Situ Meideng nodded. In fact, he also had some vague thoughts in his heart. Otherwise, he would not reorganize Zhi Gongtang into Zhi Gong Dang in a few years. After the inspiration, the dim thoughts in my heart gradually became clear.

This matter is hard to say, easy and easy to say.In fact, Situ Nan didn’t think about becoming a political figure. He just felt it was necessary to do so. After all, he has more than a hundred years of experience. Although many things are not in line with the current situation, his ideas are much more advanced than ordinary people. I can also say a few words about construction.

Somewhat out of a showy or ostentatious mentality, Situ Nan kept talking about the main thrust of the new party, how to build a hierarchical party, how to build a united front, and draw more people into his camp.In addition, through training and absorbing a large number of knowledgeable young people to join them, making them more innovative and vigorous and so on.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was blinded, and the gang of big bosses were stunned. Although they have a revolutionary heart, they are often just out of righteous indignation, a passionate impulse, in fact In theory, the understanding of revolution and political parties is still very superficial, so I took Situ Nan's words as insights.

The matter is big and we must consider the long term.Situ Meideng was already interested, but he still had to discuss with the other elders in the hall before it could pass.The main one is to persuade the veteran Huang Sande.

Huang Sande's position in Zhi Gongtang is second only to Situ Meiden, and he is also the leader of overseas Chinese in North America.The same hatred and love for the country and the nation made him have a strong anti-Qing ideology in his early years. He joined the like-minded Situ Meideng and others to establish Zhi Gongtang. He once followed Sun Yat-sen and sprinkled his blood for the revolution. He was a hero of the Revolution of 1911.

However, it is always the same. Gangs are gangs after all, and they can't make it to the table. As a revolutionary hero, Huang Sande finally fell out with Sun Yat-sen.Because it is very simple, Sun Yat-sen, who is the head of the Hong Sect, opposed the transformation of the Zhi Gong Dang into the Zhi Gong Dang, and attacked Zhi Gong Tang as a gang force, planning to wipe out Hong Sect's influence on the mainland. This is the so-called Hong Sect's case.

After the second revolution failed, Sun Yat-sen once again went into exile and still wanted Hongmen support. However, there is no suspicion. Under the promotion of Deng Zeru, the overseas Chinese in Nanyang can still support the court. However, there are very few people who have responded to the case in America, and there is no way to raise funds.Huang Sande bluntly said: "When your husband is declining, he will rely on Hongmen, when he is heavier, he will despise the Hongmen and avoid it. It is now prosperous and decayed, and he wants to be intimate with Hongmen. Mr. stopped." The meaning is obvious: You were unlucky enough to think of us, just kick your fortune away, don't fool around!

This sounds interesting, and Lao Huang can be considered a straightforward person!Situ Nan commented inwardly.

Which is right and wrong? It involves the issue of interest. Situ Nan didn't know the reason for it in a short while, but for Huang Sande, who is more self-reliant, Situ Nan is welcome. Although the other party is a gang leader, who is this year? Clean?To achieve great things, you must know how to use all kinds of people for your own use. Moral cleanliness is not desirable.This point has long been a lesson in history. All great men are dark and thick. Angels are their faces, but the means of implementation are no different from the devil.

Sure enough, the idea of ​​rebuilding Zhi Gong Dang immediately got Huang Sande. After much deliberation, Situ Mei Deng finally made up his mind to transform An Liang Tang and merged An Liang Tang and the Chinese Friendship with Mei Hua Company into Zhi Gong Dang.

In 1917, the reorganization of Zhi Gongtang entered the substantive stage.At the end of the year, the China Zhi Gong Party held its first congress in San Francisco, announcing the establishment of the China Zhi Gong Party, which marked the new rise of overseas Chinese political power.

After the establishment of the China Zhi Gong Party, branches have been established in South America, Southeast Asia, China and other regions.Party organizations have been established wherever there are churches in the Americas, and Zhi Gongtang organizations in other countries and regions have also changed their churches into parties.The Zhi Gong Party has offices in most cities in the United States, and most of its power is concentrated in the two cities of California, San Francisco and Los Angeles.Because this is the base camp of Meihua Company.

Chapter 189-Behind the Scenes-Han Chinese Freemasonry

Historically, the Zhi Gong Party was established in October 1923 at the Wuzhou Hongmen Third Party Meeting held in San Francisco, the United States, and two years later, in 1925, at the first representative meeting, Chen Jiongming and Tang Jiyao were elected. For the prime minister and vice premier.

