Chapter 424

The pioneer civilization had already made plans to give Godzilla a thunderous blow. They didn’t even want to wait too long, and immediately began to mobilize supplies. The pioneer civilization controlled by the Senate’s action was extremely efficient. Not surprisingly, the earth’s 78 hours later, the official civilization invasion war will start.

In the earth…

After eating the lunch that he had really eaten, Li Wei was once again immersed in the wonderful pleasure of soul blending, a soft and relaxed feeling that he could forget all his troubles on time and float on the water.

Compared with the Dreamland customization service of the Mengshen Group, the feeling of soul blending is not bad, and he does this kind of thing but has the effect of training the strength of the soul, this is a big business!

Even if you stay in the room and sleep until the afternoon, that is normal!

After calculating the time, Li Wei and Zemu Almond both woke up. You and I walked out of the room, ready to go to the observation deck that Mako Mori had already asked about.

There were two caretakers in black suits at the door. They didn’t stop when they saw them coming out, they just spoke into the earphones.

After receiving the news, Mako Mori hurriedly followed Li Wei and Zemu Almonds, did not approach the past to call Roar, but followed from a distance. This was said in advance.

Li Wei and Ze Mu Almond wanted to watch the sunset on the beach, so she recommended them to the highest observation tower in the base, which was quiet and had a poor view.

No one bothers naturally with the electronic equipment used in modern watchtowers.

Li Wei and Zemu Almond both found Mako Mori who was following behind, but they didn’t care about her either, and continued to board the elevator to the upper floor according to the guidance.

When they reached the highest level of the base building, they then walked up the observation tower step by step through the stairs.

In the end, it was too slow to give up, Ze Mu Almond lay on Li Wei’s back and let him fly up.

After climbing to the top of the observation tower, the two directly opened the small window and looked at the slowly falling sun side by side.

The orange-red light shone a little golden light on the sea, and the sky seemed to be smudged red by the setting sun.

Li Wei and Ze Mu Almond successfully clocked in, watching that round of the sun in a rather complicated way, and fell into a moment of memory.

No one can say that he has never seen a sunset once in his life, so the dim light is more likely to evoke memories, because dusk is often a dividing line that represents the end of the day.

Those unforgettable memories experienced during the day often end at dusk, drawing a perfect end, and this is often the starting point for another beginning.

The dim light may still be a kind of subconscious that is engraved in human genes. Perhaps the ancient ancestors used the dusk to determine the arrival of the night and count the harvest and return home.

Under this dim light, Li Wei remembered the lost youth. Counting the time since he got the key, it seems that it has been more than four years…

Li Wei suddenly realized that time didn’t seem to be too long, but he felt that he had experienced a lot of vicissitudes.

Zemu Almond Xu noticed his feelings and leaned her head on Li Wei’s shoulder. She closed her eyes and did not erase her smile. She was very lucky to be able to gain her own consciousness.

Facing Zemu’s almonds’ consolation, Li Wei’s melancholy and suffering have reduced a lot, at least half of the life goal he once set has been achieved.

Wife + a house, life is often so wonderful.

If he wants to, he can end this fantasy journey at any time, but the time is still long, he has time now!

Suddenly, Ze Mu’s almond weather hand touched Li Wei’s face lightly, like a “yesterday” high-five.

Li Wei smiled secretly, and did strange things in this wonderful atmosphere…

This situation and situation touched a young girl who had just grown up and had a fantasy about the future.

Through a tablet, Mako Mori saw the men and women quietly snuggling together to watch the sunset in the monitor screen on the observation tower, and various expressions of longing, anticipation, loneliness, sadness flashed in his eyes.

She hopes that she will have such an experience of watching the sunset with her partner in the future, and she is looking forward to it, but he also feels that she may not have such an opportunity in the future, because she still needs to protect humanity and mention her parents to Revenge of the monster is a distant goal, for which it may take a lifetime of effort.

Romantic love is too far away from her…

The day of the big flicker passed. The next day, the United had not yet discussed a perfect solution, but the diplomats they sent still contacted Li Wei.

Li Wei regrets it a bit now. He made up a Cybertron star. As a result, he was forced to perform. He had to use countless lies to justify his lie.

It happened that he now wants to continue playing with Zemu Almond…Really, I can’t help it!

The formal talks only lasted two days before they had to be terminated, because the wormholes on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean have undergone different changes, and the degree of change is far greater than that of monsters.

The various parameters of the instrument’s random flashing and the gradual expansion of the wormhole have raised the hearts of all the joint and Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces, and they kept praying that a large group of monsters would not suddenly run out of the wormhole.

As a participant in lies and incidents, Li Wei was invited to a small command room, and Marshal Scott asked him to see what happened in the wormhole.

Even if he had never eaten pork, Li Wei had seen a pig run away, ignoring a bunch of weird parameters, relying on the memory and experience in his mind, and straightforwardly said: “Pioneer civilization should be an official invasion of the earth. Now, the energy of the wormhole is soaring. According to the transportation capability of the pioneer civilization, maybe it will not be long before the monster troops of the pioneer civilization will emerge from the wormhole.”

Marshal Scott didn’t have many surprises when he heard this. In fact, they had already faintly noticed it. They just wanted to check with Li Wei.

The full-scale invasion of monsters has always been the concern of humans. The length and width of that wormhole is very large, and it has always been connected to the opposite side. They are always worried about the possibility of a large-scale invasion of monsters, and they are always preparing.

Seeing the solemn expression on Marshal Scott’s black face, Li Wei comforted: “Don’t worry, this invasion of the pioneer civilization will not succeed. Godzilla will stop them. If I can’t stop them, I will also make a move. Strength.”

Marshal Scott politely nodded, and then left, he was going to inform the United, so that all nations began to prepare for war.

Regarding the Cybertron star Li Wei, he always had a vigilance. No matter what Li Wei said, he couldn’t believe it all, except for the sentence that he can’t drink coffee without sugar…

Earth’s affairs have always been dealt with by the people on the earth. In the history of human civilization, wars between the two sides often become complicated after a third party inserts them.

Will there be more intrigues in the starry universe that humans have never been able to explore? Will their earth be a victim of being caught in the middle of two big forces?

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