Selana picked up a torch from the fire and kicked out the remaining flames. She backed away a few steps, Zelin made a gesture of Alderfayin, and with the sudden explosion of shock, the wall in front of the demon hunter turned into a pile of rubble in a flash, and the splashing smoke was mixed with moss and water droplets, which made him have to Raise his hand to cover his face. Until all the dust settled, a zigzag downward path appeared in front of them. Many fluorescent plants grow on both sides of the road, allowing Zelin to see the road ahead without a torch.

The demon hunter stopped Serana who was about to walk in. He squatted down and stretched out his hand to pick up the weeds on the ground. The passage in front is no longer just stones, it is covered with a thick layer of soil. Some short grasses take root on the soil and sprout. The soil allows weeds to grow here. Similarly, moist soil can provide for hunters. Enough clues.

"There are footprints here, they are iron boots. The direction is opposite. Someone may enter from here and return the same way, or it may be that the people inside came here and went back... Look here, a pull ring, this road is definitely not natural Appeared."

"Vampires don't wear iron boots."

"Very good, at least not bad news." Zelin stood up and patted the dust off his hands. "Put away the torch. Since there may be armed people inside, the flame will expose our position."

Serrana placed the torch at the entrance of the passage, which happened to be stuck on the iron pull ring. The fluorescent plants in the cave provide them with enough light. It stands to reason that there should not be so many plants in the mountains, even if there is a river with turbulent water. Unless this place is already close to the exit, of course it will not be on the side of the Hafingal collar, that is to say, they may have followed this crypt through the mountains and are about to reach the other side of the mountains.

Continuing down the passage, Zelin and Serana carefully made no sound as much as possible to prevent possible enemies from being alarmed. The demon hunter can make the footsteps disappear, but Miss Vampire’s sneaking skills are really not flattering, but considering Selana’s identity, she does not need to rely on sneaking to achieve her goal at any time, whether it is before being sealed. , Or after being awakened.

When they reached the end of the tunnel, they entered a wider rocky hall. Several stone pillars about four meters high are like supporting beams that connect the ground and the top of the rock. The turbulent river is like a small waterfall pouring down from the other side of the cave. The water flows here to form a wide beach. Shallow water beach. Sunlight seeped in through the cracks at the top, shining waves of light in the pool.

A voice stopped the demon hunters and vampires who appeared from the cave.

"Don't worry, come out, I'm not your enemy." A humanoid creature that looks like a high elf, but bright white regardless of skin and hair color, is sitting next to the pool, with the cave exit behind him. Noting that someone appeared, he immediately stood up, but instead of drawing out the weapon or making a spell, he made a welcome gesture, "Welcome to Oriel Cathedral, outsider, I am the Paladin Gleber. The church is a place where peace is worshipped. Please refrain from any hostile behavior."

Zelin carefully looked at the surroundings of the creature who claimed to be a paladin. A golden statue of the sun stood beside the paladin, surrounded by broken walls. The old stone pillar was cut in two from the middle, and the lower half was still standing there. On the ground, the upper part was nowhere to be seen. There is a church-like vault on the deepest ground. The sun is carved on the top of the vault. The sunlight between the stones can just fall on the statue of the sun, making it like a real altar. As for the part outside the vault of the church, either sinking into the ground, or just like the other part of the stone pillar, it has disappeared.

"I don't want to be hostile to you, Paladin." Zelin stretched out his hand to signal that he had no weapons in his hand or a dagger hidden in his hands. "We are here to find the bow of Auriel." With any angry expression, the demon hunter retracted his observation gaze, "It seems that we did not find the wrong place. This is the temple of Auriel?"

"Yes, yes." Paladin Gleiber didn't seem to know how long he hadn't talked to anyone. He cleared his throat before continuing. Tosh...the Holy Spirit worshipped by snow elves has so many names. I understand why you are wondering, outsider, I am a snow elves. I know what your impression of snow elves is, but for those creatures, I prefer to They become betrayers."

Zelin hadn’t never seen snow elves. Those snow elves lived underground, raised Charus, had no eyesight, and depended on their sensitive hearing to distinguish directions from enemies. Snow elves’ ears were a kind of alchemy material, and they used the simplest tools. Most of them are unable to communicate. Even though some snow elves will become wizards, they still don't have any reason at all. He really couldn't compare the calm and rational creature in front of him with the monsters in the shape of beasts.

Simple intelligence does not mean rationality. Little mist demon can cast spells and have some simple language, but they are still irrational monsters.

Looking into the eyes of the Demon Hunter, the Paladin Greber shook his head, "If you want to listen, that's another very long story."

"The story can be told later. I have to get the bow of Aurel." Zelin considered the identity of Glebe. This is the place where Aurel was sacrificed. He is the paladin here, so Glebe should be Followers of Auriel "If the bow of Auriel is your sacred object, I ask you to lend me the bow and arrow for use, and I can send it back in its entirety when it is used up. We need this weapon very much."