As a result of wooing a group of warlord politicians such as Chen Jiongming and Tang Jiyao, Zhi Gong Dang completely parted ways with Sun Yat-sen's Kuomintang. This is why the Chiang Kai-shek Group, which inherited his mantle after Sun Yat-sen's death, still fought endlessly with Zhi Gong Dang.

Because of Situ Nan’s accident, history has taken a small turn. His intervention has caused a small change in the purpose of the Communist Party. The Communist Party has always loved the country, the nation, and resisted foreigners. Aggression is the main point, which remains the same, but the approach has become more pragmatic and more focused on its own development.Under the influence of the Nanyang Foundation, Zhi Gong Dang gradually turned its attention to Nanyang affairs.With the Nanyang base area, Zhi Gong Dang can contribute more to the motherland. Otherwise, it will be entangled in the country, blindly consuming the Kuomintang and various warlords, and will only accomplish nothing in the end.

Under the influence of Meihua Company and others, the newly born Zhi Gong Party did not fall out with the old Sun’s Kuomintang, nor did it enthusiastically participate in the affairs that have been harassed by the mainland, let alone entangled with scum warlords like Tang Jiyao. .Well, everyone is not pleasing to the eye. It kind of means being old and dead.In fact, through the relationship between Meihua Company and the Shanghai Song Family, Zhi Gong Party and the Kuomintang still maintain a certain relationship.

For the sake of business, Situ Nan doesn’t want to become too entangled with the domestic forces. From Situ Nan’s point of view, all factions are actually the same. There is not much difference. Meihua needs the mainland market and foreign capital. Technology is slowly introduced to the country, and young people from the country are immigrated to Southeast Asia and other regions. Without military support, they should try their best to avoid engaging in evil with all forces.

This is a difficult road, tortuous and long, not even understood. Situ Nan does not want to be understood, but hopes to preserve a little vitality for this country.Those who have not experienced the complicated and chaotic period of the Republic of China do not know how difficult all reforms are in this ancient empire, just like walking with fetters. Every step forward, it has to make difficult efforts.

Although Situ Meideng is the chief hall of Zhi Gong Dang, and the Anliang Church he founded is the largest unit of Zhi Gong Tang, the reform will inevitably violate the interests of some people. The loose Zhi Gong Dang is not the only one of Situ Mei Deng, so some The dissatisfied court did not join the Zhi Gong Dang, but instead took the opportunity to leave the Zhi Gong Dang.

In fact, after obtaining the Zhi Gong Dang license and the support of overseas Chinese in California, Situ Nan didn't care about the other parties.In his opinion, the Zhi Gong Dang is not the same as the court. The Zhi Gong Dang should be Mei Hua's Zhi Gong Dang first. Without some smoky guys coming in, the Zhi Gong Dang will be more relaxed!Don't have to spend a lot of effort to clean out those guys when you get it.

As for the relationship between Zhi Gong Dang and Hong Men, Situ Nan didn't think there was a big deal. It could be the best for me, but not for me. The big deal is that I can work harder. Will it be possible to build it from scratch?

Meihua has opened large farms in Southeast Asia, Latin America and other regions, employing a large number of immigrant workers. Security consulting companies and BP Fruits employ a large number of security guards (soldiers). Some people have money and guns, but are they short of cats and dogs?

"Humph! If you are not coming, I'm not welcome yet!"

Before the Zhi Gong Dang is fully controlled, the Nanyang Project and the Nanyang Foundation will not be open to the Zhi Gong Dang, and the Meihua Company and the Security Consulting Company will not become the property of the Zhi Gong Dang. The relationship between them is The relationship of equality and cooperation represents the three development directions of economy, politics, and military respectively, and they are balanced and restrained.


Sun Yat-sen, who was hiding in Japan, was a little annoyed when he heard that the North American Zhigongtang should be the Zhigong Party. He thought it was a betrayal and was digging his corner, because overseas Chinese have always been the source of funds and materials for the revolutionary party. The great man at this time He is planning to reorganize the Kuomintang into the Chinese Revolutionary Party, and he is preparing to let the people loyalty to his old man.Although there were some contradictions with each other, he did not expect that those people in the United States would suddenly become independent, which would more or less affect his revolutionary cause.

