Chapter 184

Li Wei galloped all the way. Under the impulse induction diffusion search, he really saw the corpses of many children. The pictures were terrifying. Most of them had turned into a pile of bones sticking to flesh and blood. There were obvious traces of being eaten by Beast.

The more you go out, the more corpses.

If they are not very far away, Li Wei will go over to help them dig a hole and bury it, which is a simple effort.

After running for more than ten kilometers, he finally saw a small road opened in the impulse sensing range, and a group of humans who were packing up in a camp.

They also held weapons similar to spears in their hands, and the pulse induction could only see the outline of the object. Li Wei still had no way of judging their clothes and looks to verify his guess.

After getting close to the group of people, Li Wei slowed down and hid in the woods, watching them through the cover of branches and leaves.

They were dressed in medieval-style armor, with a knight’s sword pinned to their waists, or a spear in their hands, and they were relaxing to clean up the camp, as if they were preparing to evacuate.

Observing the movements of these people carefully, Li Wei listened carefully and heard their language, which was a bit similar to Japanese, but not completely consistent. It was a language he hadn’t heard before.

Li Wei glanced around. At a certain location in the camp, a dozen large dogs were eating quietly, and their food was one after another corpses.

Seeing this scene, Li Wei labelled the group of people as not a thing, and his eyes became cold.

Suddenly someone left the team and walked towards the woods. He was still talking and laughing with the people behind him, putting his hands on his belt, as if he was preparing to solve a physical problem.

Buken walked into the woods and felt quite happy. After completing this task, he could be transferred back to the imperial capital defense. In that drunken place, as long as he has money, he can do almost everything.

Although his money hasn’t reached the level where he can do whatever he wants, it’s okay to do whatever he wants on Red Light Street.

Thinking of those open girls, he unconsciously hmmed.

To make it easier to enter the woods, Buken just opened the fabric underneath briskly, and his mouth was tightly covered by a hand in the next second.

Buken was startled, struggling subconsciously, but suddenly felt a cold in his chest, and looked down in horror, a pair of sharp claws pierced his chest.

The tiny scarlet tentacles assimilated Buken’s body little by little. After Li Wei assimilated the soldier, he sorted out the memories he had just acquired.

The forces to which this group of soldiers belong is a country whose name is “Empire”. It owns the most expansive and fertile land on the positive continent, with a living population of nearly 80 million. At this level of development, the empire is still in the medieval world. It can be regarded as the superpower of this era.

It was like the former Chinese Empire and the Roman Republic, with a vast territory and strong soldiers.

But from the memory of a soldier named Buken, the empire was already rotten, with guns on the border, the aristocracy, and the ridiculous tasks one after another.

The corpse of the child Li Wei saw along the way was caused by a ridiculous and ridiculous task!

The soldier was not very clear about the specific content, but he knew that more than two hundred children took a dagger and they were ruthlessly driven into the Kyiv Nora tree sea full of dangerous species.

Buken was just an ordinary soldier. Apart from his sister’s somewhat attractive appearance, he was married to a petty officer of the Imperial Defense Army, which was somewhat related. There was nothing special about it, and he knew less information.

After confirming that those people did not have any special abilities, Li Wei walked out of the woods.

When the soldiers nearby heard the movement in the woods, most of them disagreed. They thought it was Buken that would be convenient to come back, but after a glance, it turned out to be a stranger in weird clothes!

A small team leader saw Li Wei who suddenly appeared, put his hand on the hilt of his waist, and asked, “Who are you!”

This loud shout made those who hadn’t noticed Li Wei also noticed him, stopped their work one after another, and focused their attention on the person who appeared suddenly.

The first thing I noticed was not the other person’s clothes, nor his looks, but his height.

The empire is rich, and the poor can occasionally eat one or two meals of meat. Large dangerous species are hunted at all times. These giant creatures have a lot of meat on their bodies. The people of the empire are naturally very rich in nutrition.

This is true. Imperial people who don’t know how to match nutrition are generally only a few meters tall. Here are the elite soldiers of the empire, with an average height of only one meter and seven.

And this person who appeared suddenly was about one meter eight meters tall, a lot taller than them, tall and powerful often equated.

Li Wei ignored the squad leader’s call, looked around, then raised his right hand to them.

Huh huh!

The sound of sharp blades being unsheathed kept ringing. These imperial troops who were accustomed to being bad guys didn’t care who Li Wei was.

“Ask again, who are you and why are you here!” The team leader shouted at Li Wei again, and the unsheathed long sword was suddenly raised at Li Wei, with a hideous expression on his face. “Don’t tell me, just wait to be fed Dick!”

Whoosh! Psst!

A spike with tearing air sounds traversed a straight line, and instantly pierced the head of the team leader, and a small hole suddenly appeared in the silver iron helmet.

The thick thorns of the chopsticks with strong penetrating power penetrated three people in a row, leaving a blood mark on the face of the fourth person, and then disappeared into the woods.

The speed of the spikes is hard to discern with the naked eye. These elite soldiers of the empire didn’t realize what had just happened until the three bodies fell to the ground.

“What happened?” The Centurion slowly walked out of the small tent, holding a large piece of barbecue in his hand, his mouth still stained with reflective grease.

Hearing two loud curses outside, he walked out of the tent impatiently to check the situation, and then he saw a shocking scene.

There were intensive tearing air sounds, and hundreds of soldiers fell to the ground one by one.

Some soldiers looked at their companions falling to the ground one by one, showing fearful expressions, looking at Li Wei as if they were looking at a demon.

Turning around to escape, he would be killed by a flying spike just as he lifted his leg.

The temporarily surviving imperial soldiers looked at Li Wei who attacked them without saying a word. They could hardly see how the opponent attacked. They only heard tearing air sounds, and the next second they fell.

Driven by extreme fear, some soldiers drew their swords and rushed towards Li Wei, but before they got close, they were penetrated by this.

Several soldiers threw their long spears at Li Wei in an attempt to stop him from killing, but all of them were useless. The long spears were hard to throw accurately, and those with accurate heads were easily avoided by Li Wei.

The spikes fired at a rate of dozens of rounds per second. The spikes shot by Levy, which has pulse positioning and biomagnetic induction, almost hit a hundred shots. A few Roars sucked in and killed the soldiers here as well as the dozens of Dick dogs. NS.

“This this……”

The roasted meat in the centurion’s hand fell to the floor, his face was full of fear and shock, and his trembling eyes swept across the faces of the subordinates who lay on the ground. When they saw their faces of fear or doubt, their legs were bent. , Slumped on the ground.

In the next trance, Li Wei appeared in front of the centurion and looked at him condescendingly.

“No…you, what do you want, let it go…”

Before he could finish speaking a complete sentence, the sharp claws pierced the centurion’s body, the dark red tentacles spread, and Li Wei assimilated the centurion, and the selection plan was learned by him.

After knowing the content of the plan, he immediately showed a clever expression, “Are these people cerebral palsy? The person who came up with this plan must have grown up drinking Sanlu!”

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