Chapter 263 Freedom Castle

The bullet did not fall on Li Wei’s body, his descending speed was very fast, and he disappeared from the view of the mobile task force members in the blink of an eye.

The arrow was pointing down, and Li Wei was also falling, completely ignoring the armed security members gathered on the floor, their bullets could not catch up with him.

After falling for a full six kilometers and reaching the lowest level similar to a thermal power plant, the arrow changed.

The broken key could not wait to emerge, detached from the cracks, and flew towards the giant cylindrical machine somewhat similar to the thermal generator in the hall.

Li Wei followed the Le Se key to move, and recognized what this giant machine was.

The machine number of this huge amounts of machine is scp-5001, which is rarely known as a special containment item that requires Level 4 clearance. It does not pose a threat to humans, but the scp foundation’s reverse engineering research on it has developed a powerful Aerospace Science and Technology.

The reason for the appearance of this machine is not clear, but the key has been inserted into a strange gap in this machine.

The roller-like mechanical structure was slowly staggered and closed. Under Li Wei’s stunned gaze, the rollers were constantly superimposed, and finally wrapped the key, and finally formed a brand-new factory key and flew back to him.

The shape of the key adds a lot of splicing sense of mechanical style, and the original energy bar disappears.

The Milky Way inlaid in the key turned into an unpretentious glass ball, and the special liquid flashing purple light almost filled the glass ball, seeming to replace the role of the energy bar.

The repair prompt pops up, and the key tells Li Wei where it has changed.

“The stability of anchoring is greatly increased? Come on, you!” Li Wei looked at the first content, rolled his eyes and ignored it, and looked at the next one.

“After successfully anchoring the world, you can choose the place of arrival in the nearby area. This… is fine.”


“Shielding special interference to make the jump more stable? Does this mean it won’t split anymore? Forget it, just to be on the safe side, let’s take the other thing too.”

Li Wei threw the key back into the gap in the space, flew up from the hole again, quickly reached the negative floor, and hit it directly above his head.

The frozen soil of Siberia was shattered under the impact of Li Wei’s iron head. With this flight, he flew directly to the west, no longer looking at the base, leaving behind a group of embarrassed people.

Next, Li Wei is not going to find another item. The SCP Foundation containment items are all weird, and there are not a few that can cause mental impact. Paul’s memory is limited and he can’t fully know the information of all SCP Foundation containment items.

If no one is looking for the way, if he encounters some Mental Impact containment objects, isn’t he a fish stuck in a fishing net?

Rather than looking for repair props for keys, it is better to find the cause of the virus outbreak first.

He wants to control the doglegs, and there is a certain distance limit. Once it is too far and there is no connection with the trace virus in the air, he cannot control them, and can only determine a general direction through a seemingly non-existent connection. .

He was heading towards Peanut Village in America, where Li Wei sensed a signal from one of them. It may be William, but it is not ruled out that it is John.

A large number of refugees gathered in the Liberty Fort Survivor Base in Peanut Village. The air not only smelled of gunpowder smoke and blood, but also had the pungent smell of special disinfectant.

This kind of antiseptic that has been temporarily expelled will cause obvious damage to the Roar suction system and skin of the human body, but they have no choice. If they don’t spray this antiseptic all over the body, they will either become deformed monsters or can only be used by walls. The zombies outside were torn apart.

The lawn in front of the White House has long been filled with splicing houses one after another. This is where the US military and the National Guard are stationed. Except for the real rich and regular guests, no one can enter the White House to live in a large comfortable house.

Outside the lawn is the area where refugees gather. These refugees have numb and sad expressions, red skin, and occasionally people cough.

The surrounding gunshots continued to sound, and the armed helicopters in the sky were cleaning the deformed zombies near the refuge almost non-stop.

Even if they are as smart as beautiful, they didn’t expect the end to come so suddenly.

Fortunately, America is the country with the largest number of guns. When the virus broke out, the gunfire never stopped every day, and the number of zombies was indeed relatively limited.

America’s powerful firepower has also made the average zombies in Peanut Village decrease day by day, and those large zombies and special monsters that have been given titles by analysts are increasing.

The large-scale survivor base of Liberty Fort in Peanut Tun attracts hundreds of people every day. At present, 180,000 people have been stationed in the base, of which 20,000 are the US military and the National Guard.

Another group of troops also occupied Ligen Airport, and can provide fire assistance to the survivor base of Fort Liberty at any time. Fort Liberty is the safest survivor base in America.

William At the moment, who joined the Global Occult Coalition, was in the Liberty Fort base. He had previously joined forces. After completing the break-in with the team and fighting the Chaos Insurgency several times, the virus broke out without warning.

The Global Occult Coalition was disintegrated by a mysterious force, and the command system was completely paralyzed. After losing his goal, he returned to New York and brought the girl he had known before to the Liberty Fort in Peanut Tun.

William leaned under a tree with a girl with red skin and coughing in his arms, surrounded by many passers-by who were also doing nothing.

This girl is exactly the cashier he met in the convenience store where he was a hero for the first time. The encounter between William and each other was more dramatic, but she provided William with a place to live, and some became superheroes. Suggestions.

At the moment, the girl I met during the initial high spirits, At the moment leaned on him in pain.

Her name is Aisha, and she is an ordinary orphan. Her adoptive parents died in a car accident, and now she is alone.

William thought she was very pitiful and beautiful, so he moved with compassion and wanted to protect her.

But At the moment Aisha could only rely on him to cough painfully. Although the doctors repeatedly emphasized that there was no medicine, William did not believe it, because the rich and politicians did not cough at all, let alone skin redness.

This place is more like a concentration camp. The soldiers and the head of the base have absolute power. Even if he has revealed his identity as an agent of the Global Occult Coalition, he has not received any help.

He was thinking, how can we get rid of the current predicament and live a good life?

This question is a little bit difficult for him who is not well-educated…

“William… Am I, cough cough, dying?” At this moment Aisha spoke suddenly, pulling back William’s thoughts.

William lowered his head, shrugged and said, “No, it will be fine in five days. No one in the base has died from the disinfectant.”

“Then why… I saw a monster flying in the sky. Is that a demon?”


William’s heart fell cold, and he followed Asia’s gaze and saw a small figure in the sky.

The figure was rapidly approaching. When passing over the base, the two whip blades fell like chain clips and pierced his shoulder before he could react. The huge amounts of pulling force pulled him into the sky.


William yelled, hugged Aisha tightly, and flew away from the base of Liberty Castle amidst countless shocks of Roar.

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