The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic-Chapter 1045

Because time seems to be more on the Chinese side.

"It's time for the Shanghai concession to end. Tomorrow I will issue a letter to the ambassadors of Britain and France. How about taking back the concession within three days?" Soong Meiling asked, with a confident tone, her tone of inquiry, but determination, as if she saw a The merits of the pile's name will fall on oneself.

"The Tax Police Corps is ready for everything." Lin Yimin nodded.

In fact, within three days, Paris and London had to agree to return the concession to China after receiving the news that the Chinese wanted to do something.

As for Hong Kong, the British were a little ambiguous, and proposed to return Hong Kong to China in exchange for China to form an alliance to deal with Germany together, but Soong Meiling sternly refused.

The attitude of the two sides was stalemate for a while, but it is estimated that the British can't stand it anymore.

Churchill is now selling cute everywhere, holding his thighs, and seeking support, especially eager to draw the United States into the battlefield, sell off British overseas bases, and obtain supplies from the United States.

The British also hope to form an alliance with Japan, and the Japanese are equally ambiguous.

"War broke out in Europe. This is an opportunity for the empire. Unfortunately, the empire cannot make a decision without resolving the conflict with the Chinese."

Tokyo, base camp, Ishihara Wanji analyzed itagaki and others like this.

In the Sino-Japanese War in 1931, the defeat of the Japanese army led to the downfall of the Tanaka cabinet. They, the young officers of the Kwantung Army, were subsequently punished.

Eight years later, and eight years of silence, these people became active again, Ugaki Kazusari actually became land minister again, Ishihara Wanji became the first head of the staff headquarters, Seishiro Itagaki was defeated and captured in the Chinese battlefield, and later returned. Japan, now serves as the commander of the Second Division.

Many generals in the army were not convinced, but who made Itagaki Seishiro the most experienced in commanding armored forces? Of course, those who have the ability to be reused.

"The empire suffered heavy losses, and China was thriving and became the hegemon of the mainland. It is difficult for the empire to contend on land." Itagaki frowned and said solemnly.

"Has Itagaki-kun lost his confidence? Don't he have the courage to fight again?" Ishihara asked with a sneer.

"Slap" Itagaki Seishiro was angry and filmed, thinking of the shame of being captured, his eyes flashed fiercely, like a beast, ready to eat people.

"I have never had the shame of losing. The defeat made me painful and made me strong. The day I returned to China, I swore that I would wash my shame with the blood of the enemy."

Seishiro Itagaki gritted his teeth and said.

Obviously, this guy "survived".

Ishihara smiled when he saw it.

"Unfortunately, the enemy of the empire is no longer China. On the contrary, we have to deal with China and jointly deal with Britain and the United States." Ishihara smiled.


Seishiro Itagaki stopped doing it as soon as he heard it. I didn't expect Ishihara Wanji to say such words. Is this still Ishihara Wanji of "Japan's No. 1 Soldier"?

"Ishihara-kun has the power of others!" he angrily said.

"China is an industrial power, and its industrial strength is several times that of the empire. If we fight China on land, can we win?

Instead of competing with a powerful enemy, it is better to focus on the places suitable for the development of the empire. The battlefield and the choice of enemies are very important to the future of the empire."

Ishihara sneered.

He knows that many people in the army want to take revenge and fight against the Chinese. He has no hatred of China at all, but he is more calm and has no zeal, and believes that he can defeat China on land. An industrial power, the Chinese armored forces and air force are much stronger than the empire.

Seishiro Itagaki was speechless, sat down and patted his thigh, secretly sulking.The reorganized Second Division is a Japanese elite division, equipped with a large number of tanks and armored vehicles, but if it is against the Chinese tank army, he has no bottom.

I have to admit that the protection of the empire depends on the red deer of the navy!

Without a powerful navy, it is not that Japan is fighting China, but that China is about to land in Japan.

After a while, Seishiro Itagaki said: "We should attack Britain and France and seize the British and French colonies? Why not attack Russia? The Far East has a lot of land and resources, and I don't want to be a puppet of the navy."

