The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic-Chapter 1043

The economy is not good, oil prices have not risen back to two dollars a barrel, the overall supply of domestic oil in the United States is oversupply, and the profitability of oil companies is not as good as in the earlier years when the market was booming. Stuart is not dissatisfied, because the William Consortium has firmly consolidated the world's number one. The throne of the consortium, with the approaching war in Europe, the William consortium is increasing its investment in the military industry and manufacturing sectors.

I was about to chat with my assistant and staff Thomas, discussing increasing the oil supply to Germany, and I saw Thomas come in with a serious face.

"Nikola Tesla passed away."

"Huh?" Situ Nan was caught off guard, feeling heartache.

As a contemporary figure with Edison, Nikola Tesla's fate was rewritten by Situ Nan. This eccentric man later married a female assistant and had children.

Tesla and Tesla Labs were of great significance to the rise of Cummins Electric, but they could not change the law of birth, old age, sickness and death. He finally died in the fall of 1939.

"Imitate the Nobel Prize and set up the Tesla Prize to reward creativity and invention in the electromagnetic field. How about?" Situ Nan asked Thomas.


The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and even the Chinese Ta Kung Pao on the other side of the ocean, the world's public opinion is setting off a "Tesla" craze. When discussing the achievements of this scientific master, Tesla's hometown, Europe is already full of war.

The Nazis annexed Austria and the Czech Republic, plundered Jews, expanded their armaments, and sent the Vulture Corps to the Spanish battlefield to warm up. Hitler finally couldn't help but extend his claws to the hinterland of Europe-Great Poland.

Before the war, Hitler and Stalin discussed how to divide Poland and Poland. This piece of European footwear was destined to be torn apart.

On September 1, 1939, the German army attacked Poland, and the Polish Air Force was wiped out for two days. From then on, the Polish sky was full of Stuka making ghost calls.

The German fighter planes obscured the sky, the tank troops raided like lightning, and the Poles were crushed and hardly able to resist. The brave cavalry troops rushed to the German tank troops, and the result was torn to pieces, described as tragic and painful.

Britain and France declared war on Germany. The appeasement policy reached the most critical step. They quietly watched a bandit surnamed Germany hang their allies, and then another bandit called the Soviet Union suddenly stabbed the Poles. The Poles were killed.

This is an ugly betrayal, and Britain and France sincerely hope that the two bandits will fight.

More and more European immigrants are fleeing to the United States.

Situ Nan’s letter to the partners of the William Consortium said: “The devil awakens, the gates of hell are opened, and the rehearsal for twenty years of war is finally staged. Friends, maybe the White House will appease the people. This is a war in Europe. , The Americans do not participate in the war, stick to the glorious tradition of isolation, let the bullets float in Europe.

But we know that the opportunity is here!"

The opportunity did come. Henda Brown sent a message that Chevron Oil Company sent two additional 10,000-ton tankers to Spain...

Regardless of whether Britain, France or Germany, and Italy, they all watched with mixed feelings as more and more American merchant ships are coming to Europe.

There is no unrestricted submarine warfare, and you can imagine how happy American businessmen are that oil, munitions, and food are shipped to Europe ship by ship.

The right to free navigation is really a good thing!

"It doesn't matter how many people died in the European war. The key is to fight for a long time. The longer the time, the bigger the deal." Robes Mellon told Situ Nan proudly.

With the outbreak of the war, the New York stock market was greatly stimulated and trading was very active. Robles Securities made a lot of money from speculation in the outbreak of the gambling war.

Situ Nan nodded: "Ten years ago, the stocks bought during the Great Depression started to rise!"


War broke out in Europe, but Asia was in harmony, and there was nothing wrong with China and Japan.

Japanese machinery and textiles are exported to China in large quantities, and various products are imported from China. Needless to say, agricultural and mineral products, Chinese automobiles, electrical appliances, and movies will also be exported to Japan. In 1939, the trade volume between the two sides reached 1.2 billion French currency.

