"I..." Ling Mo's expression froze as he saw objects of various sizes falling to the ground, and he quickly fell back to the floor.

Just thinking about whether he could use his mental power to clean up before Jill came over, there was a loud noise from the door behind him, the door panel was kicked open by Jill, and Ling Mo was slammed by the door as soon as he landed. .

Hearing the noise in his room, Jill originally thought that Ling Mo had an accident, and ignored the step of knocking on the door. Instead, he took the easiest way to forcefully kick the door open.

When he saw the room where he had become a mess after only ten minutes, Jill's original worry immediately turned into anger, "Bastard, what the hell are you doing in my room!"

Ling Mo shrugged apologetically, and said, "Well, I did a little experiment, I'll clean it up."

The price of this small experiment is that Ling Mo and Jill are busy cleaning the room for the rest of the time. The advantage of mental power is that many things do not need to be done directly by themselves, and many messy things can be quickly restored with mental power.

However, mental power is not omnipotent, at least for the current Ling Mo. Most of them can be said that they can return to their original positions, but after such a fall, I don’t know how many things were smashed to pieces, so Ling Mo was scolded by Jill while packing up.

"Okay, as compensation, hey, this is for you." Reluctantly to make the room look like, Ling Mo hugged Jill who was still angry, and a blue potion appeared in his hand, T virus!

"What is this?" Jill was indeed attracted by the T virus in Ling Mo's hands.

With her chin resting on Jill's shoulder, Ling Mo said, "Aren't you curious about what gave me spiritual power? That's it."

Although Ling Mo knew that Jill's physique was also somewhat special, it would be fatal to let Jill use the T virus directly.But it doesn't matter, we have a gene stabilizer!

Although Ling Mo only had eight gene stabilizers left in his hand, how could it be a waste to use it for his own woman.What's more, Jill's character is destined that she will always face a lot of battles. Not to mention, there will soon be a biochemical crisis to deal with. In this environment, more strength means more safety.

The environment is different, and the situations that need to be dealt with are also different, just like Mia, although her world is not peaceful, but overall it is still peaceful, so Mia only needs to be responsible for beauty, but Jill and Alice are different.

Just now, Ling Mo didn't shy away from it, and used the power of mental power directly in front of Jill to try his best to restore the room. Jill was envious after the initial surprise. After all, this magical ability is very useful no matter how you look at it.

"This, won't it have any side effects?" Jill asked cautiously, unable to ask the name of the medicine.

Ling Mo took out a gene stabilizer and said, "It's no problem to use it together."

With Ling Mo's assurance, and having seen the effects of Ling Mo's use of the T virus, Jill hesitated a little and agreed, she believed that Ling Mo would not harm her.Although he was right with this man, he had only known each other for less than a day.

The sequence is the same, the gene stabilizer is used first, and the T virus is used a minute later. The process is very smooth, and like Ling Mo before, Jill does not feel pain or anything.

"It's incredible, I feel as if everything around me is slowing down." Jill looked at his hands and felt that the world around him became strange after using the T-virus, subtle sounds became obvious, and the light never so clear.

"Feel the power now," Ling Mo said with a smile.

Jill walked to the window and wanted to see the changes from there, but as soon as she stepped forward, she was like a shadow and crossed the distance of several meters to the window. Said: "Is this also the effect of strengthening?"

Ling Mo nodded and said, "It looks like this."

The overall improvement in speed and strength is the effect of Jill's use of the T virus, and when she shows her strength with all her strength, the speed is so fast that ordinary people can't see it clearly!

The only regret is that Jill found out that he was obviously using the T virus to gain mental power, but why did he add all the strengthening to his physique?

Chapter [*] Restart the Hive

Even if the same T virus is used, the effect of strengthening is different for each person.

Just like Alice, while strengthening her body, she gained amazing mental power.As for Jill, after using the T virus, her mental power has no intention of awakening, and it seems that it will be impossible in the future. Her strengthening is all about the body.

However, there are gains and losses. Jill is equivalent to specializing in this way. He also puts the strengthening effect that should be used to awaken his spiritual power on the body. This result may be that, just in terms of physical quality, Jill may be better than Alice is stronger.

At least, Ling Mo didn't think that Alice would be able to do it so fast that no one else could see it clearly.

Likewise, Jill has his own advantages in speed, strength, and resilience.

But this does not mean that Alice is not strong. On the contrary, Alice is very strong. If her mental power can be practiced diligently, it can definitely be described as horror.

After gaining more powerful strength, Alice also got used to her current speed after getting used to it for a while, so that she would not scare others by going out for a walk.

Then Ling Mo was dragged out by Jill to go shopping. There were so many things in the house that they had to buy a lot of things today.

Ling Mo actually wanted to say that there was no point in buying it. Anyway, a few days later, when the nuclear bomb exploded, everything was gone.

However, just think about this kind of words. Anyway, being with Jill is not boring, just take it as a distraction.