Even if it goes south, it is not easy. Britain and France are not a concern, but the United States and South China cause headaches.

The United States occupied the Philippines, and South China controlled half of the Strait of Malacca. It had good industrial strength, a strong navy, and a large air force. The South China Army and Air Force have never stopped fighting since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Every time the Wuhan Government Revolutionary Army fights, they They all participated in it all at once. In 1931, many members of the army fought against Japan on the Chinese battlefield.

Once attacking South China, the advantage is that it is likely to gain support from the United Kingdom and the United States, but at the same time it is likely to have a war with China. At that time, the Chinese army will cross the Yalu River and enter the Korean Peninsula.

Japan may lose the Korean Peninsula. Once the Korean Peninsula is lost, Japan’s main island will be under the attack of the enemy’s air force. This will be a disaster.

Whether going north or south, Japan seems to be locked up, and the key is in China's hands.

Besides, to attack Southeast Asia and occupy South China, first solve the Philippines. Otherwise, Japan will not worry about going south. Ishihara Waner has calculated for many years and seems to always come to the conclusion that Japan is nailed to death, and the navy can guarantee the security of its homeland, but it has to go abroad. To contend for world hegemony, it is necessary to fight a country stronger than the other, which makes him feel helpless and secretly afraid.

Although the Empire won two consecutive games against Qing and Russia, but—

"The strategic position of the empire is too bad. Surrounded by powerful enemies, it does not have enough resources. In order to survive, it has to expand abroad.

What if... just move the empire to Australia."

Ishihara Wanji suddenly remembered the Australian plan proposed by an officer of the General Staff Headquarters. There are indeed many whimsical aspects in this plan, full of errors and omissions, but the investigation into Australia was indeed exhaustive.

Southeast Australia has vast and fertile land, rich in resources, which can feed hundreds of millions of people, and can satisfy Japanese industrial production. Western Australia is richer in iron ore. If the empire dominates this continent, it may dominate the Pacific.

"The Chinese National Defense Forces are expanding. The Chinese are building up their strength. What are their goals? If you were a Chinese, what would you think?"

Ishihara Wanji suddenly asked Itagaki Seishiro.

"Mongolia, Central Asia, or Southeast Asia." Itagaki Seishiro said.


"For China, although the empire is strong, but across the sea, it is not as threatening as northern Russia. The Russians surrounded China from the north and the west. The Chinese rulers are more worried about Russia. In history, their dynasties have been destroyed from the north. .

Moreover, the two countries have a bloody feud. Russia also occupied China’s territory. Now the two countries have tens of millions of soldiers on the border. The Chinese have been ordering north and west development for the past ten years, building the Northern Railway and the Northwest Railway, in the northeast and northwest. To develop the military industry, if you say you have no idea about the Russians, who would believe it?

As long as the empire reminds the Chinese, don't forget the blood hatred of the Russians. I believe the Chinese will not let the Russians go.

Even if they don't fight, they will be on guard against each other, and a lot of troops will be dragged to the north."

Seishiro Itagaki analyzed.

Ishihara nodded frequently, thinking that it was necessary to stir up troubles and provoke the Chinese and Russians.

Ishihara's problem is also a problem for Japanese policymakers.

At the imperial palace meeting, for the strategy of going north and south, the navy and army had serious differences. The civilian officials did not agree to fight, but they thought it was a pity to miss the opportunity.

Hirohito remained silent, and it was clear in his heart that if China is not resolved, the empire is not suitable for external expansion, and the various resources provided by the Chinese cannot be less.

In Europe, the Germans took a month and a half to settle France, and the French surrendered. The catch is that during the Dunkirk battle, the British rescued at all costs. The Germans did not fully seize the main force of the British expeditionary force. There were 200,000 Anglo-French allied forces from the sea. Slipped away.

The focus of the war changed from Germany and France to Germany and Britain, and the battlefield also shifted to the sea and the sky.

All plans are worth considering. Ishihara Waner peddled the Australian strategy everywhere, which aroused the interest of the cabinet and the military.


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