Chapter 481

More and more people walked out of the temporary hiding space. In a hall, five thousand storm soldiers and armed robots wearing biochemical armors gathered here, and the passage of the hall was about to be opened.

A straight passage outside the hall was just traversed by Li Wei, leaving behind countless deadly viruses, and many Stormtroopers who had not had time to take refuge were infected by the virus, resulting in unimaginable horror changes.

They are not the only clearing forces, but the entire DS-platform, most of the people who can be mobilized have been mobilized. 800,000 people have left their original posts, took up weapons, and are ready to fight.

When fighting in the Death Star, commanders need to consider only one point, how can the damage to the Death Star be minimized.

“Open the door!” An empire major commander saw that the indicator light had been lit, and with a big wave of his hand, he pulled out the energy sword from his waist and walked to the front of the team.

This is an empire’s higher level fighter, with super-high physical fitness and the empire’s top technological armor. The long thin sword in his hand can still resist the lightsaber, and has special weapons with similar characteristics to the lightsaber.

Under the premise of considering the degree of internal damage to the Death Star, melee weapons have become the best choice for destroying monsters.

But even so, Governor Tarkin is still worried.

During the surveillance, the figure of the cosmic monster is still advancing by leaps and bounds, and now he has broken through the straight line above the command room, and once again goes down to the big hole.

The behavior of the cosmic monster is very confusing, and Governor Tarkin and the remotely contacted cosmic monster expert can’t infer what he is doing.

Some say it’s retaliatory damage, some say it’s for spawning…

There are different opinions, but Governor Tarkin does not want to understand the logic of actions of the universe monsters. He wants these universe monster experts to come up with a good way for him to clean up the Beast that has destroyed 200 billion credit points.

Even if there is no need to face each other, Governor Tarkin and the commanders of the DS-platforms can see that these so-called experts simply cannot solve their urgent needs.

The experts seemed to want to prove themselves. An elderly man said: “This is really not an answer right away. The number of cosmic monsters recorded in the entire universe is already 123,670. The two heads, including the one that appears now, have reached 123,673 heads, and none of these monsters have the same appearance and structure. We can’t even find anything in common from them. point……”

“Yeah!” An expert’s projection touched his nose, and pointedly said: “The parliament in the Old Republic never approved our funding. We can only rely on private donations to maintain research. We have no money. There is nothing I can do!”

Governor Tarkin squinted his eyes almost instantly. What do you mean by saying this? Who sent you here! What are you suggesting!

The expert group cannot give them practical help, so they can only hope that the elite soldiers on the DS-platform can surprise him.

I hope their performance can be satisfactory, otherwise I am sorry for the careful cultivation of the empire!

“I don’t want to hear your reasons, I want you to give me a solution to the problem!”

After speaking, Governor Tarkin waved his hand to switch the new image back to the internal monitoring of the DS-platform.

Just one glance, Governor Tarkin was almost never sent away!

Among all the monitoring screens that can still run, without exception, they are the screens of the slaughter of Storm Soldiers and Imperial Robots, and the battle is almost in a lopsided state.

Some storm soldiers with poor fighting will even started to flee, not only running, but also dragging their teammates into the water, running faster than their teammates.

Originally there was only one kind of virus organism, after batch after batch of storm soldiers were infected, new branches evolved.

The armors of some of the infected Stormtroopers were directly torn apart by their deformed bodies and arms. A few infected Stormtroopers even evolved organs that could launch long-range spike attacks.

The IQs of these monsters have also become higher, knowing that they use the special metal baffle of the Death Star as a shield.

The storm soldiers of the empire put on heavy biochemical armor, and their speed has not increased by a large amount!

Governor Tarkin and commanders at all levels originally believed that in the one-way passage, the Imperial Stormtroopers with long-range firepower would have the upper hand, but after the actual battle, the Stormtroopers lost a mess!

Those smooth monsters more than two meters high are not only powerful and fast, they will even take off the helmets of the stormtroopers that have been infected with the virus, and then throw them into the array of stormtroopers lined up in a confrontation formation.

The crazy infected body with its mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth and the sharp shapeshifting state of various limbs disturbs the order of the entire formation. A two-to-one or even a three-to-one state can ensure that the infected body is killed before hurting in a chaotic team.

But the fighting beasts are not inflexible Beasts. They never stop throwing infected bodies, and even throw out things like steel plates, stools and chairs.

Many can’t do too much damage to storm soldiers and armed robots wearing heavy biochemical armor, but the interference effect is very strong.

In addition, the infected bodies gathered together and launched charges from four directions, up, down, left, and right. There were also infected bodies attacking behind them.

The Stormtroopers were forced to retreat to empty places such as the lobby and lounge. This was just barely controlling the commotion and had a little counterattack effect.

This is not the worst. Some troops chose to forcefully rendezvous with other teams, regaining the space of the Death Star with a numerical advantage, but before they walked a few hundred meters, the mycelium popped out of tentacles and tripped everyone… …

Then he was overtaken by countless infected bodies and fighting beasts, and the ending is self-evident…

Staying indoors will be over sooner or later, Governor Tarkin wants to clean up the areas covered by mycelium!

Just when Governor Tarkin was about to die on the spot, he suddenly saw a picture in the surveillance corner, and slowly slowed down, because he saw a god-like figure.

“Lord Vader! It’s Lord Vader!” Admiral Goring couldn’t help but let out a long sigh of relief when he saw the black figure massaging the Quartet during the surveillance.

However, when they went to see the position of the universe monster at this moment, most of them directly softened and collapsed on their chairs.

Because Li Wei has already run a square, the strong pulse signal makes it difficult to transmit most of the Death Star’s information. The fishing net has been set, and the power can be cut off!

Then he came to the location of the Death Star’s reactor. The Death Star’s reactor was like a giant hourglass. The energy of the two clusters of orchids flowed continuously in the upper and lower sections, and various special devices that were dazzling to look at were maintained. The stability of energy.

When Li Wei approached, he could feel the pressure brought by the magnetic field.

He didn’t come to the operation area, he entered the core area where people are prohibited from approaching.

There was an emergency manual lever under the reactor. Levy found the lever and looked at the monitor left and right. He placed his hand on the lever and stared at the surveillance camera with an eyeless face for a long time before pulling the switch.


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