The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 1058

"The warnings of China and South China clearly stated that Japan will never be allowed to occupy Singapore and control the Strait of Malacca.

Intelligence shows that the South China Navy has assembled in New Tangshan, and the Chinese Navy has also assembled to enter the South China Sea at any time."

The words of Foreign Minister Shige Mitsukui made the hearts of everyone sinking, and poured cold water on the good situation of victories.

The attitude of the League of China must be taken seriously, otherwise they would agree that the Americans would use Qingdao and Dalian airports to bomb Japan.

The Japanese are also arrogant and unwilling to give up the upcoming victory.

After much deliberation, I finally felt that the word partition was more appropriate.

"The Chinese want Singapore, so let's do it together. There is no free lunch." The Japanese replied bachelorfully.

On the one hand, Japan stepped up its attack on Singapore. On the other hand, after seeing the attitude of the Chinese, Japan knew that it was going south to the Strait of Malacca and entering the Indian Ocean. After all the difficulties, it speeded up its journey to Australia.

After the collapse of the US Pacific Fleet, the South Pacific was plunged into a vacuum. MacArthur was like a bereavement dog and finally escaped to Australia.

Looking back, the Japanese army followed behind their buttocks. They had already captured the island of New Guinea and were building a forward airfield on it.

Starting from the island of New Guinea, they want to attack Australia at any time, as if the Japanese can touch Australia's fertile land once they reach out.


Wuhan’s response to Japan is ambiguous, and South China is a bit undecided. If it joins with Japan to attack Singapore, it will attack Britain and the United States and become an enemy of the United States. At least it gives people the impression.

Song Meiling did not give Stimson, the White House special envoy, a good face, because the Americans actually asked China to open coastal airports to the U.S. military, and the U.S. military could use this as a base to bomb Japan.

"Mr. Special Envoy, we sympathize with your country's experience, but we don't want to get involved in the war between your country and our neighbors.

Unless we are an ally, our territory will not allow foreign fighters to enter."

Song Meiling answered Stimson like this.

The United States also made a similar request to South China, and wanted to use the South China Airport to bomb the Philippines, but was also rejected.

The Chinese were determined to watch the show and failed to convince them. Stimson felt disappointed.

When he proposed that the Chinese aircraft carrier in the concession was used to defend against Japan’s attack on the United States, Wuhan’s attitude was very cautious, and they had to consider it carefully, until Stimson left without a clear answer.

But this proposal received a positive response in South China.

Wuhan and Nanhua had disagreements on whether to lease aircraft carriers to the United States.

Just when He Wenxiu and others hesitated, and even considered whether they should attack Japan first, a piece of information changed their attitude-Japan is aggressively attacking Australia!

"Ru Kun is really uncomfortable in his throat, but...just bear it for a while, and see if Yamashita Fengwen can conquer Singapore.

The navy has stepped up its deployment in the South China Sea and Malacca. Our goal is at least to co-manage Singapore. If Japan does not agree to it, then there is nothing to say!Pull the Americans in and kill Little Japan together."

He Wenxiu made the decision under tremendous pressure.

So there was a powerful and sophisticated South China Defence Force watching the fire from the shore, watching how the stupid Englishman was defeated by the same exhausted Japanese army, and then surrendered in shame.

If the British army persists for a few more days, it is estimated that Fengwen Yamashita will retreat.

In August 1942, Singapore fell.

It has to be said that the Japanese often take risks and often succeed, and then take a bigger risk next time, reflecting the narrow and short-sighted side of the island country.

In September, the British fleet withdrawn from Singapore and the remnants of the American Pacific Fleet and the Japanese combined fleet broke out in a naval battle in the Coral Island waters. They were defeated. The Japanese drove straight in, pounced on Australia, landed in Port Douglas, and occupied Queensland and other large areas of North Australia. .

MacArthur's constant revenge and hatred finally had a chance, and finally he could command the US-Australia army and the Japanese army to fight a good battle on land.

His opponent was Seishiro Itagaki's second division.