"Don't worry, outsiders, I have guarded this church for thousands of years. During this period, many people came here to look for Oriel's bow. I helped them, as long as they can do something for me. Who can do this? Thing, the Auriel bow belongs to that person. I will not put my faith in a weapon or a thing, it is in my heart, not the bow and arrow."

"Your business must be difficult."

"Maybe." The Paladin nodded. "I need you to kill the chief bishop Willissa... my brother."

Chapter 314 Civilization

Paladin Greber, he claimed to be one of the last two true snow elves.

Snow elves once prospered and had a place in the sky. In a prosperous kingdom, snow elves like Greber were everywhere. They worship the sun, believe in Aurel, and their temples and buildings are everywhere in the mountains, but all this until the Nords invade. The Nords believed that this land belonged to them, not the elves, so in years of continuous wars, the power of the snow elves gradually weakened until they could no longer withstand the invasion of the Nords.

At this time, the snow elves began to ask for help from the dwarves living underground, and the dwarves made a very strange request. Dunmore will protect the snow elves, but the snow elves must pay the price ---loss of sight. This is a very strange reason, but what is even more strange is that many snow elves agree to the dwarf's request. A small group of elves hoped to seek other alliances to replace them, but unfortunately, this small group of people was quickly wiped out.

For the Snow Elf Kingdom, Aurel Cathedral is a relatively isolated place. When the dwarf's agreement reached the church, it was no longer possible for the remaining snow elves to interfere with it. And this church did not last long. The betrayers found here. The former archbishop was defeated. Gleber led a team of paladins, but he could not fight the betrayal that flooded into the church like wild beasts. The person.

"My brother, he must be alive. I once saw him from a distance. He seemed to be suffering and waiting for something. I don't know what happened to him, but I can't forgive him for being in the cathedral. When he was attacked, he stood on the sidelines, even collaborating with the betrayers. There is no doubt that he is still inside the cathedral."

Paladin Gleber doesn't know how long he has lived, his life span is thousands of years, and many of the stories he describes, Serana's books even call it history.

"Well, we help you, and you help us." There is no doubt that the bow of Aurel must be in the hands of the paladin in front of him. This is indeed a fair deal. The demon hunter helps the paladin, the paladin Give the sacred objects he protects to the demon hunter "Tell us the location of the bishop's church and the conditions inside."

"For thousands of years I have been trying to recapture the cathedral, the duty of the paladin who defended the church, and the attack on the betrayers until they died. Those betrayers occupy the canyons and underground passages near the church, and their number is about three hundred. , It may be less than this, or it may be more." Gleber made a gesture, "They occupy the stone shrine leading to the church. If they want to enter the church, they will definitely conflict with them. I hope you will be prepared. , Instead of realizing how many of them are after being surrounded by betrayers."

According to Greber's account, after the snow elves signed an agreement with the dwarves, everything did not get better. They became the slaves of the dwarves until the entire race of dwarves mysteriously disappeared from the entire continent for unknown reasons. The paladin has been trying to re-spread the teachings of Aurel among these compatriots who have gradually degenerated into beasts, hoping that one day these snow elves can return to their former civilization.

Hope is slim, but the Paladin has persisted for thousands of years. If possible, he will continue, just like an attack on a betrayer, until his death.

To kill the snow elf bishop, you must enter the cathedral, and to enter the cathedral, you must follow the snow elf’s ancient traditional rituals. They must start from the stone temple behind the paladin, bring a special kettle, and seek out the other four stone temples in the underground caves and glacial wilderness. These stone temples represent four different virtues. Find these stone temples and get the auspiciousness. Riel’s blessing and fill the kettle with water from other stone temples. Finally, bring the kettle to the altar in front of the cathedral and pour the water into the altar, so that you can get the qualification to enter the cathedral.

Greber activated the altar behind him with the miracle spell of the snow elf, and the sun statue exudes a golden light like sunlight. Accompanied by the sound of rumbling vibrations, the dome on the ground slowly rises, revealing the six-sided stone temple hidden in the ground below. In the center of the stone temple, there is a stone pillar resembling a goblet, which contains a pool of clear water. The Paladin gave Zelin a ceramic kettle.

"Use it to fill up the water, and may the light of Auriel bless you."

Serana was amazed at the snow elf magic that had long been lost in the world, but Miss Vampire was confused by the snow elf's conservative rituals.

"We found this water and filled the jug just to dump it in the end? What's the point of this. Why can't we go directly to the church."

"I don't expect you to understand the meaning, ma'am, but you'd better follow it. If I know the other way, I won't let you worry about it." The Paladin said to vampires who questioned the religious traditions of snow elves. Out of great tolerance. "Counting this stone temple, there are five in total. When you find it, there will be a ghost priest to help you activate the stone temple. At the same time, the teleportation magic in the stone temple will be activated. Unfortunately, teleport The magic has been lost, otherwise I will send you directly to the cathedral, the snow elves have lost too many miracles."

It sounds like Zelin has no choice. As for intimidating the Paladin to obtain the Bow of Auriel, this kind of thing will not appear in the optional item of the Demon Hunter.

