The Journey of the Overlord

The Overlord's Journey Chapter 224.

"No dessert?"

Orpheus who had been fed his mouth by the cook in Seraphim's castle was naturally unlikely to accept this kind of hard bread.

"What, don't you like it, it doesn't look like it's much to your taste."

Matsuzaki frowned.

"That's a problem ah, we don't have anything else to eat here at the moment ah, we couldn't get it even if we wanted to."

"No, I'm going out to eat with Dad."

Orpheus patted Az-Dakha's bald head and said confidently.

"Go out to eat? Are you guys going downtown? You can't go there, you'll be ostracized if you do, and they won't be able to sell you food."

"Selling food?"

It was the first time Orpheus had heard the word, and it was obvious she was confused by it.

"There's no need to worry about that."

Az-Dakha simply rebuffed Matsuzaki.

"We will handle it ourselves."

After saying that Az-Dakaha left the sewers directly with Orpheus.

It made Matsuzaki's old man worried for a while, but it was hard for him to leave when he had to take care of these loli, so he could only watch Az-Dakaha's increasingly distant back at the entrance of the sewer.

Tokyo, one of the gathering places of the world's humans, was about to attract Az Dakaha and Orpheus, two monsters that could easily destroy this world!

Chapter 4: The Robbing Father and Daughter Dragon

On the bridge leading from Tokyo's outskirts to Tokyo's inner city, Az-Dakha was walking step by step, and since Orpheus couldn't eat that hard bread, Az-Dakha was taking her to find something that Orpheus would eat or like to eat.

Orpheus, who had spent a lot of time at Seraphim's place, was used to eating human food, so taking her to the human-inhabited Tokyo district should be enough.

That's what Az Dakaha thought.

On the road paved by the Dragon's Shadow, Az-Dakha took the bridge step by step and then entered the city.

In order to enter the city, Az-Dakha was greeted with a large number of strange gazes, which were curious at first, but after Az-Dakha looked back around, all that was left was disgust as well as fear.

"Is it the fear of the powerful as well as terrifying, the humans of this world."

Az-Dakaha immediately understood the source of the other man's fear of himself, not the fear of being a powerful demon king as the people in the box court had, but the fear of his own eyes.

Just like what Matsuzaki had just told Az-Dakaha, this world was full of proto-intestinal animals, and for proto-intestinal animals, relying on holmium metal as well as the ability of the cursed child, and what distinguished the cursed child from a normal girl was the eyes, the red eyes, which indicated that the child was a cursed child, and the normal colored eyes, which indicated that the person was normal.

This distinction should be made on all of them.

So the first time they saw the bald-headed Aziz Dakaha, with the upper half of his body still unclothed, they were full of curiosity, after all, a good person wearing a big white pants, and then carrying a cloak behind him and a little girl on his shoulders, how strange, but when they saw Aziz Dakaha's eyes, they realized that Aziz Dakaha was not a normal person, the red eyes, it was too obvious, so intense malice appeared.

Beyond the malice there was intense fear.

Because Cursed Sons were often powerful, much stronger than ordinary humans, ordinary people could almost be described as defenseless when facing a Cursed Son, and a Cursed Son with a proto-intestinal animal virus could easily fight off an adult.

This all stemmed from the proto-intestinal animal virus within the Cursed Son's body.

So what if this protozoan virus was applied to an adult? What are the consequences? People knew the consequences because if humans were attacked by proto-intestinal animals, they would be injected with the proto-intestinal virus and then turn into proto-intestinal animals, but the Az Dakaha in front of them had blood-red eyes, but he didn't turn into a proto-intestinal animal, which was a bit surprising.

But this also means that this Az-Dakha is just as scary as those cursed sons, so Az-Dakha is classified as a monster.

The Orpheus on his shoulder had been even more obvious, because her ears were pointy, and with the fact that she was sitting on Az-Dakaha's shoulder, it was natural for people to assume that she was also a Cursed Child, in fact, that's what that group of loli thought as well, would ordinary people have pointy ears? Sorry, never seen it. Do regular people have red eyes? I'm sorry I haven't seen it, so that's why Az-Dakaha and Orpheus were taken by that group of loli to introduce the old man Matsuzaki.

Because of the fear of Az Dakaha, Az Dakaha didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, so he just carried Orpheus all the way to where there was food, and everywhere they went people would actively open the road to allow Az Dakaha to pass, and they stayed away from Az Dakaha as if they were staying away from flies.

If it was an ordinary little girl of the cursed child, she would probably have been blown away by this group of people by now, but Az Dakaha's size of 2 meters was too exaggerated, so cautious of Az Dakaha's appearance, they didn't dare to make a scene, they could only curse in their hearts and then stay away.

With that, Az-Dakaha made his way to the middle of the store street, a pastry shop that was putting out freshly baked bread cakes.

"Welcome light..."

Seeing someone patronizing the shop, the owner of the shop immediately came out to welcome him, but after seeing Aziz Dakaha, he stopped his welcoming words in surprise, after all, a naked, bald man suddenly blocking the doorway was still scary.

But on closer inspection, the boss noticed that Az Dakaha's eyes were red at times and the little girl's ears on his shoulders were pointed.

'Cursed child! Monster!'

The owner immediately thought of those two words.

"Sorry, our shop is currently closed, please go to another shop."

The boss immediately said the words to drive people away with a fake smile.

Aziz Dakaha didn't look at him, but looked within those bread cakes in the counter next to him.

"How about these, Orpheus?"

Then questioned Orpheus over his shoulder.

"Well, yes oh, it feels delicious."

Orpheus nodded, seemingly quite satisfied.

After receiving Orpheus' approval, Az-Dakha looked at the owner without saying anything, but it had just become clear that Az-Dakha wanted these breads himself.

"I'm sorry, but we're not open yet, so please go elsewhere."

The boss still had a fake smile on his face and wanted Az-Dakha to leave, if it was an ordinary cursed son, he would have already done something to drive him away, but Az-Dakha was too big and he didn't have the confidence to drive the other man away.

However, Az-Dakha didn't seem to appreciate it, still just looking at his boss, his huge height just stopped the doorway, blocking the entire doorway from the light, and the boss could only see the dark face under the light.

"I'm sorry... We really..."

The boss was no longer afraid to say anything.

The pressure was too much , being stared at like this by a 2 meter tall strong man .

"I know."

The boss gave up his resistance and chose to hand over the bread.

Taking a bag, the boss took out two loaves of bread from it and wrapped them .

"It's too little, and there needs to be a lot more, because there are a lot of people."

Seeing that the boss had only two, Orpheus obviously disagreed, he could eat a lot by himself, two wasn't even enough for himself, and how about the little ones.

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