"Tomorrow night, I will make a decision to lead the army to sneak attack on the enemy camp. At that time, I will ask Zhang Yan to lead the generals of the Montenegrin Army on the grounds that the two of you are in poor health, and the three of us will be postponed. Wait until Zhang Yan and the others. When we fight with Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun's army, it is the best time for the three of us to lead our troops to escape." Liu Bei said with a blank expression.

"What? Didn't this betray Zhang Yan and the others?" After Guan Yu heard Liu Bei's plan, it was a little difficult to accept such an arrangement.

Liu Bei said in a deep voice: "Those who achieve great things are not careful. We need to live to help the Han family. Zhang Yan and their sacrifices are worth it!"

"But..." Guan Yu still wanted to say something.

Liu Bei said angrily: "Second brother, why don't you understand, if we don't do this, none of us will be able to live. If we all die here, how will our ideals and aspirations be realized?" , . . .

192: Zhang Yan was sold and Liu Bei ran away

"Brother, we still have [-] horses in our hands. Even if we can't win, it shouldn't be a problem if we withdraw?" Guan Yu still couldn't accept this behavior of selling his teammates.

Zhang Fei sat there, staring blankly at Guan Yu and Liu Bei who were arguing.

Liu Bei is really angry now, he knew that he wouldn't let Guan Yu hold "Spring and Autumn" every day and not let go, and now he has become a blocker for himself, and he has to work hard to persuade Guan Yu.

Liu Bei took a deep breath, followed his own train of thought and said, "Second brother, do you think the [-] soldiers in our hands and the [-] in the hands of Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun will win or lose?"

"This, I'm afraid our win rate is less than [-]...[-]%." Guan Yu thought for a while and said.

Liu Bei smiled and said: "Second brother, you are too optimistic, we don't even have the slightest chance of winning. Especially today's defeat, I am afraid that people's minds have changed. If we continue to drag on, we three brothers will be in a few days. The number of heads will be the credit for their promotion."

"This... it shouldn't be!" Guan Yu said in disbelief.

Liu Bei smiled bitterly and said, "Second brother, most of the [-] Montenegrins left in our hands are family members. In order to save themselves, it is not impossible for these Montenegrins to betray us."

"Big brother is right, second brother, you are loyal to them, but these Montenegrin troops may not be like you. Zhang Yan is better. Yu Du, Liu Feng and others will definitely attack our brothers to protect themselves!" Zhang Fei After returning to his senses, he decided to stand on Liu Bei's side.

"Since the elder brother and the third younger brother think so, so be it!" Guan Yu stroked his beard and walked out.Although he agreed with Liu Bei and Zhang Fei's approach, he still had difficulty accepting such an approach in his heart.

"Big brother, second brother, he..." Zhang Fei asked a little helplessly.

Liu Bei smiled slightly and said, "It's alright, your second brother just can't think about it for a while. I'll enlighten him later. You have a good rest, we will act tomorrow night!"

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "Big brother, go talk to the second brother, he should understand!"

"You go to rest first, I'll go talk to him!" Liu Bei went out after comforting Zhang Fei, but instead of comforting Guan Yu, he arranged for his own escape plan.

Liu Bei knew that no matter what he said, it was impossible to persuade Guan Yu, but he knew that with Guan Yu's temperament, he would never betray him.So he planned to wait until this matter was over before slowly convincing Guan Yu.

Outside the city of Zhaojun, in the camp of Xue Rengui's army.

"Xue Shuai, you allocated me five thousand soldiers and horses, and I will forcibly capture Zhao County tomorrow!" Zhao Yun said to Xue Rengui, who was sitting on the main seat.

Xue Rengui smiled slightly and said, "Zilong, don't be impatient. Our army is not dominant in numbers and we don't have too many siege equipment, so a strong attack is not the best strategy!"

Zhao Yun said: "But Liu Bei is so unable to retreat every day, our food and grass supply is all a problem now."

"Liu Bei won't last long. We have been winning consecutive battles and our morale is high, but their army is just the opposite. Today, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were defeated by us, and it is estimated that everyone in the city is now in danger. These Montenegrins have many dragged families. With the mouth, after a long time people's minds change, we can win without fighting!" Xue Rengui said confidently.Qiankun Tingshu Network www.qktsw.com

Zhao Yun asked, "Xue Shuai, what should we do then?"

Xue Rengui smiled slightly and said, "Just wait and see. These days our army marches day and night just to take a break, but we have to be vigilant to prevent Liu Bei and the others from jumping over the wall!"

"No!" Zhao Yun said in a salute.

The next day, Zhao Yun took a team of soldiers outside the city to insult and challenge.But Liu Bei's army has been hiding in the city, no matter how insulting it is outside the city, it will turn a deaf ear.

Zhao Yun's soldiers took turns to go into battle, scolding from morning to night.The ancestors of the three brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were all scolded by the soldiers for the eighteenth generation, but there was still no movement in the city.It was not until sunset that Zhao Yun returned to his camp with his soldiers.

When the soldiers on the top of the city saw Zhao Yun leading the troops back to the camp, they rushed to report to Liu Bei.When Liu Bei heard the words, he immediately sent people to gather all the generals.

Not long after, everyone has come to the conference hall.

"Today, I called everyone to come here to discuss how to defeat the enemy." Liu Bei said when he saw everyone had gathered.

Zhang Yanxian said: "My lord, now our army is in decline, Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun are both brave and unstoppable, our army is hard to resist. Liu Rui is famous in the world, it is better for us to send envoys to beg for surrender. Thinking about Liu Rui's virtuous name, he definitely won't kill us all."


Hearing this, Zhang Fei was immediately furious, and immediately stood up and said, "Surrender to Liu Rui's child? Zhang Yan, believe it or not I stabbed you with a spear!"

"Three generals, I am also thinking of the overall situation!" Zhang Yan said.

Zhang Fei pointed to Zhang Yan's nose and said, "Zhang Yan, are you still planning to give the heads of our three brothers to Liu Rui's son as a gift for your promotion?"

Zhang Yan was shocked and said: "Three generals, the last general has no intention of this!"

The Heishan Army was a team that Zhang Yan pulled together. The reason why he assisted Liu Bei in surrendering his military power that day was because he was fooled by the identity of Liu Bei's Han clan and those so-called promises.

Now that the situation is critical, he has to be responsible for his Montenegrin army and find a way out for his brothers.And surrendering Liu Rui is undoubtedly the best choice.However, he did not know that his actions touched the pain point of the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang.

Liu Bei glanced at the faces of the generals in the hall, and said in a deep voice, "Tonight, our entire army will attack Xue Rengui and their camp. If we win, we will continue to fight. If we lose, then surrender! What do you think? "

"I agree!"

"I agree too!" The generals nodded and agreed with Liu Bei's suggestion. , , .

193: Xue Zhao Er will destroy Montenegro

The generals of Montenegro, including Zhang Yan, never suspected that the three Liu Bei brothers would betray them and run away.

Therefore, Liu Bei's proposal to send troops at night and fight to the death with Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun's army was recognized and approved by everyone.

"Since everyone has no opinion, now everyone is going back to prepare. We will fight to the death with the army led by Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun at night!" Liu Bei said.


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