In any case, Paladin Gleber is a person worthy of admiration. Zelin used all his experience to try to rebuild the Demon Hunter Academy, which had been destroyed for more than two hundred years, while the snow elf paladin tried to awaken his compatriots, and his compatriots had been lost for thousands of years, so A long time is enough to degenerate a race. It can be said that the snow elf now only has the paladin in front of him and the brother he regards as an enemy---Vilesa.

"Gleber, how do you restore your sanity to these degraded compatriots."

Before entering the stone temple, Zelin asked the Paladin, "You must free your compatriots from the simple acts of killing and food, let them do more advanced things, or exercise their brains, otherwise they may gradually Become the same as the frost spider living in the crypt."

"Thank you for your concern, outsider. I have been trying to preach the teachings of Aurel to them. Maybe one day they will be able to recall the ancient glory of the snow elves and the time when we were bathed in the sun." His voice was very firm, and he never seemed to doubt whether he would fail.

"Well, let me meet your compatriots. By the way, look at this." With that, Zelin handed the Sunshine and Weather card in the Gwent card to the Paladin, as well as one in Solitary City and Then the Gwent Card Rules Interpretation Manual that the baroness discussed together, "Maybe you can consider using this thing to attract the attention of other snow elves and let them listen to your words. Think about it, wait for me to kill Willisa. Later, let us meet in that cathedral."

The Paladin looked suspiciously at what the Demon Hunter handed over, and he nodded, "I wish you success, outsider."

Chapter 315 Stealth (Physics)

"Snow elves are blind, how can you expect blind men to play cards?"

Miss Vampire raised her eyebrows with a few cards handed to her by the demon hunter.

Along the way, Zelin and Serana saw many snow elves settlements. They gathered together in groups, using wooden sticks, Charus shells and leather to build simple tents. Compared with the stone temple guarded by Paladin Gleber, even if the latter has become a broken wall, the difference in the period is no different from the paintings and street graffiti of the masters. These snow elves still have a certain amount of intelligence, but they are limited to using simple tools. If a few thousand years pass, they might really degenerate into cave-dwelling creatures like frost spiders.

"Carve, or solve by hand."

Although there are a lot of snow elves, they are not gathered together. Each time Zelin and Serana have to deal with only three or four elves. They are everywhere in the glacier gorge and underground passages. Thanks to the eyesight of the snow elves, the demon hunters can easily approach them without being spotted.

He and Serana walked through an underground cave full of fluorescent fungi. Although it was inside a huge mountain range, there were obvious traces that needed to be carved by hand. There is no doubt that the ancient snow elves kingdom will A mountain range was built as a holy place for them, and huge stones were carved as bridges, and these naturally generated fungus creatures are like street lamps, providing light to the dark underground. .

This place is like an underground forest. The height of mushroom-like plants is more than two meters. The tentacles exuding light blue fluorescence protrude from the rocks or even the top of the cave. So many fluorescent tentacles are like stars in the sky, meandering. The twists and turns of the underground river provide plants with moist air and enough soil to take root. The river does not know where it flows in, and then flows out from other places. The height difference between the rocks turns the river into a waterfall, and every time Zelin After crossing the waterfall along the road, he can always see more amazing scenery.

The pale-skinned elk lowered its head and chewed on the moss and fungi on the ground, while creatures like small saber-toothed tigers slumped under the giant mushroom canopy and closed their eyes and fell asleep. The demon hunter cautiously walked around. There is no doubt that a world completely different from the outside world has formed here. Although the number of creatures may be small, the level of strangeness is no less than that of any place Zelin has seen.

The second stone temple was at the end of the cave. A ghost bishop enthusiastically welcomed the demon hunters and vampires who found the stone temple. Paladin Gleber has explained this situation to Zelin. These priests are already dead, but their souls still fulfill their responsibilities during their lifetime. In their eyes, they come to the stone temple and seek to enter the cathedral, no matter what race they are. The snow elves newcomer apprentices don’t even need to communicate much. The ghost bishop used miracle magic to open the stone temple of wisdom for Zelin.

"We have killed nearly thirty snow elves along the way." Seeing Zelin fetching water from the stone temple, Serana stood by and said, "When is it already?"

"Probably a day has passed." No sunlight can be seen in the underground caves, let alone the time. Zelin can only judge the time by feeling hungry. "Will vampires feel hungry like humans?"

"Normal vampires feel hungry just like humans." Serrana pinched her waist with one hand, and made a swinging gesture with the other hand. "Ordinary vampires will feel hungry. They will be like humans who have sucked Skuma. Same, I can’t wait to find blood. But blood sucking is not a necessity for me. If I can have blood, I will be very happy. If there is no... it is not unacceptable. But I still want to ask, why did you drink that small bottle of black potion , The taste of blood will become very... strange. Sorry, I’m just curious, your eyes are the same as the Wakihara vampire, and the blood is so different."

"In the Hall of the Vigilant, there is a vampire who wants to use magic to **** my blood."

"Oh~ he must have failed."

"No, he succeeded, and then he was poisoned to death by my blood."

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