Chapter 401 The Battle Is Coming?

America is not the only country that has been invaded by ancient creatures, but other countries have fully understood the characteristics of those ancient creatures under the research of the World Mystery Research Association. accident.

The accident currently only appears on America’s territory, especially the demon army, which everyone has never expected.

That big hole is like a gate connecting hell and the world. Demons are constantly pouring out of it, the number is increasing, and the quality is getting better and better. Not only the sky, but the ground forces are also gradually appearing!

More and more demons came out of the cave. The demons were not just brave men with strength, some huge monsters with blue-black skin more than two meters high even carried out obviously processed stone pillars and stones from the deep pit leading to hell. Blue crystals.

The drone was already destroyed by Trask, which had occupied air supremacy. The U.S. military, who needed to observe the battlefield at all times, had to use satellite observation.

The image of the satellite is not clear, but it is enough for them to see how amazing the demons that came out of hell are!

There are tens of thousands of demons on the ground burned by nuclear bombs. Although they are not too neatly arranged, they are arranged according to different types in front of the overestimated big demon who is also tens of meters away.

This is not the demon in the conventional sense as envisaged, this is an army with discipline and command!

The only good news is that the passage to hell seems to have consumed all energy, the light has begun to dim, and the number of demons that emerge from it has also begun to decrease.

Although the atmosphere in the combat headquarters of the hexagonal building was tense, the officers still couldn’t help but explode cordial swear words about this crazy world.

Yesterday was still an atheistic world, but today there are creatures that are just legends to them, giants? demon? Tentacle monster?

What are these tm!

They are a well-trained human army, and their combat targets are all humans, but they have never fought a demon!

“What did the united say?” The commander-in-chief who was temporarily promoted to five-star looked at the secretary, although his expression was serious, but he was not nervous yet.

What about the devil?

The most indispensable thing in their country is arms!

Modern warfare pays attention to a firepower coverage, with overwhelming rockets bombarding in turns, and when necessary, directly on the big mushrooms, he does not believe how much waves these flesh and blood demons can make.

He knew that these demons were also afraid of bullets and would be killed by bullets.

If this is the case, then they don’t need to panic, instead they can think about how much benefit these precious research samples can bring!

The secretary just finished the phone call, and heard that he responded: “The United has dispatched spectators, and the new weapons of large-scale destruction are already available.”

Without saying no, after all, the big windmill binding is not a joke. If a big mushroom is sent to cause the round, then the whole world will be ruined.

America has just passed the financial crisis and its vitality has not yet recovered. It happened to use the demonic invasion to divert the conflict among the people. By the way, adding a little more tax would be considered as a support for the war.

Even if the threat of these demons is not a threat of war, they must be promoted as war, an unprecedented holy war!

The army is being dispatched urgently. Because of its rich experience in warfare, America has almost mobilized 30,000 airborne troops and rushed to Maine in the fastest time. The following 100,000 troops are also rushing to fight the devil. front.

The fleet hovering in the Atlantic Ocean is also approaching the coastal state of Maine. The rapid mobilization of the world’s largest military power has attracted so many people’s attention that they are even ignoring another battlefield where no news has been heard for a long time.

Li Wei controlled the tentacle monster about to attack, and dozens of airdrop boxes fell from the sky.

The drop of these airdrop boxes made the originally aggressive giant suddenly stiff, and his body trembles to his knees. The armor on its surface was shattered, and the condensed battle axe fell to the ground like a sand sculpture.


Seeing that the giant was weakened by the airdrop from the sky, Li Wei did not stay in place to watch the show. The dozens of tentacles of the tentacle monster all aimed at the giant, launching three different rays, gravitational rays, atomic breath, Put Heat ray.

Three different rays hit the giant who was half-kneeling on the ground, and suddenly pressed it into the ground, causing the originally arrogant giant to roar in anger but powerless.

The pressure caused by the three rays was difficult to shake even the ancient gods, and the heat ray with extremely strong penetrating power also penetrated the body of the giant.

“Wow! Damn Beast, damn bug!” Although the ray’s attack caused some damage to the giant, there was no fear in the giant’s voice, and such an attack did not seem to threaten him.

Compared to the attack of the Tentacle Monster, it seemed to be more angry at the airdrop boxes that slowly fell to the ground.

Li Wei, who had hidden more than a hundred kilometers away, also discovered this, but he was not discouraged. This was what he expected.

It seems that no matter how much you pull your hips, it is still an ancient god, and it should have some unusual means to live up to now, right?

Levi’s method of obtaining energy is very cheap, and he only needs air and water to produce an endless source of energy.

However, the consumption of the three kinds of rays can not be used all the time. After 10 seconds of continuous release, the generated energy is almost completely evacuated, and the speed of synthesis cannot keep up with the rate of consumption, which gives the rays a cooling time.

If only one kind of ray is used, the speed of synthesis can match the speed of consumption.

The tentacles stopped the ray attack, the light at the top of the tentacles disappeared, and the miserable state of the giant’s chest appeared.

After being cut by the Heat ray, the ground on the opposite side could be seen clearly, and the injuries caused by the atomic breath and gravitational rays were equally shocking.

But without the continuous cutting, the wound on the giant’s body was immediately filled with mud surging up on the ground, and the original miserable condition was restored in less than thirty seconds.

The Tentacle Monster immediately approached Xiang Giant, and wanted to try to control it by entanglement, and if it could, could it be assimilated?

However, judging from the current situation, this giant’s body may be an inorganic substance such as stone and mud.

Facing the approach of the tentacle monster, the giant reluctantly got up, gathered a spear and threw it directly.


More than ten tentacles danced wildly at the front of the tentacles, instantly smashing the spears condensed into mud and rock, and the giant was unable to fight back because of the items in the surrounding airdrop boxes, so he could only continue to curse “Beast, bugs” in his mouth!

Immediately afterwards, the giant’s body was tightly bound by the tentacle monster, dozens of tentacles entangled back and forth, and the resistance suffered was not great.

After controlling the giant, the tentacle monster dropped dozens of battle beasts. These battle beasts will retrieve the airdrops and open the airdrops under Li Wei’s control to find items to deal with the ancient gods.

When the surrounding airdrop boxes were collected in front of the giant, a new transport plane flew into the sky.

It’s just that this transport plane was attacked. Several aviation engines billowed black smoke, the plane lost power, and huge amounts of the transport plane began to fall towards the ground…

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