The Journey of the Overlord

The Overlord's Journey Chapter 205.

Maruton smiled as he took the plate from Orpheus' hands and walked back into the kitchen again, leaving Shesta standing across from Orpheus.

Shesta was noticeably better now than she had been just a moment ago, not appearing to have any fearful hindquarters, and while the Az-Dakha standing behind Orpheus still frightened her, at least she wouldn't be backing up, which was a very big improvement.

To keep Shesta from having to face Az-Dakha out there alone for too long, Maruton quickly came out with three plates, including a stew main and side dishes.

"That should be enough for you to eat, little lady."

Placing all three plates in front of Orpheus, Maruton cupped his hands in front of his chest and looked proud.

Orpheus didn't reply, just left and ate, and by the way Orpheus ate it seemed to taste to her liking.

Looking at Orpheus, Maruton couldn't help but smile.

"How about it, little miss, it tastes good."

"Well, it's delicious."

"Of course it is, any ingredient that passes through the hands of my chef, Maruton, will turn into a delicious dish, it feels like magic, doesn't it?"

Maruton's face was beaming with pride.

"Magic? Do you crave power?"

Orpheus stopped eating and looked up at Maruton tilting this head in question.

"Power? You can't tell with that kind of stuff, who knows what power is."

"No craving?"

Orpheus still tilted this head.

"Well... No craving, I just want to be a good cook and make delicious dishes."

Maruton answered seriously.

"Making dishes that make the whole world feel good is my dream."

Orpheus deflated his mouth and continued to eat with his head down.

Az-Dakha watched the conversation between the two of them without saying anything.

"So, Mr. Messenger, don't you need some, I remember you didn't come to eat this morning, you've been sitting in the courtyard ah."

Just because Az-Dakha didn't speak, didn't mean Maruton wouldn't speak to him.

Scarlet eyes looked at Maruton, and Az-Dakha responded indifferently.

"No, I do not need food."

"Oh, that's so."

Maruton nodded in plausible understanding.

Probably in his understanding, Az-Dakha was a kind of enchanter that didn't need to eat, as commoners they weren't nobles and didn't have the right to learn how to use magic, so they didn't know much about enchantments, but at any rate, they had been in this Torristine Magic Academy for a long time, and had seen a bunch of noble children learning magic and summoning enchantments here, and all kinds of enchantments were considered to have been seen, just like the saying, if you haven't eaten pork, you've also seen pigs running, right?

So all kinds of enchanted demons, Aziz Dakaha should be one of them, and then the kind that looks fierce and doesn't need to eat.

It's also true that Az Dakaha doesn't need to eat, so it's basically the same, but he's just a lot scarier than the other enchanted demons.

After Orpheus had finished his three plates of food, he finally felt it was okay, so Aziz Dakaha left the cafeteria with Orpheus and returned to the courtyard.

...... (=゜ω゜)ノょょ......

Magic, the symbol of the world's power, a powerful magician of the quadrilateral level could even stand up to an ordinary army.

Louise had been expecting to be that kind of magician, powerful and unrivaled, since her mother had been very strict with her since she was a child, so she had high expectations for herself as well.

Unfortunately, Louise's attribute was special, and as a Void Inheritor she couldn't use any other magic, so all the magic she had learned so far was considered to be in vain.

The various elemental magicians of Wind, Fire, Earth and Water manipulated the elemental particles that existed in the world, while the Void directly manipulated the existence that made up such particles, so every time Louise used magic, she destroyed the four elements, this time forcefully enabling, but destroying, the result, in short, was an instant explosion!

So now, in the classroom, Louise watched the lecturer on the podium lecture non-stop, but she had no interest at all because she knew that no matter what, no matter how many spells she remembered, she would still turn into an explosion once she cast it, because her attribute was zero, which meant that she had no attribute, but because very few people would think of nothingness, everyone didn't know that her zero was actually nothingness.

So why did Louise have no interest in what the teacher on the podium was saying, because even if she had learned those things, she wouldn't be able to use them out. The only thing she had managed to use so far was the Demon Summoning, which had summoned Aziz Dakaha and the little girl, but Louise didn't even know Orpheus' name by now.

Moreover, her focus now was not on these elemental magics, which were destined to have nothing to do with her, her focus was on the Az-Dakha outside.

Az-Dakha, the enchanter she had summoned and was called a very powerful being by her mentor, Grubelu, had to be careful about communicating herself.

As for why it was very powerful, it was because the other party held flight magic!

Although there is now a spacer in magic that allows an object to be transported over a distance in the air without having to do anything themselves, it's true that magicians themselves can't fly, even those with wind elemental expertise, which is one of the strangest things about magicians.

That's why the black strange wings on Az-Dakha's back caught Louise's interest, that one wasn't elemental magic by any means, maybe she could learn it, and if that happened, she wouldn't be some kind of [Zero Louise], but a Louise who could actually use magic, and flying magic at that!

Feeling hopeful Louise was looking forward to the end of the lesson with great anticipation, so that she could go to Aziz Dakaha to school him on flying magic, being her own ambassador, she should not refuse herself, and then she would be able to learn a powerful magic properly.


The bell rang, and finally made it to the end of class, and before the tutor had left, Louise was the first one to rush out of the teacher directly to Aziz Dakaha.

Everyone then stared at the door in surprise, even the teacher.

"Louise, what happened to her, she suddenly became like this."

"I don't know, is there something wrong?"

"Lois what's wrong with her?"

One of the students, a young girl with long red hair, looked curiously at the door, completely unaware of what was going on.

"Look, there's Louise."

Another boy suddenly pointed out the window, which the students could see out of because they were ladder teachers.

Outside the window, Louise was running fast towards Aziz Dakaha who was sitting in the courtyard.

"What does Louise want?"

The red-haired girl frowned slightly.

"Let's go check it out."

The red-haired girl got up to leave.

"Churuk, where are you going?"


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