Chapter 151: Secret Meeting

Seizing this gap, Li Wei quickly got close to Godzilla, and his whole body was lying on Godzilla’s head, his body squirming, and a dozen or so three-meter-tall enhanced fighting beasts were split into his body. It had been restored to the normal human File size, and it was firmly grasped by Godzilla’s head.

More than a dozen fighting beasts have a dark red exhaust vent on their backs, their bodies are exuding high temperature and radiation, their mouths degenerate, and the tongues hidden in their sharp teeth disappear, and they are replaced by Godzilla’s big breathing mouths.

After the emergence of this enhanced version of the fighting beasts, they quickly climbed onto Godzilla’s dorsal fin and sprayed rays at the exposed vents to achieve the killing effect. Several fighting beasts even went directly to the gaps in the dorsal fin. Drill inside, ready to run in and destroy it.

Li Wei fixed himself firmly to Godzilla’s head with a suction cup, and the black turbulence of his hands was entangled, and he was about to inject the virus into Godzilla’s head.

Although Godzilla’s skin is very strong, it still cannot withstand the penetration of the black light virus.

Li Wei’s arm hit Godzilla’s head fiercely. Before the virus was injected, the huge amounts of shadows enveloped his body.


The huge tail lifted high above Godzilla’s head directly knocked Levi away from its head, and then Godzilla’s dorsal fin shone brightly, melting away a dozen or so fighting beasts, only a few because of the standing position. The direction is clever and escaped.

Li Wei’s body flew out like a cannonball. Although he didn’t feel pain, this blow really consumed a large wave of Li Wei’s biomass.

According to Black Light’s Ability, he will not be physically injured by a sudden blow or cutting, but he has built a bioreactor in his body. The blow will cause damage to the biological reactor inside the body. In order to repair these damages, Li Dimension consumes more biomass.

After a deafening roar, Li Wei slammed into a convenience store. The glass door shattered instantly, the empty shelf was hit, and the wall shattered.

He climbed up from the ruins of the convenience store in embarrassment, switched to the advanced flight form again, and flew to the mid-air of fifteen meters.

Staring at Godzilla for a moment, he found that his head and most of his duplication body had stopped moving, and only his tail was moving.

The strengthening version of the fighting beasts that dodged the breath attack were still spraying small and pathetic energy pillars at Godzilla’s dorsal fin. Although the effect was not great, Godzilla also gave a strong response.

The end of Godzilla’s tail began to change. Seven or eight ugly humanoid creatures more than two meters high split from the end of the tail. There is a hollow hole in their chest, and the inside flashes the same dark as the strengthening version of the battle beast. Red rays.

The back of the human form also has the same dorsal fin as Godzilla, the skin is gray and the head is similar to that of a human, but there is only a huge amounts of one eye, and a blade-like tail on the buttocks, which is not long.

These are the products of the fifth form, Godzilla.

They seem to be full of unkindness towards humans, but they are almost no threat to fighting beasts.

The eight Godzillas opened their mouths far away at the four surviving fighting beasts, shooting a purple light, and then being perfectly avoided by the extremely quick-moving fighting beasts.

The battle beast ran along the Godzilla’s tail at a speed of 100 per hour, and climbed to the edge of the tail in twos or twos, and slapped the Godzilla without any special Ability blessings into the air.

Godzilla is indeed very strong, extremely muscular and powerful.

But the Godzilla it created, simply competing for muscle density, is not an opponent of fighting beasts. A fighting beast filled with black light has the power to lift a small truck easily. This is a Godzilla with thin arms and thin legs. Can’t do it.

The huge amounts of tail began to fall and hit the ground heavily. The flaunting fighting beast was directly shocked by the reaction force and flew more than ten meters away. After landing, the huge tail that was raised again slammed it.

Fighting beast, pawn!

Seeing this, Li Wei plunged into the sea decisively and left without looking back.

The virus he just injected was not enough to cause Godzilla’s body to collapse. It was delayed for seven or eight days at most. After all, there were some viruses in Godzilla’s body before, and these viruses can make it vigilant against virus attacks.

The immune system should also have been strengthened. Looking at Godzilla’s motionless appearance at the moment, it might be fighting the black light virus that invades the body. If you get close to Godzilla, you will definitely be attacked.

After a while, a steamed fish flew out of the sea.

After flying out of the sea, the billowing marine fish flew towards the center of Shinagawa district at an alarming speed. After the projectile reached the highest point, the billowing marine fish exploded and turned into a cloud of blood to slowly fall.

Soon, the mycelium will spread here in large numbers, and when Li Wei returns again, he is going to control the real sauce and raise Gu.

The black light virus can continuously evolve and strengthen itself after being repeatedly destroyed by Godzilla cells, and eventually impose it so that even the true Godzilla can’t resist it.

The Titans escaped, Godzilla stiffened, and the brief battle between the fighting beasts and the Godzillas were all captured by the camera, and they were perfectly presented to all countries concerned about the big monsters.

The secret joint meeting was initiated. All the countries looked at the smiling island country and looked at each other, and then turned their eyes to the representative of America.

The representative of America cleared his throat and said: “The power of the monster is terrifying, but we need to obtain the body sample of the Titan before putting the weapon!”

This sentence fell, no one spoke, and no one was not interested in the body samples of the Titans, so they decided to listen to what the representative of America would say later.

“I propose that the rabbits and the island countries send a joint fleet to retrieve the black matter scattered around Godzilla, and distribute them evenly to each country for research!”

“Oh, America is such a big face~! You just want to share the benefits without doing anything, it’s really America.” The rabbit representative gave out a penetrating sneer, but then changed the conversation and said: “I don’t think this plan is That’s great, it’s better. I’ll provide a large-yield hydrogen bomb. How about sending someone to collect it? It’s fair, right!”


The representative of America has a smile on his face. This rabbit is really getting more and more crazy recently. It doesn’t have a lot of money, and there are more toy guns. What’s so arrogant!

After thinking about it, the representative of America glanced around at everyone in the room, his eyes lit up when he saw the five big and three rough bears, but when he just wanted to speak, he was interrupted by the other party.

“Hey~! How can hydrogen bombs make the rabbit all-inclusive? I am willing to provide part of it. If one is not dead, we can bomb a few more times! America and the island state security treaty, I remember… there seems to be one. Say, which party is attacked is because of that, right?”

The rest of the representatives who didn’t want to take this muddy water were silent. In the face of such a confrontation, it is not a good thing to offend either side.

After being choked by the rabbit and Teddy Bear, the representative of America wanted to set off the table, but knew that they had lost the pride of the past spring breeze. They could only accept the fact that someone did not give themselves face, and turned to the representative of the island country again.

“Smith Marseille!” The island country representative has already started, and his body is aimed at the front of the seat. “We really have no choice. Please be sure to save the 100 million innocent people in the island country. They all have families and children. The children are innocent. of!”

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