Chapter 473 Firepower

Li Wei gave the special forces members assists to the robots, but he was far from ready to end the test.

The Silver Knight gave him too much fancy, and the mechanical battle beast was too single, mainly because the energy consumption of using the atom to breathe and heat ray was too high, and there was no way to continue to release too many times.

Then he adjusted many times, from big to small, from complex mechanical flesh and blood structure to cheap biological machinery, one after another robots were released, and they were left alone with special forces.

“How many are there?” a special fighter watched as Li Wei was still throwing a black ball out, and asked his companions beside him.

The companion next to him shook his head with a dull expression, and said, “I don’t know, anyway, a lot…”

More and more robots completely blocked the advancement of the Imperial Stormtroopers, and even counterattack phenomenon appeared. More and more Flight robots in the sky also wiped out the remaining more than 100 titanium fighters, completely occupying the air superiority.

The flightmen who rushed into the planet Scarif by the rebels were all dumbfounded, because the energy shield above their heads had been completely shut down, and they had lost contact with the rebel forces that were fighting outside the universe.

The captain of the fighter squadron had no high-level goals, so he had to choose to assist the strange robots and continue to destroy the Imperial Stormtroopers.

The roar of the Rubik’s Cube fort has never stopped from beginning to end, and the special forces are almost numb. They watched the fort fire, but they didn’t know where the shells fell.

For a long time, they felt that they were irresponsible to their teammates by staying here, and then they ran to the first batch of special forces to get off the spaceship to help.

Along with them, there are also a large number of biological robots made by Li Wei.

They ran wildly in the woods, and finally found the location of the first group of special forces after five minutes…

At the moment, they are fighting fiercely with the storm soldiers of the empire, and the battle is fierce. With the help of the friendly forces, they not only successfully completed the delayed task, but even hit the feet of the data building!

“Quick, quick! Suppress shooting and let the robot rush in!”


“The door is too thick!”

“Wuhu! Kill them!”

The battlefield in this corner was extremely fierce, and the remaining twenty special forces team members almost forgot what their missions were and were immersed in the excitement of the battle.

Large groups of robots kept hitting the gates of the data building, but the automatic turrets on the walls and the windows of the Imperial Stormtroopers shooting with heavy weapons did prevent their impact.

Only the blaster gun of the sniper module can cause a certain amount of damage to the robots, and they are often hit in the chest.

Ordinary robots are estimated to have lost power and fell to the ground, but Li Wei’s robots are semi-mechanical, and they want to kill them simply, which is very difficult!

However, being penetrated through their chests will still damage their biological reactors and cannot continue to use ranged attacks, but their bodies are still fatal.

More robots are hit by powerful explosive bombs, and will be hit by dense fire every time they approach.

In the end, the robots had to make a circle and began to climb up from the metal wall, hoping to enter the data building through the loophole.

The data building is very high. The highest point is four hundred meters. There is a large pot cover on the top of the tower, which is a transmitter used for data transmission within the Milky Way.

The climbing of the robot made all commanders in the data building panic.

Director Orson Keren, who was mixed into it, yelled at him like a gaffe.

“Rice bucket! Stupid! Trash! How did you let these things in? Are those people blind at the door! So many enemy robots have entered the planet, but none of you stupid pigs have noticed. Let all the troops be dispatched. , Stop them for me!”

Stupid… The commanders have nothing to say, so they can only continue to urge the soldiers to assemble resistance quickly, it is best to pull out all the heavy weapons, and don’t let those robots enter the building!

These robots are not known for what model they are, each one is different, and it has been hit more than a dozen times, and it can still run!

After they knew who the inventor was, they would definitely ask that person to upgrade all the empire’s bulky garbage robots and replace them with these awesome robots!


Before they were relieved, the open French window in front of the command room was suddenly pierced by a thick claw!

A mechanical battle beast climbed up, and its scarlet electronic eyes swept across a group of high-level military planets that looked like frightened birds.

These high-ranking military strategists were scanned by this pair of scarlet electronic eyes, and the whole person was numb, even Roar did not dare to utterly suck, and did not dare to move, for fear that the robot would directly break through the glass and ran in!

Director Orson Keren Nick, the highest-ranking director present, swallowed a spit, his eyes began to dodge, his right hand quickly covered the mark representing the rank on his chest, and then he stepped back.

Inwardly silently read: You didn’t find me! You didn’t find me!

After watching the mechanical battle beast for a while, his claws waved again and again, as if they really didn’t find them, they continued to climb up, and disappeared on the huge French window.

Without waiting for these people to breathe a sigh of relief, more weird robots crawled over the glass of special materials, and the number had exceeded thirty.

“Close all entrances and exits! Hurry up!” A commander was careful, and immediately thought that the transmitter on the top of the data building had a weak iron gate that could lead directly to the building.

A group of people hurriedly began to shake people to arrange, and in the end no one noticed that one person had disappeared in the command hall…

Bang bang bang!

The battle between the starry sky in the universe is more silent and depressing, and the battleships are fighting against the power of energy shields and artillery fire.

Compared with the Imperial Army, the only thing the Resistance Army can contend with is the sophisticated Flight formation. The Flight formation, which is dominated by X-wing interstellar fighters, is the only force they can handle. The other warships are basically weaker than the Empire’s two. A Victory-class destroyer.

However, such a gap in combat power is already negligible under the compensation of the number of titanium fighters, and they can only fight the empire together with will and hard work.

The Rebel Alliance came to attack the Scarif military planet this time by one of the more radical generals among the Rebels. It is not a human being, but a huge difference from humans… Fishhead, Admiral Radus .

At the moment the fish head man is sitting on the largest main ship, remotely commanding the entire battlefield.

Although the level of AI development in the Star Wars world is already very high, in the ever-changing battlefield, those who are still a bit silly are still unable to handle large-scale wars.

Every detail that AI can’t find may become a key turning point in a war. Now General Rados is watching the battlefield intently and making deployments and adjustments in time.

But he did not forget another key to this operation, turning his head and asking his deputy: “Is it connected to the underground?”

The same fish head’s deputy said nervously, “No, the barrier is closed, and all the signals in the planet can’t be sent out! We can’t get in there!”

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