Seishiro Itagaki suffered a big loss on the Chinese battlefield and suffered a tragic defeat in front of the Chinese armored division. Ten years later, he put the shame of the fiasco on the proud MacArthur, and the incompletely armored Second Division took the US-Australia coalition forces. It's so beautiful.

MacArthur fled back to South Australia in embarrassment. One day, he kept crying to Roosevelt by sending telegrams, asking for equipment, soldiers, airplanes and tanks, and steamed buns. (Well, steamed buns are not needed. Australian girls are very enthusiastic and open. They welcome American soldiers. Japanese soldiers are not welcome.), otherwise, "We will suffer a crushing defeat again. Once Australia is lost, where can I retreat? Should I retreat to the South Pole?"

The Roosevelt administration tried their best to rescue MacArthur and drew valuable capacity from the Atlantic to support Australia. Such support may not be safe at times. Japanese warships have begun to appear on the South Pacific route.

The best way is to purchase supplies from Nanhua, so while MacArthur cursed Chinese profiteers, he had to use high-priced materials and equipment purchased from the Chinese.

"The Japanese are a mad dog. We have temporarily lost the Pacific Fleet. Now only the Chinese can stop this mad dog.

We cannot do without the Chinese."

At the White House meeting, Roosevelt sighed in a low tone.

It is necessary to reach an agreement with the Chinese, otherwise the situation will become more severe.

"The Chinese rejected us!" Stingsheng said regretfully and hesitated, "unless..."

"Unless what?"

"We form an alliance with them!" Stimson said.

"Dreaming! If we ally with them, it means acknowledging their aggressive behavior. We have lost everything in Asia." Marshall objected.

He is anti-China, and he is secretly anxious when he realizes that the president is going to make deals with the Chinese.

"Asia is the territory of the British. Although we have owned the Philippines, to be honest, we have not benefited from the Philippines, but have caused harm. There is no need to sacrifice the American name for the British and a stronger enemy."

Stimson distinguished, "The Pacific Ocean is huge, isn't it?"

"Japan is the enemy. Although he is a vicious dog released by the Chinese, the best way is to obtain the understanding of the dog owner.

The Chinese did not enter Europe and obviously did not want to make the Germans cheap. They did not form an alliance with Germany. To some extent, they are our tacit ally."

Vice President Truman, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke. He reminded us with a very serious expression: "The situation is very unfavorable for us. If we cannot obtain an understanding with China as soon as possible, once China and Japan form an alliance, then the United States will lose San Francisco and Los Angeles may not be impossible. .

Besides, how many people will the United States have to die if China is to defeat Japan?How many families are broken?"

Truman’s words revealed the fact that after the occupation of Singapore, Japan faced the vague blockade of the Chinese Joint Fleet and had to agree to the conditions of South China to make Singapore a free city.

The Japanese can continue to attack Myanmar from the Malay Peninsula, and even India. Japanese merchant ships can pass through the Strait of Malacca at will. The South China Sea and South China are still open to supply of rubber and oil to Japan. However, the entry and exit of Japanese warships in and out of the Strait of Malacca is strictly restricted, including deployment in Malaysia. The number of Japanese fighters coming to the peninsula is also limited.

Who knows if the Japanese will pretend to kill Guo and play the scene of the attack on Pearl Harbor in New Tangshan again?

Perhaps the British are too savvy. The Japanese who are not afraid of death sent a partial division to attack Burma. After defeating the British colonial army, they invaded India and burned, killed and looted in India...

(Wuhan showed great tolerance and stationed a hundred thousand troops in Annan to go south to Thailand at any time to cut off the return of the Japanese army. Perhaps Japan saw this and showed tolerance on the Singapore issue. Therefore, it came to win the support of the Chinese alliance and capture Australia will be so smooth.)

Later, after Japan went south to Australia, China and South China’s attitude towards Japan changed dramatically, increasing their support for Japan. The Japanese could actually go south from the Chinese concession merchant ship to Australia and send their military equipment to the battlefield. Not to mention the Japanese immigrants. Australia.

Obviously, this is the Asian version of the appeasement policy!


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