The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 1034

In short, opening up to the north and opening up to the northeast is a trend in the Chinese economy, which has played a role in stimulating domestic demand, and the southern economy has gained new markets.

Coupled with the expansion of the government's deficit and massive investment in infrastructure construction, China has gradually emerged from the economic depression.

The rapid development is estimated to be comparable to the Soviet Union in the North.In addition, the trade exchanges between the two countries have become more frequent, exceeding 1 billion yuan in 1932.

This is almost impossible in the past ten years.

In the Kremlin, Stalin listened to the report of the Trade Commission and China's trade report. The Chinese were willing to provide the Soviet Union with mechanochemical technology and equipment, including rubber.

Although the Chinese people's technology is not good, it is a breakthrough to get something from them.

The Soviets also planned to build their own armored forces.

Regarding the Sino-Japanese War in 1931, Stalin commented: "In the past, the Chinese had no military industry. Whoever is happy would beat him. Now it is no longer possible. New Chinese imperialism has risen! We must be vigilant."

Chapter 9 Sino-German Cooperation and Roosevelt

The armored force synthesized by the mechanized infantry of tanks and armored vehicles played a decisive role in the Sino-Japanese War..."

Guderian wrote in his diary.

After practice on the battlefield, Guderian was completely convinced of his theory of armored forces, his book "Forward, Tank!"It was soon selected as a textbook for the Chinese Army and a compulsory course for armored forces.

It is something to be proud of that a foreigner has countless fans in the military circles of another major power in the world.

In contrast, Rommel, another war genius in Germany, is somewhat low-key, even though he also served in the equally famous Fifth Armored Division.

After the war, the Military Commission could not wait to expand the size of the armored forces. Based on the Fifth and Sixth Armored Division, it expanded ten armored divisions and 30 mechanized infantry divisions.

The top priority is to train more talents, so Shijiazhuang Armored Forces Academy was born to train middle and lower-level officers of armored force command.

The training of high-ranking officers remains in Wuhan.

Guderian left Shenyang and returned to the warm Wuhan. In the German officers' club, he met his compatriot Rommel.

"This is a huge plan, and the Chinese plan to complete it in ten years." Guderian lamented Rommel.

"They have tasted the sweetness and have a bright future, but what about Germany?" Rommel's voice was a little low.

These soldiers in a foreign country, on the one hand, are proud of what they have achieved, on the other hand, they are not able to contribute their talents to their motherland.

Not every German officer was as dull as the two of them. Some young German officers in the club had a good time here. Suddenly there was a loud cheering in the club. Guderian was a little unhappy, frowned and motioned to the adjutant to go. See what happened.

"In the Sino-German football match, the German team won the Chinese team 3:1 and they are celebrating."

The adjutant was also a staid German, and then he added, "There will be a Sino-German flying competition tomorrow."

"A flight race? Me." Rommel was interested and smiled.

Guderian also nodded.

The Chinese have surpassed Germany in the aircraft manufacturing industry, and the Germans have fallen behind too much, not even the air force. The reason is not industrial technology, but the Versailles Treaty prohibits Germany from manufacturing fighters.

In order to survive, the Bavarian Machinery Manufacturing Company (BMW) established a joint venture plant in Wuhan. With a good level of machinery manufacturing, they obtained an engine order from the Chinese Aircraft Manufacturing Company.

Recently, this company is optimistic about the rapid development of China's auto market and intends to enter the auto market. However, this is full of difficulties. Chinese local industrial giants such as Dasheng Company Meihua Power strongly oppose the reckless German adventure.

"Can I sit here? I'm Sabano, the owner of BMW."

Guderian and Rommel have a large number of uninvited guests in front of them. BMW and them both know it, although this company is slightly less famous than Dailem Benz.

"What's the matter?" Guderian and Rommel nodded and asked again.

"It's like this... I hope to use your influence in the military to gain a living space for BMW."

After listening to the German businessman's explanation, Guderian shook his head: "It is true that we German officers in the Wuhan military have some influence, but you want to enter their civilian car market. We can't help you."

"Hey, the general, don't be too busy to refuse, listen to me, I just hope you can introduce some big people in Wuhan for me, and you won't be in vain."

The businessman pleaded, seeing Guderian's eyes full of expectation. This German soldier is quite influential in Wuhan, and many big figures praise him.

Guderian couldn't bear to refuse, and reluctantly nodded.

BMW's intention to cooperate soon spread to Song Zi'an, and Shanghai Automotive, which is aspiring to become a "Ford in China", seemed to be the best partner for the Germans.

The cheap national cars of Shanghai Automotive are selling well. The company is quite large, but it is still technically constrained by others. Song Zian has to buy car engines from Meihua Power.

The consequences of betraying Meihua Power Company are quite serious. He did not make a rash decision, but consulted with his third sister, Song Meiling, who was also a shareholder of the automobile company.

"The German delegation will arrive in Wuhan in a few days. Both parties are interested in fully cooperating. This is nothing, you can do it boldly!"

Song Meiling encouraged.

Speaking of the fact that Meihua Power Company stretches its hands too long, it does everything for airplanes, ships, trains, and cars. It seems that as long as it is an engine, there is no industry that they do not do. Many people have long seen it uncomfortable.

Dasheng Motors has increased its investment in research and development through self-made engine transmissions, and gradually got rid of its dependence on Meihua Power Company.

After all, Dasheng Company is the most advanced loom company in the world, and its technical background is not comparable to that of SAIC Motor. The Germans came to the door, and Song Zi'an was in his arms.

So the two joined forces to establish a joint venture car engine factory.

At the suggestion of Sabinu, Song Zian also introduced the BMW r12 motorcycle production line to seize the domestic motorcycle market.

With the deepening of cooperation, BMW r35 motorcycles will also appear in China a few years later, the most impressive is the military version of r35 motorcycle r75.

In order to make money, BMW did not want any Bilian. Not to mention the spread of r75 motorcycles to China, but also to the Soviet Union.

The Chinese and the Soviets met on the battlefield on a sidecar, and found out that the other side was driving the same motorcycle as him. It’s really bad!

After catching up with the German line, Song Zi's peace of mind was also high, and he planned to increase the production of SAIC Motor to 150,000 vehicles per year, and planned to establish a new car assembly plant in Beijing, Tianjin or Northeast China.

The German delegation is huge, and the two sides have established the previous cooperative relationship, covering all aspects of education, economic and military immigration.

Among them, military cooperation is the top priority. The German military delegation is led by a general who has just retired. The father of the Wehrmacht was warmly welcomed in Wuhan.

"The future is yours, and Germany will not be enslaved forever!"

Hans von Seckert met Guderian, Rommel and others, conveyed domestic praise, and informed President Hindenburg of his decision to devote more resources to the East and start anew.

Guderian continues to be reused, and he wants to continue to perfect the armor theory in China.

Except in China, the Germans have not forgotten to make copies in Nanhua.

What delights the German industry most is that the Chinese agreed to adopt a barter trade method, which can provide a boost to Germany’s terrible economy. As we all know, Germany has almost zero foreign exchange reserves and owes a huge debt. .

"This time it was a really big game. We will jointly develop tanks, aircraft, submarines, warships, airborne troops, sniper schools, and communications schools. The Germans can finally get rid of the Versailles treaty.

Situ Nan was right that the Germans would start World War II sooner or later.When the time comes, the British and French, let's get out of Asia!Let them be proud for a few years!"

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