The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic-Chapter 1009

"Don't blame me, compared to filming, that old and ugly woman is the real pervert...

Go, go to the Far East, use your outstanding skills to play around with those buns!"

"Selling cars can't make fun of people..."

"It's all the same... hehe. I really miss the years that prospered like gold flowing in the past few years!"

Vinci softened, fell into Doug's arms, stopped breathing, and slowly became cold.

These days, Doug remembered Vincy's last words.

Vinci died in a gang rage and asked Doug to forgive him before he died, and Doug forgave him.

"Farewell to America, and this damn place."

Doug doesn't want to pursue the story of Vinci and the ugly rich woman before him. He just wants to escape from Hoover Village, escape from the United States, and escape to the city of Paris in the east that he has been thinking about these days!


In April 1930, the Wall Street stock market showed a false boom, and soon fell into a trough again and could not get up again.

The Hoover administration has held meetings of business leaders to discuss solutions to the economic crisis.

Tax cuts to build large-scale public projects are the most direct economic stimulus.Of course, it also includes increasing import tariffs in an attempt to drive foreign goods out of the US market.

To put it bluntly, it means beggar your neighbors.

The order of the meeting was good, and the capitalists participating in the meeting were using their own calculations, hoping that the government would rescue the market and stimulate the economy, but they did not want to expand their power and interfere with the free economy.

Chrysler has been "trapped" in Washington for several days, and he has been unable to reach an effective resolution for a long time. He has become tired of such meetings.

The US auto market was sluggish, so he turned his mind to Asia and considered transferring several auto production lines in Detroit to China. It would be best to obtain that market with unlimited potential through a joint venture.

Previously, Situ Nan was promoting cooperation between Chrysler Automobiles and South China. Chrysler himself was not active. Now his attitude has to be changed.

"Walter, congratulations, your building is about to be completed!"

General Motors President Alfred Sloan walked over. General Motors lost 90% of the market, and a large number of cars were in the warehouse, which made him worried.

However, the face is still confident and calm. The previous GM acquisitions did not affect Sloan's position in the company.

Chapter 2 The Age of Chaos

The economic depression will not affect the prosperity of this super city, although in the remote Mississippi River, farmers and capitalists have to pour milk into the river to stabilize the price of milk.

New York City naturally also has Hoover Village and Hoover Park, and many unemployed people still gather near Brooklyn.

However, this is Fifth Avenue, the city is still feasting, the roads are still busy, pedestrians are still in a hurry, and occasionally glance at the beautifully illuminated shop windows on both sides before leaving reluctantly.

Nowadays, it is not only the expensive shop windows that compete for the attention of New Yorkers, but also the magnificent scenery above the head—the Chrysler Building.

On the opening day, it attracted the attention of countless people. Wall Street bankers, Washington and local politicians, major business giants, New York celebrities, Broadway stars all came, of course, there are also little reporters like bees. They.

Newspapers reported on Chrysler Motors and its founder, Walter Chrysler.

In the evening, the newly completed Chrysler Building was brightly lit and extremely bright. Walter Chrysler got off work, sat in the luxurious Lincoln car, loosened his tight tie, rubbed his stiff face, and still had the day building on his face. The excitement at the completion banquet was too much congratulations.

The secretary's excited voice came in his ears, and the secretary was reading newspaper comments with gusto.

"A masterpiece in the history of human architecture, an immortal artwork..."

"The automobile empire stands in the midst of an economic depression..."

"How did the descendants of railroad workers become kings of the world..."

"General Motors' major shareholder Raskob is disdainful of this and is preparing to join the competition to build high-rise buildings..."

This is the evening paper of the day. Tomorrow’s newspaper reports will be even larger and spread throughout the United States and the world.

At this time, Walter Chrysler was like the sparkling Chrysler Building, glowing hot all over, especially for American journalists who had been doing nothing recently.

Of course, there are also bad comments. Left-wing newspapers criticized Chrysler and Chrysler Motors for lavishly constructing expensive high-rise buildings when the people of the United States are living in dire straits. This is an extremely unsympathetic behavior.

In contrast, Ford Motor is much more generous and charitable, and has funded tens of thousands of unemployed workers.

"Does the Chrysler Building project create fewer jobs for New York? A group of ignorant critics."

Walter Chrysler shook his head and told the driver to drive, not taking any objections to heart.

Now that the economy is sluggish, companies in New York have closed down one after another, and buildings are built, it is not easy to recover costs.Of course, what is more important now is to get Chrysler Motors out of the quagmire.

Thinking of this, Walter Chrysler has less excitement and complacency, and more heaviness and pressure.


The completion of the Chrysler Building will undoubtedly stimulate Rascob, who has been clamoring to build his own Empire State Building.

To this end, he visited the mayor of New York and then walked into the governor's office to discuss with Franklin Roosevelt about the importance of the "Empire State Building project in resolving New York State's unemployed population and boosting economic development."

Although he did not like Franklin Roosevelt and his attitude was not humble, he still got quite a lot of benefits from the New York government.

For this, he was proud, thinking that he helped the government's stupid bureaucrats to eliminate many, many Communists.

When meeting with Pierre Dupont and Jr. Morgan, he said: "There is no doubt that those fools in Hoover Village are giving the government a headache. They are eager to send these time bombs away.

Doesn't Andrew Mellon's cabinet now exile those who have lost everything to Asia like dumping garbage?

The economic crisis has caused us heavy losses, but there are also benefits, one of which is that those guys are cheap.

Before the change, those uncles were not cheap!"

During Coolidge's prosperity, the construction industry was booming, and workers' wages were really not low, which affected the cost of the building to a considerable extent.

Rascob quickly announced plans for the Empire State Building and, as he said, it soon recruited a large number of construction workers like livestock.

"Building a high-rise building competition is not useless, at least it solves the employment problem in New York."

Roosevelt mentioned this when meeting with Situ Nan, with a faint smile on his mouth.

Compared with other states, the economy of New York State is much better, and Roosevelt is already trying to implement some of his policies.

The Hoover administration was unpopular, and the results of the policy were not satisfactory. This gave him and the Democrats the hope of returning to the White House.

The most direct assistance was the Situ Nan and William Consortium. Roosevelt very much hoped to get Situ Nan's support.

Situ Nan seemed to be optimistic about the lame Roosevelt. This was the third time they had met after the economic crisis.

These two smart people can find many things in common from each other's point of view, such as the government expanding the fiscal deficit, building public projects, stimulating the economy, and stimulating employment.

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