In the next few days, Ling Mo was quite stable. Most of the time, he was busy with in-depth communication with Jill. This is the real business. After the business is to practice the use of mental power, or let Jill be a tour guide around Raccoon City. change.

It’s one thing to step on the spot in advance, but it also has another meaning for Ling Mo. As such a well-known city, I’m so sorry to come here if you don’t take a good stroll. After all, it won’t be long before this city will be destroyed, cherish it. Last time.

Ling Mo's leisure time did not hinder the development of other things.

The two people he killed before have been discovered by the people of the Umbrella Company, but the investigation did not yield any results. They don't know who did it, and even the people of the Umbrella Company have not yet realized the existence of Ling Mo.

While preparing to restart the hive, the Raccoon City Research Institute disguised as a hospital is also conducting some very important research. Alice is strengthened because of the effect of the T virus, and a certain unlucky guy is in various senses. It is tragic to change the direction of the monster.

For many, time has flown by, and just days after the Hive exploded, another, broader Resident Evil crisis was on the horizon.

Until now, the citizens of Raccoon City still don't know that right under their feet, a secret research and development base called Honeycomb has long since become a paradise for the living dead, like a hell full of death and destruction, waiting to be killed at any time. the day it opened.

In this city, which has been heavily infiltrated by umbrella companies, whether economically, politically, or in the field of fishing boats, at least on the surface, the peace of the past has been maintained.

There are two entrances to the hive. One of them is the entrance that was covered up by Alice's villa. The entrance is located outside of Raccoon City. It was closed when the Red Queen first noticed the leak of the T virus.

The other entrance is in Raccoon City, underground in a seemingly ordinary neighborhood, little-known but very important.By the way, because of Ling Mo's previous attack on this place, the guards here were changed, and there were no reports of anyone being killed in the news.

On a sunny morning, some people leave their homes to start their day's work, while others are jogging and walking their dogs on the streets. Newsboys ride small bicycles and drop newspapers onto residents' lawns. This picture, No matter how you look at it, today will be a good day.

In stark contrast to the above, in front of the entrance to the underground hive of Raccoon City, there is a dark and eerie atmosphere.

Ten members of the Umbrella Company wearing full-body chemical suits and carrying guns stood guard in front of the entrance. The commander entered the password on the computer on his arm, and then the door of the entrance opened to both sides, revealing the dark interior scene of the beehive behind.

"Advance team in." The commander gave the order.

The three armed personnel entered the hive. The commander looked at the computer carefully, where the surrounding situation was clearly displayed. At the same time, he was also paying attention to the virus concentration in the air displayed on the screen. At least it is still in a very safe state. .

However, just as the advance team members entered the hive, a roar that did not resemble a human voice suddenly came from the hive. The computer screen showed that a large number of infected bodies were approaching, and at the same time, the concentration of the virus in the air was rising rapidly. It's almost at a concentration that is enough to make people infect!

"My God!" The commander watched the disaster begin in despair.

At the exit of the hive, an almost one-sided ShaLu was going on. Countless zombies and zombie dogs crossed these fresh corpses and spread towards the raccoon city on the ground.

Chapter [*] Survival First

Turn on the radio, the police frequency is full of calls for help, battles are everywhere, there is a shortage of manpower everywhere, crazy monsters are rampant in this city, even if the Raccoon City Police Department has dispatched everyone, it is still far away Not enough.

"Law enforcement officers who are on vacation should report to the police station immediately."

With the last sound coming from the radio, Jill's face became extremely solemn, and he looked at Ling Mo on the other side, "Is this what you want me to see?"

"I'm very helpless. I know how to stop it." Ling Mo stood up and said, "I know what you're going to do, split up and do your best to help, and I'm going to do something too."

Jill is not someone who hesitates in the face of business affairs, and immediately goes to put on |clothes|clothes.

After a while, Jill reappeared in an image that Ling Mo was very familiar with, a blue tight-fitting top with black shorts, a gray jacket tied around his waist, a spare magazine, checked the pistol, and put it in the holster, Jill. Then he looked at Ling Mo, who had not yet set off, and said, "What are you going to do?"

Ling Mo said, "Go pick up someone."



Jill snorted and walked away quickly, started the motorcycle outside the house, Diu Lingmo said "don't die" to the next, then started the motorcycle and hurried away.

Just as Ling Mo doesn't worry about Jill, Jill also understands that with Ling Mo's strength, as long as he doesn't kill himself, even if the city is in such a mess, he basically doesn't need to worry about his life being in danger.

From here, the two were temporarily separated, and Jill went straight to the police station. The scene she saw along the way shocked her.While still on the road, Jill realized that it could not be stopped, and the best way now is to leave this terrible city immediately!

It's not easy to live in the police station, and it's just as chaotic here.These people didn't understand the concept of zombies at all. They just thought that these monsters were just going crazy, and they even caught many zombies directly to the police station.

However, Jill, who has experienced fighting with zombies for a long time, knows that these people are already dead, and these seemingly crazy guys are just corpses that still attack living people!