This, maybe, is really not normal.

Baoshan, Meihua Chemical Industrial Zone, the world's largest fluorination plant was built here.

Since the beginning of summer, refrigeration products have been selling well and chemical plants have been busy producing.

Meihua Chemical President Wu Yunchu was sending away a batch of hydrofluoric acid to Guangxi. When he turned back, he heard a question from his assistant: "Mr. Wu, we have to reject the original customer and pay a liquidated damages just because the company doesn’t know where to take it. The company that came out is not worth it!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you will personally watch the orders coming from Guangxi in the future, give priority to supply, know if you don't!

Wu Yunchu said seriously.

That company was indeed inconspicuous, but the person who called him was scary. Wu Yunchu didn't dare to neglect it, because it was what the MIB wanted.

He inquired, as if the other party wanted to use hydrofluoric acid to refine a certain substance.

He doesn't know what it is. He also wants to go to the southwest. Don't look at the backwardness there. The industry and economy are not as developed as the southeast coast, but there are so many laboratories and secret projects.

The chemical raw materials from the Shanghai Chemical Plant are not only shipped to Guangxi, but also to Chongqing, Yichang and other places.

A new plant at the Meihua Chemical Plant in Fangchenggang, Guangxi, is indeed taking on important tasks.

Dr. Shi Shiyuan is a key figure in this project. This time he took his student, Dr. Wu Jianxiong, who had studied and studied with Madame Curie, to Guangxi to inspect the chemical plant.

Wu Jianxiong also studied at the University of California, Berkeley, under the tutelage of physics giants such as Ernest Lawrence, Segry, Oppenheimer and other physics giants, and he is also a frequent visitor to the Tesla laboratory.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is one of the best physicists in China and even in the world.

So as soon as they returned to China, they were reused.

Of course, Situ Nan used his strength behind his back, but the person involved didn't know it.

"I have visited the American Giant Laboratory and Giant Chemical Company, but I didn't expect that the chemical technology of the motherland is not worse than that of the United States." Wu Jianxiong praised.

"You don’t know this. Giant and Meihua Chemical Company have always cooperated closely. The two sides often exchanged information. Meihua Chemical’s polymer chemistry technology is supported by Giant Company. It also combines refrigerant technology with DDVP (Dichlorvos). Pesticide) technology patents are granted to the other party."

Shi Shiyuan explained.

Wu Jianxiong nodded, unexpectedly the two sides cooperated so deeply.

Nylon technology can change the world, and fertilizer and dichlorvos can also change the world. It is hard to say which is more valuable, but if you get both, you will definitely make more money.

Following them are several white coats, all experts in nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry with fairly high accomplishments. These people are the essence of China's twenty years of education.

From time to time, I looked into Wu Jianxiong, the returnee doctor. Wu Jianxiong used his own strength to convince them, and he responded to that sentence—women don’t let them be shaved.

"Don't worry about funding issues. The government will allocate sufficient funds. The benefits of every engineer and technician are guaranteed. You must remember that this is a highly confidential plan that is related to the future of the country and the nation. You must be incognito for several years. Psychological preparation.

Jianxiong, you will ask me for the funds of your group later."

Shi Shiyuan said passionately.

They will use locally mined uranium ore to crush, refine and process the uranium ore to obtain yellow cake.

Then it was transported by train to a secret factory in Sichuan for the next step.

The yellow cake is processed, extracted, and refined to obtain gaseous uranium hexafluoride.

How to separate uranium 235 from the gas uranium hexafluoride is a very big test.It not only tests a country’s industrial technology, but also tests the country’s industrial capacity, whether it has enough electricity.

In short, the process is very complicated, the degree of confidentiality is extremely high, and very few people know the truth.

"Teacher, is the gas diffusion method necessary? Why not consider the electromagnetic separation method?" Wu Jianxiong couldn't help asking the teacher after visiting.The delicacy of women is reflected in her at this moment.

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