It’s a pity that across the Pacific Ocean, the whip is often beyond reach. Lin Yifu, the representative of the Revolutionary Party in San Francisco, hurriedly rushed to persuade him to try to save Situ Meiden. Didn’t you know that the new Zhi Gong Party already had its own ideas? When the Nanjing Revolutionary Government was established, nothing was brought to court when the cake was divided. This hurt many elderly people's hearts.The joining of Meihua strengthened Situ Meideng's own heart.Who doesn't have any ambitions these days!

Whether it is the Beiyang government or the revolutionary party in the south, they are actually doing the same. Although the people of An Liangtang do not have the same enthusiasm for the lobbyist Lin Yifu, they will not be cold-faced, but friendly and declined.

"Brother Jizan, can't this be undone? Now the revolution is at a low point, and Mr. Sun is in need of help from everyone in Japan!"

Lin Yifu looked at Anliangtang’s chief officer, Situ Meideng, a few days ago, when he heard of Anliangtang’s changes, he was also a little nervous, because someone privately promised that once the high-righteous action was successful, he would stand up. For Gao Yi's endorsement, the behind-the-scenes transactions involved here naturally cannot be told by outsiders.

"We are obliged to do the revolutionary cause, but the descendants of China are left out, helpless, inconvenient, only united and self-reliant. We are also showing our eyes to the vast number of overseas Chinese, and I also ask you to understand more." Situ Meiden declined. Tao.

This means, buddy, since Mr. Sun does not let us establish a party in the country, then we can always establish a party here in San Francisco, right?We play our own, so you don’t want to join in, okay?

Seeing Situ Meideng's determination and knowing that the Zhi Gong Party was a foregone conclusion, Lin Yifu returned in disappointment. He did not dare to continue to question him. If the Gao Yi incident was involved, he could not get rid of it.

However, before leaving, he got Situ Meiden's guarantee, such as revolutionary fundraising.

In fact, when it comes to money and money matters, Situ Meitang alone does not count. Although he is the prime minister of the Zhi Gong Party, the Mei Hua faction is the largest faction of the Zhi Gong Party and has developed into the only faction. After the party was established, the main source of funds came from Meihua Company, so it was impossible for Situ Meiden to squander it at will.

The Zhi Gong Party has appointed the Prime Minister as the top leader, but the power is in the hands of the Zhi Gong Party Executive Committee (referred to as the Executive Committee). Major affairs within the party must be approved by the Executive Committee before they can be implemented.

The executive committee consists of administrative cloth, personnel cloth, financial cloth, defense cloth, propaganda cloth, external link cloth and other institutions, among which the two most important clothmen administrative cloth and financial cloth are Yu Meihua's president Zeng Liming and the president of American China Bank. Jiang Hua served concurrently, and the distribution directors in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Nanyang, and Latin America all came from Meihua.Therefore, from the central executive committee to the local leaders, there are people from the Meihua faction. Without the approval of the executive committee, the resources of the Zhi Gong Party will not be easily used by outsiders.

In addition, Jiang Hua also began to rectify Anliangtang's business in accordance with the current corporate model.Jiang Hua is a second-generation overseas Chinese in his 30s. He has a higher education in the United States. He used to work as a financial manager for the California Steel Company. Later, he was transferred by Situ Nan to prepare for the establishment of American and Chinese Bank. In his tone, Situ Nan again put a hat on his head for the public finances.

Fortunately, he was energetic, followed by an excellent economic team, and after taking over the post of Zhi Gong Party, his affairs were handled smoothly.After investigation, he transformed the companies under Anliangtang into a shareholding system, transformed the original hotels, restaurants, etc. into current companies, and began to develop into the hotel, tourism, and gaming industry.

In order to solve the employment problem in Chinatown, Jiang Hua then set up a construction engineering company.It turns out that all the gang members have become employees of the company, and the former bosses have become shareholders of the company. This is more conducive to mobilizing their enthusiasm and enhancing cohesion.At the same time, the relationship with the government has been improved, because the tax is higher.

After restructuring, Jiang Hua gradually established prestige in the hearts of the sweetened gang. At the same time, he also incorporated the industry of the Zhi Gong Party into the camp of Meihua Company and became a peripheral enterprise of Meihua Company, slowly economically Controlled the Zhi Gong Party.

Under the gradually sound financial system, it is not easy for anyone to use the company’s funds with a single word. However, under the hint of Situ Nan, Jiang Hua finally agreed to provide distribution funds to support the Revolutionary Party headed by Sun. It is also friendly. Break up!

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