Chapter 206 Five Questions

After eating lunch in a hurry, George fled in the strange eyes of those colleagues.

He felt at ease when he returned to the independent office from the crowded canteen.

Only when he is alone can George feel that the world is real and feel relaxed.

He doesn’t know the reason for this, but he instinctively hates communicating with outsiders, even with his students, just to deal with the monthly teaching inspections.

Sitting on the soft wooden chair, George took out the little book Bauer had given him, and decided to see what the book was and burn it after reading it.

Could it be a banned book that slandered the empire? Or is it really…

His Roar sucked quickly, and then he couldn’t wait to turn the first page.

There is no name on the cover of the little book, but on the first page, he saw a line of words arranged vertically: “The truth of the world”!

The title made George frown slightly, rolled his eyes lightly, and turned to the next page.

‘Do you have a feeling that you are living under an invisible and intangible shackle, like a domestic animal in captivity? ’

‘What is the meaning of the existence of an empire? ’

‘Why can’t you get the life you dream of after working for the rest of your life? ’

‘Is there a close connection between people? ’

‘Who… controls your life? ’

The second page is also quite brief, with only five questions appearing, but these five questions made George sit up straight, and his eager mind slowly calmed down.

“What book is this?” George looked at the cover again, but did not find the publisher’s logo anywhere.

Turning to the third page, I saw the title at the top and the text below.

“Invisible Enemy”

George looked at the content of the text, and the more he looked at it, the more he frowned, and the expression on his face continued to change with his study and thinking.

Until the giant pendulum on the Blackrock Tower sounded, reminding the students of the academy that it is now time to study, and also reminding teachers that it is time to teach students.

Taking off the gold glasses on his face, George rubbed his sore eyes, still with a shocked expression on his face.

But now he has to go to class to teach students knowledge of words.

He carefully packed the little book into the lining of his suit, and George walked out of the office with the teaching materials, and came to his professor’s class in recollection.

The students in his class are all poor students, and there is an inner courtyard inside the Obsidian Academy, where the teachers are the children of the wealthy businessmen.

“…Well, turn to the part we talked about this morning.”

George came to the classroom and went straight to the subject without any opening ceremony. They have not yet developed the good habit of respecting the teacher. Although these students have respect for the teacher, they just get along very normally. The same workers see.

In fact, there is not much difference between the teachers and workers in the outer faculty of Obsidian Academy. The working hours are not short every day. The only good point is that the school can cover board and lodging.

More than 60 students Yiyan opened the textbook and began to listen carefully, taking notes from time to time.

Although they are only children, they also understand the importance of knowledge. Each teacher only has one recommended place per school year. Only children who get the place can enter the special class in the inner courtyard and learn the knowledge that will enable them to get a good job. , And I can only have a full meal when I grow up.

But they discovered today that Teacher George seemed to be wandering during this class, and was reminded several times by several school tyrants.

One hour later, the pendulum clock rang again, which made George, who was often distracted, finally relieved.

“get out of class is over, go to rest, and don’t be late later.” George finished speaking to a group of distressed students under the podium, and directly announced the end of get out of class. He couldn’t wait to sit down on the podium chair and took out the little book.

The series of novel knowledge in the book opened his horizons and made him understand many problems that he had never figured out.

After reading the first content of “The Invisible Enemy”, George felt that the shackles of the soul were opened by a key. When he looked at the world, he already had a sense of sudden openness out of the chessboard!

He temporarily put down the little book and stared at the students who were still studying hard in the audience. After scanning a few times, he stared at someone and shouted, “Doug…”

George’s voice reverberated in the classroom, attracting the attention of all the school bullies who wanted places.

A thin and weak boy stood up and responded excitedly, “Yes! Teacher George, are you looking for me?”

Seeing this good student with an excited face, George just opened his mouth and closed it again, waving his hand and saying, “Uh, it’s okay, I’ll talk about it later in class.”

The student named Doug heard this and sat down disappointed.

George also flipped through the next content of the little book, People and Beast.

The more he reads, the more he feels that the author of this book is very knowledgeable, and this is the real knowledge!

This is the knowledge he is looking for!

One hour later, the pendulum clock rang again, and the students returned to the classroom one after another.

After everyone was seated, George wrote a question on the blackboard: “Why are you reading for?”

After finishing writing, he turned to face his students expectantly, and ordered a few people to get up to answer this question, hoping that they could say something similar to that in the little book.

But something that disappointed him happened. These students proudly answered one after another which was reasonable but not amazing enough.

“I want to make money for my family!”

“I want to be an executive of the Felic Alchemy Company!”

“I…I want to buy a big house.”

George was not reconciled and started to roll the names one by one, hoping that a “good student” would appear in his class.

The students who were called to answer were sitting on pins and needles. They began to think about their answers, trying to make Teacher George, who had deteriorated complexion, turned back to the original expressionless appearance. Unfortunately, after everyone had answered, Teacher George’s expression remained the same. That’s it.

Looking at the students below who seemed to have done something wrong, George was a little disappointed. He leaned back in a chair tiredly and said: “Forget it, everyone, let’s study by yourself…”

The students were downcast, feeling as if they had just said something wrong.

The disappointment only lasted for a moment. George realized that what was said in the little book was true. They were actually living in a kind of invisible shackles. The empire… controls everyone!

He didn’t teach students in the few lessons in the afternoon, but instead looked at the little book and wrote down his opinions and thoughts on the contents of the little book in an empty notebook.

When the affection is deep, his face will still show anger and sadness. The teacher who was originally proud of is just an accessory added to him by capital. In fact, he is no different from those workers.

With great sorrow, George turned to the third chapter of the little book, titled: ‘we’!

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