Chapter 209

On December 14, 1012 of the Imperial Calendar, the largest bank in Blackstone City opened a low-interest microloan to provide workers in urgent need of money with a loan amount that was twice the average income of the workers.

The daily interest is as low as 0.5%, and only 20% is required each month. The remaining money can be paid back slowly in twelve or twenty-four installments.

The emergence of such small loans instantly made some workers who are struggling to live ecstatic.

If they borrow at the highest limit of 240 silver coins and use these two hundred and forty silver coins to repay 20% in the next month, they can earn 300 silver coins this month. If they can’t repay it next month By installment, they can continue to repay 20% and extend the installment.

In fact, most workers don’t really understand the meaning of such a small loan, but under the advocacy of some people who collect bank money, the loan is only open for one day, and the threshold of Blackstone City Raben Bank is broken!

One after another, less mindful workers borrowed more money than they had worked hard for three months. After receiving the money, the first thing they did was to buy food that was already scarce in the city.

Victory Day is the most important festival in the empire. Although Black Rock City is almost no more than Victory Day, the workers still regard Victory Day as a day worth celebrating, and it is okay to buy more food to prepare.

Not only were the big capitalists not worried, they also praised the chairman of Raben Bank. They rarely make money from these poor workers. However, after the emergence of small loans, Raben Bank A large amount of silver coins stored inside flowed into the market, stimulating a small wave of consumption.

When the workers wanted food, the largest grain merchant in Heishi City opened the grain depot and sold it to the workers at a price three times the market price.

When the workers wanted decorations for Victory Day, the market increased the price of the goods by 20%!

When the workers went to restaurants extravagantly, the restaurant raised the price of the dishes by 50%!

The chairman of Laben Bank stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the bank building and looked at the numb consumption workers in the commercial street. He was almost happy. The loan money was only one-third of the idle assets stored in Laben Bank.

After releasing it in the form of a small loan, it can not only stimulate consumption, but also continuously create wealth for him.

Putting money into the market not only didn’t cost him, but instead doubled his assets in invisible.

Thinking that the temporary vault will have a large amount of silver coins on the day of collection, the fat-eared chairman can’t wait to give the person who proposed this plan a gold coin!

The turmoil of micro-loans continues to ferment, and more and more workers are envious of their peers who have loaned money, and turn to follow the trend to make micro-loans.

Blackrock City has a population of more than 8 million, and the proportion of workers is close to 65%. Among these people, 50% have taken out loans, and the number is still rising.

It’s not that they don’t know how to repay the money after borrowing it, but with the secret promotion of some people, everyone has an idea that I can afford it.

At the same time, a secret organization carried out a series of work with the cooperation of a group of members.

A fight without bloodshed cannot be exchanged for peace. They cannot be honest people all their lives. They want the capitalists to see the fists of the workers’ grandfather.

On the afternoon of the day before the scheduled rest day in Black Rock City, the workers who worked all day wiped their sweat, turned off the machines, and prepared to leave the factory to relax in the wine street and red light district.

But as soon as they were about to step out of the factory, Hans, the usual-looking supervisor, stopped at the factory gate with a document and shouted to a group of tired workers: “Today you all have to stay and work overtime! Five hours extension After get off work, go back and turn on the machine!”

The workers showed angry expressions, but there was no way. In order to keep the job, they had to return to the work place.

Although they complained, it was not that they had not experienced such a thing, and most of them had to bear it. Anyway, tomorrow is a rest day, and they can still spend the money from the loan on the other hand.

In this way, the workers were busy until the early morning, and just before the end of get off work hours, the supervisor appeared again with a very ugly expression. He announced the bad news to the workers who had shut down the machine, “Tomorrow’s rest day is cancelled, and there is a delay. When you come back to work in an hour, you will be deducted if you are late!”


Now, the workers can fry the pan, and overtime is acceptable, but even the fixed holidays are cancelled, and they are not allowed to rest!

“Asshole Hans, I think you are itchy, right? Dare to say it again!”

A circle of tall workers surrounded Supervisor Hans, and the crowd was angry, and some even directly raised Hans’s collar and yelled.

Hans also scolded flowers in his heart, and with a displeased expression, he threw away his hand holding his collar and shouted: “This is an order from the big boss. Do you think I want to work overtime!”

“Fuck you, what else do you do besides sleeping at work? It’s not that you can talk casually if it’s hard work!”

“Hans, I greet your family!”


The workers were still very angry and expressed considerable dissatisfaction with this decision. All kinds of rubbish greeted Hans and his relatives.

The workers also knew that Hans had no decision-making power, nor did they have the ability to resist. After cursing, they returned to their homes or lodgings in despair.

After returning home, the workers were surprised to find that the wife who worked in the textile factory did not go home until now. Upon asking, they learned that the textile factory also needed to work overtime, and the rest day was cancelled tomorrow.

All the factories in Blackrock City let workers continue to work overtime, and even the miners in the mines outside Blackrock City have no time to rest and must continue to dig coal in the freezing cold wind.

The only ones who have not been deducted from the holiday are the students of Obsidian Academy.

Children can’t see their parents on the rest day, so they can only meet their friends at home to play together and spend a boring day.

The holidays are gone, but the days are going to pass. The workers suppressed their dissatisfaction and continued to work mechanically at their posts.

One day, two days, three days…

In the imperial calendar, December 22, 1012, the rest day for the next week arrived in a blink of an eye. However, what awaited them was another overtime notice. The only difference was that the factory would be exempted from food expenses for overtime work today.

The workers again received the overtime notice and were full of anger. Some agitating remarks began to spread among the factory employees, revealing their dissatisfaction with the factory.

During the lunch break on weekdays, the workers will choose an empty place in the factory, sit in groups of three or five, or lie directly on the ground, chatting about some wild things.

In the past, they liked to talk about which tavern had good drinks and which street brothel had new girls, but now, they don’t want to discuss those at all.

Working overtime has compressed their time to the limit. I am afraid that the good wine and the good girl have not been able to enjoy it recently.

So they haven’t been discussing those vulgar things recently. Instead, they listened to a few workers who like to read newspapers on weekdays to criticize the big bosses and say something that can make them excited.

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