The Journey of the Overlord

The Overlord's Journey Chapter 102

"I think you also know that there is a Fourth True Ancestor on the Island of the String God."

"Of course I know, that's why I came to Chord God's Island."

Christopher Jadhew laughed as well.

"Otherwise, there would be no point in us coming."


Nangonatsuki looked surprised.

"Do you want a trade, Sword Witch over there?"

Christopher Jadhew ignored Nangonatsuki and instead looked at Himeji Yukari.

"What do you mean!"

Nangonatsuki looked confused, as did Himeji Yukari.

"It's simple, fight me, if you win, I get killed by you, these two are returned to you, if you lose, you get killed by me."

Christopher Jadhew pointed at the Blue Feather Light Onion in Huang Yue's hand and offered a deal.

"Well? This deal, you coming?"

"What do you really want?"

Nangonatsuki narrowed his eyes at Christopher Jadhew.

"Very simple purpose, I just want to fight the sword witch of the Lion King's organ."

Christopher Jadhew grinned.

"If you don't want to trade, that's fine too, I can have my men kill both of them before I fight you."

"I'll agree to trade with you!"

Himeji Yukari stepped forward to agree to Christopher Jadhew's deal.

Nangonatsuki looked deeply at Himeji Yukari.

"You be careful, I'll be watching."

"Very well then, let's start the deal! "

Christopher Jadhew directly tore his clothes and transformed into his bestial form, his entire body covered in black fur.

Hiei Yukari pointed the snow-haired wolf in her hand at the already bestial Christopher Jadhew.

"The High God Sword Sorcerer of the Lion's Son of God hereby asks for an offering, Dawn of Demon Breaking, O Wolf of Yukari, with the divine might of your steel to please all the evil gods and demons for me!"

The silver-white tip of the gun lit up with a blue jutsu, then Himeji Yukari directly gripped the hilt and rushed towards Christopher Jadhew.

Christopher Jadhew's beastly face showed a pleasant expression and backed away.

Himeji Yukari saw the situation and directly followed up.

"Shuu! Don't chase!"

Nangonatsuki was busy reminding him, but Himeji Yukari had already rushed out.

Christopher Jadhew looked at the spear that was stabbing at him, he directly dodged and gave way, and the tip of Himeji Yukari's spear poked the wall behind him after Christopher Jadhew gave way.

Christopher Jadhew suddenly laughed out loud like a traitor.

"Hahaha! Just waiting for you to do that!"

"Huang Yue! Don't worry about those two humans! Let's go!"

After saying that he directly jumped up high and rushed out of the cargo bay, Huang Yue also immediately beastly transformed into a big yellow dog, throwing away the blue feathered shallot and rushing out.

Himeji Yukari looked at Nangong Na Yue blankly not knowing what had happened.

However, the wall stabbed by Yukari Wolf in her hand suddenly cracked and terror spread out from it.

Nangong Na Yue opened his eyes wide, without saying a word, he directly used the [Lock of Discipline] to pull up the two people on the ground, and then pulled the Concentrated Yukari to directly space shift away.

-- -- --.

Outside, Xiao Gu Gu was trying to suppress the Godslayer Weapon, while a young girl with brown hair and a ponytail was standing beside him to help him suppress it together, Xiao Gu Gu Gu awakened a second Familiars Beast after sucking the blood of this young girl.

While they were suppressing it, Nabiki Nabuki and the others suddenly appeared at his back.

"Nayuki-san! You're back!"

When Xiao Gu Gu saw Xiaogu on the ground, she saw Xiaosha and Blue Feather Asagio on the ground and asked evenly.

"What's the matter with her and Asarii? How did it come to this?"

"Yukari! You're finally back!"

The brown-haired girl was happy to see Himeji Yukari and jumped up to hug the other girl.

"They're fine, they're just stunned."

Nangong Na Yue retracted the [Lock of Discipline] and explained to Xiao Gu Gu Gu, along with an order to Xiao Gu Gu.

"Be careful, something scary is coming out, you deal with it!"

"Is that so? It's okay, as far as opponents are concerned! No problem!"

Seeing that Xiaosha and Blue Feather Asari were fine, Xiaogucheng was obviously much happier, turning to the battlefield and taking a step forward, he shouted loudly.

"Next, is the war that belongs to the Fourth True Ancestor!"

"No! Senpai! It's a war that belongs to us!"

Himeji Yukari stood next to Xiaogu's body, gripping the snowy wolf in her hand and pointing at the battlefield, although she didn't know what kind of opponent she was about to face, she would definitely fight with Xiaogu.

"And me!"

The brown-haired girl was also standing next to Xiao Gu Gu's side.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just here to help Yukina!"

"Ah, thanks a lot!"

Xiao Gu Gu nodded happily at the girl.

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