Entering the police station, without saying hello to the others, Jill directly shot and killed all the zombies in the police station.

"I'm leaving the city, and I suggest you leave too." Jill said and walked outside. She came here more to see the situation, but the reality is that the city can no longer be preserved.

Ironically, just when the people in the police station were also evacuating, the police station broadcast a reminder that the Umbrella Company was sending armed guards and armored vehicles. The ghost knows whether they are here to save or harm people, and also Or just maintain an ostensibly righteous image.

On the other side, Ling Mo was walking towards the Raccoon City Hospital, where Alice was and would wake up soon.

Walking all the way, Ling Mo saw ordinary people fleeing in a panic, and also saw many zombies attacking for food. Naturally, there were also zombies who couldn't open their eyes to target Ling Mo, but they died strangely before they got close to Ling Mo. .

It was as if a pair of invisible big hands locked the necks of these zombies, twisted, clicked, and the cervical vertebrae were twisted and broken in the blink of an eye.

Looking at these zombies, Ling Mo thought of a question. According to the normal saying, after the creatures are infected by the T virus and become zombies, they only leave the most basic instinct, that is, eating, but is this the real fact?

According to Maslow's theory of needs, the most basic needs of living things are physiological needs, such as food, breathing, water, etc. These can be simply understood as one point, that is, survival!

It's not that the zombies are seeking survival. These zombies actually don't need food. What really prompted their aggressive behavior was the T virus in their bodies seeking survival.

When there are no living people around the zombies, most of the body's functions will be in a dormant state, which is why when no one is around, those zombies will only wander around there, they are just using this way. Delay the coming of death.

The reason why they are obsessed with preying on humans is not because of their own survival needs, but because the T virus in their bodies needs to continue to spread in this way.

There is no immortal virus, but the virus increases the survival probability of the species by expanding the number of the species.

"Everything in the world lives forever, just like us humans, aren't we also seeking to survive now?" Ling Mo heard someone's terrified voice on the street, and walked over with a smile.

There is still a lot of time, so Ling Mo doesn't mind a little delay in the middle, what's more, this voice sounds familiar to him, but he didn't expect to meet her at this time.

Not far away, a car crashed into a lamppost. The front end of the car was deformed and smoking. The owner of the car was facing a worse situation. There were zombies everywhere, and she was blocked by these zombies. Hard to escape from the street.

Trey, the host who has been with Jill and the others since then, was just unlucky enough to not survive to escape at the end, but was killed by zombies at school.

At this time, looking at Trey from a distance who was panicked by the zombies everywhere, Ling Mo once again felt that it was a pity.

Not in a hurry to help, Ling Mo continued to look at Trey. In fact, she was already pretty and had a good figure.Ling Mo's gaze stayed on Trey's body for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that it was suitable for back entry.

Chapter [*] Hi, Alice

With the passage of time, the infection rate of the T virus and the mutated version created by Ling Mo is getting faster and faster. Today's Raccoon City is like a pair of dominoes that have been overwhelmed by tui, and the disaster is unstoppable.

Outside the Black Gate Bridge in Raccoon City, in the temporary operation base constructed by the Umbrella Company, Kane, the director of this operation, remotely entered instructions for a laboratory in the city on the computer.

The Raccoon City Hospital has been abandoned by them, but it does not mean that it is not important here. Alice who has used the T virus is here, and a monster named Nemesis is also here, and this city that is about to be destroyed happens to be Best time to experiment with them.

Not long after, in the laboratory where Ling Mo had been, Alice suddenly opened her eyes. The white room made her feel a little overwhelmed for a while. At the end of her memory, she was watching Matt being killed. Captured, but she was caught by Umbrella's people powerless, but now, where is she?

Alice sat up, and the mirror or one-way glass in front of her clearly showed her current appearance. Apart from two white pieces of cloth, there was no clothing on her body, no covering skin|skin, big tui, arms Even the side of his brain was pierced by the needle of the infusion tube!

She didn't feel it when she was sleeping, but as her senses recovered, Alice had already felt the pain that those needles brought to her.After all, it is fundamentally different from the needles used in conventional infusions. These needles are completely submerged into the body, and the inner diameter is much larger than the outer diameter of the former!

The appearance of herself in the mirror awakened her consciousness and made her feel the pain in her body.Groaning from the pain and inexplicable fear in her heart, Alice pulled out all the needles on her body, and fell to the ground when she managed to turn over from the operating table because the effect of the muscle relaxant did not completely recede.

The muscle relaxant made Alice weak, and it took a long time before she had enough strength to stand up. The closed metal door that prevented her from leaving was also destroyed by her needle with her own blood still remaining.

Leaving the laboratory where she had been staying for too long, Alice walked in confusion in the corridor of the institute with the distinctive logo of the Umbrella Company. Along the way, she did not see a single living person, not even a dead person, as if the world was the only one left. Same as herself.

The only good news is that with her walking, coupled with the powerful recovery ability of her T-virus-modified body, Alice's body soon completely eliminated the effects of the relaxant.

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